Shotcut Lesson 2 - Timeline and Editing Clips

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welcome back to another shotcut video editing tutorial in this video we're gonna spend a lot more time on using the timeline editing our video we're learning about lots of different tools to do that so to get started we'll just type in a project name and hit start and then if again like like in the last video if yours doesn't look exactly the same way we can click on settings and or click on View and go to layout and choose from some of these different layouts but the most important thing is to have this playlists active so you might have filters you can go down here and click on playlists if playlist doesn't appear you can click on playlist and it'll bring it up so once we have playlists then we can actually go to our video clips so I have some clips selected here I just hit hold down the shift key and select multiple clips and then left click and drag and drop them in and that it starts playing so we have all these clips in here that I just brought in from my computer another way to bring in clips is to just go to open and then you can select multiple clips or individual clips and it will add them here as well this one's already I already brought it in once and so if we double click on one of these in the playlist it shows us what we're looking at as our source our project is not active yet there's nothing in our actual project and down here there's that there's also timeline and keyframes and I just want to mention if you're on keyframes and you try and drag a video down it's not gonna go down it's not gonna go into your project because you don't have any project you have to go to Timeline and then you can drag it in and then you'll actually have this video track so right now I just brought this video in here and we can bring it right to the beginning if I want to have a different video clip like this one here I can drag it down and now I have a gap in there as well and if I want to bring in this is like a very long video it's one minute and 29 seconds I'm not very long but it's a if I bring it down it's going to take up quite a bit of space on my timeline and I can zoom out and see compared to these first two this one's pretty long which is fine so I can left-click and move these around but maybe I only want a small portion of this video there's a couple ways to get just a portion so I can find the part that I want maybe this part where he's hammering on this piece of iron we just get to play head to that portion and if we hover over this tool we can see what it's called this tool is called split at playhead if we can click it and it will split the video right where the playhead was now I have two video clips this one and this one if I hit play they're gonna seamlessly go right next to each other because it's even though there are two video clips you know we split it so it's supposed to be there if we click this first one I hit the Delete key it'll go away and then we can come to the portion maybe we only want to have the hammering happen during this you know about this length we hit the split again select the second part of the video by left clicking on it and hitting the Delete key on the keyboard and now we just have a nice short video clip of just hammering on this piece of steel I can left-click and drag it and bring it closer into my project actually I'm gonna bring it away for one set because I want to show you another way if I want to have this video clip of this horn looks like a Powderhorn we can left-click here and we can shrink this down as well so we hover to the end of the video clip hold down left click and we can make that video shorter so now I have a couple short clips here they even publish it I made even a little bit shorter than that but I want to show you another way we can do so this one here if we go back to our source on this one we see now we're playing and it's not moving on our timeline because we're looking at our source but if I want to get just this portion of the fire I can actually come over here and I can click these little triangles now I can select just a small portion of video here and I can drag it down so maybe it's a teeny tiny portion I can left-click and drag and now it brings in just this little sliver of video it doesn't bring in the whole one minute and 29 seconds worth it just brings in this little tiny portion right here so we can play that and see what looks like another good way to do that is go back to the source we can change if we want the out point instead of dragging this triangle we can just go to that portion and hit the O key on the keyboard and that selects the out point we can go to this part and select the I key on the keyboard I select the end point so while that's playing we can press I then press o on the keyboard and now we've got a tiny little sliver of video that we can use so play with that it's a really really good tool and it's similar functionality you'll find in lots of video editing software if we want to get rid of a clip again we left-click it'll be selected in red we have the Delete key and it goes away but there's a gap now there's a black gap that'll play this black nothingness and then it jumps to the next part of the video so if I hit control Z it'll undo that change will come back you can also go to edit undo to bring it back but if I want this clip to disappear and I want the gap to not be there I want this video to just kind of shrink up and appear right there let me zoom in a little bit so we can see that more we could actually just click the cut over here and we'll cut that clip out and then everything just shrinks up right to her it was going to be before and now that video clip is now saved in our clipboard so if I want to we come over here to the playhead I can hit the paste icon and now that video that I cut out is gonna be pasted here at the end so if I want to move this clip to the end without creating a gap I mean I could just left-click and move it but now there's a gap there so if I want to move it to the end without creating a gap I had the cut I select it first hit cut and then go to how the playhead to go to wherever I want it to paste it which will lead to the end and hit paste now I've effectively moved that to the end without creating any gaps does that make sense maybe I want this portion over here I can play it see what this looks like I want this portion of the video to play multiple times well what I can do is hit the copy so I copy now that's copied to the bored and now I can paste it I can go to the end and hit paste and it paste this video so it's still over here but it's also over here and I can just keep hitting paste a couple times really so i wherever the playhead is is where it will paste it in so if i want this to be between these two i hit paste and it appears between those two so if i wanted to here i come right to here and hit paste and now it appears there so now we have kind of this fire happening in between every little clip what else snapping do we talk about snapping so if we want to snap to the playhead I have snapping enabled right now if I take it off it's this little magnet magnet icon if I have that off then it's gonna be a little bit harder for me if I try and drag this clip right up here I'm always gonna have a little bit of like a little yellow gap in there I'm not gonna get right to it because it's kind of hard without snapping but what snapping does is it makes it so that we always snap right to the clip so what kind of pauses and lets it snap to a clip or to the playhead if I want this to snap to the playhead it'll also kind of pause a little bit and let me snap right to the playhead if I have a gap and I want to move a video in and the gap is not large enough I can't get the video in there so sometimes you'll be like this video will fit there won't it and you're wondering why it won't go well it's because you don't have a big enough space that's only when you're moving video from within the timeline if you're bringing in video from up here like this one with the horn if I drag this down it's usually it gives me a warning oh I guess maybe it'll do it there but if I have it selected here and I drag it down it's gonna say overwrite so it's gonna say warning this is like where by dragging this clip in if you drag it in right here now you're gonna overwrite everything that's we'll kind of shaded white here which would mean this all these video clips will be gone and it'll cut into this one and cut into this ones that make sense let's give it a try so we bring it down and we bring it there now this video clip is here and everything else that was there is now gone so just be aware of that when you're bringing in video clips it's good to bring them into like a blank space over the back to my source it's good to bring them into the blank space at the end of yours if you're worried about over writing and it'll tell you if you're gonna overwrite it or not so I think that's all we're gonna do in this one if ever you're wondering what something does you can hover over and see what these different things do and so like the ripple delete does kind of similar to what we're talking about is where it gets rid of it and then everything sucks in so it's the same as doing kept so if you click on a clip and then hit ripple delete it deletes it and sucks in everything without leaving an empty gap here so yeah and then the scrub this is this enabled scrubbing so that when you move a video clip you can hear what's happening with it at the same time that's kind of I don't really use that feature so I think I'm gonna end this video here go ahead and play with you know resizing your your timeline play with some of these cut copy and paste tools you can also use the keyboard shortcuts control X to cut ctrl C to copy and ctrl V to paste go ahead and play with some of those play with adding in different clips make sure you know the difference between your source and your project and on your source play with some of the in and out of selecting just a certain portion so you don't have to come down here and you know cut it out by splitting it playhead all that and then be aware too you can do all these edits instead of using these icons you can click on edit up top and we also have cut copy paste undo redo I guess it's not all of them up there but we have some of those tools available at the top thank you for watching go ahead and like comment subscribe leave your questions below and I'll catch you in the next video
Channel: TJ FREE
Views: 138,023
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Keywords: free, tjfree, free software, open source, shotcut, learn shotcut, shotcut lesson, shot cut, how to edit video, free video editor, shotcut timeline, shotcut add video, shotcut import, shotcut move, shotcut delete, free video editor windows
Id: 0Wepp9V031o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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