Home Defense: Shotguns - Target Distance vs. Shot Pattern | Thunder Ranch Training Center

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[Music] [Music] I'm Clint Smith and we're at Thunder Ranch this is Rick Staples from Overland Park Kansas and he's going to help me help you by showing you some exercises or what might some people call a drill this isn't so much a drill like for comp petition sake as I want you to acquire information in other words I want your experiences and application of the shotgun to be based on intellect and application you see lots of stuff on video I got it no problem but one thing that people misunderstand about a shotgun is generally the ranges that shotguns are used they're often more apt to be like a rifle than a shotgun in other words the shotgun needs to be aimed so the first thing I going to do if I use a shotgun for home defense is I'd get a tape measure then I'd measure the dist es in my house that I would thought that I was going to use a gun if I was dealing like I did in the past with law enforcement I had them know what the width of their car was know what the length of their car was and know what the length of two cars were so that they knew how the gun was going to actually operate CU it doesn't come out and then open up like the atomic bomb and then go down range it's not so generally as a guideline and we'll give you an example by showing you here generally as a guideline the gun's going to open a certain amount that'll be based not so much on barrel length as much much is it not even so much on choke although if you had a full choke compared to an open cylinder you know that the full choke is going to be a little bit tighter and today you can have a short barreled gun with a full choke in it and so it some of that and this is why we test it because I don't know what it's going to do until I try it so we're going to shoot reasonable ranges three yards okay five yards and seven yards and then let it you actually see the patterns develop and then this will show you how much you truly need to aim the gun as compared to the myth and legend of like I kind of pointed it over there pull the trigger and it covered the whole wall they usually don't do that so we're just going to use an single load we'll shoot it then we'll step back and shoot it then we'll step back and shoot it so that you can see what's going on and all I'm looking for is I want you to do this with your ammunition and remember shotguns are just like right hands they're all the same but they're all different so a shotgun needs to be patterned on an individual basis and you may have two mosb 500s one may pattern a certain type of ammunition better or different than a patterns a different type so you literally may use Winchester number fours like in Buckshot you may use Remington for example okay uh double lack or in so the variables in the ammunition make a difference too so you have to pick your load pick your gun shoot it because they become individual idiosyncrasies then as you look at them so Rick give me a single load please got eyes and ears and if you give me the top mark this is R three when you're ready Lin's hot okay so if you look at it it's three yards kind of gives you an idea that the pattern and remember some of what's going on there which I'll show you in a minute is also the wad column so the pattern of the shell will go through then the wad may hit it and put like holy crap there's a mark out there it's probably the wad so you get an idea what I'm going to do now is have Rick leave the action open and we're going to back up this is about 5 yards or 15 ft so you figure in your bedroom if you at the back of the room and you were looking at the bedroom door and someone kicked down the front door okay or kicked down the bedroom door this is kind of what the gun's going to be working for you there again this is a double out Buck ammunition that we're using right now so you get a so there are nine 33 32 caliber pellets inside that are going down there so in your world it's almost like nine people at once shot them with a 38 special that's kind of what's happening okay so single load one round Center Mark if you will okay now open the action and lower the muzzle I want to point something out so I'm going to move and I want you to see this the guns lower there's no one else we're all safe everything's cool this is exactly what we're talking about on the site that's on the gun here are the nine pellet holes and you can see them you'll also see residue of unburned powder and stuff and then this hole is actually the wad or the shot column that plastic sometimes they plastic they used to be in the old days cardboard or wood okay and what it did is it shoved everything out pellet wise and then that was the point that it hit so now what we're going to do is back up to seven yards okay seven yards is 20 ft so if you have a 20x 20 bedroom that's what you're going to kind of be looking at okay and we use this as our Mark downrange is clear load one please bottom Mark if you will please okay the next thing that you want to understand when they do this you go well the pattern seem to print like on the top one it seemed to print a little bit higher remember the distance makes a difference also so there's a lot of variables the most consistent thing about Small Arms fire especially shotguns is that it's inconsistent that's the reason you shoot and practice with this gun and do in this format what we'd call patterning and to be honest with you you know if you take it out to 50 yards and throw a loft the buck shot at it okay it isn't going to do that much because that's not what the gun was designed for in that format double out Buck at 50 yards is a lot like making a custom Cabinet with a chainsaw I can do it but it winds up being pretty ugly so Rick's got the gun down the action's open we're safe this shows you the same thing again as far as there's your nine pellets pretty much held on and then this is your wide hole that punch through so you get an idea you'll see tricky stuff where the guy's talking about well in a Hy type situation I could maybe and I yeah maybe but the problem with it is always remember this is always going to be sort of like a wild card okay so and literally at this distance if the wad hit me in my eye for example I'm not sure that that would be like a good thing so this idea of doing and all that and it looked pretty cool or tricky you have to be careful with it so this gives you an idea okay basically a single hole the pellets and A disruption from the wad the pellets okay and A disruption from the wad so now he's starting to learn what his ammunition is doing at these distances and then we'll give you some other examples we set up the range drill now so that you can get an idea of how to tie patterning and what your gun and what your ammunition does remember that they're different okay remember what it does in your gun we tied them together this exercise so you can see what's going on so I'm going to have Rick hit the cardboard first so it confirms what his pattern is doing and then we'll go to the red flipper listen to me carefully do not shoot this like at 25 yards cuz the pattern would be so big it would cover everybody you notice that we set it up and we got it it's a setup we set it up at 5 yards 15t across the bedroom because that would be the application and you'll see that the shotgun here needs to be aimed well and if you like lean on the trigger or something you can change the whole dynamic of this what I'm doing is to is showing you how this pattern can transform from a range exercise into a practical application if you need it so RI single load one round for me okay and give me one round on the cardboard if you will please centered okay so first of all remember the big hole you see is the wad and the pallets they centered right up on it so they're actually patterned pretty good he's five yards okay and I want you to look at something like trusty tape measure let just lower the gun for me for a minute okay I'm gonna go forward the gun is safe it's not a problem we were at 5 yards or 15 ft so here's your actual application remember what I told you if it's in Buckshot okay it'll probably be slightly smaller if you were shooting bird shot smaller pallets you know and a lot more pallets maybe like five or 600 like in a number six or 7 and a half something like that so the pattern is just exponentially going to be slightly larger but I bet five bucks it's not going to be much over 5 in at 5 yards so you get an idea of what's going on now what we're going to do is take the practical application of what we know the gun does and the ammunition pattern and we're going to move it over to the plate so the theoretically designated Target will be the red flipper in here that we're trying to hit if you see a mark appear on the black remember that it could be the wad and then I'll confirm that with you there's a big difference between a pellet and a wad and you'll know it right away if something else goes wrong so we'll have Rick M ready to do that okay downrange is clear single load one round for me we're on the red flipper okay so without being ugly you'll see that there's not anything on the black Target so we did what we're supposed to do and we turn red to blue so you see it and it's not really a trick and we got it he simply knows what his gun does because we patterned it and this is one of the things that we strongly Reon just buying the gun in a box of shells is not going to cut it you need to know what the gun is doing okay so I'm going to have him make the blue go away so that you know that there's no trickery here it's just simply we know the gun we know the pattern we shoot the gun and again I reiterate we don't say that you do this in a hostage situation but you know push came to shove you off the top of the cliff I need to know what my gun will do single load one make the blue go away okay so now we made blue to Red you'll look at the black is still clean okay and if you lower the gun safety on okay if you go with me now what we've taken okay is the pattern from the cardboard we know what it's going to do and this would be a surgical application this is just like taking a knife and cutting something there's the cut on the red one two 3 4 five six so that means either some of them doubled up or one or two might have went off the side which is something for you to consider and when we take it over to the blue you'll see that this one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 okay probably nine on that one so it held pretty true to what it's supposed to do and again put it in its proper perspective our true interest in this is not shooting hostage scenarios and stuff like that our true interest is that you acquire the skill and knowledge of knowing what your gun will do at a certain distance with your ammunition and again so that we show you that there's really no trick I'm going to have Rick go ahead and single load around and we're going to take the blue and make it go away that's all we're doing is like showing you and we know now what the pattern is going to do go ahead load Sho so again proper gun proper ammunition at the proper application works out pretty good so it's the reason we emphasize to you the patterning so what we need for you to do now is take your shotgun get your ammunition we need for you to go to the range remember your firearm safety both at the range and at home okay and then pattern that shotgun so you know what it's going to [Music] [Applause] [Music] do
Channel: NSSF—The Firearm Industry Trade Association
Views: 311,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pattern, #LetsGoShooting, Defensive Shotgun, Shooting, How-to, Small Arms, #NSSF, Home Defense, Mossberg, Police, Self-defense, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Shooting Sport, Firearm, Clint Smith, Shotgun for Personal Defense, Mossberg 500, Shotgun for Home Defense, Shotgun, NSSF, Thunder Ranch, Tactical, Sports Equipment, Firearm Training, Tactical Shotgun, Personal Defense, Self Defense, precision sports
Id: 9NVJVaxrxWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 11 2014
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