BEST Shopify Tutorial in 2024 -- Set Up A Profitable Shopify Store Step-By-Step

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hey my name is Mike and in this video I'll show you how to make a successful Shopify store that ranks on Google and maximizes profits and this isn't the first time I've done this so far I've taught over 1 million people how to use Shopify so I promise if you watch this video and understand what I'm saying and take notes you'll have everything you need to make a successful Shopify store which could completely change your life so first of all congratulations on taking the first step and clicking on this video and and deciding that you want to learn how this is done a lot of people ask me if now is a good time to do it or maybe if it's too late and honestly the answer is there's never been a better time to make a Shopify store there's tons of new features tons of new Integrations and these unlock massive opportunities and ultimately help you improve conversions and we'll talk about what these are throughout this video but also don't worry if you're an absolute beginner and know nothing about this this is a beginnner tutorial and Shopify is my personal favorite to recommend because it's just so perfect for any experience level an any siiz store you can start off as a beginner with one product and and you can whip up a store based on a template in just 10 minutes or if you'd like you could scale that to a multi-million dollar business with dozens of products in a deeply customized store now for many other Shopify tutorials on YouTube and nothing against them but you'll see that there is a link in the description with $1,000 course so the tutorial tends to only show you a little bit on the surface and then withhold some of the most important Secrets but I'm not going to do that I don't I don't want to do that this is a complete Shopify tutorial with no upsells no courses I I don't want your money just free information so this is going to be a lengthy one there's a lot to talk about a lot of information cool so let's head over to my laptop now we worked with Shopify to get you an extended trial period and save you some money so make sure you go through that link when you get started or you can go to sandal Shopify type that into your browser and you can get started so on my browser I'm going to type in sandal media. com/ Shopify and hit enter and I'm going to enter my email address and just kind of go through a couple questions right here it doesn't really matter that much what you answer for these so for some of them I might just skip them it's really just going to tailor what your homepage actually looks like what your dashboard looks like and we can choose our location for the primary location at least and now we can go and create our Shopify ID so I'm going to make this with email but of course you could sign in with Facebook or with Google or with apple if that's easier for you and that'll bring us to a page that looks something like this now before we can do anything on Shopify we need to select a plan that can unlock all of the tools on Shopify so we're going to click on select a plan and it's important that you choose the right one so you have several different options here three different options right now they all show exactly the same price so you want to be mindful of a couple things when choosing the right plan the first one and the most important is going to be how much sales volume you're actually going to be driving so if you're selling a lot like a lot a lot of product then the difference between 2% and 0.5% might be greater than the difference between $29 and $299 and you can just do some really basic math on this so the difference is going to be $270 and then you could divide that by 0.015 meaning one and a. half% difference and that means if you're selling more than $188,000 in Revenue per month then it's worth it to go with the advanced option there but since we're just doing an example store and I don't have any sales volume yet I'm not migrating from somewhere else I'm going to go with the basic plan this is the most popular and it's easy to upgrade later on if you want a different plan but for most beginners $29 a month actually $1 for the first three months is pretty great then we do have two staff members so you can grow to some extent before you have to upgrade you can have point of sale you can have basic reports and you still get a 77% shipping discount so I'm going to go with the basic plan and click on choose basic but like I said for a single product store with no volume being sold yet I'm going to go with the basic option first and you can always upgrade this later on so I will select basic I'm going to pay yearly you save a ton of money by paying yearly and even if you choose to pay yearly it is actually still $1 for the first three months we have that extended trial I will confirm the billing cycle and now I'm just going to add my own business address and my payment information and then submit so that will bring us over here to our Shopify dashboard or homepage this changes from time to time so don't worry if it looks a little bit different from this but the first thing we want to do the first thing I like to do before designing the actual website is set up our first product this makes it so much easier when you're designing the website you can just import everything rather than having to add images and text individually you'll see what I mean when we get there so the first thing I want to do of course you can do that right from this little dashboard here but in case that's not appearing for you or in the future when you want to add another product you'll go over to products on the left side and within there you can say add your products or you should say add a new product if you already have a product and here we're going to add a title and a description we can add media and I'll talk about everything below that in a second but let's add the first couple things here first so I have a little example product I'm going to be calling this the Aurora Hub it's like a little phone charger SL lamp slash kind of multi many things in one that can go next to your bed so I'm going to call it the Aurora Hub so I have about a dozen photos I'm going to add those and once you have all the photos the first one the largest one is going to be your primary photo so you can rearrange these very easily just by clicking on the little six dot array and dragging them around I really want this one to be our first photo I think that looks really nice and then I think there's a duplicate right here so we can select that one and we can delete that file yes we can delete that and we can rearrange these into a nice order that I think would make the most sense so maybe we want this one next maybe we want uh this one after that and so you can kind of just go through this and rearrange them but now that we have the title and we have the photos let's go and add a description here now I used to recommend going to chat GPT and having that write it for you but Shopify has added some AI of Their Own own so on the top left you can see this little generate text thing I'm going to click on that if you already have a description use your own description but sometimes it's easier just to use this right here so this is a and then the tone of voice I mean you could try different ones let's just try maybe expert or we could say persuasive maybe it would be a good one so we'll say generate text and see what it comes up with there we go so we'll keep that right there and now we have our little description and now we can scroll down and get into these other things so first of all we can choose the price of this so maybe this is going to be like $39.99 you could add a compar at price so this will say like what other people charge have a little crossed out so if you want to add this you could just say maybe like this one's normally $49.99 other places we do charge tax on this product we'll talk about tax later on in the video and then if you want to something that Shopify does really well which is very convenient is tracks profit margin and inventory and so adding that those details in here can be very helpful if you choose to do that so cost per item let's just say we're able to buy this for $13 and the profit it's calculated there6 7% margins we are going to track quantity if you're Drop Shipping or or if it's a digital product you won't be tracking quantity but for this one let's just say we have physical inventory so we can track that and so in our shop location let's just say I have uh like 250 units ready to sell and we are going to uh add a skew there so we'll call this 10,1 10,1 and uh you could continue selling when it's out of stock if you want so that's going to be like a back order type of thing that' be great if you plan on building it yourself and you just you know it is backordered and eventually you'll build some more and sell them but I'm not going to do that for this right here and then down here we can add the weight for shipping reasons and if you have other colors you can add other variants so this is great if you are selling clothing usually is where you'd add this you could add size color material style whatever and so let's just say maybe if I had two just to kind of show this right here we can have uh let's say black and then we can add the next value would be white and so I'm just going to leave two right there just if we have like two different clock Styles which looks like there are two different ones in these photos we've got a white one there and a black one there so I'll have two for this and down here we can have different prices and different quantities as well so let's just say I have 250 of each and they're both 250 on hand ready to sell and so that's going to be tracking our inventory we can scroll across and sorry I accidentally selected that as you scroll across we have an automatic populated the skew which is stock keeping unit and now we have 10,002 is the next one and so now we have our two products ready to go down here this is very very important a lot of people forget about this this is the search engine listing essentially your metadata so if somebody finds this in Google if they look this up and they see it on Google this is what it would look like so uh by default it just says Aurora Hub kind of a basic like we might want to add a little bit more detail to the title so it's not just a simple little thing like that and then down here this is the description if we want something that like it just took it from the description above which is a pretty lengthy description maybe we want to edit that and you can instead either change the title here or change like what this description is as well as the URL handle as well so the URL Handle by default is just Aurora Hub nice and clean I like that um but of course like I said you can customize all of this now we have that populated let's go back up to the top and a couple things on the right side we have a couple little blocks over here we might want to check out the first one the status this is active if you're making a new product and your store is public you might want to make a draft for new product until you're ready to go uh but for this we're going to say active nobody's on our website right now anyway then publishing this is going to be on those sales channels we'll talk more about sales channels later on in the video but of course you can choose like the markets and things like that again we'll talk about that later product organization this is really the one I wanted to focus on on the right side here so product category we can add all these details here if we have search tools on our website it will be very helpful you can add Collections and tags and product types um and so for this I'm going to leave all that blank we don't really need that but it is something you can add so now that we have this product ready to go we'll say save and now our first product is ready so if we click on products on the left side you'll see our first product has 500 in stock has two variants and if you ever want to look more into your inventory on the left side under products you can go to inventory makes perfect sense and here it'll show you of course how many you have how many you're committed so you're going to be shipping them how many are available and on hand and you can always customize these numbers as you place new orders and you have more inventory of course we also have collections kind of touching on this very quickly because again making collections now is going to be useful when we make our homepage uh and other parts of our store as well so let's talk about making a new collection so there's one by default called homepage uh we're going to customize that later but let's start off with create new collection so this is going to be I don't know let's use an example if this was a clothing store maybe we'd have like the fall collection for this one maybe we will have uh the iPhone collection maybe we have a couple other products that are related to iphones maybe a specific like a lightning charger or something like that and so down here we can have some I'm just going to add add a quick little description there and then the collection type we can choose if it is automated based on product tags like I said before or you can manually select them and put them in so if you have a lot of collections if you're like a big clothing retailer then automated is going to be easier when you make a new product you could just label it as like t-shirt blue whatever like and it'll just automatically go into the right collections but for this because it's a small website I'm just going to manually do it and so now we have this one ready to go we can add an image for the image let's just go and say I think I didn't here we go image of some iPhones and we'll just use that so say cancel we'll say save and so that's going to be our iPhone collection just a picture of some iPhones right there I don't know just you get the idea of what we're doing now we can say save and we have this collection ready to go the iPhone collection but now if we go back to products we want to add maybe one or two of those products in into this collection so we only have one product right now of course if we click on Aurora Hub we can go down on the right side and we can add it to our collection so if we click on collections we can select iPhone collection and now it's going to be added to that one so for the purposes of this video I think one product is sufficient but you can add many other products here including digital products and really the only difference with digital products is when you go to the shipping category you can just deselect this product requires shipping and you'll have a digital product ready to sell so that'd be great for ebooks or music or uh you know video files PDFs whatever um you can sell all of those through Shopify as well and you'll be selling them um as a digital product now one thing to mention is gift cards are not a digital product uh don't go trying trying to list a gift card there if you want a gift card on the left side under products you can go down to gift cards and here you can start selling or issuing gift cards issuing of course if you just have like a oneoff you want to give a gift card or sell one you can do that but you can add a gift card as a product right there if you want it so I'm going to actually do that very quickly just so we have more products to show you later on in the video but we could say my Store gift card sure we'll call it um Aurora Hub now just add an image say this little gift card photo right there we can have different denominations so let's just say the lowest one probably not $10 we'll say 25 is the lowest and we can add that to a collection as well just add that to the homepage so we'll say save and now we have our second product which is a gift card like I said easy to add over on the left side if we go back to products it's obviously not being tracked through inventory uh and it's a gift card all right so let's go back to home now the first thing we wanted to do like I said was make a product the second thing is going to be to actually customize our website so on the left side you'll see sales channels here and this will eventually be more populated these are all the different places you can sell your product so by default we have our online store and we have point of sale so point of sale is like if you're at like a popup shop and you sell something in person you can accept credit cards and just do it all through your your Shopify store other sales channels might include eBay if you're selling on eBay you could have Facebook you could have like Instagram you could sell in quite a few different places and you can add sales channels as well uh right over here you can see Tik tok's another one Google YouTube Instagram very common ones but let's focus on customizing our store first just our online store here so I'm going to click on online store and that'll bring up a menu of a couple items below the first one being themes now we want to change the theme and the theme is really going to make it a lot easier for us because it'll populate most of the entire website and all you have to do is go in and change some photos change some text and you really don't have to do a lot of website development that's really one of the main things that Mak Shopify so easy to use and you can go down to the theme Library so there are a lot of free themes as you can see right here but we can go check out far more than that uh just by going to visit the theme store so we click on ADD theme so we can click on explore themes and from here like I said we can select the free themes there's about a dozen different free themes and a lot of these do have like different variations as well and there are 137 paid themes like I said by default I'm always tempted to just check out the free ones kind of save some money and it's a little extra work to customize the website but it is worth it to at least check out the paid ones usually they're like maybe $200 for well some of them are about $300 now and uh you can you know these do look a lot better so if you have the money go for it but for this video I'm going to go with the free theme for now and we can scroll down and see like they're a little more basic but I think we can still get the job done here so this one I I've always really liked the origin one just very simple streamlined very you know pretty modern so I like that one uh let's see what other ones we have we can just click on any one of these by the way and it'll show you what the website looks like if you just go to view demo store you can kind of interact with it and see what it would look like so this one uh looks a little bit more like a print copy is kind of how I would describe this with the text and everything there if you have multiple products this is probably a good one to use I don't have multiple products so I'm not going to use taste so I'm going to go with origin if we go down here you're going to click on try theme this will automatically add it to our store but it doesn't automatically make it our default theme this is probably the most common question I get people get the theme and then they're like hey Mike why why is it not showing up like I still have the same Dawn default one and the reason is because you didn't go down here and actually publish it you have to click on publish that way it'll become your main theme that's being used on this store and then we can go and remove the password we'll do that in a second but let's wait for this to actually add the theme all right so now we have the theme we're going to click on publish we will say yes we're going to publish that so now we can go and customize that if we simply click on customize next to the theme we will be brought into the whole editor here and so this editor super easy the first thing I want to show you is this block right here the featured product rather than going in and editing everything individually if we just click on that on the left side you see you can change the like the text and everything like that let's actually go and select a product and so for this I think Aurora Hub is our main product that makes sense I'm going to click on that one and boom it automatically populates that and I think that looks really good very clean very easy from the start and even though we can customize that there's very little I want to change about that so we'll confirm our selection and now let's click on the little back arrow there so kind of a quick little rundown I wanted to do that first but now that we have that a quick rundown of how this actually works on the left side we have all these different like banners elements sections whatever you want to call them and so first one is going to be the announcement bar on the top we can customize that then we have our header which is outlined in blue when you hover over things they outline it in blue we can add other sections above this then we have our uh our main template which includes the rich text on the top that's the title of the product we have our featured product we have an image Banner below that we've got more text they call it rich text it's going to be just not plain text like a title for example uh is what it is then we have multicolumn down there and of course we have our footer as well on the bottom which we can then customize but if we want to add or remove or relocate any of these sections it's very easy to do all we'd want to do on the left side so let's kind of collapse these so you can see what this actually looks like if I close these now this is like the general big picture layout of our website if I want this Rich text on the top like I don't want that to be up there I could either delete it by clicking on it and then going down to remove section or I could relocate so let's delete this one we don't think we need it this looks pretty good on the top now let's just say we want this little photo to be below the testimonials if we click on the six. array we can click and drag it below Rich text and just like that you're able to relocate everything on here it's very easy to do but I can see I accidentally put it between the the testimonial like the title and the actual testimonials I don't know if I really want that so again we can click and drag this up and now they're lined up where they should be so the image Banner is great and all but let's talk about how we can add other sections there are quite a few options here including featured collections like we said if you have like a iPhone collection maybe you can have a collection there well we have kind have a collection list so if you have a lot of collections the fall collection the summer collection whatever uh you can have that listed as well we can add text we already know about that image with text uh an image Banner which is kind of similar to what we already have we just have an image Banner without the text below it we can have a slideshow we can have a collage I like the collage idea we might go with that one we can have multi column multi row uh collapsible content so that could be like FAQ I actually do like that let's add that down here just by clicking on that we now have FAQ so I I'll I'll keep that there and we can add another section as well let's go and say let's add a collage as well and I think the collage I'd really like that to be above the collapsible content so the collage right now is an image a product and a collection uh I don't need it to be an image a product and a collection so we can actually go and delete those we can change them so we'll remove that block we can remove this block and we can remove this block so now we have no blocks in this but I'm going to add first of all the product I think that we need that the second thing I can add is maybe going to be a an image so we can have another image of the product and the third thing maybe is going to be a video so we can have an image a video and the main product right there so if we click on any one of these it'll kind of go another layer deeper here and we can select the product so this is going to be again the Aurora Hub uh which looks good right there I think that's good so we're going to confirm the selection we'll click on the little back icon and now for the image we can select an image I have a couple uploaded already so let's just say maybe one with a little more detail let's say this one right here we're gonna say done so a little more detail about it and say we'll say back back to image and then we can add a video as well I don't think I have a video for this so I don't have a video for this product but I am going to just copy and paste one from YouTube this is just like a general video from sra's Channel and we can add some alt text so we can just say um an auto GP PT tutorial completely unrelated but just to kind of put something in that place down there I'm going to do that so we'll click on the back icon I forget to add an image Banner so an image cover so cover image right there we can go and select one uh and so for this I don't know let's just say that right there maybe this is like a little promo video somebody could watch and they can click on that and they can learn more about it I don't know you get the idea there we'll click on back and so now this little collage I think looks pretty nice but maybe if we want this picture to be bigger and the product to be smaller on the right side we can do that simply by rearranging on the left side just clicking and dragging the image above and now look at that that makes sense to have that as the larger image and then the product over on the right side maybe we could have two products on the right side I think this looks good as it is though okay so now you understand the featured product we understand the collage uh Rich Text it's pretty straightforward all we want to do there is just double click on any text we want to change and we can just type into that so the top we could say the reviews testimonials so I don't need to change the reviews or the testimonials but these three columns down here do need to be changed you can just click on any one of them and we have a heading and we have a description below that and a link if we want to add a link in there we can add a button so I'm going to and we can add an image as well actually I'm going to start off with the heading and we can click on the next one so that's how you go about editing those like I said you can add an image above and you're getting the idea probably by now of how to actually edit this so if we click on the little back icon we now have all these sections completed really I just want to go down and probably the only two I need to change would be the image banner and of course the collapsible content so if we click on image Banner so I'm going to select the first image being uh let's see we're going to upload a new image and I'll go with this wide one right here and then if you wanted a second image like side by side you can add that down there um I don't really feel the need to do that we can also change the opacity if you have like a different background on your theme I don't have like any kind of crazy background so I'm just going to leave it as it is but if you want it to be less saturated less vibrant you could change the opacity there like like I said bringing it up to like that or something like I don't know we're going to leave it at regular full opacity right now the banner Height's going to be small I think that makes sense for this photo it's going to be middle Center that's the position but you could reposition like a larger photo you can move it around a little bit and uh you should show you could show the container on desktop uh deselect that if you don't want that and of course the color scheme I'm not going to change anything there as well now this is kind of cool down here I don't always do this but there is a time in place maybe so you can add image Behavior so you can have am ambient movement so you can see right there when someone's on the website it kind of moves around a little bit you can also add like fixed background position so as they scroll you could zoom in when they scroll as well um so that's kind of cool gives like a parallax effect for this photo in particular I'm going to say none and just leave it as it is it kind of makes the most sense right here so that's that section the last one I need to edit this is this is really coming together pretty well guys I think the last thing I need to change is down here the collapsible content so that's the collapsible content we can choose the basic things about that and we can click on each individual collapsible row and just add a question and then add an answer and of course we can change the icon to anything we want I think chat bubble probably makes the most sense here uh but you guys get the idea I'm going to fill out these other two all right so now that it's ready to go now by the way one thing you really want to make sure you're doing as frequently as possible is clicking that save button on the top right so you don't lose your work at any point obviously that's super important and the second thing you probably want to do pretty frequently is check out what this looks like on other devices so right here this is what it looks like on desktop of course but if somebody's using it on a phone which many many users will especially if you're running ads on social media you'll end up having people view the website like this on their phone and so this I still think looks really nice it's one of the main reasons I wanted to get rid of that title above the featured product is because on mobile I think it looks cleaner like this testimonials that doesn't look good you can't have the letter s down like that so let's go and change that to medium now it fits a little bit better but you can see that's why it's so important to check this out to make sure your website looks professional if we don't like something like this I just really don't like that we can go down to mobile mobile layout and say that maybe instead we want it to be like left or right Justified uh or we could kind of change the settings on this one honestly I don't really like it that much on mobile so I would maybe even change this Al together um change this image because I just don't think that looks great on mobile but like I said go through and kind of customize this website for your mobile website now there are a couple different things we can change that I haven't shown you just yet the first one is the header and the banner and the last the second one is actually the footer so going through these let's start off with the banner on the very top this is a powerful tool you can show sales on here you can have it linked to different pages you can have different announcements uh and that's why it's obviously called the announcement bar so I'm going to click on this and we can say welcome we could say uh use code and I'm not going to add a link for that one but we can just have that listed on the top we can go back and we can add other announcements as well that kind of cycle through so the second one could be all orders over $49 and of course if you want to add a link you can link to a product and I'm just going to say maybe the Aurora Hub would be a good thing to link right there and so now we have those two announcements on the top the next thing is the header next up we have the header I think this one's pretty self-explanatory you can choose the positioning of it uh we can choose a menu right now we don't have any menus here so we can create a menu uh and so well we do have menu we have main menu but I'm going to create a menu first so if we go and click on create menu it'll take us du uh back to our dashboard it'll go down to navigation and we can make a new menu so this menu is going to be main header menu one and we can choose items so we're going to add a menu item the first item is going to be first item is going to be uh the product so it's going to be Aurora Aurora Hub and we can choose a product so we can choose Aurora Hub so we'll add that one we can add gift card gift cards we're going to add add of course that's another product and that is gift card right there we can click on ADD and maybe we also want to add policies policies which we actually don't have at the moment so I'll come back and add this a little bit later um I'll show you how you can actually make all your policies but for now we'll just leave these two items actually we'll just I want this to be a placeholder so we'll have this link to um just like contact page for example so we'll say save now we have those three things we can save that menu and if we go back to this other tab we should now have our menu there I'm going to save I'm going to save I'm going to refresh this page to make sure that the menu is appearing and now we can click on select menu and now main menu one is there there and you can see it's showing up on the bottom now I don't really particularly like the layout of that so if you wanted to change you can change like the logo maybe is on the top left put the logo over there and we can change kind of where things are located the drawer I think is pretty clean um or just drop down as it is we can make our head header sticky so when people scroll up it'll Auto automatically appear so if they're all the way down here and they just start scrolling up you can see it shows up they don't have to go to the top to find that um and we could have a separator line if you wanted to and of course if we go down to the bottom and click on footer once again we can change everything on the footer as well so maybe I don't want an email sign up we can capture emails later uh when people actually check out and we can we can I'll show you how to set that up as well but otherwise yeah social icons all look good we can have the country region selector let's leave all of this as it is policy links I do want to add that on the bottom and we will make our policies in a minute as I mentioned but that kind of you can see right here the color scheme is the last thing I want to touch on so this is using color scheme one there are several different parts of this of this theme so let's click on back let's go to the top of our website and now I want to click on the theme settings little gear icon all the way on the left so this is going to allow us to change a lot of global things about this website so for example the logo which we currently do not have I'm going to select an image and I think I uploaded I think I have an image just go and add an image the logo is going to be this right here just a basic little logo you can make a logo by the way on um super easy to do and uh it it's free to use you can upgrade to a pro version if you want we'll have a link in the description but essentially it's a super great it's a really powerful tool you can make all types of graphics for really anything social media your website an actual logo um there's a lot of templates you can use even slideshows and things like that so there we go we have our logo there now that's going to be on the top I think that's a little bit small we can change the width of it make it a little bit larger it's still not great I'll probably redesign that later in Cana but at least for now it kind of gets the job done the favicon image right now you can see on the top it's just a little Shopify store logo that is definitely not what you want uh and so this image is going to be on any browser when somebody is using a desktop to visit your website that's the image they're going to see up on their tab so we want to make sure we have a better image for that and again I'm just going to use kind of a basic little one I made on canva we'll choose this one and we'll say done so now that's going to be appearing up on the top and then we can collapse the logo portion and let's go to Colors now the color scheme by default I actually really like it I like the dark text and kind of this like neutral color the brownish tone kind of a greenish Brown uh throughout the entire website so I don't really need to change this a lot but you can change the scheme uh right here have your own logo your own colors and everything like that change those very easily like I said I'm going to keep this one because I actually really do like this I don't think I could make it better for myself if I tried typography usually fonts come in pairs so there's like different pairing of fonts that go well together you can look these up um but by default you can actually go here and and change like individual fonts if you wanted to uh so we can have our heading font and our body font as two different fonts uh which as I said is super common to do and so I can just change I can go and change this one to maybe like here I can say select and you can see that that changed everywhere I liked it when it was Bolder so might change it back but of course we've got all types of different fonts we can work with that one works well enough um ideally it would match the logo but then we have layout I'm not going to change anything here with the page width or the the spacing of things uh we have animations again I don't really like doing too much with animations it'll slow down your page speed and that is not ideal for uh your ranking on Google and also for the experience if anybody has a slower machine they're using like you just don't want anything that could make your website seem weird weird or laggy or slow so I usually just don't have uh many animations at all as far as buttons go we only have a couple buttons on here but you can add maybe like a corner radius I kind of usually like to add a bit of a radius on buttons so we'll go and add that right there and now our buttons you can see are a little bit rounder I really like that um so we'll go and close this one for our buttons and then this right here the variant pills uh these are like the other buttons you notice the black and white right there the two variants that didn't actually change uh to the rounded button like like what I changed above so we can change the corner radius on here as well to kind of match so they have the same radius just kind of gives it like a slightly different style to the buttons not everybody wants this but I'm going to leave it like that we can change the shadow opacity a little bit so it pops out a little bit more I kind of like having eh that's too much I don't want that much of a shadow and so like I said just go down these and this will change everything about your website there's really like just so many different things I'm not going to waste your time going through all of them but cart checkout uh those are two that are definitely very very important so right now cart is going to be on the top you can see it's as a drawer same thing with checkout uh we can change the background image and and different things about the checkout page in particular um but I'm not going to customize that from here we can customize that a little bit later so let's click on the theme icon so now let's go back up and click on Save and now that is the design of our website but we're far from done here this is just setting up what the website looks like there's a ton of stuff to do on the back end to make sure that it ranks on Google converts well and is a good experience for customers in general so what I want to do right now before we go I'll talk about making other Pages later let's go back to exit and there are a couple things on the left side I kind of want to walk you through so number one we need to go down to settings if we click on settings you'll see there's some pretty fundamental information that's not actually populated here yet so store name is just called my store we can't have that that's not good so we're going to say edit and we're going to change the store name we're going to change our time zone as well and we'll say save and we have our plan if you ever need to upgrade or check in on the current rate you can click on plan same thing with billing you can see uh what has already been paid we've got users and permission so if you have other people maybe like a co-founder or somebody who's going to be managing your inventory or anybody like an assistant you can add them right there add some staff and you can have two different staff members besides yourself we can go down to payments currently we're not able to accept payments because we didn't set this up yet so there's really a couple tabs here a couple little things you want to work on the first one is complete complete the account setup with Shopify payments at the top and that's going to be allowing you to accept most major credit cards out there as well as Apple and Google pay and meta as well I've never paid with meta but you know some people maybe if that's what they're they're buying stuff on their their Oculus headset I don't know I don't know when you'd use meta pay but it's there and like it's nice you can have that but Additionally you can have PayPal so you can set up your PayPal as well as Amazon pay or other ones as well so if you click on ADD payment methods you can search by provider and there are a ton of different ways you can accept payments on here um but if you don't like any of them so let's just say maybe we don't want to have uh PayPal on here you can click on manage and you can deactivate PayPal Express checkout I think you should keep it because having more ways to pay is generally better maybe somebody doesn't have their credit card but they have PayPal on their phone like you want to have that option available for people so I'm really all you want to do is click on a complete account setup and kind of it'll walk you through you'll submit the details you'll set up two-factor authentication you'll add Bank in information and then you'll be ready to accept payments and by the way one thing you want to customize when you go to submit the information is besides just like the details of course down here where it says customer billing statement you want to make sure you customize that so that it says like Aurora Hub or something very obvious so people don't end up seeing like a very vague and cryptic thing on their bank or credit card statement and then like ultimately disputing a payment you don't want to deal with people disputing payments because they didn't recognize what it was when they were reviewing their bank or credit card statement so that's going to be this right here call it something simple something obvious that you know people are going to know what it is then we have checkout there's usually not a whole lot I would change here except down here where it says pre-selected I like to do that so that people by default are opted into our email and then they can uh choose to deselect it so it's just kind of pre-populating the checkbox to say yes before they submit and then they have to go and deselect that you could also have SMS that's it gets a little tricky so I usually don't do that depending on where you are globally and who who you're working with like you don't always want to have SMS there tipping at checkout I mean feels like everybody's getting tips these days like whatever you buy they're always turning around the little thing it says like do you want a tip um so I'm not going to have a tip calculator on here that doesn't make sense for a physical product but maybe like a digital product or something I don't know if it's coaching maybe that would be something you would add um or if it's like food and you're doing a point of sale maybe you'd want that as well um checkout style we can customize the checkout page this is what I was saying before rather than having the checkout like customizing it to theme settings over there it's better to just go to the checkout page itself right here and uh we can customize this individually now I don't think there's anything really to customize here I think Shopify really Nails it with their default so of course you've got little like three-step process in the top so people know where they are uh they have a really simple entry right here on the right side shows what they're buying like Shopify obviously spent a lot of time optimizing this and you can tell so I I don't think there's anything to change there we can also change change what was the other one the cart if you go to the cart page we can change that again not a whole lot I want to change here maybe you could change like the background or I don't even know I think it looks fine I think this looks really good actually so let's go back to exit where we were go down to settings and I think we were down at checkout so shipping and delivery this is the next one that is absolutely essential obviously to ship any of your stuff to estimate what the shipping cost is going to be to have that free shipping deal that we mentioned on the banner on the top and other things like that so right here we don't have local delivery no not doing that big equipment maybe you would but we're not doing that um expected delivery dates yeah they can show a shipping uh let's say two day B two business days and we'll say save so that's going to be good so people can have an idea of when they're getting the products especially if you're you got to be fast with shipping if you're doing this slow um custom shipping rates we will create a new profile in a second and then now let's click create new profile so for shipping uh the first name is going to be be main products main products we're going to select the products that are within this so everything in Aurora Hub we're going to say done uh the shipping options let's create some shipping zones so this is going to be uh USA 1 so USA United States United States right there we're going to say done it says 62 States there's only 50 states so maybe it has like Guam yeah we're not going to Guam um let's see what else we have so really I just want the 50 states I'm going to say done and now we can click on ADD rate and we can use a carrier or an app to to kind of choose the rate for us this is like if you've ever sold on eBay it's what they do there where they'll kind of allow you to get the shipping label directly like with the the carrier and it allows to you know you can customize or it can calculate the price for you based on how far it's going how much the product weighs and it really makes your life a lot easier if you set this up but I'm just going to say uh let's say USPS stand or UPS standard uh UPS standard handling fee could be a fixed amount maybe it could be like uh $2 we'll say done so now it's going to automatically calculate the time and everything like that here and so now I'm going to say save I agree to all of those all right and now we have that all set up taxes and duties I'm not going to touch on this one this is something that you know depending on where you're selling um look into your local regulations and rules make sure you're following that for where you're where you're selling as well as where you're shipping to um we have locations as well I'm not I don't have any like pickup or local delivery so that doesn't make sense we can change things about the gift card nothing to do there now we actually don't have a domain yet this is super important so for anyone who didn't watch the video until now they're going to miss out on a really important thing so luckily you guys have stuck around for long enough to to actually get this I wasn't planning this I was going to talk about this earlier but I forgot to mention it having a domain is obviously so essential for anybody to find your website so it's not some weird Shopify store 57 let's go to domains if we click on domains we can buy a new domain or connect a domain if you found one somewhere else sometimes it's a little cheaper if you go through like name cheap or Google domains or something like that I'm just going to buy one through Shopify it makes it really easy um but of course if you are connecting like sometimes it's pretty easy through that as well depending on where you bought your domain but buying through Shopify is guaranteed to be easy so I'm going to say uh the Aurora Hub the Aurora Hub is unavailable I guess I used that in a previous um tutorial we do have the Aurora hub. shop which is $10 for their first year I'm going to go with that I mean it's not ideal you probably want but do Shop's not terrible so I'm going to buy this domain it does also have who is privacy which is really nice it'll hide your information related to The Domain so your address and your phone number uh which I always recommend for any website out there so people aren't like finding out more details of you even if it is just like store details it's still nice to have that that privacy there now you have to go to your email and verify to uh make sure the domain is actually set up it's something you have to do with any website so just click the button in there and you'll be good to go okay so now let's close out of the settings let's talk a little bit more about these things up here specifically the discounts we had two on the top we had one that was called save 10 for 10% off and we had discounts another discount for free shipping so if you click on discounts we can create two discounts one of them is going to be uh let's say free shipping so we can say free shipping this is not going to be based on a discount code it's going to be a minimum purchase requirement of 49 $49 and we can limit the number of times it's used I don't think we need to do that for this obviously and we can combine this with product discounts and it's active indefinitely let's leave that so I'm going to save this they do need to use discount code free so we'll go back to the header and we'll add that in in a second but let's go back and now the next discount let's create another discount and this one is going to be amount off the order an order discount so the discount code is save 10 like we said there it's a discount code and uh we are going to make it a percentage it's going to be 10% off and there's no minimum in this one there it works for anybody there's no limit on how many times they can use it actually let's say one per customer and this can be combined with shipping discounts as well it's no problem there so we'll save the discount now we have our two discounts ready to go that is that's really going to be how you make different discounts you can see there are a ton of different options for how you can make them you can also duplicate them you can click generate and have like specific codes that you would then email to people uh but there's you know tons and tons of options here super powerful marketing tool I wouldn't Overlook it but speaking of marketing if we click on marketing we have a bunch of options here as well so by default it's going to show us a lot of the analytics the average order value some insights into conversion rates and things like that but marketing can be so much more if we go down Shopify allows you to integrate with many different apps out there including Snapchat ads Pinterest Microsoft uh SMS bump which is a great way to send people notifications you know when they're like just in general on their phone as well as for email but we can go and click on view more marketing app so like I said tons of apps to check out and depending on where you're planning on Advertising I can make an entire video just about advertising if you want please leave a comment below and I will start working on that video and of course they have 17 apps here which seems like not a lot but Shopify actually integrates with with more than you think so uh this is not the only way of course that you could Market MailChimp and there's tons of other options out there that that also work very well but let's just say if you wanted to do Tik Tok you can just click on Tik Tok you can install this we can add sales Channel and of course this is like I said before a different sales channel so you can sell on Tik Tok as well uh and that's going to be on the left side next to under sales channels next to online store and point of sale so I'm not going to get too much into the Weeds on selling on Tik Tok right now I actually have a full video on advertising on Tik Tok if you want to see that I'll link that below also but let's go back to marketing so with marketing we have campaigns and most interestingly we have automations so automations could be anything that I mean some of these are kind of pre-made which is nice so abandoned cart recovery is a big one if somebody adds something to their shopping carts and then they're thinking about it but maybe they like whatever they forget maybe somebody Rings their doorbell who knows why they might not end up following through with the purchase but if they put their email in already then you will be able to send them an email and say Hey you have this in your cart you were going to buy it and now you didn't so here you go and you know maybe you can even sweeten the deal and give them like a discount code as well and and and have a discount code that you didn't publish anywhere else on your store but it's going to be in your abandoned cart recovery email just to tell them like hey you know we know you didn't buy this but now is better than ever to buy it here's another 10% off so we can simply turn that on like I said a nice tool to have we can go to analytics and this is going to be great once you start having more traffic on your on your website on your store it'll show you like where the sales are coming from you can really dive into this and learn a lot about what's working what's not working and all great online stores out there use this tool heavily to optimize every portion of their checkout experience to find out hey maybe people are adding it to their cart they're going to the checkout page and then they drop off and maybe that'll tell you there's something maybe one of the payment methods they want isn't there maybe there's something else like the messaging isn't right there's some portion of that that you can learn from analytics to figure out where people are dropping off and how to really optimize that and convert better finances will tell you a lot more about your profit and your margins and your earnings in general so this is kind of like a a little bit like a p&l a little bit um but just kind of at a glance which is nice to have it's basically analytics but just in its own separate uh tab because you can also see payouts and bill pay and credit and things like that and of course you can go back up to customers and see what people ordered if anybody like files a complaint or they contact you customer service then you know you can go here and actually figure things out right there so now I want to add a couple pages to this website we'll talk about adding like an about me page some blog posts and of course the policies but starting off the policies are a little bit different rather than finding them in your online store area you want to go down to settings scroll down to policies and Shopify does this really cool thing where they have some templates that allow you to autop populate your policies of course you want to read them and customize them for yourself but it's nice to get a a really good starting point here so for the first one the re the return policy if we just click on create from template you'll see right there that entire thing was written there there uh and of course like I said it's going to be you want to read it so you want to know you have like a 30-day return uh return free return shipping and things like that you can costomize this all on your own and of course you can manage uh let's stay here of course you can manage that and customize it as you wish down here the privacy policy if you click on create from template you'll see a very long very long privacy policy again read this because this is your policy that you just made um but again it really is easy it saves a ton of time and then down here terms of service we can add that one from a template and there is no shipping or uh there is no shipping policy and so now I'm going to click on Save and we'll go back to we'll X out of this we'll go back to online store and now like I said we want to make those two other styles of pages the blog posts and the pages just general pages that could be about us it could be contact could be frequently asked questions go down to Pages under online store there's two ways you can make a page one is just by clicking on ADD page and this is going to be like let me just show you you it's really really rudimentary like there's not a whole lot you're going to be doing with this just a default page um for the template and it's going to you can add some text on here you can add a title it's not the best way not the easiest way to edit your page we can click on customize template and that'll bring you over to the actual Shopify editor and you can edit the page here so by default right now it's not actually showing us anything there so it's not really like doing a whole lot it's not super exciting because it is just the default template but once you have a lot of text in here so let me just uh so I'm just going to paste this Latin dummy text and we can save this one as this can be like FAQs that'll be our page there so we'll save that and it's just based on like I said the default page is the template of this one if you click customize template it'll show you what it looks like so this is the same one that's being used on like the 404 page and some other pages on our website it's not that exciting you can customize it a little bit more by adding images and videos uh you can insert those um in this little tiny editor there but it's not the easiest way to edit them another way you can actually do this is if we go back to theme and we click on customize on the top you'll see these are the different pages we have the homepage the product the collections and if you click on pages you'll see we have a couple different page uh templates to kind of start with so if we can create a new template let's just call this one page two template we can say create the template and from here you can add other sections you can add some things in here to make it look a little bit better and you can use this as a template for an FAQ page or something like that so maybe if I wanted uh where was that it was a collapsible content maybe I want collapsible content on here on the FAQ page and so you can add that it'll obviously make it look a lot like a lot better not just like a big word salad as we otherwise have with this um but we can save that and that's how you can customize different pages on your website hopefully you don't need a lot of pages and hopefully any accessory Pages you have are just you know FAQs or basic stuff like that I think a lot of shops generally focus more on the products and you can add more details on your homepage so if we click on exit that'll take us back and the last thing I want to show you now the last thing I want to show you is in blog post so you can click on create new blog post if you go to blog post under your store and once again it's the same exact editor we saw before you can choose a featured image you can choose the style the template down here uh which is the default blog post and you can customize that so that again it's consistent between your your different blog articles and again once you customize it once you won't have to do that any more times in the future so that's going to be how you can create your blog post it's something that can help you to gain some organic traffic and when you're focusing on that I highly recommend checking out other tools on the internet like semrush or some people call semrush um or ah refs is another one those are both really powerful tools to show you how well people are converting or going to your website where you're ranking in search what kind of keywords you can Target for different blog post in the future as well as what your competition is doing again to help you rank in Google so for this like if we're selling this little Aurora Hub maybe a big Focus would be on like circadian rhythm and sleep so maybe we write some articles about circadian rhythm or why am I tired in the morning or things like that that could drive traffic to get people to buy this so the very last thing we need to do is you might notice if we go back to themes is that our online store is still password protected there's no reason for it to be now because we have a plan we have a domain we have everything ready to go so all we have to do is click on remove password remove password and our online store is now ready to go we can click on view your store and you'll see right there we have our online store professional ready to go and of course you can go through and do a test order you can do a test order in many different ways by disabling your payments or allowing like cash on uh delivery like paying in person you could add that option if you wanted but regardless you want to make sure you test out that entire process you go to like open open a new incognito tab or a new browser maybe a different device and go to your website go and find the product add to your cart and go through the entire purchasing process just to make sure you didn't miss anything no problems with shipping no problems with anything like that and it should be you know if it's bug free you're ready to go and you can start advertising but I hope you found this video helpful and I really do wish you the best of luck with your online store please leave a comment below and let me know what kind of products you're selling I'm interested to see what's working for you and what your what you're looking to do next so if you enjoyed the video consider liking and subscribing I'm Mike O'Brien from santal media and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 84,059
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Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Id: Gd3Zdx80aj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 33sec (3153 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.