Shortstober A Shorts Spectacular with Big City Greens | Compilation | Disney Channel Animation

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[music playing] Ladies and demons. Boys and ghouls. Behold our new Halloween spectacular-- BOTH: Shortstober. Ma, do I really have to wear this mask? It smells putrid. Where's your Halloween spirit, Bill? I'm Little Red Riding Hood. So you have to be the big, bad wolf, (SHOUTING) or else my costume is totally lame. For those of you curious as to what's happening, Shortstober is a sequel to our variety program, Shortsgiving. Wait, we're in a sequel? Then we got to make this thing bigger and more expensive. [crickets chirping] [crows cawing] Cobwebs and paper bats, really? Is that the best we could do? Now, hold your headless horseman, Cricket. I've been planning a breathtaking stunt from Andromeda's "Evil Book of Dark Magic." Oh, can you turn Bill into an actual werewolf to better serve my costume? If it gets rid of this smell, I'm open to the idea. I'll do you one better, Gramma. I'm going to summon an actual ghost. Love it! Well, first thing's first, let's enjoy a short that's so cute, it's scary. Enjoy "Chibi Descendants." [crickets chirping] [ding] Uh, Papa, your cue. [grunting] Can't work the projector with these dang paws. I'm on it. [thud] [whoosh] [ding] [squeak] [MUSIC - SARAH JEFFREY, "QUEEN OF MEAN"] AUDREY: (SINGING) I followed all the rules. I drew inside the lines. I never asked for anything that wasn't mine. Being nice was my pastime, but I've been hurt for the last time. I never thought of myself as mean. I always thought that I'd be the queen, and there's no in-between. Because if I can't have that, then I will be the leader of the dark and the bad. Now there's a devil on my shoulder, where the angels used to be, and he's calling me the queen of mean. Calling me the queen of mean. Calling me, calling me. All of my senses have left me defenseless. This darkness around me is promising vengeance. The price that I'm willing to pay is expensive. There's nothing to lose when you're lonely and friendless. So my only interest is showing this princess that I am the queen, and my reign will be endless. [thud] [whoosh] [squeak] Hey, how come Tilly got a cameo and not me? TILLY: Sh, sh, sh, with this green and slithering snake, sleep inspector become awake. [splash] Is that my garden hose? GRAMMA: Bill, the mask stays on. Ugh, I want a new costume! While we wait for Tilly's spell to definitely work, let's roll a chibi short from "Zombies." [cauldron bubbling] [MUSIC - MEG DONNELLY, MILO MANHEIM, "SOMEDAY"] ZED: (SINGING) I know we might be crazy, but did you hear the story? ADDISON: (SINGING) I think I heard it vaguely. ZED: A girl and a zombie. ADDISON: Oh, tell me more, boy. Sounds like a fantasy. BOTH: (SINGING) Oh, what could go so wrong with a girl and a zombie? ZED: You and me, side by side. BOTH: Out in the broad daylight. If they laugh, we'll say we're gonna be someday. ADDISON: We're going to be someday. ZED: Two lonely hearts beat in the dark. Imagine it now. They start a spark. ADDISON: I like they way you're thinking. I can almost see it. ZED: You and me, side by side. BOTH: Out in the broad daylight. If they laugh, we'll say we're gonna be someday. ADDISON: Someday, someday, someday. ZED: We're gonna be someday. ADDISON: Someday, someday, gonna be someday. ZED: We're gonna be someday. ADDISON: Someday, someday. BOTH: We're gonna be someday. [whoosh] Enough of these sugary pop songs! I thought these shorts were supposed to be spooky. And I thought a spirit would accept my serpent sacrifice. Hey, speaking of ghosts, let's roll a couple of chibi shirts from the "Ghost and Molly McGee." See what I did there? [whoosh] [boing] [squeaking] [door creaking] [whoosh] [music playing] [horn squeaks] [bell rattling] [boing] [squeaking] [growls] [roars] [buzzing] [music playing] [bell ringing] [horn trumpeting] [crow cawing] [groans] [music playing] [slide whistle blows] [zoom] [squeak] [xylophone notes] [boing] [bonk] [squeak] [ding] [squish] [munching] [music playing] [glass shattering] [whoosh] [gasps] [blows] [music playing] [pop] [slide whistle blows] [squealch] [horn blows] [squeak] [growls] [blows raspberry] [whoosh] [squelch] [squeaks] [zap] [pop] [zip] [slide whistle blows] [growls] [squeaking] [popping] [door slams] [whoosh] [bell chimes] [squeaking] [fart] [whoosh] [slurping] [pop] [ice rattling] [roars] [beeping] [squeak] [music playing] [growling] [blows raspberry] [squeaks] [whoosh] [thud] [door bell rings] [doors slam] [roars] [squeaks] [bang] [boing] [zap] [xylophone notes] [ding] [knocking] [door creaking] [whoosh] [roars] [horn blows] [bell rings] [music playing] [bell rings] [door slams] [can rattling] [screams] [bang] [ding] [beeping] [door slams] [squeaking] [boing] [buzzing] [whoosh] [roars] [glass shattering] [ding] [beeping] [zap] [growls] [popping] [buzzing] [boing] [squelching] [growls] [vacuum whirring] [slide whistle blows] [rattling] [knocking] [door creaking] [thud] [whooshing] [music playing] [whoosh] Hmm, maybe a ghost doesn't want to appear because they think that Gramma will suck them up with a vacuum. Both the living and the dead are correct to fear me. Let's switch things up with a trip to "Amphibia" for back-to-back theme-song takeovers. [whoosh] Sprig, let's go! Its theme song time! Woo-hoo, race you to the glowing mushrooms. [thud] Not so fast, losers. In case you haven't noticed, this is a theme-song takeover. Wait, what? My story is, like, 10 times cooler than yours, Anne. It's about time the show is about me. But-- Cue the music, Percy. [button clicking] [MUSIC - ANNA AKANA, "WELCOME TO AMPHIBIA (SASHA THEME SONG TAKEOVER)"] [lightening zapping] [thunder booming] (SINGING) I showed up here in the swamp, with all these nasty, weird toad dudes. Their boss, Grime, threw me in jail, with only bugs for food! But then I helped fight these monster herons and taught Grime to be a charmer. I gave up despairing 'cause Grime made me lieutenant, with this dope armor. I trained the toad army. I overworked them till they cried. Every morning, I would teach them tai-chi and do frog jumps till it hurt. All the toads adored me! We even made these custom t-shirts. I got my own palace, with this much-improved cuisine. Now the toads all treat me like their queen. [thunder booming] [clapping] Wow, great story, Sasha, but I think this show works better with me as the main character. Whatever! At least my version will be stuck in everyone's heads now. Come on, toads. Let's bounce. [footsteps] Anne, not to pick a fight, but I think I'm the show's main character. - What? Yeah, I'm the normal frog boy who saved the human monster, and then I take care of her. Yeah, I don't think that's right, Sprig. Are you sure? Sprig, it's a fish-out-of-water story. I'm the fish. - Fish? Now you're just not making sense. [whoosh] Come on, Polly. It's theme song time. Ugh! Does Sprig have to fall on my head every time? Wait. The heck is that thing? - Hey, friends! Oof! - Hi, Marcy. You going to tell us why big, floating words are in front of our house? Oh, yes, it's finally time for (SINGING) my theme song takeover. Aren't you curious what I was up to before we met? - A theme song what now? - Not especially. It'll make more sense in a second. Cue the music! Oh, wait, I have the music. Boop! [beep] [lid creaking] [lightening zapping] [MUSIC - CELICA GRAY WESTBROOK, "WELCOME TO AMPHIBIA (MARCY THEME SONG TAKEOVER)"] (SINGING) Woke up in Newtopia, where I fell down a flight of stairs, broke my leg, but luckily, the newts have free public health care. So then I became a loyal ranger, and I fought this creepy cult, kept folks out of danger, slaying a killer cobra with a catapult. I lived on a warship, became a flipwart champion. Soon, I was the King's trusted advisor. I studied salamander brains, tried bug appetizers-- yum-- and for fun, DMed soem campaigns. OK, if you want to pick up the longsword, I need you to roll for a strength check because your character is, like, a little wood elf and, uh-- this will be fun eventually, guys. Trust me! (SINGING) I love it in Amphibia, so much adventure still to see. Hope nothing bad ever happens to me. [ding] Dang, you accomplished a lot in three months. Well, as the locals say, you can sleep when you've burrowed deep beneath the soil. Amen, sister. What? Anywho, I got to head back to Newtopia. [whistles] [boom] Farewell, my friends. Bye, Marcy! See you later, alligator. Ah, alligator, where? Don't worry. It's just a meaningless human platitude. [alligator growling] [water splashing] (SCREAMING) Ah! You summoned him! HOPADIAH PLANTAR: I have powers! [alligator growling] [whoosh] All right, Cricket, you try reading the spell this time. [exhales] Spirit appear out of thin air. Accept this blood of a grizzly bear! [grunts] [splash] Ah, they slayed their first grizzly. They did what? It's not actually blood. It's your homemade tomato juice that you spent all week making. Tilly, tomatoes aren't in season again till the summer. Sorry, I just thought I could substitute the sinister ingredients with whatever looked close enough. Woof, if we don't summon a ghost by sundown, our sequel will be a flop. We can do this. It's not like I haven't made a ghost friend before. Who are you talking to? [whoosh] [phone ringing] Thanks for calling the historic Pinnacle Hotel. This is Mark. How can I assist you? Why, hello, Mark. I was just wondering if your hotel is a normal hotel. Oh, I would say the Pinnacle Hotel is anything but normal. [boing] - Oh, good. [ding] - Wonderful. Do you feel like there's all kinds of strange happenings around the hotel? Uh. Have the eyes in the paintings on the walls been moving around? Sorry, what? Has anybody heard voices or something that might sound like this? (WAILING) Woo. I-- I-- I really don't think that's the case. I heard that there's been lots of events happening at your hotel that cannot be explained, Mark. Well, we did have an incident in the kitchen. I guess what you're saying is, the hotel is haunted. [slide whistle blowing] Oh, I never said that. No, no, it's actually exactly what I'm looking for. I'm looking to make a ghost friend. A ghost friend? You see, I have lots of activities planned for this ghost-- we'll call her Belinda-- for Belinda and I to do. OK. We go to the spa. We have some high tea. We do have a tea room. Uh, I could-- TILLY: Great. --put you down-- Perfect, make a reservation for Tilly Green and Belinda the ghost. Listen, there are no ghosts at the Pinnacle Hotel. Wait, I don't know why I didn't realize this sooner. Are you, perhaps, the ghost? Um, what? I'm-- I'm not a ghost, OK? I had a strong feeling in my bones that you are. MARK: Listen, if this is joke, I-- No, don't hang up. Mark, Mark, no, no, no. Listen, please. Oh, you're still there. - Uh, yes, I am. - Oh, good. We take our clients very seriously. OK, if you want to stay here, please come on down. If you can book a lunch for-- - Absolutely. - --Tilly Green-- - Yes. - --and Mark the ghost. That's you. - OK, all right. [whoosh] [pop] I'll see you later, ghost friend. [phone slams] [dial tone] [whoosh] [laughs] That was a good one, Tilly. Now, let's watch more "Random Rings" starring me. [whoosh] [phone ringing] [beep] - Hello? Hey, Addison. It's me, Zed. I'm just calling so I can hang out with you and all your other cool zom-bros. Wait, is this Cricket Green? CRICKET GREEN (ON PHONE): [laughs] The only thing that's green is my sweet hairdo, Addison. Hold on, I'm calling your cousin. [phone ringing] [beep] Hello? CRICKET GREEN (ON PHONE): Hey, Bucky. It's your frenemy, Zed. You down for another rap battle? Trev, it's Meg. We're being prank called by Cricket Green. [beat boxing] (RAPPING) My name is Zed. This is not a prank. [whooshing] Something-- I'm drawing a blank. Cricket, why are you doing this? Stand by. [beep] [phone ringing] - Hello? Ah! It's Willa the werewolf. Hey, Chandler. This is Meg. And this is Trevor. Cricket Green is prank calling us. Oh, Cricket Green, I love that kid. If by kid, you mean the zombie boy named Zed who helped all the werewolves, then yes, that's me. Hey, if you're really Zed and not Cricket, I'm sure you wouldn't mind me saying that Cricket's sister, Tilly, is the coolest Green ever. CHANDLER KINNEY (ON PHONE): Oh, Tilly? She's a fashion icon, that purple dress, the puffy sleeves, and don't even get me started on her hair. [kettle whistling] [groaning] You know, just my two cents, but Gramma is the boom. [whoosh] If I was awarding the best Green, she'd easily get the silver medal. [kettle whistling] - [screaming] And for bronze, don't they have a pet goat? (YELLING) No, I'm Cricket. I'm the best. I deserve the gold! [thud] Wait, Cricket? But we thought you were Zed. Look, I just think you Disney stars are so cool, and I thought you'd only want to be my friend if I lied to you and pretended to be your zom-bro. Oh, Cricket, you don't have to pretend to be somebody else. We'd love to hang out with you, any time. All you need to do is be yourself. - Be myself? - Yeah? Hey, y'all, meet me in the forest. We're going to go chasing squirrels! ALL: Ugh. [thud] Don't forget to cover yourself with dirt and leaves for camouflage. See you there in 20! [thud] Woo-hoo! MEG DONNELLY (ON PHONE): Cricket, you still there? [crunching] TREVOR TORDJMAN (ON PHONE): Buddy, zom-bro? CHANDLER KINNEY (ON PHONE): Is he still pretending to be a zombie? [goat munching] [goat bleating] [whoosh] [phone ringing] BOTH: It's ringing. Oh, my gosh, this is for real. Area 51, you have Izzy. Hello, this is Shmilly Neen. OK. This is the Area 51, to confirm, yes? This is Area 51 Comics. All right, friendly comic-book store owner, we just want to know about aliens. Yes, hi, I was also wondering about aliens. [boing] TILLY (ON PHONE): Hello? Yeah, are you, like, between the ages of 8 and 13, and you looked up Area 51 in a phone book? Yes, this is what-- We're adults. I'm 45. You guys cracked the code. We are the real Area 51 in the middle of the desert. Tell us everything. OK, are you're really ready for this? Yeah, yeah, yeah, like, what do aliens eat? IZZY (ON PHONE): They exclusively eat prunes, then plums, then prunes again. CRICKET GREEN: Oh, my gosh, like Gramma. Can you tell us what his favorite hobbies are? IZZY (ON PHONE): Their hobbies have a wide range of mostly racquet sports. Wow! They came here millions of years ago and planted the idea of nets in our subconscious. Do you have an alien in your comic-book shop? Um, thank you for going back to the code. Only by saying "comic-book shop" have you unlocked the next level of information, which is for me to confirm that yes, I do have an alien here. CRICKET GREEN: I knew it. IZZY (ON PHONE): And I'm going to go and put them on the line. CRICKET GREEN: Yes, please. [clears throat] [gasps] Meep, mop, moop, moop, moop. Oh, my gosh. Sorry, let me translate. They say, greetings. I already know your heart. BOTH: Wow. That's so sweet. Obviously, this stays between us. - Of course! - Absolutely. IZZY (ON PHONE): I can find a 45-year-old named Shmilly, and you know, I can tap into your phone lines. Yeah, well, good luck. Good luck? Yeah, good luck trying to find Shmilly because that's not her real name. We faked you out, and we got all your secrets now. OK, we have a code four. TILLY (ON PHONE): Oh, no! [beep] Some agents will be at your home-- No! - --in less than 13 seconds. - Yeah, well, OK, Tilly, Tilly. [inaudible]. Hang up the phone before she can trace the call! [dial tone] Let's see. Do we have the eyeballs of an owl? BOTH: No. - Heart of a frog? BOTH: No. - A human skeleton? No. - Let me get my shovel. - Excuse me? Wait, I got it. For the hair of a little monster, we can just use mine. I suppose it's not as big of a stretch as the hose and tomato juice. Just let me know if you need the skeleton. [whoosh] Cricket, I summon thee. It's Halloween story time. Oh, is this the one with the little toy that's actually a demon? Nope, this Halloween tale is a bit more groovy. [whoosh] [music playing] (SINGING) When I was walking along on Halloween, I saw a sight that made me scream. He was tall and green, with giant hands. Then I realized it was the Monster Man. (SINGING) He is the man. I am the Monster Man. He is the man, doo-doo. To a scare you is my plan. He is the man, doo-doo. My real name is Dan. He is the Dan, doo-doo. I am the Monster Dan. TILLY: Well, the monster was dancing around, grooving to the spooky sound. But then I thought the dance was done, Dan said-- Let's get funky, son. [music playing] Mm, check it. (RAPPING) Well, this groove was created in a laboratory, but that's just the start of this monster story. When the moon gets big like a creature's eyes-- ALL: (SINGING) Monster Man [inaudible] social life. MONSTER MAN: First, you move your feet, and then your hips come next. Then before you know it, there's a scary text, saying, happy Halloween. You should get to know me, followed by a dancing monster emoji. ALL: Look, we're all laughing in a selfie photo. While the dead are rising just to taste this risotto. Too scary to scream, so you just had to sing it. ALL: Come on to the party. Let the Monster Man bring it. TILLY: Then the morning sun began to dawn. I stretched out and let out a monster yawn. I grabbed my coat and waved goodbye, but suddenly, Dan started to cry. Don't leave the man, doo-doo. Don't leave the Monster Man. Don't leave the man, doo-doo. The party just begun. Don't leave the man, doo-doo. I've got more party plans. BACKUP SINGERS: Party with the Dan, doo-doo. MONSTER MAN: You are my new best friend. Are you sure this really happened, Tilly? Oh, it happened. Dan even gave me this parting gift. You will party with Monster Dan, or I'll carve you like a jack o'lantern. Ah. Oops, forgot to turn him off. [neon buzzing] [whoosh] Bill, you need to find that Monster Man toy and burn it immediately. BILL: [panting] - Bill? BILL: I'm sorry, Ma. Can I please go find a new costume? Bill, you're the worst-- And now it's time for a trip to the outhouse. [whoosh] [paper rustling] LUZ NOCEDA: Pretty good, huh? What did you use to draw this? Well, it's a common misconception that the tool is an important part of the creative process. As long as you've mastered the basics-- Hey, that's my lipstick! LUZ NOCEDA: Hoot, hoot! Then you can use pretty much anything to make a good drawing. [mustard spurting] [paper rustling] [pan sizzling] [pan clanging] [pan sizzling] [ding] Yup, with practice and study, you can make fine art out of anything. Yeah, yeah, I mostly asked because I left a cursed pencil lying around here somewhere and-- [paper sizzling] [laughter] [whoosh] [music playing] [whoosh] [splash] [blender whirring] [boom] I guess it does matter what tool you use. Yeah, well, go get the paper shredder. [whoosh] - Ugh. [music playing] Hmm. Hmm. [screams] Hmm. [screams] [screams] Well, now it's time for a special treat. The world premiere of a new "Chibi Tiny Tale." Scratch goes trick-or-treating! [giggles] [music playing] [burping] [giggling] [sneezing] All right, time to give this sequel a grand finale. With this little monster's hair, apparition, appear out of nowhere! Well, I guess that's our show. [cloth ripping] Who dares disturb my slumber? I think we did it. If you ever even think to summon me again, this Halloween will be your last. What if we think about summoning you again after this Halloween? Yeah, uh, you're not really making sense, evil spirit. Now be gone, or face my wrath! [screaming] Ah! [inaudible] Bravo. I guess you found that Halloween spirit after all. I hope you like my new costume. This sheet smells putrid.
Channel: Disney Channel
Views: 4,572,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney channel, disney, shortstober, shorts tober, compilation, amphibia, owl house, ghost and molly mcgee, halloween, descendants, zombies, shortsgiving, shorts giving, theme song takeover, chibi tiny tales, cricket, big city greens, tilly, gramma, grandma, animation, cartoon, chibi, anime, cute, descendants 2, descendants 3, singing, song, music video, sprig, anne, brenda song, sprinne, plantars, pops, polly, frobo, sasha, marcy, luz, witch, eda, gravity falls, dana terrace, alex hirsch, emperor, lilith, amity
Id: SqJlo6L4u8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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