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Channel: Don't Flop Entertainment
Views: 1,031,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: don't flop, battle, British, UK Rap league, Rap Battle, Rap, DFAFD, Drops, Extra, freestyle, solomon, mook, lux, arsonal, hollow, conceited, dizaster, canibus, parody, spoof, professor green, grime, fight, knockout, jme, lord of the mics, lotm, lunar c, oshea, eurgh, cruger, shotty horroh, mark grist, blizzard, fire in the booth, f64, 8mile, standup, comedy, epic, funny, owned, fail, instrumental, urltv, kotd, king of the dot, daylyt, pat stay, clash, jumpoff, tony d, manchester, london, mcrvsldn, mcr, ldn, villun, raptor
Id: 2QzGFrLWkjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 08 2014
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I'm really not a fan of how animated Shotty is when it's not his round. He talks too much and his reactions to his opponent's bars can be so annoying. Just stand there and let the other person spit, you'll have your time in a moment
Jesus that was so, so, so top tier. Probably the best showing either of them have ever given and by far the best battle I've seen in ages.
That was okay. I'm gonna give each of these guys a nine.
They both showed up. But I guess I will be the only person that gives it to Shotty 2-1.
1: best UK vs UK battle ever
2: best don't flop battle ever
Personally thought Tony edged the first two and took Shotty's head off with the third. Fucking insane battle.
I really dig Shotty, but this was Tony's battle. Whole last round was fire, the Adam's Calender line was super nice. Still an awesome clash, worth a rewatch.
I'm going 2-1 Tony It was Shotty's show, all eyes were on him but Tony didn't give a fuck about the pressure or the home crowd advantage and fucking killed it
2-1 Shotty in my humble opinion, awesome battle love both of these guys. I especially got a kick out of Tony D calling himself "middle-aged."
edit: does anyone know what happened at around 33:00? "Did he really just do that to you?" and all the laughing and what not
'Linguine linguistics--pasta papers' should be on the next episode of Bad Bars.
I think Shotty is way overrated. His first was weak, practically no punches, second was good form, third had some real strong points but was dragged out and ended weak on the freestyles. He is an awesome rapper, though.
Tony was consistent, he got the first and third comfortably.