Unbelievable!!! What Prophet Kakande did to me made people cry.

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my name is anango Emma from Nairobi Kenya I have a problem with my back I have a severe back pain I have been sick for 6 months due to a road accident and this is my medical report from Top Hill Hospital to confirm this here on the screen we're looking at this medical report from Top Hill Hospital in Kenya it's a medical report for sister anango Emma here she was referred by Dr Kos concerning this issue of severe pain in her lower back so they took M of her Lumber spine and the whole spine and upon examining her they noted several abnormalities in her back whereby they noted that she has CAU M Lev dis desiccation and changes in the lambar spine the father noted that The L4 to L5 and L5 to S1 disc shows a diffused anular bilateral sub forino bulge causing bilateral neurop forino narrowing with an anular tear father examining her they noted that she has caught M level dis desiccation and sponic changes in the cervical region all this is a combination of what is causing her severe pain in the back pain radiating up to the legs this is being reported and confirmed by Dr Roy George sister Emma cannot rise up without support she needs to be supported by two people to rise up you can see the agonizing State Brethren and she's being supported to rise up look at the face okay take her back the pain she has is so so severe Brethren lying down is so difficult getting up is so difficult this is her state of Agony for these six [Music] months the Healer Christ Jesus is here to intervene in this painful agonizing situation of sister em 52 5 Mark now a certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years and had suffered many things from many physics she had spent all that she had and was no better but rather grew worse when she heard about Jesus she came behind him in the crowd and touched His Garment for she said if only I may touch his cloths I shall be made well immediately the Fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the Affliction and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that power had gone out of him turned around in the crowd and said who touched my clothes but his disciples say to him you see the multitude thronging you and you say who touched me and he looked around to see her who had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what had happened to her came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth and he said to her daughter your faith has made you well go in peace and be healed of your Affliction so the woman had faith in God and Christ Jesus had the power of God what you need you need to have faith in God your creator he has sent his son Jesus in him all the power and authority he has invested Jesus did this 2,000 years ago and he can do it again so just [Applause] touch Bren watch this special prayer that is going on sister Emma is touching the Garment of the man of the power of God has touched her Breen watch see the reaction in her entire body this is healing going on for her in Jesus mighty name the moment she touched the Garment of the man of God the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit started working upon her already all this she's doing against her will no one is supporting her no one is touching her but see how she's rotating rotating in the power of the Holy Spirit as all her pain is being taken away by Jesus watch this miracle in the making in our midst Brethren by me touching the Garment of the man of God sister Hasen up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah give God glory for this miracle thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Jesus thank you Jesus thank you thank you J you me thank you Jesus for you Mak me a thank you thank thank you Jesus foring me thank you man of God for healing Clap Clap Your Hands for Jesus Christ the Jesus Christ hasal this ready accepting God to use you to heal she's bending Hallelujah this thing she couldn't do before she can run [Music] [Applause] to you glory glory glory Jesus Christ you Resto my health again thank you Lord I will seek you heal me thank you Lord you restored my health again thank you Lord hallelujah thank you thank you Lord is God I'm so free thank you Lord thank you soe I am so thanful I amess I thank you Lord you thank you thank you thank you Jesus thank you Lord hallelujah thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you [Music] Jesus walking again see I'm D see I'm walking again walk the walk the from I enter from sickness I entered health I walked from poverty I entered wealth I walked from failure and I vict I walk from Darkness I entered light from sness I entered health I walked from poty I entered wealth Hallelujah I walked from failure I enter my name is anango Emma from Nairobi Kenya um when I touched the Garment of the man of God I had something pulling me from both in front and my back and it was rotating me so fast and I just noticed when I sat down I could not believe it this is my mom besides me I've been suffering this since July 31st when I got involved in a road accident and from there hence forth I've not had peace last week my six years old son was asking me Mommy why are you getting old faster than your mom and I asked my mom mommy can you take me to Prophet samel kand she said she will take me and we came here on Thursday thank you Jesus thank you man of God for now I can jump oh my God those me I can run I can preer Hallelujah [Music] walk walk walk from Darkness I enter sickness I enter [Applause] hell the message I have to my fellow Kenyans I will speak in my native [Music] language I have seen it and thank you Jesus thank you than to Jesus Christ I'm walking again I'm walk when lady anango Emma from Kenya touched the Garment of the man of God prophet Samuel kakande in faith all her pain was no more for the Lord Jesus Christ had totally taken away every pain and weakness be blessed as you listen to her wonderful testimony the following morning good morning good morning good morning Jesus good morning my name is anango Emma I'm from Kenya and the lady standing besides me is my my [Applause] [Music] mom I'm standing before you today to testify the wonders of God the Miracles of Christ Jesus because I have seen it in my own life I don't need anybody to explain anything to me Jesus is Alive [Music] I'm a professional um Elementary School teacher CU I was running late to do some online classes for two of the students I had I decided to call a cab when the cab came I was about to get in and I was I had carried my young baby who was one year that time a little girl someone called me behind Emma why are you out this early so when I looked back it was my friend she said let me hold the baby for you you get in the cab so I gave her the baby and she stepped back the next thing I heard was a big bang poof I saw darkness when I saw light I was in hospital bed I was admitted for 4 days they did whatever medication they could do the tests and they gave me medicine which I took even the time I was in hospital I wasn't feeling any better but I was telling myself oh I'm from this accident the other day I will feel well but things were not working out for me so then uh after 4 days they discharged me I could go home but I was to come back after every 2 days for physiotherapy the pain was too much it was agonizing it was too too much I'm a mother of two young children my firstborn boy is 6 years he understands nothing you can't even tell him boy go and bring me that plate he will break all of it and my young girl she still breastfeeds I if I lie on one side of my body she breastfeeds one side I had to look for someone uh who could maybe come in the morning and stay with me up to evening now this pain was too much and I told my husband hey I'm tired of going to this physiotherapy I'm tired of taking this medication maybe we should find another solution so I asked my husband could we maybe go and try this other Hospital maybe they have better ways of treating or facility or something so my husband said okay we're going to look into that early October we started going to this new facility but because of the report of the treatment of how I was being handled in the previous hospital they continued the physiotherapy it was done on me and nothing every day I would go complaining this medication is not helping me it is even worsening they change another they tell me this one is now even more strong use it if I go use it hey it's like now hell has dropped on my back I can't turn I can't even look it was painful I I can't call my son he can even not even lift my hand so why do I call him and then uh because this did not work out one of the doctors one time said let us take an x-ray of you and see maybe what may be happening maybe it's is deep from the inside so they took the first x-ray then the doctor said ah there's something I'm seeing here but I need this picture to be more clear so I will send you for an MRI when the MRI result came out that is when they noticed that my back pain was being caused by bulging of lamb four dis 5 and S1 and there was also a severe contraction and a cut of the nerve from where I stated from 45 and S1 I could not take it I asked the doctor is there a remedy for this because what I'm feeling I think I've given up I don't need your medication I don't need more therapy I just need you just tell me if I'm I should be waiting for my death because that time my right hand side leg this leg I think it had died or something because it was cold cold even if I sleep and someone comes and connects with it um he's like hey you're so cold you move aside and I can't lift it I can't even turn if I sleep on this side it's so heavy for me even to lift I needed at least a very strong person if he she or he was one but I really needed two people for me to get proper assistance even to stand up you know you're helping me so I will not tell you stop but I cannot stand I feel like crying but I have to be strong because sometimes the children are there my son keeps asking me Mom nowadays is if I tell you oh help me with drinking water you tell me climb that stool bring the cup go and take the water but you used to do it for us before why are you not doing it anymore you don't even know my food you're growing older than your mom I see Mom she's so young she can cook when we go to her she cooks for us she keeps warming as our tea but you you are just you you walk like an old woman you have to be helped and I used to feel so much pain because I have nothing to tell this boy he cannot understand so I've been going through a lot of trauma for the past past 6 months remember this has cost me a lot I even had to resign my job and upon resignation of my job because I teach in international schools and our year starts in September so by June late June we had close school and all my students they knew I would come back parents kept calling me hey miss you know not in school can I enol my child with an online class which school did you go to sometimes a parent calls you you receive the call you are in pain maybe you turn your hand you receive the call you're in pain you start crying and you you just have to hang up on him or her which is very disrespectful but I don't have a way of explaining the kids they ask their parents for their for my number miss when are you coming back to school can we come to your home I'm like I I will tell you I'll come so even the two kids who I was doing online classes for I had to continue only two more lessons because how will I teach on my laptop while lying down on the bed I can't sit H so it was so bad I could not I literally was like I was in my home ICU I think I was in my home ICU I was telling my husband I know it will take you a few days to give up on me I will not be surprised because literally I can can do nothing I am here I'm stuck it's like even some I see people are liame but they can move you know they are okay they're not feeling pain so this um happened and last minute I asked the doctor now I don't want any more of this tell me your last resolution and he told me I want to be frank with you before your husband the only thing that will help you is an operation and I told him on the face I'm not doing it if that is the only solution I have I better go home wait for my death to come so I went back home and I told myself this is the end of me so I called my mom and told Mom Mom all these medication I've been taking are not working what do you think I should do now next and mom told me today is Wednesday we are going to kakande Ministry in Uganda I asked her he Uganda how am I going to Uganda how will I even b a vehicle how am I going to sit in that vehicle you know maybe she can explain a little more good morning church good morning good morning again morning I'm the most happiest woman to stand before you [Applause] today with all the gratitudes to God in this [Applause] well in this spring of life I thank Jesus and I give glory to Jesus my my daughter was in a great pain I can't explain it all because she has explained it I could not even sleep at night I would always call her but at times I would find her crying whenever I ask her why is she's crying she would tell me that uh I was trying to change myself but I'm good Mom I would just leave it that way but I knew it was not well with her so when it reaches uh on Wednesday I called her but she cried a lot so I told her that no you cannot go for operation I know where the operations are being done I know the spring of life I know Jesus I knew kakande Ministry through a friend and after knowing the kakande ministry we came all that long she was crying like a baby I can I not carry her because she's even fat actually whenever I try to hold her it is as if I'm even stuggling but I tried the much I could she cried all over till we reached here but I thank God that it was good when we reached here we got a good reception and I thank God for kand Ministry when she was put in prayer line I was as happy as an ego may she explain from there um so we traveled and we came to kakanda Ministry and when I got here thank God I was placed in the prayer line now let me give you the experience when man of God came before me when it was my turn hey hey what I felt what I felt I felt something like a river flow have you been near a waterfall before I felt that sound all over me I could not see any other thing the feeling that I had it was so powerful I only remember he told me woman touch my garment something was like striking my fingers when I was taking it towards his trouser and when I touched the strip of the trouser I felt like I was in a spe a roller coaster and it was going at I don't know 360° C CM mm kilomet kilog it had all the measurements I don't know for kgs or TS I don't know it was too much and it came into a halt immedate it was startic and I found myself sitting and I was asking myself in I called myself in my name anango and I said eh you know in when you're called you say so I called Aang then I said eh then I saw myself sitting I was wondering is this me is this me and I tried to lift my leg this one that could not be lifted I found I could actually I was trying to lift it and it knelt and then I tried to stand I don't know this place has no athlete lens but I think I if Mana was brought here today if he was brought yesterday on this field he wouldn't have marched me thank you Jesus for the healing thank you Prophet kakande for praying for me I have nothing to give Jesus but praise and glory back to him thank you God thank thank you Jesus and thank you brethren for also accepting that truly there is God that truly Jesus suffered for us that truly he felt the pain for us and we should not feel it anymore I am well I am healthy I am okay I can jump and I came in here with some in our country we call them Crocs eh cameraman check my feet actually when I went to buy these shoes I didn't find my size in the 12 in when I was ordering they asked me are you going for a model competition I said yeah God created a model in me I want to go and model for God but they said your size in is in this length so I told oh you have disappointed me but I won't disappoint Jesus so I decided to cutwalk in these ones but the cutwalk size length if if I carried my closet here you could have worried which kind of energy I'm working [Applause] in I'm a fashion designer did I say that I'm a model it's only that because I got my baby one year ago I grew a bit fat but if you met me one year before I used to walk like this those who have modeled before will prove that I'm a professional model hold this for me brother [Music] that walking again walking [Laughter] again [Music] can you see what Satan was taking away from me do you know one of us here I can't mistake her or even my son after I had been delivered and I went sitting uh back there she asked me I'm so grateful you you are healed thank Jesus but where is your daughter you know I didn't connect it so fast and then I told her oh I didn't carry her with me she remained at home then she told me no the one you are with I was looking that old hey satan we have stamped you under our feet by the blood of Jesus Christ by the power that Jesus Christ has put in prophet Samuel kakande hey father prophet Samuel Kandi thank you for accepting Jesus to use you in this manner and Beyond I don't know what I would become if we never met this man of God maybe in two or 3 days time people would be coming to my home in my Village when you die people come to celebrate they eat people would be waiting for the celebration day to be announced when will How many cows will be killed in her barrial hey those who are ready with the transport I'm not dying any soon I'm not dying any soon I will live to testify this Glory let me repeat the cwalk again clap clap for Jesus Christ for setting her [Applause] free see of walking the see of dancing see of walking glory be to Jesus Christ The Miracle Worker I can run in this ones like 100 m/ second but because you are here I don't want to cause damage now let me just go Hallelujah see how perfect the Lord Jesus Christ has been to God be the glory I want to show you what operation God did in my body you know see you know when you explain things in words people may not understand in action people would see how agonizing how much pain I was going through I want to show you the joy I am going through now [Music] [Music] clap clap clap for [Applause] Jesus [Applause] praise God church I would like to say that I was very surprised me personally when I was seeing her are laying down here I just made a prayer in my heart and I said Lord I know you are going to this lady and I will praise your name and I thank you in advance that you are going to do it but another thing surprised me I have seen that what you read in the Bible we just take them as stories that happened thousand years ago we read that just a lady touch on the Garment of Jesus and was healed but we can't believe that it can happen when I saw it the man of God didn't do many things just approached her and said just touch my garet and left he didn't even wait for long but surprisingly the healing power continued the work till the lady was up I give the glory and honor to God thank you my name is Lilian from Kenya I was with this lady when we we came here on Friday when the lady was started registering I saw her and what I saw yesterday oh Jesus there is power of resurrection of Jesus Christ in this place let me let me explain it in in my language [Music] am thank you so much God bless [Applause] you thank you Jesus thank you man of God prophet Samuel kand for praying for me thank you Jesus for the healing thank you thank you we are very happy I know I'm not happy alone we are all happy and Jesus is Happy amen ah it is my greatest time to thank Mr prophet kakande and Jesus for choosing him to do wonders to help the needy those that has lost hope like my daughter lost hope like we lost hope and I know it is to many not only us thank you Jesus clap your hands for the mighty healer Jesus Christ and give him glory see walking again see D see walking again clap your hands enter I from I entered I walk from failure Victory i w from Darkness I ENT light i w from sness I [Applause] enter ENT hallelujah hallelujah VI [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a
Channel: The Kakande Ministries
Views: 463,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mmbSBFJaG0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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