Should I Get A Harley STREET GLIDE?!

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all right next up in the FX dr should I call these videos the the search for the FX d our replacement bike fxj replacement bike videos I fixed our replacement bike test rads I don't know what I'm calling them basically looking to trade in my FX d are trying to find a bike that is more commuter friendly and I'm being forced to test ride this 2019 harley-davidson 114 cubic inch Milwaukee 8th Street Glide Wright Street Glen so it has its like the road glad but the fairing his BUN to the bars instead of the frame so that is not a fixed fairing moves with the bike has your traditional storage I did a test right on this bike you guys are looking for more of those tech specs you can go check out that video but this is basically just me taking it for another ride a little bit more distance this time around and seeing if it's a good fit for what I'm looking for which is a bike that will do distance better than what I currently have go goo-goo-goo except this navigation whatever right in neutral where's the neutral hardest [Music] got a heel-toe shifter toe shifter is high enough on this one that I can get my foot under it that's good layers on the sides we're good there nothing down here control alright we're good but it is good [Music] all right so on with the street blood tishrin all right so I just got done doing this same route the same ride on the road glide and so now I'm doing it on the street glide so immediate I mean the first thing that I notice about this especially as in comparison to the the Road Glide is that this whole area feels much much smaller the fact that it like turns with the bars you know it does feel a little bit more manageable I know the weight is on the bars so and like low-speed maneuvering it probably feels a little different what's funny is that I thought I mean for distance I think I probably liked the Road Glide better but I think this would kind of be like maybe that good like in-between it doesn't feel as big yeah well let that win through so you have cruise control on this one which is good I will be utilizing that on this next Road yeah so I will say the smaller fairing definitely makes it feel a little more maneuverable manageable it is a very smooth bike so you guys should have watched the other videos and in the basically building up so riding this bike but if you didn't here's the boat that I'm in just to quickly recap and go over it my job round trip for me to go to my job and back actually in the office is 140 to 150 miles roundtrip traditionally I've been able to work remote a couple days a week so I'm not required so make that trip five days a week however job is giving me some more responsibilities basically kind of promotion if you will and they would like me to be in office more days a week so if they do end up needing me and more days a week the current vehicle that I have that goes to and from is a truck gas mileage really sucks so I'm looking for something to kind of alleviate that gas mileage if I were to basically get a motorcycle the cost savings and gas would essentially pay for a motorcycle currently I have an FX TR and a Sportster neither one of them are good at distance so I'm looking to show you the FX they are and for something that's a little more practical for doing distance riding so that's a boat we're in Britain I mean you know it's I mean I like it in terms of like if it's it fits the bill and I read the wrote the fat bomb I think I would be able to build that one out so something that would fit the bill as it sets stock does not basically fit what I need to in I would be looking for fairing be looking for some storage so some bags so the road blood fits the bill the street glide also fits the bill we got fairing which is going to be better for distance keeps that wind down but you know if I want some wind I just open up the bag also is supposed to do something with buffeting and pretty share in it and then you know if I want some window just open the visor and catch the wind it has cruise control so I can turn cruise control on we can take it easy I can rest my hand you know I can play some Checkers game of chess whatever words with friends whatever I need to do that's the joke by the way you guys calm down but it's nice because you know cruise control you can just set it and forget it and just and just go so Bruce controls nice it's a good feature to have I can install cruise control on a Softail on a Fat Bob I can also install cruise control Mavic CR actually already bought the cruise control module that's not going to be doing that on the FX dr because you know it's not gonna trade it in selling it so yeah that's kind of about we're in trying to find a bike that fits the bill like I said which this one does and I don't think I have as much of an issue with this one or not I wouldn't say an issue I don't have as much like hey it's not dislike but it's just like the attraction to the bike so I'm I would say I'm probably just based on this ride alone I'm probably a little bit more leaning towards this bike you know the Street Glide instead of the Road Glide just because it does feel a little bit more manageable with the fairing yeah I could see why this one sells a little bit better than the the Road Glide so I guess the sales numbers are like one to five study so for every for every five of these sold one Road Glide is sold this is definitely the more popular over the two in the touring line I am looking for a 114 and then I also already have a SNS stage two cam purchased for the Milwaukee a which I was gonna do in the FX er but obviously holding out because I'm trading it in so this one has the storage on the back which would be nice for you know laptop camera gear you know the stuff that I need to take to work change of clothes you know whatever maybe drone mostly I all like electronics you know like I said laptop camera gear audio/video stuff and you know you can fit those in there and they're nice and weatherproof so that's a good thing it's got nice power to it I feel like there is more buffering on this one than the road but I mean I know they sell different windshields and stuff I forget whose I was looking at recently and they've got a street glide and they did this windshield it has this little lip at the top I forget who makes it I want to say like Memphis Shades I could be wrong but it basically like helps keep the wind off of you as much which does feel I mean we're wearing a full-face helmet I always wear fulfillment justice protection and you know motovlog it's better for noise isolation and all that you know house like the new was a heads-up display unit or the new offer to infotainment system I forget what they call it as a boom I forget but it is you know you use gloves which is nice we've got a hydraulic clutch which actually feels like you got to pull it it more than my wonder my own squeezing bow excuse me excuse me you got floorboards you got a big a whole foot break heel-toe shifter highway highway bars you know to death you know put them up there it's not what it's for obviously but I know they do make pegs you can put your feet out on they go on to the highway virus yeah honestly if I were leaning if I had to choose one or the other between Road Glide and Street Glide after this test route I probably I'll probably lean more towards Street Glide so now I think it's a battle of Street Glide basically already set up versus possibly taken one of the soft hills and setting it up building it out how I would want for it to fit my application so if I were to do a soft sale I would do different bars on it you know to basically bring them up being more comfortable a little more like here so different bars probably throw a fairing on it probably Memphis Shades since we've worked with Memphis Shades before and then maybe do a bar and put a bag like a weather proof back to that with all my stuff in it on the bar or to like some detachable bags on it so that you know it's a little more modular I can take them off if I want and leave them on if I want it looks good without them or it looks good with them I feel like you obviously lose that modularity with like some of the touring line which you know if you remove the bags on this you've got this whole like sub structure that I mean it it looks like there's something missing obviously but that's kind of what they did with the sport glad you know that's like what the Softail it's built on the Softail line to be exactly that I mean it's built to be able to remove the front fairing it's built to be able to remove the bags quickly easily it's like one of those modular like boom you can have it for around town a bloom you can have her for distance that's kind of what I do that I would be going for with the Softail I'm not a huge fan of the look of the sport glide so you know I wouldn't I wouldn't go sport gladder out honestly like in the Softail line I'm probably leaning either towards a low rider or the or the Fat Bob lets you guys drop your thoughts down below let me know what you think what uh what right would you guys go if you were kinda in the same boat you know if you had to if you had an f XD are you basically had a bike it wasn't the best distance what um what route would y'all go the reason I'm not really wanting to do whoo there's a lot of loose gravel in this parking lot I do not need to practice those speed maneuver with a new motorcycle yeah what what right would you guys go hey guys let me know drop your thoughts below oh man oh there's some shade it feels nice out it's freakin hot today before 8:00 ass all oh that's a cool Sportster oh that's 72 nice there was you guys uh like I said drop your thoughts below let me know what you think there's my current ride talking about trading in you guys enjoyed the episode be sure to hit the like button if you're not subscribed hit subscribe hit that Bell icon so it sends notifications of future uploads and activity till next time alright safe stay vigilant catch you guys in the next one I don't know where this goes so it's up to them to put it away got my hat nope about that this one yep nope so not on what I do with my hat right [Music]
Views: 125,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harley, Harley Davidson, Iron 883, 883 Iron, Sportster, Low Rider S, Harley Sportster, XL883, Harley Iron 883, Honda Grom, Grom, Motorcycle, Motorcycles, Cruiser, Sport Bike, Motovlog, Blockhead, Blockhead Moto, Ms Blockhead, harley davidson street glide, harley davidson street glide special, harley davidson street glide exhaust, harley davidson street glide custom, harley davidson street glide review, harley davidson street glide vs road glide, street glide, harley street glide
Id: 9Nb7vk-YIoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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