Shop with me at the Antique/Flea Market + Tips to Find the BEST STUFF | Thrift with me

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mrs bennett however with the assistance of her five daughters could ask on the subject was sufficient to draw from her husband any satisfaction but he eluded the skill of them all and they were at last obliged to accept the second-hand intelligence of their neighbor lady lucas our report was highly favorable so william had been delighted with him hey guys welcome to the house of valentina clearly i am hanging out by the fire today because it is so dreary and so cold outside and sitting by the fire just oh my gosh it just warms my soul so lana and i actually took our little ottomans um and brought a little table and just had our lunch right here and i enjoyed it so much that i brought my coffee back to this spot because i'm just enjoying it so so much today we have we're doing something a little bit different and i just thought that it would be really fun to take you along so we are gonna visit our local antiques slash flea market kind of place it's um it's called queen of hearts and i really love going there because as you guys have probably realized from watching my channel i love to be able to create these kind of spaces that have this kind of collected um just it's not going to say thrifted it's just you want a collected look at least that's what i want and i want it to feel like it's a treasure trove and and you can't help but just linger as you go through the rooms so one of my favorite things to do is to go to an antique market i love going to flea markets thrift stores i love all those places to find these beautiful unique things that maybe somebody has passed forward and it's your turn to have it and i just i love it and i haven't been doing it as much lately and i just thought i just miss it and i was on the hunt for a piece for a client so all those things came together just perfectly so that's what we're gonna do today but before we run off i have to tell you i am so excited about our video sponsor because it's audible i cannot believe that i have not already owned an account with them i mean they offer you a free trial membership you can even have a premium membership you you can take advantage of thousands of titles not just books there's podcasts there's all kinds of incredible content and titles i have always always been an avid reader i actually worked in a bookstore when i was younger i just love literature i love to consume books oh my gosh you guys see them all over my house but sometimes if i'm in the car or if i'm taking a bath you know it's really nice to have another option to be able to consume this incredible content that exists in this world and to be able to listen to pride and prejudice while i make my coffee and while i take a bath and it's just changed everything for me because now i'm addicted to this and i now i'm making my own little playlist and starting to look at all the things that i'll be able to enjoy in these coming days whether i'm in the car whether i'm sitting in my computer and i'm creating a mood board for a client i'm on the road going to visit them the options are so limitless and i'm like why didn't i do this before so in order to get a free trial with audible for yourself visit valentina or text valentina to 500-500 and what i love about it is that i was in the mood for jane austen today because i'm in this romantic cozy by the fire kind of mood i'm sipping my coffee all day long there are other days when i want something that is fiery and passionate i want something that's gonna drive me and wake me up and there is something there for every single day of the week and i love that i think it's so cool so make sure that you go to valentina or text valentina to 500 500 and you will be able to start checking it out let's hit the road guys let's go ahead to the antique slash flea market and see what we can find and i'll share my tips and tricks with you as to what i'm looking for and all that great stuff so let's go today we're visiting antiques and interiors this is a queen of hearts location and this is a really fun store because they really have a mix of antiques and vintage items but they also allow their vendors to have handmade items and they can also have some newer items if they would like there's a certain percentage so places like this can be really fun to come to if you're looking for unique items for your home that you may not find in some of the bigger box stores i think that these places can also be extremely overwhelming this store is huge so today i want to share some of my tips with you as you shop through the store um just as i go through it myself some of the things that i do to help myself not feel completely overwhelmed and also find those those great little things that i just really end up loving they end up becoming something that is usually a signature piece in my home and um like even here you can see where i'm looking at some of the cutting boards i've got a few clients that i'm shopping for a lot of times when i go to a store like this and so sometimes i may pass on i may pass on an item because i know that that client is just absolutely not going to pay that price and then other times i might grab something because it's just perfect for them the other things that i think that you should do as you go through this store is just avoid some of the things that even though they are super cute you just don't need that's really really tempting to just see so many things that are cool and fun and just to want to take it all home i mean some of these furniture pieces are just drop dead gorgeous but i don't necessarily have a place for a piece like that and again here you see this great accessory do i really need another vase i probably don't but maybe one of my clients does i always bring a measuring tape with me you can see all these great furniture pieces in here and it's it's just it's a little bit crazy when you get in here and you find a piece and you realize that you don't know where it's gonna go is it gonna fit all those kinds of things so carrying a measuring tape with you is huge here you can see i'm really scanning this shelf and really trying to look at all the items individually rather than just this big massive clutter a lot of times these spaces everything is just really jumbled together and you really need to think through each item and how it would look if it was separated from the other ones like for instance this really cool shell it has this really great vintage look and i just love that they had turned it into a candle but for 39 this was not an item that one of my thrifty clients was going to splash out on but this might be something that you would like maybe for your home and i love that kind of warmth and patina that it really offers and here you can see where i'm just again just really looking over each of the items looking over the entire area and just trying to see if there's something that would really fit my space or one of my clients spaces sometimes it can be really tempting when you see things displayed in a very cute way to imagine them suddenly appearing in your own home and then you get home and you realize okay it doesn't quite look the same in my own house so i really like to take my time and think through how is this going to look in my space or my client space just to be sure that it's it's going to be a good fit because most stores like this don't allow returns so that can be a little bit overwhelming when you realize that it's a final sale and if it doesn't work you're stuck with it i really loved the patina on these jars i'm always on the hunt for items that have a lot of warmth and texture a lot of times i think about the scale of the items if they're going to be a good fit for the space are they big enough are they too big i'm really thinking through all the little details of what makes an item just right for my own home at this store it's divided up by vendors so i typically have a few vendors that i like to go and check out i feel like i always find something really great at certain ones like this beautiful mirror i oh my goodness like if i had the right spot for it i would have just brought it home with me i thought it was so beautiful but you know it again it just goes back to i don't really have a place for that and i'm not that in love with it i'm definitely not above like if i see something that i cannot live without and i have no idea where it's gonna go i'm just gonna buy it because i know that i will find a spot for it the other thing that i've noticed is that a lot of times these items are painted already and the color that they're painted may not work for the space that i needed to go into and so i actually started to think a little bit more uh fourth dimensionally here hey you know i can actually take this even though somebody's already painted it i may be able to take it home and paint it again with my own color and really customize this piece so i might check out the price and decide is it really worth it to me or maybe this is something that i might pass on here you can see we're looking at all of the florals and of course am i looking at the florals oh no oh no i'm looking at the planter okay so 85 for a planter like this i know to some that's going to seem really expensive to others that'll seem really affordable but in the end can i buy that piece somewhere else can i find it somewhere else is this gonna be the best price for this look those are the kinds of questions that i like to ask myself i also like to look at these little this little box is really cool i like to also think through the safety of an item is it possible that this could have let lead paint is it something that i need to be concerned about i like to really think a lot about these purchases again because they're permanent and i want to make sure that they're going to be a good fit and here you can see they've got some really cool magnifying glasses i love these and i think they'd be really neat just set down on a big book on a coffee table and so you know sometimes you don't go in thinking about a certain item but you spot something that's like oh this would be great here and it may just be the perfect item that you just need to grab other times and most of the time i try to go into the store with at least a little bit of an idea of what i want because otherwise i just get sucked in i get distracted i get overwhelmed so if you take a list with you then it's a little bit easier knowing okay i've got a certain area that i'm looking for i've brought my measurements and i am prepared that if i find the right item i'm gonna know and it's gonna be the perfect fit the other thing you can do is kind of play your vendors against each other because this vendor had these cheese boards they were actually a little bit more than the other vendor and so you can really just kind of shop around even within the greater store and see if maybe something's going to be a little bit cheaper from one vendor to another one of my other favorite tips is that i like to ask for a discount a lot of people don't realize that in a store like this you can actually ask for a discount even off the ticketed price so if the price is a little too high do not be deterred i found an amazing piece for my client while i was here and we asked for a discount and lo and behold we got one well that was a total blast i hope that you guys had as much fun as i did i realized afterwards that i probably should have taken a little bit slower pan of some things i promise i'll get better at this if you guys enjoy these kinds of videos let me know because i go to antique markets flea markets estate sales thrift stores i go to those kind of places all the time and if you're interested in seeing where i look and how i find things and and that kind of stuff just let me know down in the comment section so that way i'll make a little bit more content like that for you guys um yes i did find a piece for my client and um she loved it the other piece that i found for myself so much that she ended up keeping that as well so if you haven't hit subscribe already make sure you do because you're going to get to see what we found and where it ended up and one of the things that i did bring home for myself are the fireplace matches that has that very parisian look to it and i just think it's really fun to light the fire with just some cool matches and the parisians they always stick them up on the fireplace or at least my friends always did and i just think that's just charming so that's one find i can share with you for today and the rest you will have to stay tuned for and oh my gosh that makeover is going to be so epic i cannot wait to share it so i'm going to go and start editing that one so i can get it out to you as quickly as possible because it's it's kind of changed my life so um yeah based off of charleston giving out hints i'm so naughty yeah it's pretty amazing so i can't wait to share that with you thank you again for joining us and i will see you in the next one gotta get some coffee anybody else need some coffee i need some coffee i'll see you guys later bye you
Channel: House of Valentina
Views: 28,265
Rating: 4.8919597 out of 5
Keywords: flea market flip, flea market flip full episodes, flea market finds, flea market haul, shop with me, shop with me flea market, antique shop with me, thrifting, home decor haul, interior design tips, interior design course, interior design secrets, boho home, vintage shopping, flea market, vintage haul, flea market tips, antique shopping, million dollar home, architectural digest, quintessence, thrift with me, how to thrift shop, how to stage a house, how to decorate
Id: WiDJjEtXicQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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