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my name is mha Kut you never wanted two wives but troubles happened and you were forced to look the other side this is true man of God this is my brother okay let's hear from your brother my name is Pastor Dominic this is my elder brother you want him I want him uhhuh okay [Laughter] what the man of God is saying is very much true he was living far away from his wife uhhuh then in a vision I saw him with another woman uh then I warned him your wife is very humble uhh and she loves you what are you doing to her uh-huh my name is I come from kiss man of God uh is true I had a fa outside my marriage man of God even the wife told him he told us oh I know the man of God will tell him yeah that's what he said yeah he said that he said the man of God will tell you and I told him what the man of God will tell you just know that it is a truth I knew it man of God my wife told told me that then she forced me to to get saved then I got saved just get Sav she introduced me to kak just get and they wed in a church girl being delivered from this fornication spirit and adultery going on for the pastor how Jesus has touched his life in a miraculous way thank you Jesus man of God I have always wanted to go abroad and there's a lot of stagnation in my life I even stay in his house ever since the small Pastor took your Bible is amazed oh man of God that's true what you said is true Everything collapsed that's man of he took everything from you man of God I was in a certain church after I converted then when I went there this pastor the small one the small one he told me give me your small B I give him I thought thought he was going to because the way you got that small Bible from a woman [Applause] yes man of God were you [Applause] there I I got that p as a present from a certain lady then when I was in church this pastor told me take this one because whenever you could read that Bible things will work for you yes man of God that is true and you lost the land near the water man of God what you saying is true I even told the wife of this one that there is a land with good Waters yes good clean Waters and I told her I want to fish from there and take that land man of what I didn't know what to went on so office give me $2,000 for the [Applause] first ah oh $2,000 thank you man of God now you can rent a house for you yes uh go and preach at the market people will get saved start the church there at the market I see the market a small Market yeah I told this man I want to have my church here and the people will the Lord has opened his way thank you Jesus [Music]
Channel: The Kakande Ministries
Views: 40,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IBkzy3pt-Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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