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good morning you're welcome second Peter 1 2021 listen knowing this first that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation for prophecy never came by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit my name is Dr Mor that elephant you dream the biggest problem in your house in your family house where you were born it is true what you are saying man of God recently I dreamed that an elephant was actually chasing me then I went into the the house and the Elephant was still chasing me in the house sometimes I dream that I'm I'm where I was when I was very small boy and I wonder why am I still dreaming that I'm in where I was and from there all happened when you were 5 years to your family to the relationship of the mother and the father It All Happened 5 years true man of God they didn't want her to be married in that family it's very true man of God the relative of the family Rose against your mom very true the relatives actually rose up against my mother and they didn't want her to leave very true man of God and they brought something which diseased the stomach of your mom when I was 5 years old my mother fell very sick she was admitted to hospital the stomach was so swollen she was moved to so many hospitals but she could not heal very true very true it was the Indian Doctor Who gave her the medicine which brought about this to BU very true man of God they got this man who gave us a medicine to put on the stomach and the stomach burst even now the problem is still there it is not finish right now she's very sick she cannot even walk uh she's paralyzed the legs no no no I'll give you the Living Water that land was big it is true man of God and they brought people who are not supposed to get any portion they squared on the land it is very true the land belonged to our great grandfather so they didn't want us to live in that land so when I grew up I I moved out and bought my own land because it was just War it was a war zone but I remind you the man called wulo yes I know the man was one of my grandfathers man of God what you said is true on the side of my mom that the ones who are owning that huge chunk of land where we were living by the blood of Jesus there is going on for Dr morisa from Kenya in the name Jesus be restored in Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holy now you're going to [Music] [Applause] shine thank you Jesus I'm going to shine there's land near the airport that's why I've bought land right now man of God what you said is true I have uh two lands near the airport one is developed one is not developed all these are developments you've been looking for the foreigners to work with they have come he things have turned right for [Applause] you all these are buildings God it is well with you thank you Jesus thank you for your deliverance thank you for your Prosperity is everlasting God who remembers his people but there is a woman you shouldn't forget the name start with Nam namuru you you have a lot of money never forget this woman and her children because she took you as a child and wished you all the best what you are saying is true man of God Nam an hand of mine even when I was small she took me to school to high school she always came to see me even if she had nothing but just to encourage me and to say you'll make it you wondering my name is Pastor savasa from South Africa Prophet I'm sitting wondering is this the same child of God like me what is different man of God this can only be God but my question is one I'm serving the same God what is happening God I want to share the same blessing Jesus mighty name and God must increase you I come from South Africa because the anointing that God has given to you 19 2 3 4 of Acts of Apostles and it happened while Apollos was at Corinth that Paul having passed through the upper regions came to Ephesus and finding some disciples he said to them did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believe so they say to him we have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit and he said to them into what then were you baptized so they said into John's baptism when the Holy Spirit is around you're not the one doing ABCD but you are just a witness but a question when did you wait in Jerusalem how many days did you wait in Jerusalem how did you receive the word of God from The Preacher Man how did you separate from him because of misunderstanding what is the origin of your gospel the person ordained me is my father your real father my father is a in South Africa uhhuh but uh when I grow up the church that we were raised in they didn't believe in Prophecy and miracles the way how God is using other people and after being baptized and ordained I went and started a Ministry you were baptized to enter into that what they were believing in they were not believing in Miracle no wonder no no Holy Spirit here you are you want to be like a next to me is my wife man of God I saw in the vision in my heart I was crying God I want you to locate me I want to be baptized by the Holy Spirit and you came and and and pick me up you say I must I must come stand next to you you wanted to impart me but your way you take off the top jacket it's like you wanted to give me a blouser you unbutton the first Button as you started to unbutton H Prophet TP Joshua appear and then he said stop who said you must do that his anointing is different and then you put the jacket back like this and he say I want to be like you but look at it he was already told no he has another another what I have a different calling Prophet said what you must you must stop just do as the holy spirit is telling you what to do but what did I say you said that said he has a different calling he has a different father but he to he knows it in the dream that I was stopped from giving him anything because he has a different father this is what the Bible say 2 Peter 1: 2021 listen knowing this first that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation for prophecy never came by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit they spoke as they were moved by so when he came before me I said no sir you have a different calling you have a different orrian Once Upon time there was a medium young Pastor he was a Preacher Man preaching too much but he got a problem with his wife his relationship was no good they start from that one sometime he could put on a gown I can't remember he was on fire [Laughter] preaching sometime he could come to the small town and preach near the tree so brilliant at 17 years you made this pastor Jesus knew the Holy Ghost Holy Ghost man of God can you enlighten me it is well is my soul with My Soul It is Well is well this is the man who gave you the Gospel of Jesus different from your father now what you are saying man of God I remember very long time ago I was doing grade 12 and there was a crusade in an open area at the end this is the that this is the last Road of our street and they make a tent outside this area was not develop but there this this there were this houses that are are like this and I was having a problem of bleeding and I went there because I had the were people who are doing Crusade I went there the pastor is short it's like him I like the way he was preaching I was 17 at that time you are miles and miles away from Uganda you are in vender in South Africa and we are talking about things that happen 20 20 something years ago because you say when I was 17 years I was still a young boy and the man of God you're talking about when he says like a dynamite it's true he was very strong that man of God I preach like that fire on YouTube right now if I open my video I preach fire [Applause] have you seen the have you seen [Applause] the you are speaking about me I have a problem with my wife this is why I'm here I want to confirm another detail as I was coming here I met a man and he told me when he came to my city he was young I am the one who took him and began to teach him the word of God I didn't cogniz him you have told him that that man is the one who talk to him about Jesus so I met this man from Kenya uh-huh come come he told me that I am the one who took him and taught him the word of God and now he is a pastor when he came he was a young man but now he is a pastor he has a church let's come for [Music] Jesus how can this story come together and the man he preached to is here the story I'm talking about it is true to their side it is true to his side what a God we serve sometimes you may think that these things are pre-arranged when it comes to you is when you know it is true the prophet the man is talking about had a problem with his wife the same man is standing has a problem with his wife for you it is a competition that old place had four families this one of [Music] Father Once Upon Time your family lived in a place that place the road going there was not good yes and the family was near it together yes this is a house this is the house house this is the house this is the house yes of the big man yes sir yes yes I confir and they they had cows yes yes this big man that is where the argument misunderstandings came from yes sir this marry and Remar this is the issue yes sir this what is in your heart yes the competition was from this family yes sir you are trying your level best to see that you are above them yes because they don't even believe you yes they don't believe in me your father left them and went and got his place yes built his house with another three houses yes man of God what you have said is very true one this is a road to go to our home it is very bad even to go there with a car is a problem and then uh we had cows we had cows so this one the man that you you are speaking about the one that uh you have said that he caused the battle that is exactly what happened because my father moved now he's living alone and my mom is living alone he went with my three sisters and uh me and my brother and another sister we were a bit older so we went our separate ways so the family right now no one is there in our home right now no one is there everyone in their family there have been those divorces so there is a lot of a battle when it comes to marriages and the problem that brought me here is that I'm having a a problem with my wife and it is affecting the ministry because on January 7th I was waiting for her to come to church so I went to service she did not come so I thought maybe she's coming I send someone home to go and pick her they would not find her so she had gone back to their home I went there in the evening they would not like to see me uh so I went back to my house uh and then after one month she switched off her phone she Che the line right now I even don't know where she is because of The Tall Man richer than you yes and he has vehicle yes yes sir this is your competitor to the woman yes this T man took your wife what the man of God you are saying is true on uh on 19th of uh of uh November was my wife's birthday so something happened there is a man from a is a a family friend to her mother the tall one yes the tall [Music] so I sent her to go to greet her mother so when she came back I came to realize that something fish was happening I saw some love messages from that man The Tall Man I even have the video of the toan in my phone I listed them okay listed the video I arested him in my house he' come to see my wife watch the SC television Brethren Apostle isra is showing us this video of the T man whom the man of God talked about in the prophecy I've have not told anyone no one knows it's only me and he has a vehicle as you have said where is the girl Christine Christina Christina is a is a member in the church what you have said is true because uh after she left this Christina is a doctor and uh I've been having confusion because my wife said that she's not coming back I've tried or I can and it failed now this Christina you're talking about she's close to me I've been having another thought because I don't know if she will come back or I should [Applause] continue my name is name is Mariana Kaa I'm from South Africa I was born in Zambia what kind of closeness are you talking about sorry was so much at broken so we have been sharing with her because as a man of God I don't have someone to share with is Christian married no so you've already found the solution then yes that's that's true my name is m moo I am a Zimbabwean living in South Africa man of God as you giving the prophecy it is not for him only this prophecy is also for me this toall man also father so as you giving that prophecy I was saying Prophet is also talking to me because of these tall men also very wellknown men but I leave you to rest it took your wife man of God he did my name is how namb from Kenya I'm really amazed I'm also touched Pastor from Kenya anger what the man of God is saying is true I have the spirit of anger even my mom is sited somewhere there she can confirm it I can get angry and then I will quarrel and I'm a pastor so sometimes I wonder what is this thing what is this his Spirit even my mom sometimes we quarrel with her with my brother yeah she's my mom we are eight I'm the fifth born disciples knew Jesus they knew the holy ghostly ghost Holy Ghost this is the house of my grandfather and these are trees MH these trees are very big but the one who cut them down and uh here we have Graves of my grandfather is somewhere here my two hands and uh I think this one is for our uncle and our grandom is somewhere here where the anger came from when your mom was pregnant she knows what happened she can tell us Kya my name is alri I come from Kenya I remember very well when I had the pregnancy of this child were in the same family of our father my father was practicing witchcraft so we were involved and put inside witchcraft you did not bring the problem they brought the problem sure in the name Jesus Ang go from Kenya go and never come back again being delivered from this Spirit of anger father is your son have mercy upon me take away anger forever in Jesus holy go and do your church thank you Jesus for delivering me and thank you Jesus for setting my family free Jesus you bless your the to Pastor receiving Deliverance you're free thank you Jesus the family issue put you in dilemma my name is I'm work in Zambia but I come from Zimbabwe negotiate with your wife yes you always Prophet what you're saying is true I'm not in good relationship with my wife though we got kids and we have grown up now my wife listens too much to my father better than me this woman that the one we are talking about now a dark woman that's my wife I was aring with my wife to say if I go there I don't think I'll have an opportunity to talk to the to the prophet but in my spirit I could feel definitely this man will give me a mic to talk to him and to me it's a wonder in say wonder I don't know how I should explain I am dreaming right now to be saying I'm talking to the man of God Prophet kak it's not real to me your father cons the dead so the dead are you're now companions Everything You Touch man collapse this father of mine he plays with the spirits goes to the graves and he talk to doing his whatever tombacco thing on the graves and speak to the people dead people something which we are against whatever I touch Prophet it never stand I did two highs I'm a contractor I built some houses I the people in Zambia they owe me more than a million Watchers which is close to about 4 500,000 us they don't want to pay me I sold my a grant I sold my Toyota come I pray for you but you bring your wife because this is is different in the name Jesus de go he's not receiving his Deliverance in Jesus name by the blood of Jesus begin to multiply give me they always arguing with the wife arguing with the wife nothing goes on well everything will go on well but bring your wife man of God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I'm saved thank you Lord thank you man of God good morning man of God I'm sister mam from Namibia I'm so amazed I never know this thing existed when I was watching YouTube I never know I find I keep on touching my body whether I'm Dreaming or is this real man of God is a real Grace the power of Jesus Christ has this lady from Namibia when you watching the YouTube or whatever I say h this is a very good drama that is how they deceive people is it true you the one falling down yes I was telling yesterday that I hardly fall is Falling Again under the inflence of the Holy Ghost Power have your peace then we talk about the child issue I would like to confirm the prophecy that you gave man of God about the child at the age of 23 I fell pregnant he he he told me because he was going to church he would take me to their Church to go tell the pastor so we do the right thing when he took me there the pastor told him that I a witch he must stay from me from there I I was so in misery I was homeless cuz even my brothers were told to stay away from me that I am a wi so I went to one woman I told her my problem and then said we should AB the pregnancy and we did ever since then again my life I don't understand my life up to now I didn't see p I'm confused I don't know what happened to me I was very Dent at school that I could be school over a b after that pregnancy even in school I'm struggling this is my story this is my song praising myor oh God I just want to remind you your sandal this sand had two strings here yes man of got I remember a sandal I have had a sandals that have got way I yes it's true this is where the problem came from and this girl decided to take those sandal do you still have them no man of God I I I lost them but I don't know how I lost them sit you started feeling that somebody Yes Man of what is this is pulling me yes I used to have a nightmare even when I'm I'm a nurse and when I'm doing night shift I could just see myself like some something is pulling me on the legs something is pulling me back and forth and I I will be afraid and I didn't tell it to anybody even at home I used to have this nightmare is true what you are saying man of God this can only be God in February I had a dream of you telling me asking me about the child and asking me somebody pulling me back and forth that you could be far by now you are real man of God when I used to watch on YouTube every day I used to watch every day I used to watch and I'm asking asking myself will this happen to me has it happened to you yes man of God [Music] 146 of John Jesus is the truth Jesus said to him I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me there is a sister here or a woman here you were given a half Petty the way you were given it was not good because of the pregnancy issue come out for prayer there who is coming forth from the congregation to confirm this prophecy for her Deliverance let us listen to her my name is Alice it is me from Ken it is me the man of God has talked about but it is long ago I was pregnant like 3 months I was given a half petat and a purple dress that dress was transparent but I was somewhow ignoring it so she called me and told me you come take this pet coat you wear it h she's a friend of mine I still have that pet coat and my child now is like 12 years now yes ever since I have never had stable relationship the person that I had that time left it like 3 months it brought total confusion and then I interrupt the man of God telling me come and deliver you even the way I'm here even if you ask the coordinator God in that list our coordinator knows there was one space that was left for like two four five days no one is being found to enter in that space then I was called and I was asked has Jesus come through for you I said not yet I was told prepare yourself you're going to kak even now when I call that number to thank that person she's not picking I don't know that person was even ask our coordinator she's there she doesn't have any message of me paying for my trip here I don't have I'm just even Shing go is my witness what was the dream I was watching my laptop I was watching you immedately I felt like dosing off you say come and you are delivering me there there there that corner you say come and deliver you and I was really afraid of you in that dream and I had a baby in my back and now you are talking about you are come come this is the disturbance in the might name of Jesus P go in Jesus [Music] call never a friend like Jesus never problem Sol like Christ Jesus you're free you have been abroad by now but because of whatever was done to you you are still in Kenya father we open door for her to go abroad [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think God knows us too much and TR was sitting many people and a white man was holding a Manila paper yellowish MH and the job description was there now you're talking about a thank you Jesus for blessing her life thank you Jesus thank you the way you told me come and deliver you I thank God God has his own connections God be the glor please give me 100,000 [Applause] be the [Applause] glory my daughter uh your journey abroad thank you within the three years is open thank you Jesus this is a great miracle thank you Jesus everybody in your community will know that you have yes you have gone up yes yes yes my sister and dream that people in my community were calling me come see that to of they call my dad that da of they were saying that my sister said that now now the connections of God we don't know it is only God who knows he has done it thank you Jesus love Jesus God is because you you don't know me but I saw you said come and deliver you then I was put in the bus then I'm here now you say there's no you already delivered it is good thank you [Applause] [Music] Jesus things of God are always good truly is a faithful God even if you can't let don't worry your BL is already there hey just like planes that flight to countries even if you come late your cities are viable without you nobody can take your place I've also come so late but my SE are viable myow wealthy people thank you is around it's true this is so beautiful with Jesus everything my name is Tina Kimo from Malawi this man came you rejected him you tried to push him you are not supposed you no please you not support you please this man destroyed your life Prophet what you're saying is true I was denying him he is not supposed to sleep with me but we insisted and we slept we slept with me ever since that time that's very true Everything which was going on well man of God what you saying is true ever since I slept with this man my finances they all SC I don't have a stable business you started dreaming very bad they always have weird dreams and the stomach started doing some funny funny things you don't understand my stomach itars me it when it starts pinning is like if like I'm in labor some other people are so cunning they know who they are they know what they can deposit in [Music] you not everybody say I'm your friend is's a friend we remove the problem now from you you go you do your business amen you have your peace amen because you were a promising lady and you are developing yes even now many chances are coming to you yes man of God they go back yes man of God I just see grace passing by she's my sister she's also struggling let me stamp out this problem before I go to your family at the Very Yes man of God when you are going to my home Village we we pass by The Valleys what you're saying is true man of God because that's where my mom lives because I must go there come and see where the problem yes man of God that is the problem now once upon time this man entered your family you people come is not the one come this is a good man my son is a good man why I'm saying all this s SAS yes my dad used to bring sangas sever of them my name is Rebeca kmo from Malawi Prophet I remember a man like that one you showed us here because my father was a politician in fact he passed away was a politician so he used to bring someone like that man the last s he brought in the house before he passed away was the one who covered him was alive he covered him with a a white cloth and start putting some medications to say he will live long after that he didn't make it he wasn't sick passed away who my father because of maybe because of the sers he lied to him he lied to him he wasn't sick by by that time we was just doing those things to say you you you you have you live long the rest is going on forca kbo Malawi and S kbo being delivered in Jesus name pick up pick up in the name of Jesus Dev go in the name of Jesus Dev go clap for Jesus for setting them freay [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Kakande Ministries
Views: 30,559
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Id: 1adzFI2Mj18
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Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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