Shotgun (1970s)

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come on make it fast I am I am okay 221 221 211 silent alarm 630 East Colorado 630 East Colorado Gold Jers Temple 22 22011 Rob 101th Rob possibly a involved Washington any description on possible suspect 22b as a male negro 6280 2 s25 2 s25 ma the unit at 630 East Colorado 630 East gold jewelry store on a robbery alarm 2 s25 copy roll from last R Colorado cover the rear 25 bre look out oh no hey is he the only one yeah look that guy in the corner shot I don't know what do you [Music] think God stevenh Goldberg 42 truck driver shot on the left shoulder Rosemary Fenner 37 secretary shot on the left knee Katherine voar 29 part-time teacher forehead grazed three innocent civilians were wounded by a good conscientious police officer the explanation is simple he had the wrong weapon with him a shotgun is a wrong weapon in just about any situation where you can expect innocent people to be nearby in a busy area like this there are too many elements you can't control and may not even notice 2s3 2s3 2 s30 respond to 630 East Colorado supervision required and shots fired when a suspect shoots at you you shoot back by Instinct with any weapon you've got the officer made his mistake in taking the shotgun out of his car in a situation where there were people everywhere indoors and out most cops get a fair amount of practice with their sidearms but they don't fire a shotgun very often unless they're Hunters they don't know much about what happens after they pull the trigger and just as important they don't know when to take the shotgun out of the police car a double OD shell has nine pellets each about the size of a 32 Caliber projectile the forb has 27 pellets about the size of a 22 many other types of shells are available but these are the most most common multiple pellet shells in Police use a shell with a single rifled slug is also used where very great penetrating power is called for every time you fire a multiple pellet shell you've got to keep in mind you're firing more than one bullet and each bullet has its own individual trajectory they're all going generally toward the target but the only time they're all together is when they're still in the gun once they leave the muzzle they keep separating farther and farther apart next time you take a shower notice how the water sprays that's pretty much the same idea and that's why officer Don Forester a good shot wounded three people besides the suspect he aimed at these four targets are set up to duplicate the positions of the people who were hit at the jewelry store when the same kind of shell double A is fired at them from the same distance about 50 yard the results are exactly what a spray of bullets would cause the spray or pattern is never exactly the same in any two shots in this test Rosemary fenner's Target wasn't hit at all with his 38 Don would have hit only the suspect one shot but a shotgun can't give you anything like that accuracy even a close range the suspect's target here is 50 ft from the officer a third of DA's range even that close only four pellets out of nine hit the silhouette at a greater range than Dawn's this is 100 ydd not one of the Silhouettes was hit and the pellets missed two of the targets completely as any ski shooter will tell you missing even a close Target isn't always a matter of skill and range sometimes the shotgun blast can scatter all around the target maybe nicking it maybe not touching it at all well then if a shotgun is such an inaccurate weapon why would an officer want to take it with him many cops will grab the shot gun when they get out of their car because it gives them a feeling of Greater security they think it's a superior weapon in almost any situation it's a lot more powerful than a sidearm you've got a lot of bullets going for you instead of just one and a shotgun doesn't have to be aimed carefully when there's no time to aim you can whirl fire and blow the guy away the better you understand the weapons available to you the better equipped you'll be to do your job for example not one officer in 10 has a clear idea of how bullets ricochet this applies both to your 38 and to shotgun pellets most people think that a bullet will Rick a shap off a surface at about the same angle at which it hit the surface sort of like a bilard ball but it doesn't after it hits the surface the pay but in this demonstration the bullet or group of pellets tend to follow pretty close to the surface they hit the pellets followed the pavement even though they hit it at a fairly wide angle not one struck the car sometimes your choice of weapon has nothing to do with Ballistics once you leave your car with a shotgun in your hand you've got it for good or bad you're not committed to fire it of course but you're sure as hell committed to hang on to it your only alternatives are to hand it to a brother officer or put it back in your car if you can in this situation the officer's car is on the other side of the shopping center the suspect is resisting arrest he knows the cop won't fire the shotgun with so many people around the guy who's got the shotgun can't put it down and he can't effectively help his buddy what can he do turn to the nearest little old lady and say hold this for me will you no he simply stuck with a weapon he should have realized before he left the car that a shotgun would be of no value at all in a busy shopping area [Music] children free in a deserted alley a shotgun might have seemed like the perfect weapon but it's a middle of the afternoon and no one can guarantee that the alley is going to stay [Music] deserted what's the matter can't you climb the fence he could without the shotgun kid but not with it and he's got no place to put it pretty plainly these are cases where the shotgun was worse than useless it kept the officers from doing their jobs so where and when is it the right weapon 225 225 isit 189 North moringo 189 North moringo the brook War hotel in rearmed suspect break in some tactical situations it might be wise for one officer to carry a Shotgun it would be used only if events developed so that's the best way to act a shotgun and sidearms two different weapons with two different uses are ready and there are situations where a shotgun is the best possible weapon for a cop to have [Music] 12:30 like at 28 to 29 on Nora William Frank 977 203 23 1035 never comes back wanted armed and dangerous I'm Northbound on the Mount Wilson Road at Palmdale cut off I have three male suspects in the vehicle I'm going to make a [Laughter] stop 2K3 respond to code to assist 9 on Wilson Road please stay in your car and put your hands on your head this is a classic case for choosing a shotgun the officer is in a relatively isolated area and there's little traffic he's dealing with more than one suspect and was told they're armed and dangerous only the suspects are within range in his line of fire the psychological effect of the heavier weapon can often be a big Advantage unit 18 to Air1 we have located an Open Door on the south side of the warehouse we will be entering the building at this time A1 to responding units to 3600 East foill you have four officers 1097 at the scene two at the North two at the South you have a Poe at the South side two officers are in the building airone request a supervisor toin the most important single point to keep in mind when you think about taking a shotgun out of your car is always the same will there be innocent people around that's not likely in deserted areas or in stores or factories that are closed the greater your range The Wider the spread of pellets you can fire a shotgun fast pointing instead of aiming it and at close range you can blast the hell out of almost anything don't shoot okay here's my gun hands on your head come out slow the psychological effects of the shotgun and the [ __ ] it packs have helped in many captures but when it's only a cop his gun and an armed suspect it damn well better be the right gun unit 18 to Air1 advise control
Channel: Nuclear Vault
Views: 212,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vietnam, luftfahrt, airline, Boeing, aviation, Propaganda, Korea, jet, Germany, prop, history, Atomic, airplane, Europe, World War, Airbus, Nuclear, #nuclearvault, War, Turning Point
Id: eBb2jGAOLHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2016
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