Fast And Easy Color Grading On Shotcut!

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so i have talked about color grading before on shot cut but today i want to show you a easier process that you guys can achieve any look on your videos just by using these simple love packs so let's get started so the first thing we have to do is get some lump packs now it's a good thing that you can find these packs for free online either on youtube where many people upload videos and free download links to lot packs that they have created which is a really cool thing where you guys can search on google and go on to any website that offers free love pack download links now in this case i'm just using this website because it has the basic color packs that i would use any video if i was a filmmaker or any content creator and it goes into depth in explaining what lut packs are and how you guys can download these packs exactly by using the download link that they provide now it's basically pretty simple from this stage forward all you have to do is download it extract it and save it to a folder that you know you can find them later on but that's a pretty easy way that you guys can use to find any love packs that you may be looking for especially if you have a certain look that you're trying to go for any video so as you can see we're on shortcut already and i already have loaded up the video clip that i'm going to be using for today's example now the first thing you want to do is select the video clip itself and then after that just go to filters and go to the video tab or you can just type in lut and then a lot 3d effect should appear and all you have to do is just click on that and go to open and a new window file should open up and from this point all you have to do is just look for the file where you saved your lot packs in the beginning and already have mine pulled up right here so as you can see it gives us eight different types of lot packs that we can use and right now i'm just gonna pick a random one and just click open and as you can see the lot pack has been implemented under your video and basically you can go to the law icon and check and uncheck that box so you can see the difference between the normal video and the lot that you just implemented on it from here you can also switch up any settings that you want to mess around with such as the interpolation now they have three options but i found that the default option is the smoothest one so i'm just going to leave it at that now if you guys want to keep exploring different love packs you can just go back to open and click on different packs that you might want to see so for example this one is just much more a cooler tone and it looks pretty nice but you guys can mess around with any looks that you guys might want to use for your video so as you can see we have successfully downloaded a lut pack and implemented on a video track now however there are some different things that you guys can do with lot packs when you're editing different sequences so i'm going to show you that real quick so let's say that you have a timeline track and you have multiple different video clips now for today's video i just took the same video clip and just split it into three different parts just to get my point across now whenever you have multiple video clips on one track it may be a little bit tricky to add any lut packs to all three of them for example if i click on the first clip and go to filters and try to add a lot pack like we did before you guys can see that the lut pack has actually added itself to the clip that we have chosen and we can mess around with it like we did before but if we go to the second video clip segment you can see that the color is not the same since the lut pack has only implemented it on the first clip that we have selected so if you guys have multiple clips on one track one easy solution that you guys can do is first of all let's remove the lock pack from the first clip and then we are just gonna select the first v1 video track that we can see here in the output segment of our first video track like you see right here and then we're just gonna do exactly the same thing we're gonna go to filters search for a lot and add the lot pack that you guys were planning to use in the first place and as you can see if we move around all three segments of each clip you can see that the love pack has added itself to the entirety of the video track you guys can turn it on and off like we did before instead of adding a lot pack on each individual clip you guys can add it to the whole track instead however you guys can turn around and use the different segments of the video as an advantage so if you just go back and just remove the whole lot pack entirely from the track and just choose each separate clip you guys can go back and add a different lump pack to each individual clip if that's what you want to do and just explore which feel you would like to use when you're comparing contrasting each slot pack but you guys can explore and add these different love packs to either each individual clip or the whole track instead so there you have it a fast and easy way that you guys can use to give your video a different look by using lut packs now you guys can also use color grading which gives you more control over the look of your video but having lot packs and using them is really helpful especially if people are providing it for you or if you want a specific look on your video that you've seen elsewhere but that is the simple process of finding up packs downloading them and adding them onto your videos by using shot cut now that's pretty much it for today's video however if you're looking for more tutorials on shotgun and get better at video editing well this is the channel for you i have many other videos going over tutorials on shotgun as well as video editing in general so if you guys want to check that out well the channel is here for you but that's pretty much it for today's video thank you for watching and i'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: EJ Tech
Views: 24,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fast And Easy Color Grading On Shotcut!, my easy color grading process in shotcut, easy shotcut color grading, shotcut color grading, color grading in shotcut, color grading the easy way in shotcut, simple color grading in shotcut, shotcut color grading tutorial, color grading basics in shotcut, the easiest way to color grade in shotcut, easy color correction in shotcut, shotcut color correction, color grade in shotcut, easy color grading on shotcut, Shotcut Lut filter, EJ Tech
Id: XpYC18N8eKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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