How to Export Parts of a Video in Shotcut [2 Methods of Multiple Clip Exporting]

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in this video i show you how to export parts  of a video by selecting the clips in Shotcut hi everyone my name is Joe and welcome to  Ubitronics on this channel i show you how   to use open source software today we're  looking at exporting multiple video clips   from one project in Shotcut now the first thing  we need to recognize is that there's two ways   that you may want to be doing this the first is if  you have a full mp4 video that you want to chop up   and export small sections of that video the second  is if you have a Shotcut project that has multiple   tracks and audio channels and you want to chop  that up into smaller sections for exporting   now they follow a very similar process for each  and i'll go over both of them in this video one   after the other we'll start with splitting  the full video and exporting the sections   of an already formatted mp4 file so  to start with create a new project and then drag in your video straight into the  timeline now generally i suggest putting this   into the playlist first but today i'm suggesting  putting this into the timeline straight away   and the reason for that is that  we're going to use the playlist   to hold all of the items we want to export so  we don't want to export the full video we want   to export small sections so what we need to do  first is find the place where you want the first   clip to start and cut it and then where you want  it to end and cut it and then i'm assuming you'll   have quite a few i'm going to go just with three  very small sections at the moment just for the   purposes of this demonstration but ultimately you  want to end up with cuts at all of the correct   places for your video clips to start and stop now  to keep it clear for the video i'm going to delete   the sections that i do not want but in reality you  do not need to delete the sections you don't want   okay so you can keep them all there but  i'm just keeping it simple so we can see   clearly what we're working with now make  sure you've got your playlist selected   and then click on your first clip click on  the copy here and then click on the plus   that's going to put that clip into the  playlist do that for all of your clips   so that's select copy bus that will put  all of your your clips into the playlist   and this playlist will be used as almost like the  cue that we want to export all at the same time so   if you've got anything else in your playlist you  need to remove those things because we only want   the video clips that we want to export in the  playlist once that's correct go to your export   on the drop down here select each playlist item  and then export files you can also change any of   your advanced settings if you want to you'll get  this box pop-up click onto the file icon and go to   the place where you want it to save you'll now see  the prefix is test one test two test three that's   the name of my project you can change the prefix  here to anything you'd like it to be and it will   change the file name as it saves you've also got  three field options my recommendation would always   be to leave field three as index that is basically  the number here one two three and that relates to   how it displays in the playlist so if you've done  them in order like i did on the timeline here this   one will be number one this one will be number two  and this one will be number three you've also got   some other options the name of the original file  the index which is already displayed the date and   then the hash you can play around with those  if you want to but if i was just to select the   name of the file then that's bicycle.mp4 so  it appends it into the name of the file once   you're happy with the file format click ok that is  going to start exporting all of your video clips   one after the other into the correct location  with the correct name format let's check that   so now i have three video clips in my folder  with hello-1 hello-2 and hello-3 if i load it up   it's just going to be a fraction long because  that's the small video clip section here   that i wanted it to be now the second method is  if you've got a project already on the go and   this is a lot more complicated it's not looking  quite as simple as this it's not all on one line   you've got multiple video tracks maybe audio  tracks so first of all let me set up an example file okay so here we are we've got a much more  complicated project and this is now going   to formulate the start of method two where i'll  show you how to take small snips of this file   without having to export it first first thing you  just save it it's still saved as my test mlt file   and now it's saved this is my project this  is saved i'm going to close down Shotcut   and i'm going to reopen it and start a  new project i'm going to navigate to the   location of my original project and into the  playlist i'm going to drag my original project   now i can select the whole project as  a single playlist item and drag that   into my timeline that whole project will now show  as one item on the new project's timeline now i   can remove this item from the playlist and cut  my video exactly as i did before with method one i can now select each part that i want to  export click copy on the playlist click plus   do that again for every item that i want to export so now follow the same process go up to   export go from timeline to each  playlist item and then click export file go up to the folder icon go to the correct folder   and then change any of your prefixes and  preferences and click ok that will then export   the clips that you have in your timeline without  exporting your full Shotcut project so i hope   that's been helpful please consider liking and  subscribing and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Joe Cullen - Shotcut Tutorials
Views: 12,482
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Keywords: joe cullen, ubitronics, how to export parts of a video in shotcut, export video parts shotcut, export parts of a video in Shotcut, video parts shotcut, export parts of an mlt project in shotcut, exporting video clips in shotcut, exporting parts of video in shotcut, exporting clips in shotcut, selecing parts of a clip in shotcut for export, only exporting parts of a video in shotcut, shotcut video exporting, shotcut video clip exporting, shotcut clip exporting, export clips shotcut
Id: 70lEvpFLN4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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