Is Reincarnation Really Real? || Prophet Passion Java

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[Music] prophetic our receive this program of profit passing Java this program will bring you prophetic impartation replication and revelations that will change your life forever to encourage and inspire and motivate you to keep marching toward your destiny now receive this fresh word from profit passion as it flows from the vows of heaven to saturate your soul prophetic hour with profit passive Java what is incarnation what is incarnation coming back again you know I'm still learning English huh ping in body so reincarnation is coming back to a body right so tomorrow there's gonna be a reincarnation and some people don't understand it they don't believe it because your person ever told you your body can receive a new spirit well Jesus is passing by and he asked it is disciple who do men say he was not talking about the drunkards what are the opinions because the drunk had to say the wine provider he was asking about the prophetic people change people the pharisees the sadducees people that read the Bible that understand this cause when they made a savvy about me who do they say I am what was the answer when they looked at who they say you are Jeremiah when they looked at you they say you were Elijah they looked at you decide you're Moses some say in conclusion you are one of the prophets they never said in a post so they never said evangelist they never say it is a thief they said you are under the brackets of the prophets ie they so your main question should be how come they know that Jesus was born by Mary they know the history of the Beth of Jesus they saw Jesus growing up how can they say he is the one who lived twenty thousand years ago do you follow what I'm saying you understand what I'm saying you cannot come and say I think he is Osama bin Laden it does not make sense right but for you to say he is Osama bin Laden something should tell you that he is Osama bin Laden are you there so in another words they knew that spirits can reincarnate so they were not talking about the outside body they were looking at because they knew this boy is born by Mary his name is Jesus but they were talking about the spirit he is carrying inside of him some say he is elijah some say he is moses they you that moses can come back i wish someone can understand this they are spirits that left the a dream without fulfilling their assignment therefore God has to bring them back you follow what I'm talking about now for God to bring them back I'll give you an example Elijah Jezebel because no spirit comes along every good spirit comes with an evil spirit every prophet he comes with Pro spirit because when God created everything in the edram he created things with the balance so it's good and it's evil it's poverty and its prosperity it's sadness and it's joy am i right so whenever God says I'm releasing the spirit of Elijah on the other side that there was releasing the spirit of Jezebel are you there so when you hear that you are Elijah don't be happy that your body prophesy understand that is a war with a Jezebel experience whenever you hear that the spirit of job is coming upon you know that the spirit of Belmont is also coming after you I wish someone can understand this whenever you hear that the spirit of Samson is entering you know that the spirit of delaila is after you because every spirit comes with an opposite can I go deeper so one can ask how what is the spirit that I carry in me right the first way to know the spirit you carry is to know the spirit that is fighting you because Jesus is never fought by Jezebel Jesus is never fought by Delilah Jesus is fought by Saturn I wish you were here so if you are Elijah you not just a bear is always around you if you are someone you know that Delilah is around me so check what spirit is fighting you from the time you want you now then you're not the spirit at this time to care you understand what I'm talking about right so because Elijah did not finish and Jezebel never finished because the death of Elijah means the death of Jezebel there is no need for the devil to keep Jezebel on a twin Elijah is gone so the moment Elijah leaves al just appears to go are you there but when Elijah comes back just a basic coming you follow what I'm talking about so when Elijah was planted on earth Jessica was planted when Elijah came back in the New Testament he entered whoa John so John the Baptist we know him this is a bond bond this is John bond by Elizabeth am i right but the spirit of Elijah entered him so when people they said John and the disciples were confused so they asked the question master we believe you are the Messiah but how come you are with us when Elijah is not with us the Bible says Elijah will come before you and prepare your way and he said are you ready for the truth so the question I'm asking you today is the same question are you ready for the truth you may want to hear that truth but the main question is not do you want to hear the truth the question is are you ready to hear the truth I will tell you that you're not ready son I'll rather show you that you're not ready so when John was growing people saw the boy John but then the spirit of Elijah entered John is what we call reinker nation now you believe what I'm talking about right so you can be a joint born by Elizabeth then the spirit of Elijah enters you you are no longer John can I go deeper who is John this is not personal you see this jacket I can throw it there right is it passion the jacket is not passion so the question is who is passion LeBrock a social Amanda let's go back to the origin and God took the man he formed the man God created the man let us create men out of our own image after only nice boom Adam is the am i right if is the am i right chapter two you formed from the dust of the ground he did what formed the chapter one he created so a lie Adam is create in Chapter one but there is another Adam formed in Chapter two are we together so we have the Adam created and with the Adam formed am i right but the Adam created is not Adam I wish I can talk to somebody the Adam formed is not Adam so we have the spirit which is not Adam and we have the flesh which is not Adam and God it took the spirit and breathed into the nostrils of the flesh and men became what so with the men this soul are we together are we together and what is this song the soul is the house that house is your spirit I wish you were here your soul is the house that house is your spirit because we got this so Adam cannot enter to live inside the flesh so man is a spirit who lives in a soul who is a body to function on earth let me break it down do you need to come to America what do you have you have a visa to enter America the visa to operate on earth is your flesh I wish way if you don't have the flesh you are not allowed to operate on earth that's why the devil cannot stand here and fight me that's why God Himself can stand here and fight me because the only way to operate on earth is the flesh now he together that's why Jesus yet to be born by Mary because they needed a passport to operate on earth he needed bless now we're together so when God took the men created and placed him into the flesh the Bible says men became a living soul away together so the soul becomes the house that house is every spirit not only your spirit the spirit of poverty has to be housed in your soul I wish I can talk to somebody the spirit of poverty is to be housed in your soul let me break it down what is the definition of the soul the soul is the mind W and the emotion am i right the mind you think that we you choose the emotion you act am i right am i right so you can't act without it so you can't choose without the soul you can't think without the song are we together if you combine the three is God so if we everyone is not so if you have two is not so combining three means the soul are we together so you can't be poor unless in your soul you house the spiritual profit it it changes how you think and how you choose and how you act I wish I was here so you're thinking capacity tells you how much you are poor how much you're prosperous but your thoughts you have to be controlled from some way and that this some way is called a spirit are they so Adam is in the body of Adam can I go to God he can take out if his spirit of Adam inside the flesh of Adam and it putted the spirit of passion in the body of Adam I wish you are you there that is why we come out with the gays I'm not talking of people that were inspired by others of the gays I'm talking about people that are naturally gays you know there are people that are naturally gays they are born without feelings for another woman from two years or do they feel for girls for boys six years they feel for boys 12 years they feel for boys when they are with women they don't feel anything you know there are people like that right the problem that took place is that when mother was carrying you mother confessed that I'm caring again and the words of the mother prepared your soul prepared your mind prepared your house to house the spirit of a girl but your flesh is a boy so the spirit that the entered your soul is a female spirit well it's your boy I hope here I hope someone getting this let me break it down there is a man code in South Korea and his wife Katya Elizabeth the Bible says the problem of Elizabeth is that she cannot give birth the Bible never says she is barren so Elizabeth problem was not Baroness Elizabeth problem was not giving that which means the problem was miscarriage do I make sense to someone so she would carry a child and lose it out what method to lose a child was the husband his words would affect the baby and the baby would die in the womb so when the angel Gabriel came to deliver a message that is she shall give petrich out and that's not to be called John the angel could not go without him fixing the problem in their marriage so he said from today you are going to be mute and to the babies given bed because your words are affecting the womb of your wife I wish someone can know where I'm going to so what is person saying person is saying you are not you you are a result of the words spoken in your life I am not telling what I'm talking about you are a result of the words spoken in your life Parramatta tbonz Allah having hidden key listen to this have you ever seen crazy people that eat from the beans you know those people somebody spoke away and if they reincarnated that world let me break it down Jesus says the words that I speak their life in their spirit so the life you are living is a word I was ever gonna hear what I am talking about the words that I speak their life and they are a spirit so everything that you are is a result of the word that's why in the beginning there was no God in the beginning was the word and the word became God how can the word become God because God is not a person God is an office it simply means the Creator so when the word decree entered we named it according to its functionality now we're de created so recorded a word creator so we are naming you according to what you have created we call you Facebook because you created Facebook I wish away we we call you poor because you created poverty in your life we call you parent because you created Bahrainis in your life that is why the Bible says the name of Jesus is not Jesus in heaven his name is the word of God because there is no one to save in heaven Jesus simply means a savior and in heaven there is nothing to us everything so in the beginning there was no Adam yeah you're about to get me now in the beginning was the word let us create men let us create meant what existed was the words concerning Adam what started was not Adam but what started was the way to create Adam so what's beginning your prophetic move is the word you come to hear from the Gaza because the words I speak their life and they are spirit they are wish like the prophetic life after hearing the words spoken in the prophetic school we will live a prophetic life and you carry the prophetic spirit because it starts with the word and the word becomes flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten Son so what began was the word concerning Adam and the word became Adam and the addams word were formed can I go deeper come come it is gonna be interesting this is the word right and he said let us create men men was not there it was just a thought then he spoke the word and the way it became Adam way in the spirit chapter number 2 on the atrium the spirit Adam cannot operate without a passport so it needs to be accepted to enter into him it needs to be housed to enter into him without a place it cannot enter am i right am i right so God he formed from the dust of the ground so in the prophetic screw you only came here so I can form you because once you are formed then you can house you can not a house if you don't have a place so we are building places in you right now as I speak and we are building different houses somebody is being built to carry Elijah someone is being polluted to carry Jeremiah someone is being polluted to carry milk is eating someone is being pure to carry Christ somebody's being built to carry Jeremiah why some say you're Elijah some say you're Moses some say you exact you others say one of the prophets but what do you say I am now add Christ son of the Living God thou add Christ son of the Living GDB on to station I receive flesh and blood did not reveal this on to you but my father which is in heaven everybody's under you therefore upon this rock I will build my church and the gaze of Els on the ppl gonna steal their from today I will call you Peter you cannot carry the spirit of Peter unless we build a house in you to carry the spirit of Peter I wish you a what am I saying I'm saying some of you already have a word that you're a prophetess you are a prophet yeah now you owe me you owe Jeremiah you are Ezekiel but why is it we don't have the spirit of his again you exactly stay in this village Ezekiel cannot come unless is a charted honest stay tuned you are watching the prophetic town [Music] if you would like to speak to the Prophet for a private prophetic session register for a one-on-one phone call with him please visit prophet fashion comm and click the button it says one-on-one on top of the page welcome back you were watching the pathetic guy prophet passion [Music] let me break it down do you know ravines you call them ravens for you to attach a raven to come out from the tree and land on the ground you throw a piece of meat am i right but if you want a sparrow you don't remit you throw it am i right both are birds but they are coming down depending on what's on the ground so the spirit of Elijah cannot come on the ground and unless you already prepared a place for the speed of your life let me explain John is a priest rather a high priest because his father's dead journey is access to be in the temple not in the outer court only not in the inner court in the world of Holies John can seek God the face to face in the Holy of Holies you follow what I'm talking about John is living in the house of the priest are you they Jordan lives in the house of a priest which is the best house in Israel Johnny is a garment of a priest's the most expensive comment in Israel I believe his bed is dangerous not modern man though I believe he has a Jacuzzi in his house I believe he is all that he need is a high priest but is his spirit of Elijah's not a priesthood spirit it's a prophetic spirit when Elijah was on earth he was in the wilderness he was not drinking port I was drinking from the Brooker you follow what I'm talking about you deceive going to the jordan river - open it - open it you seem opening portals that's who Elijah so the spirit of Elijah yes to be attracted on earth to come into the boat of John if he is in the temple is not coming and unless is attracting the spirit of Eli Eli is a priest his Spirit is attracted by those that are entering in the Holy of Holies but he is not being prepared or he is not being built to house the Eli's spirit body Elijah's spirit so he ran away from the house and the entered in the wilderness we dropped the priesthood to comment and decided wearing leather end and come you say he is no longer eating the food he was eating he's eating locusts in and why he is exerting the spirit of Elijah to come and enter into him I wish away you cannot be possessed by the spirit of passion and unless you become passion your appetite will just change the food do you want to eat changes you just said liking grapes from knowing I wish I was here even if you are not yet a millionaire you sat wearing which if you can't afford a Gucci suit you starting wearing Gucci from China that's why Paul says what imitate me as I imitate Christ why am i imitating Christ I am trying to attract the Spirit of Christ not Jesus that's why he imitated imitated until he said it is no longer I that liveth but in Christ yes possess me I have accepted the Spirit of Christ by imitating Christ so the way you hold your mic changes the way you act not changes how many been following my videos from years ago I did a lot though but when I began to move in revelation you deceive me with the bishop : the bishop noel jones suit with the same logo i see the logo on the passenger body i just copy from no jones copy/paste copy/paste from kingdom ambassador passenger ministers no jones ministries passenger ministries i've ever seen me preaching same are they imitation is close to impartation imitation at such impartation I wish away do you know you can be walking and you see a guy with in the military we are not wearing camouflage you just know these guys is in the army do you know if a police officer walks there without uniform you notice a police officer they are built to be police officers - how's the speed of an officer I wish way you know if you are a pop artist you will just start seeing your genie what's happening the spirit cannot enter a house that it is not prepared for I don't know if you follow what I'm talking about have you ever seen that the presidents at all 90% of residence they are throw in their sleep I wish away have you ever seen that a lot of Tears they have big draw bonds have ever seen that let me not go there in the FBI department there is it there is what they call this science department they can look at you and know that you are guilt or there you are innocent without you saying anything they can look at the case and look at your body and they're saying here's another one without asking you any question I wish you were here let me break it down the spiritual prostitution cannot enter you unless you prepare your body for prostitution and let me jump that let me give you a better one we have you ever seen a dance a poor dance always wet you know poor tenses way you've ever met one that's wet your body's changing two hours a spirit do you follow what I'm talking about every spirit yes a house that's why the Bible says when a demon is casted out it will do four more seven spirits that are more powerful and say what let us go back way to my house because it cannot stay where it's not house every spirit needs a house so the spirit of Elijah need a house the spirit of Jeremiah need the house so if you are possessed virtually my you start crying a weeping prophet III either you follow what I'm talking about so there are people that when I look at them on Facebook they are requesting cannot be your son I just look at the picture on Facebook or not this one is my son are you there how many have seen me doing demonstration of power when I used to do the amassing power I waited teach it a raging why the men that impacted me demonstration of power who is digits.i not the speech I'm going to operate under today so I know how to flow are you then have you followed Benny in ministries what about Katherine commando ministries even if Benny Hinn is not anointed to see discord is depressed but because of this house he is preparing he has to sing are you there he has to say and he is duplicating the minister of kathryn kuhlman how you know us the shocking news he told me that he only met Kathryn Kuhlman ones in person like this once but it is speedy to come upon him so he had to wear different clothes here to minister differently he had to be tough he had to do things the same way why the spirit in him isn't that one that's not moving and leading the way so you cannot have the spirit without sacrifice John sacrificed his house to be in the wilderness he is garment to wear coming here to enter now all of Wally's just to remain in thee he left everything that he was to become something that he is to be somebody was at school to be a lawyer for 20 years 30 years you have to sacrifice your past you can't do both you can't be joining the Elijah the same time and it's not easy to sacrifice you be angry there were no money in your house ask me I've been there there will be nothing to touch it's not easy when you are being formed the process is not easy there is a glory in being Elijah but it's suffering to be prepared to become Elijah you lose a lot anointing is not cheap you lose a lot you lose friends you lose relatives you lose a lot from people people see you differently why the spirit you carry is the one that makes why we have these people laughing you don't have these people in your life so it's never a good choice to say lot Y of you it's never a good choice it's never easy because follow God's will to take place you will have to die so your will that prepared you over the years you have to flash it in the toilet and they pick a new you that means you have to be prepared from beginning are you there you can't get up in the morning and some know a lawyer you have to invest you you have to sacrifice sleepless nights reading study going to night schools doing a lot writing exams paying fees and one day you get up and you say lawyer is the same when God is preparing you for his assignment you don't just get up and say from today I'm poor I'm the greatest a posto you meet Jesus today you become blind how you see have to change the way you have been singing have to change someone does not understand this revelation I'm teaching why because your mind is corrupted you were taught the things that will make you shallow normal and ordinary so when God wants to make you extra supernatural being he does not give you ordinary knowledge he removes what you have known for years and it gives you a new knowledge so first step are you willing to sacrifice are you ready for a change everything that you may have to change your dress code changes your step changes your looks even changes I've ever seen that when somebody Marisa and they are truly loved their lives becomes the same the Bible says even the disciples they all looked like him instead physically they began to look like Jesus that's why they had to pay Judas show us which one among them is Jesus the dress code was the same they were all wearing bees they're wearing Gucci's and their step was the same their voice was the same so they have to give someone money to show them which one among this one is Christ are you ready to sacrifice your life some people have to leave their jobs some people have to leave their fathers houses their fathers houses to live your people to live your country where are you going to a place go to show me so Abram was caught what Abram and he sacrificed and he left his comfort zone and he went through enough and then he received the spirit of harm you know ham right the Noah's children's shame ham and japheth I'm so his father's nakedness so the blessing was taken away from his life you know the Solway and the father kissed push his son so the blessing won't go anyway so the spirit on the assignment of ham did not finish the assignment because the spirit of um did not finish the assignment God took the spirit of arm and place it upon Abram and he became a bruh and a blessing began to operate with him because the spirit did not finish his assignment so it looked for a body to finish the assignment they are spirits that are to finish the assignment going back to Elijah Elijah came back and Jessica came back when Jezebel came back just a bit entered the wife of a rod and Elijah under the speed of the board of John am i right and the John began to preach preparing the way of Christ and remember Elijah parted the Red Sea right you know the story so John also parted not the Red Sea the Jordan River and John also parted the Jordan River he was baptizing people in Jordan River and she opened a portal to go to heaven way next to the Jordan River thousands less later when Jesus came John with the spirit of Elijah opened the portal from heaven and a dove came down he is finishing his assignment but Jezebel say to Elisha what this day I'll do what you did to my prophets our cat what your head so because Jezebel's back and the bomb says a day is a thousand years under the Lord within a thousand ages ever came back to fulfill your assignment so she ordered the head of John to be beheaded and the assignment was completed because John's head was cut off meaning John did not finish his assignment because the coming of Christ is not yet fulfilled because there is the first coming and there's the last coming are you there meaning Elijah is coming to prepare the coming of Christ he died without fulfilling his assignment I wish someone can understand what I'm talking about so God told me the spirits that are coming back and people are going to house those spirits not only people in the prophetic school worldwide tomorrow midnight tonight - midnight the following midnight there is gonna be transfers in the spirits are you ready to perceive a new spirit are you ready to be possessed by a new spirit a receiver let me break it down for the last time what touch is the world the word becomes life and the spirit and that speed he has to be housed to function and I repeat step number one is what the word step number two life end step number three housing the spirit that makes you function you can't function in the spirit of Elijah without Elijah spirit are we together you follow what I'm saying right me Crockett hasta la havana heading here so how do I receive the spirit of Elijah how do I receive the spirit of Moses caneva chair maka body I wanna share with you a deep vision that I experienced myself I don't know it's 2001 or 2002 or 2003 give me that water leak apakah Dehesa thank you I was in the house in my room looking at my fish tank and watching the fish and stuff and I was taken in a trance and I saw my spirit coming out of my body that was the first time and have something that was the first time I saw a female spirit in heaven I swear lady I don't know how I can say it in English you know meeting Stella you know when you have those things like big needles and yeah Kasana nancy saw him crochet thank you thank you there was a lady sitting doing the crochet in heaven and I saw the lady and the lady prayed for me and they said from today she said from today you are going to be a father of many you are going to give birth you will be a portal of spirits on earth and I didn't understand the vision I came back I wanted interpretation till now I never got the interpretation because I thought it was a spiritual message that needs interpretation to be understood are you there but later on I took a young guy called prophet Trevor there was 2004 where they came meeting hold a bond in Zimbabwe and I took him and we stood and around ask him is like a globe that covered us it was blue in color when I touched his eyes when I released my hand is so Elijah so it was three of us me him and Elijah and the people that were outside of the globe could not see what was taking place but he is it and even fainted on the on the ground and I saw out of my mouth was coming out of fire entering into his mouth and then I saw a spirit that left me and entered into him and I was taught that you have been a spirit that some make him a prophet to the nation's that was the first time I bet a spirit now the Lord began to review to me when I was teaching you just few minutes ago that when that lady prayed for me in heaven and said I'm going to be a porter of spirits on earth it means God is going to send his spirit through me let me explain not everyone is a spiritual father many can be mentors a mentor someone can be an adviser number one what qualifies you to be a father you have to be an opposed to a prophet Ephesians 2 verse 20 all right but not all prophets and not all apostles our fathers because being a father being a father it's a calling by God himself are you then being a father it's a call from God you have to be code to be a father but you can't be a father unless you give bed are you their spiritual fathers are not the same with physical father's a physical father can only give birth according to his DNA am i right but a spiritual father does not give that according to each DNA are you then in God who is the father of all spirits came out micro and came out Lucifer did you follow what I'm saying Kamath Gabrielle came at Raphael there are different spirits I'll give you an example Jacob gave Beth to Levites he gave birth to the tribe of Judah that type of nomination and get better two different times why a spiritual port how can he give Beth Elijah and Moses and Jeremiah at the same time I don't know if you follow so God sent me to you because I am a portal that is going to give it a spirit not to anti to you you cannot call me your father unless you carry a spirit that came out for me didn't you know what I'm talking about a spiritual father is somebody would be a spirit into you so before a father makes you receive a spirit he prepares you I wish you were here so prophet passion cannot prepare you beyond who is that's why Moses God he showed him the Sun in the moon right but when he gave bet his spirit II and to Joshua Joshua was able to control it because you can't control what you don't know the source you control something from the sauce so Moses here to see from the creation of the light for Joshua to control it why are you following what I'm saying so there are people here that are going to receive a spirit why because they've been prepared to carry a spirit you're a menace olara Gandhi you can't call yourself son of the gaffer unless you you you you sacrifice all my life I've been sacrificing I wish away all my life I've been sacrificing I understand giving more than anything else so you can't say I mean son of prophet pass and yet we don't give I never understand remembers your dress code changes automatically because it runs within the DNA you are prepared to carry some set in truth that if you go and teach it in your chest everyone who live your church have you ever been there you try to copy the message and preach it and people say your grace because in our DNA God give us some set in scrolls that were not even a review to the world we are starting a new era in the prophetic do you want to hear God to receive prophetic impartation please register today for our prophetic school also found under profit passion calm under schools [Music] ah bless everybody watching this is profit passion together with pastor Benny Hinn announcing 24 2015 26th of July 2020 conference every eight ICC Harare Zimbabwe thank you Pasadena for coming I'm very glad I'm coming amen and I know we had the date for gourmet but because of my schedule it'll be easier for me if we do it in July yes and so I'm coming to Harare 24th of July 25 July and morning of the 26th of July so we are coming guaranteed and and others will be involved I think we're gonna see a blessed move of the Spirit of God Noda first of any healing Harare Zimbabwe this July god bless everybody oh mama bless you amen [Music] I hope he's been blessed by this wonderful message and powerful prophetic NGO patroness blesses many souls around the world to give or to partner with prophet fashion ministries please visit prophet passion comm and click the button that says give
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 12,878
Rating: 4.8483963 out of 5
Keywords: benny hinn, noel jones, td jakes, michael todd, steven furtick, emmanuel makandiwa, shepard bushiri, uebert angel, joyce meyer, joel olsteen, sid roth, jesse duplantis, kevin zadai, bill johnson, randy clarke, alph lukau, billy graham, reinhard bonnke, heidi baker, chris oyakhilome, deep prophecy, miracles, spirit world, angels, demons, hillsong, bethel, the breakfast club 105.1, dababy, drake, cardi b
Id: bs7fHQFl3qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 23sec (3203 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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