Should Freelance Web Developer Handle Hosting

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I got this email recently from somebody who is now freelance web developing and they have clients who want to get hosting they want to get their sites up and running they wanted to know how did he handle getting the site's up and running do they build the site and just give it to the client and the client has to take care of it or do they take care of it who pays for hosting how does this work all works define so there's many ways you can look at this but when you are a freelancer first thing you have to think about is that you are a service provider you're not just a guy or a girl who's writing code but you're providing an end-to-end service basically getting their site live sometimes you're gonna do gigs or they already got a site up you don't have to worry about hosting they already got their hosting handle so you don't have to concern yourself with that but if you're building a site from scratch for somebody or a new site and they want to get new hosting that is part of your service so you have to understand web hosting options I've talked about this in previous videos different types of web hosting is better suited for certain types of web apps and web projects for most small business your typical web hosting shared hosting is more than enough that's for sure so how do you handle this situation you have a client you built the site they want you to get the site online what do you do well you charge for your time right your time it's not just sitting in front of computer coding or doing layouts it's also your time as preparing specifications your time is writing up proposals your time is finding hosting securing hosting transferring the host ranching files to the host all that's gonna stuff registry in domains etc what I would suggest that you do is when you first meet your client you find out what do they need from you then you decide they probably need a domain name to meet some need they may need some hosting so you determine what type of hosting but they need given their project typically as I said it's shared hosting your basic $5 or $7 a month hosting so it could be last opinion where you live and then what you do is you say ok what kind of domain name do you want and then you figure out their domain name to pay on their business etcetera they may have one who may not whatever and then so if they don't what you do is you will direct them where to buy their domain so it's under their and their their ownership then you were direct and where to buy their hosting so it's under their credit card they take care of the monthly Billings or the yearly Billings you don't want to have to chase after people that way and then unless you wanna start hosting business that's another story so once you secure that once you feel okay you're gonna go with this hosting company here and then you're gonna go with you're gonna register your domain here some hosting companies will give you both and then what you do is you just you you set it up for them you just tell them where to go this is what you got to do and when you do send me the return email once you pay for the whole staying in the Dominions send me the email you tell your class send me the email you're gonna get kicked back and then you'll set it up now if you don't know what you're doing there they're the hosting company will help you out in a big way of course you do my course you'll learn about hosting and the different options and so forth but yeah so you the hosting company will help you out to set you up the account so you can get the domain up and running and then you can upload your files to that server and get that going now this is for your typical small business type of application if something gets more serious like the studio web app we we use github and we have ver we've got a VPS with your virtual private server and it's much more sophisticated we also have pure cloud hosting with digital in for one of our installs that's that's a much more sophisticated thing so if you're watching this video you're probably a beginner and so you're probably gonna be doing small basic size basic web apps and shared hosting with PHP or Python they all support that now now if you get shared hosting cPanel based hosting C powers just the control panel that comes with a lot of hosting accounts and there's other ones called Plesk as well anyway it is point-and-click web based interface light asset possi set up your email accounts FTPS websites all kinds of other things as well and a lot of these themes come built in with PHP with Python Django with Ruby rails and with MySQL is a database or post gray and some even etc if you want to go that route so there you have it in the web development game and one size does not fit all you have to determine what the situation is depending on the user that's why I've been telling people for years now being a web professional web developer it's much more about code there's much more to it than just being able to write a function or be able to be able to raise some C associations now you gotta understand the big picture if you will that's why my studio web interactive web developer courses they cover those that big picture there you have it bye-bye if you're going to get into web design or web development you're gonna have to learn hosting sooner than later why because a big part of being a web developer web designers understand servers and hosting the different options so viz web hosting company they trust that you're gonna stay with them so they're willing to pay for your web design training all you have to do is click on the link below you buy one year worth of basic hosting live so you need to start with and you'll get access to my full stack web development course for free so it's a very very good deal this is something that they approached me with a little while ago about a month ago I put out a survey about eight nine hundred people responded more than half said they would be really into this deal in addition to buying the whole scene to get your free web design training with my interactive training system Studio web this is much much much better than simple video based training video based trainings fine books are fine but with Studio web is a fully interactive gamify training system with instant response instant help instant feedback so you know exactly where you are all the time plus huge amount of quizzing and code challenges there's nothing like it out there we built it from scratch now you may be somebody who have already done my web development course and you want to maybe get into my freelancing and entrepreneur course so what I will arrange when you buy the web hosting from the company you could either choose the web stack course or if you want I'll create another package that you would get for free the entrepreneur and freelancing course now there you go so you got a great option so you want to get into web design development have the web hosting company pay for you you need to learn about web hosting anyway some of you may be asking yeah but I'm just starting out I'm not gonna need web hosting right away with my course within the first hour you can start uploading your web pages to the live server to learn how to use a live server understand domain names all those kind of stuff consider it part of your training now remember a lot of people will go to boot camps and pay five ten twenty thousand dollars to learn real-world software development and web development so on this web hosting company is gonna pay for you you just got it by one year worth of basic hosting from them that's it now on the other hand if you already know your web design development and you're ready to monetize it to turn into either a business freelancing or maybe get a job again get the web hosting good way to promote yourself is to get a website up everybody should have a website your own personal website remember you can't just have a social media presence anymore because you see you know regardless of the politics social media giants like Facebook or Instagram or YouTube if they don't like you can shut you down so you have to have your own website so if you're really interested in the entrepreneur and freelance course I'll throw that in as a package so you have two options get web hosting get your web that training or get the web hosting and get your entrepreneur and the freelance course for free they're gonna pay for it the company trust that you're gonna like their service so much that they're willing to pay for your training all right I hope you like this deal link below thanks bye bye
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 12,137
Rating: 4.9269104 out of 5
Keywords: hosting, freelancing
Id: bY-FUspMFsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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