Shotcut tutorial - Best export settings for YouTube

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these are my best settings to export and render your video all right let's go ahead and get started you can see here i have a three minute video basically two minutes 59 seconds let's go ahead and click on the export tab now you can see right here all this noise on the left here i've learned just to ignore that and let's start up here this export help we do want to render from the timeline and you can see right here i have this box checked used hardware encoder but hold that thought we're going to get back to that first we want to go to advanced and then you can see right here yes again from the timeline again this check box where to come back to that but let's go to video you can see i shot this video in 1080p 1920x1080 the aspect ratio 16x9 is right i usually shoot at 30 frames per second or close to it and then all these defaults progressive the d interlacer and the interpolation i just keep those as is the next step is we're going to click on the codec tab now you can see right here we're going to go straight to quality this is the default 55 for me i change this to 80 when i shoot in 1080p now this gop that's defaulted 150 frames i go back to video and i see i shot about 30 frames per second so let's go back to codec the gop i want to do half of my frames per second so that would be 15. so if you shot in 60 frames per second you would want to change that to 30 so on and so forth the next setting is b frames youtube likes it when i change that to two the codex threads i leave alone so don't even worry about that because we're all about just getting our video rendered and up to youtube the audio i just leave as default and everything seems to sound just fine so don't even worry about that now that we have those settings set let's talk about this use hardware encoder i'm going to click advanced again just to get to this default right here so by default when you first start to render videos this will be unchecked and what does that mean well the hardware encoder is if you have a discrete gpu and if you don't know what a discrete or dedicated gpu is it is this in my rig i have a 2070 and what a discrete gpu is is it helps with your video output it helps you to render videos quicker and faster if you're into photo editing it just makes everything much smoother as you're editing or scrubbing through your timeline or doing photo editing so for me i'm going to check that box i'm going to configure it and shortcut automatically finds the correct settings with these two check boxes so i'm just going to click ok now if you don't have a dedicated or discrete gpu then you won't be able to use that and what it means is that when you do render this video it's going to be all cpu bound so if you've already tried this you can tell that when you do render a video all the fans ramp up in your computer or on your laptop it means it's just stressing out your cpu it's not going to hurt it but it'll just take longer to render so for me i'm checking the hardware encoder just for my gpu to do the heavy lifting and now we're ready to export files so i'm going to export it i'm going to click the drive where i want to save it and i'm going to save it and i'm going to show you the difference between the hardware encoder versus a non-hardware encoder so again i'm rendering a three minute video and we're going to see how long this takes all right using my hardware encoder you can see it took 45 seconds to render this video i want to show you the flip side if i do not use it which means i'm going to using just my cpu to render this video again there's nothing wrong with just using your cpu it'll just take longer so let's go ahead and i'm going to show you the difference and there you can see there i've rendered the video without the hardware encoder and you can see it took a minute and 17 seconds so it took about 30 seconds longer to render the video the video quality is all the same but you can see the difference of what that checkbox does for you so if you have a discrete or dedicated gpu make sure to check that that box of using the hardware encoder and that is it my friends i hope this video helped out a little bit if you know a better way to render and export your video please sound off in the comments i want to thank you for watching make sure you check out my other shortcut tutorials i'll leave a playlist right here coming up right now peace out everybody
Channel: Scotts PC
Views: 15,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best export settings for YouTube, shotcut tutorial, shotcut video editor, exporting your video with shotcut, shotcut best export settings for youtube, how to render in shotcut, how to export youtube video shotcut, how to export on shotcut, exporting in shotcut, best export settings for yotube, best export settings for youtube 1080p, best export settings for youtube videos, best export settings for yotube 1080p, Best export settings for yotube videos
Id: sO57RYdCjBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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