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hey everyone my name is trena this is john's furniture repair and i thought i would do a little tour of the shop and explain who john is so that uh you guys who are tuning into my videos know the story about how this started so first i'll tell you who john is john's my dad and i worked with him in saskatoon saskatchewan in canada for about 20 years and he taught me pretty much everything i know i didn't go to school for any of this so it's just me and my dad work in and i'll show you a picture of him right here this is me and my dad together in his shop in saskatoon and i miss working with him he's a ton of fun to work with and that's basically where i grew up and learned how to do all the stuff that i do in here and we moved out here to essex county about eight years ago and i started up this business because um i was looking for something to do my teaching degree uh took about a year to transfer over to ontario from saskatchewan and so i started just doing this on the side because i knew what i was doing with it and it just blew up and i've been busy ever since so that's what its uh origins are here but this is a shop that i've built i was in two other shops before this the first one was a shared shop just a tiny little space second one was a little smaller than this one that i leased for about four years five years i forget anyways and then we finally built our own shop out in the county in the back of our property so this is my dream shop so let me show you guys around so basically this is where people come in i just have a little desk here and uh over here is where bigger pieces come in through the overhead door so i made two made sure to install a large door just in case i needed to get big pieces easily in and out i only had a small door in my last shop so this is something i really appreciate this area here at the end of the shop is my spray finishing area so i've got all my touch up toners and lacquers and touch-up stuff and polishing all kinds of smelly stuff on this end and metal cabinets my stains here and this guy here is my spray boots i'll turn on the light for you guys you can see so this booth was in an old shop that was shut down a while ago was actually they used big pumps but anyways i bought this shop and uh it was really hard to get out of the building really hard to get over here really hard to set it up so this is an accomplishment getting us all in here got a huge uh 24 inch duct going straight up the side of the building um and that was all installed by professionals so everything is up to code and this thing works awesome let me turn it on so you can hear how it is but it really sucks the air so if i open a door it just blows it right open it really evacuates this whole space within a matter of maybe 10 seconds it sucks all the air in the shop so that is awesome when i'm spraying because i don't have to breathe in all this stuff so over here in this section under the shelf here i've got my 80 gallon compressor so that operates the booth and all my uh air tools back there so we just kind of hid bertha under here that's her name and uh these shelves my husband built me uh for storing everything because inevitably in this business you got to put furniture somewhere while it's waiting to get worked on so you get a really cool thing where there's different levels for different pieces so it's easier to put lighter things up here uh and lower things underneath and uh keep it all uh easy to get at levels so i really like this space because it keeps it out of my way inevitably i have way too much furniture we're booked into the end of july and uh it's all over the shop instead of just in the storage area so this whole section here is half done waiting maybe one day i'll be organized probably not so then we get into kind of a tool area which is also a mess right now because i've got doors and processed so i i have the electricians put down some drop down plugs for machines so a jointer planer is supposed to be here table saw bandsaw sander miter saw all these things are supposed to have their own plugs um obviously a little organization is still happening we've only been in this shop for a year and i'm still making things the way i want them to be but in general it works pretty good this is just my wood storage i'm not a builder i'm a refinisher and repair person so i just keep one on hand for repairs and small things that i need to build so i it's on wheels everything comes apart i've got all small stock here sheet stock long stock this cart i built i don't know maybe four years ago and it's perfect because i can keep everything in one spot and i don't need to have wood all over the shop it all stays right here so just some more storage here and then we get into the main uh prep section of the shop where i spend a lot of time preparing the furniture stripping the furniture sanding the furniture repairing the furniture doing all the gluing clamping everything happens over here in this section so this section is usually a complete mess and i know where everything is and it makes sense to me so this shelf here i've got air tools um i've got a bunch of um drills and saws and the router and the bits and all kinds of stuff that i need in here sandpaper blades first stuff just jammed it i love this because i can see it all and i'm that kind of person i like to see what's in the shelf to be able to know what it is and uh i'm constantly moving things around and using this space to get rid of stuff on my bench and then over here i've got chemicals this is my stripper and my methyl hydrate that i use and i got these nifty five gallon pail tippers so i don't have to do it myself makes it really easy and i just keep all my stain brushes and finish brushes here and this is kind of like the section where everything gets kind of dirty and taken apart and all that kind of stuff i've got storage for like old hardware that i keep around for repairs here and a rag bin here funny story this cupboard comes from our first house in windsor that had really ugly cabinets with red handles so it's my memory from my first house i tore it out the first night that we got there even though i hadn't slept in two days because it was so ugly okay this is my uh messy workbench with the hand tools so i've got screws sandpaper um all of my hand tools here saws scrapers hammers everything is organized in a way that i know where it is and i use this place a ton i'm always coming over to this bench and grabbing something that i need i've got a little vise here this is where i keep this little span going i just pop this off i need some more ventilation just get this guy going it sucks air right across the workbench when i'm doing any staining or stripping or anything smelly so that's super handy i just flip that guy up and it stays shut this is my wall of clamps i want more clamps but these are the ones i have i have some more small ones under there but mostly i use these guys here and uh they're often off the wall and all over the shop on things this is my lathe which is kind of a piece of crap but it works i'd love to get a new one one day but it works for what i need it for i don't do a ton of building but when i need to make a new leg or a rung or whatever that guy comes in handy and um scroll saw that i got from a guy for five bucks which is amazing because it's the best little scroll slide i've ever had in my entire life and i love that thing so we spray foam the whole shop and you can see um up here a piece of the spray foam that we haven't covered with osb yet and this shop is super insulated we're in canada so we need to do insulation but even the summer in windsor it's really hot and it keeps the heat out of the building as well this is our radiant heat system and it feels when it's on it feels like the sun is shining on your back i love this heat it works amazing and it also heats the items in the room instead of the air so when i have the spray booth on it doesn't suck out all the heat because all the items are actually holding heat and throwing it back into the room so that's nice back here is kind of like a makeshift upholstery weaving area that eventually will have a bathroom in this corner when we built the shop i put in plumbing to do a bathroom so right here is supposed to be this is this your vent stack for a sink and a toilet right in the corner there so that'll eventually be built up to the wall and be a bathroom but i don't really need that right now and uh yeah so basically that's the full trip around the shop um everything else is just kind of in the middle of getting organized or there but that's the gist of how this place works and it's kind of my dream shop because my house is just right there and i pour a cup of coffee in the morning and walk out to the building and i'm at work so it's perfect love it thanks for joining me guys don't forget to like and subscribe and check out all the projects we do in here [Music] you
Channel: John's Furniture Repair
Views: 21,131
Rating: 4.9833136 out of 5
Keywords: workshop, woodworking, furniture repair, stripping, refinishing
Id: D1LcfnP_wYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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