Police Training Video 1968

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[Music] the long night is ended and the chill air that lingered with the darkness begins to give way to the first warm rays of sunshine alarm clocks shrill and piercing greet the arrival of the dawn the city awakens and a new day begins in their separate ways the thousands that inhabit the city begin life afresh for the police the morning hours mark the beginning of the day watch during daylight hours approximately 40 percent of all demand for police service occurs primarily these calls are of routine nature however the call could be serious with this in mind the officers of the day watch go out into the awakening city somewhere in this mass of humans there are careless drivers traffic violators felons dangerous neurotics and honest sincere citizens some of these people will meet with the officers of the watch before the day is ended for what must the officer be prepared certainly one of the most common yet complex problems this officer will have to face is this how to stop that car the siren is seldom used to stop a traffic violator unless the situation demands the immediate use of the highway the move is now made to affect the stop as he nears the suspect's car he must be prepared no vehicle stops our routine this may be a traffic violator nothing more it may also be the last violator he ever stops the police car is brought to a position at the left rear of the violator causing him to look back at you watch for sudden stops his attention may be had by short blasts on the horn [Music] as the suspect obeys the command the police car is brought into position note the position of the police car approximately eight feet behind the suspect's car and offset about three feet farther to the left communications should be notified as to location activity and license number before the officer exposes himself to possible danger a written record of the violator's license is made this will assist later investigation should any unforeseen injury come to the officer as a final precaution the officer removes the keys from his car who is waiting inside the protective shell of that car felon neurotic dangerous and erratic or plain citizens docile and resigned at this moment there is no answer only potential danger for the officer having parked slightly to the left of the suspect's car the officer has provided himself with a safety zone along which he can walk in this way he is protected from traffic from the rear and he can focus his full attention on the violator the officer must use every opportunity to observe the violator a suspicious move might be seen from this angle and afford the officer the needed time to act in taking a position to question the violator stand to the rear of the violator's front door this forces the violator to turn and look at you placing him at an added disadvantage the fact that nothing suspicious has been observed yet does not eliminate the potential danger a casual readiness may still provide the margin of life and death alert observation should continue throughout the interrogation and don't be misled by charm constant observations sometimes yield surprises like this rather large supply of checkbooks no not the wallet just the driver's license the overabundance of credit cards should further arouse the officer's suspicions [Music] without alarming the violator any suspicions can quickly be checked a want can be run in about the same time it takes to write a traffic citation unit 605 suspect has a felony record and is wanted for forgery the lady's collection of checkbooks and credit cards is no coincidence she is wanted on several counts of fortune a traffic violation results in the capture of a wanted suspect simply on the basis of careful observation the watch moves into its final hours but for the officers on duty new problems can arise in minutes and in terms of minutes the remainder of the watch is long [Music] within minutes after the robbery all units are alerted a description of the car and the license number are broadcast along with the prime for which the suspects are wanted immediate note is made on the car and suspects by the patrol officer the officer proceeds immediately to an intersection leading from the scene of the robbery there is no doubt as to what to expect if this car is stopped one officer and four felony suspects the odds are stacked too high against the officer here who must rely on his partner the might following the suspects at a practical distance giving exact position direction and speed a knowledge of the area is important now there may not be time to look for street signs a well-lighted and populated district is preferable when the officer has selected the area he should transmit it as far ahead of time as possible and then place the mic in a readily available location this will allow other units time to move into position and lend assistance [Music] if trail too long the suspect may become suspicious and attempt to outrun the pursuing car the siren here is a psychological advantage [Music] the moment the car is stopped the officer immediately commands the situation turn your motor off and throw your keys out of the car this eliminates an escape potential keep your hands in sight no but up in sight hands up could have been a fatal order the men in the front seat are told to place their hands on the windshield palms up those in the rear seat are ordered to put their hands on top of the front seat palms up even though they are stopped the officer should not attempt to affect the arrest beyond this point alone his advantage is in his position he should wait for help the second officer takes a position at the right rear of the suspect's car when he is in position the officer taps the car and makes enough noise to let them know that more than one officer is present he should keep a close surveillance on the suspect through the rear window now the suspects are ordered from their car they must get out one at a time on the right side in specific order first the man in the right rear the second officer controls the suspect as he gets out of the car put your hands behind your head the suspect is directed to kneel and then cross his leg the suspect in the left rear is then ordered out accordingly the man in the right front is given the same command the second officer maintains control of the suspect as they are positioned finally the driver is ordered to take a position beside the others the first awe moves in to assist the search it checks the vehicle to determine if there are hidden suspects throughout this procedure avenues of escape must be covered by the officers and at the same time they must avoid coming into direct line of fire with each other officer two moves into the search position he places his right hand on the suspect's shoulder his left locks the hand by pulling the hands back and arching the suspect's spine with his right knee the officer draws the suspect off balance in this position he can effectively complete the search of the right side the officer moves to the left side of the suspect again takes his position of advantage then he completes his search by placing the suspect on his stomach the weapon found by the officer is placed at the guard officer's feet well out of reach of the suspect by following the same procedure with the others the search is completed with a minimum of danger and four armed felony suspects have been safely stopped by a single officer who complies with sound training procedures the day watch comes to an end a host of problems faced and solved what are the procedures that made the day successful [Music] approach any car with caution carefully observe the suspect and car before reaching the window during the interrogation stand to the rear of the driver's door this places the suspect off balance the alert courteous and business life broadcast intended pullover location a lone officer remains behind the vehicle until assistance arrives the second officer is located at the right rear of the suspect's car where he can easily observe the option affirm the suspect prevent offensive actions [Music] rip is an effective weapon the objective is your safety and control of the suspect yes the officers of the day watch will go home to their families for them the day is over the challenges have been met through good training and common sense and he added well done [Music] you
Channel: Megaknappster
Views: 87,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PHm8Pzs3_k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2013
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