Shopify Vs Wix – Which Platform Is A Better Bang For The Buck?

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this video will compare shopify versus wix in the context of creating an online store that sells physical products online now both platforms have their pros and cons which i will clearly illustrate in this comparison if you enjoyed this video don't forget to hit the subscribe button and be sure to hit the bell button to be notified when new videos come out so first off shopify is well regarded as the industry leader in the e-commerce space however i'm often asked whether wix is a viable ecommerce alternative why because right now wix has over 190 million users worldwide 190 million that's actually more than half the population of the united states meanwhile shopify is substantially smaller with only about 500 000 storefronts now both platforms have e-commerce features so i took the time to dig down into wix and shopify's pricing ecommerce features and usability in great depth for your review now if you guys aren't familiar with wix wix is actually a content management system that is similar to wordpress however wix is fully hosted which means that they handle all the technical and server related aspects of running a website now wix was originally designed as a solution for building content-based websites so as a result wix is actually ideal if you want to create a blog create a brochure site create a design portfolio or if you want to just create a basic company or business website so bottom line wix actually became popular for its extremely user-friendly drag-and-drop interface for displaying content online not only that but it's attractively priced as well so overall you can think of wix like an easy to use website builder with limitless power there are tons of themes to choose from and any non-technical person can get up and running at an attractive price now unlike wix shopify was designed from the ground up to be an e-commerce platform in fact shopify allows anyone to set up an online store and sell their products online without any technical knowledge in addition they offer a point of sale option so you can accept credit cards in person at trade shows or a booth and today shopify is actually one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the world catering to business of all sizes they also have a huge third party development ecosystem which results in new e-commerce features reaching shopify first before any other platform shopify also has a huge library of themes to choose from and any technical challenge individual can design an attractive storefront with their built-in tools so bottom line you can use shopify to sell practically anything including subscriptions digital products and physical products online so based on this let's do a comparison and as you can see both shopify and wix have overlapping features wix offers ecommerce features that allow you to sell physical products online meanwhile shopify also offers an intuitive way to design content pages in addition to e-commerce but which one is better for selling online in this video both platforms will be compared based on the following feature set ease of use themes and flexibility third-party ecommerce apps shopping cart features pricing and blogging and content creation now wix's e-commerce offering is designed for beginners whereas shopify's platform allows you to create an e-commerce store that scales well into the nine-figure range in fact there are many nine-figure ecommerce stores running on the shopify plus platform meanwhile i looked all over the place but i could not find any larger stores using wix so when it comes to choosing between these two platforms your decision will depend on your budget and how serious you are about growing your ecommerce store and you have to choose wisely because it is extremely difficult to switch platforms once you've made your choice so which one is easier to use well having used both platforms hands-on wix's ecommerce platform is easier to use and set up but the reason is not for what you might expect now what's unique about wix is their adi mode or artificial design intelligence option basically wix can create a customizable site for you complete with images video and text after you take a simple survey of what you're trying to achieve with their site now how does this work well basically wix scours the web for information about your business and pre-populates your site for you which may save you time meanwhile the basic wix editor allows you to pick from a variety of beautiful templates for your site and populate it with any content of your choice editing your site is entirely drag and drop and anyone proficient with microsoft word should be able to design a beautiful website now shopify also offers a similar web design experience which is almost equally as easy to use as wix however there is one main difference which is important to point out with wix you are modifying the look and feel of your website exactly how it is displayed online this means that you can see your edits in real time as you make them on the screen but with shopify you have to make your changes hit save then refresh your browser to see your edits to your ecommerce store so needless to say getting visual feedback regarding your changes can save you a lot of time during the design phase of your site wix also allows you to edit the look and feel of your site on desktop and mobile completely separately and this allows you to create a mobile first experience with your website that could be drastically different from desktop depending on the device so overall setting up a website on wix will be quicker and easier because of their drag and drop ui but keep in mind that wix's e-commerce solution doesn't do as much as shopify so there's less setup as well now because shopify has more features and more options to configure these features it can take a bit longer to get up and running on shopify but shopify is about as easy as it gets when it comes to creating a powerful ecommerce platform but in terms of design i have to say that wix is the winner now which platform has better themes and flexibility now when it comes to e-commerce unlike wix shopify was built specifically for e-commerce and has a lot more features to choose from every theme in shopify store looks beautiful and is guaranteed to be responsive and looks great on desktop and mobile now the only downside is that shopify only offers 10 free themes and if you want a premium theme it will actually set you back a couple hundred bucks but aside from the theme selection and cost there's actually one huge factor that makes shopify so much better than wix wix was designed from the ground up to have an intuitive drag-and-drop interface to design your site and that comes at a price once you've designed the look and feel of your website it's actually extremely manual to make major changes now unlike shopify you can just pop in a new theme and you have a brand new store however with wix you basically have to rebuild your entire website if you want to make a drastic change to your site in addition you don't have access to the html and css which is something that's important to any developer now as an aside i've redesigned my ecommerce store over three times already and it's never been from complete scratch templates and themes make the process so much easier so over the course of your ecommerce stores life you will make template changes more than once so just keep this in mind so bottom line when it comes to templates and changing styles shopify is the hands down winner for flexibility now which platform shopify wix has better third-party apps now specifically when it comes to e-commerce features it's not even a contest because shopify is so popular every new plugin and feature always gets developed for shopify first and if you look at wix's app store it's the complete opposite of shopify there are far less ecommerce developers creating apps for the wix platform in any case i'm often asked what the show stoppers are for me personally when it comes to selling on wix and here's my short list there's no google shopping feed which means you can't run google shopping ads there's no facebook product feed which means you can't run dynamic ads there's no native integration with email marketing this is important because email marketing will make up between 25 and 50 of your revenues for your store if you can't do it that's a huge liability now trust me there's actually a lot more missing than this short list that i just specified so for example if i want to add sms functionality or a simple browse abandonment flow to wix it's not easy to do there's also no good analytics and forecasting options for wix either so bottom line do not use wix as your primary platform if you are even remotely serious about selling physical products online but if you're just a casual seller then you could probably get by with wix for a little bit so the winner here is shopify hands down now which platform has better basic ecommerce features now when it comes to a basic out of the box selling feature wix actually has most of the functionality that you need to run a very basic shot so for example you can issue discounts and coupon codes on both platforms and both shopify and wix also offer basic inventory management via their back-end interface now the main difference lies in the volume of supported payment options shopify supports over a hundred different payment gateways meanwhile wix only supports a small fraction of shopify's options which do not include mobile options like apple pay android pay and amazon pay but the biggest show stopper in my opinion is the lack of marketplace support now these days most sellers sell on multiple marketplaces like amazon and a common practice is to take orders on shopify but fulfill your orders through amazon fba or a3pl 3pl stands for third-party logistics firm now as of this video there's very limited support for third-party marketplaces on wix whereas it's just built in on shopify so the winner here again is shopify hands down but which platform shopify or wix is the cheapest now as far as i can tell the only reason anyone would ever sign up for wix over shopify for e-commerce is price the most attractive feature of wix is that they offer an entirely free plan meanwhile shopify only offers a 14-day trial but you have to understand that wix's free plan is extremely limited you can't use your own domain or sell online with the free plan now wix currently offers eight plans which are divided into two categories for websites and business and e-commerce respectively and in my opinion wix's pricing structure is somewhat confusing but in e-commerce land only the business and e-commerce plans make sense because they're the only plans that allow you to sell online and right now the business and e-commerce plans range from 23 bucks to 500 per month as displayed here now all the different plans on wix are differentiated by the following parameters storage access to apps access to support and most users who are actually considering wix tend to be newbies as a result the best value ecommerce plan for wix costs 23 which covers all the basic features you need to sell online and in general the upper plans like the vip and the enterprise plans shouldn't even be considered after all if your store is at the enterprise level you should just go with shopify hands down now in terms of shopify pricing they actually offer five basic plans to choose from there's light basic regular advanced and plus now unfortunately for shopify there is no free plan and in reality the light plan or the cheapest plan shouldn't even be considered unless you already have a website and just want to add buy buttons to it now most of you watching this video will gravitate towards the basic plan which costs 29 bucks and it allows you to run a basic ecommerce store but here's the rub the shopify basic plan does not allow you to offer gift cards and if gift cards are a part of your marketing strategy then you need to pony up to the main shopify plan which costs 79 a month in addition if you want point of sale functionality you also need to upgrade to the 79 a month shopify plan now if you don't use shopify's built-in payment platform called shopify payments you will also be assessed an additional transaction fee for every sale which varies based on your plan now shopify payments only supports a limited amount of countries so if your country is not on the list then you may get charged an additional two percent for every sale so just make sure you check the shopify site to see if your country is a supported country for shopify payments meanwhile wix does not charge any transaction fees for any of its e-commerce plans so which one is cheaper well on the surface wix's minimum ecommerce plan just cost 23 a month where shopify's basic plan costs 29 a month but in reality your shopify plan will cost a lot more than 29 a month because of third-party apps now if you plan on being an e-commerce power user there are a number of shopify apps that are required that aren't even offered on wix but if you want an apples-to-apples comparison of shopify versus wix pricing out of the box features wix will be cheaper than shopify by about six dollars a month so the winner in terms of price is wix hands down now which platform has better blogging and content creation now comparing shopify versus wix in terms of blogging shouldn't be a huge consideration in your decision making process because neither platform is actually as good as wordpress shopify is first and foremost an ecommerce platform whereas wix is a content management system designed to build simple websites but if you have to compare the two platforms in terms of blogging i would say that wix has a slight edge over shopify simply because it offers easy to use design functionality out of the box so for example wix offers a ton of drag and drop components that you can easily incorporate into any page or post so you can quickly and easily insert a gallery a contact form or a map anywhere on your site basically you have total drag and drop control over everything which is nice if you don't know any html or css now in shopify land there are pre-existing page templates designed for a specific purpose for example most e-commerce stores have a contact page so in shopify you would simply select the contact page template to implement the page however it is not as straightforward to integrate a contact form within an existing page so overall using shopify's templates are less flexible and more limiting than wix unless you use a page builder like zipify which carries an additional cost now shopify does offer a blogging platform as does wix and in terms of content creation features i'd say that both are fairly similar you can create posts add photos and categorize them however you want but overall wix has a lot more convenient blogging add-ons built in so for example wix provides a huge collection of images video and music for free and these days images are crucial to improve the readability of your blog and wix gives you access to a large collection of stock images and videos you can also easily share music from your spotify account on your site and stream videos from youtube facebook or vimeo there are also convenient add-ons which allow you to quickly create a forum manage events display your images and build custom forms that shopify simply does not have so bottom line wix's content features are far better than shopify and if you sign up for shopify and you want to blog i would just suggest bolting on a wordpress blog to your shop so the winner in terms of blogging hands down is wix so the million dollar question is which one shopify or wix is better for e-commerce now when comparing shopify versus wix it's important to understand the exact purpose of your website if e-commerce and selling online is the most important feature then shopify is the clear winner wix is missing many crucial features which will handicap your ecommerce store so if you're serious about selling online do not even consider wix if you're trying to start an online store on a budget i still wouldn't consider wix because the six dollars a month you save on the platform will cost you thousands of dollars in lost sales now some of you might want to start out with wix and then migrate to shopify but remember this it is a major undertaking to migrate your site to a different platform your seo rankings may never recover and you will make mistakes it is always better to start out with a long term platform than it is to take shortcuts based on a couple bucks early on good luck hope you enjoyed this video now if you like what you saw there's actually a lot more where that came from if you subscribe to my channel below and if you are interested in learning how to sell physical products online then click over here and take my free six day mini course where i'll walk you through everything that you need to know to get started in e-commerce thanks for watching
Channel: MyWifeQuitHerJob Ecommerce Channel
Views: 41,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify vs wix, shopify vs wix ecommerce, wix vs shopify, shopfiy, wix, wix or shopify, shopify or wix, wix vs shopify for ecommerce, shopify or wix for ecommerce, shopify review, wix or shopify for online store, wix vs shopify online store, wix ecommerce, shopify pricing, is shopify better than wix, best ecommerce platform, wix review, shopify vs wix comparison, shopify vs wix review, shopify vs wix store, shopify vs wix stores, wix shopify, shopify wix, wix vs shopify 2021
Id: oxpTLWEXboM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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