SHOCKING Egypt Forces Archaeologists to Rewrite History

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ancient Egypt is forcing archaeologists to rewrite our history and mystical lost sarcophagus with a monk a mysterious Vine in China and ancient technological devices could change the course of history forever watch this video till the end and you will be surprised Hi friend you're on the curtop channel [Music] wanked Mommy I want to remind you of an amazing story that can be mistaken for the plot of a science fiction movie but it was a reality of 1914. Imagine a group of Brave Merchants set up across the ocean in search of undiscovered artifacts and they find it a glass sarcophagus like in a fairy tale and inside it oh a miracle a sleeping priest named Gomez straight from the lost city of Atlantis at the bottom of the ocean Our Heroes also found other items for example rods was taxed in an incomprehensible language scientists were able to decipher them and now we know that this priest volunteered to go into a long sleep in order to return one day and tell about his lost city however there is another interesting thing this is not the only sarcophagus as the text indicates there are many of them and each of the priests wakes up once a century to check whether humanity is ready to accept the knowledge of the great Atlantis and if we're still not ready they go back after their dream the story gets even more interesting the sarcophagus falls into the hands of the Soviet Secret Service where it begins its thorough study and here's something unusual happens when the leading figures of the country came to look at this find everyone fell ill but there is an explanation I have repeatedly said that people get sick because of an infection that lives with mummies another sarcophagus was found by Turkish archaeologists but instead of celebrating their Discovery they ended up in court as the government classified their Discovery there was a being inside that could have been a human but it wasn't it was a creature with huge eye sockets no nose or ears an incredibly thinning fingers and wings guys real wings it seems that before us is representative of an alien civilization the sarcophagus appeared to be made of class but in fact it was incredibly strong and consisted of an unknown material containing at least 15 different minerals incredible isn't it how real do you think the story is are there really mummified monks who are able to wake up once every 100 years after all we know of cases when the ancient monks with the help of meditation plunged into a deadly sleep though we still have no recorded cases of Awakening write your opinion in the comments and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done so three skulls and technological devices let's talk about a mystery that I was able to discover by literally digging on the internet and although there is little information about this and not a single article has been confirmed by official sources I feel that I just need to share this with you in 2014 in Antarctica Russian scientists reportedly found three human skulls that are over 80 000 years old they found them in a thought cave the Russian explorers repeatedly got there earlier than their American colleagues despite their great desire to get there this story has become a Hot Topic among supporters of the theory of the existence of Atlantis and hyperborea some argue that the skulls belong to representatives of these mythical civilizations according to reports in 2019 an article appeared stating that the skulls were elongated like those of the peruvians from the barakas caves and here's the thing of the 2019 there is even less information but an interesting diesel came from America Steve I'll exponent a former polar Explorer certainly podcasts that the Russians had found not only the skulls but also the technology of an ancient civilization moreover he suggested that this civilization could be extraterrestrial maybe it's all just a fantasy but let's pretend it's true then the Russian polar explorers found the technology of an ancient civilization perhaps even aliens and it is not surprising that the Academy of Sciences is trying to hide this information if all this is true then the polar explorers delivered these artifacts to Scientific institutes where they are currently being studied and who knows we may soon learn about new technological breakthroughs thanks to their work so let's wish the scientists good luck and dive into the next archaeological stash together two meter human skeletons and now I will tell you about an amazing archaeological find anthropomorphic seals that depicts a human figure they seem to stand guard over the ancient Tomb of the early Bronze Age but what is even more surprising is that inside the tomb they found the remates of people quite tall even by today's standards they were covered with rad aucker and scientists believed that they may be the ancestors of modern Europeans imagine our ancestors could be basketball star players today archaeologists discovered these remains in the prednis story in the Gregory Apple region in May 2023 scientists suggest that they may be up to 5 000 years old but we will know the exact dating only after radiocarbon analysis and who were these ancient people everything indicates that they were nomadic pastoralists often hunted and sometimes even encountered wolves and bears judging by the remains found in the graves but this is where things get even more interesting in transnistria archaeologists have found a children's tomb and inside side of it is a stone in the shape of a heart researchers are sure that this is part of the burial ride of the yamnaya culture these Amazing Discoveries are maybe archaeologists and these are only seven barrels that they explored who knows what a way it is next watch this video to the end it will be even more interesting Israel's oldest find imagine you're swimming in the warm Waters of Israel and suddenly stumble upon a shipwreck that is almost 2 000 years old this is what happened to the divers who explored these Waters and now they are ready to share this amazing Discovery with us in the depth of Forgotten centuries and sea waves they discovered a multitude of colossal marble columns 1 800 years old incredibly but these pillars of the past 6 meters high and decorated with bizarre plant motives peacefully hid under the water along the coastline of bad Yana Netanya for the first time the Shipwreck became known thanks to Gideon harisha who noticed ancient artifacts while sailing he turned to the Israel Antiquities Authority and now together with them we can decipher the mysteries of history but how did these columns end up at the bottom of the sea director of the Department of underwater archeology at the office Kobe Charvet believes that the marble could have been brought from what is now turkey or Greece where the construction of the grandiose building however however the ship carrying This Magnificent cargo fell into a storm which is why it couldn't deliver it to its destination our discovery not only gives us an idea of the greatest of the Lost ship which could hold up to 200 tons of cargo but also helps to resolve disputes about how architectural Works were created in the Roman period where they completely carved back in their Homeland or was the processing completed upon arrival mystical riddle I will tell you about one amazing geological mystery that happened on the island of andran in the Indian Ocean andrean is a volcanic island that was created when underwater tectonic plates parted and magma erupted when it cooled down bustled for him this is where Island consists of but something very strange is happening in an andran what do you think can be found on a volcanic island usually you will definitely not find quartzite there it is a sedimentary rock similar to Sandstone which is formed from quartz sand in river deltas a puzzled Island like andron Lex quartz and is too young to have her ever Delta but an amazing thing happens quartzite is continuously found on the island and its quantity is simply stunning geologists have found these strange students for more than a hundred years ago in 1900 scientists noticed unusual rocks similar to quartzite but then the description was too scares in 1969 they discovered a large sandsten which turned out to be core short side history repeated itself in 2017 when a French geologist discovered even larger deposits of quartzite a few years later Cornelia class of Columbia University set out to solve the mystery the most interesting thing is that the locals have known about these students for a long time they've been using them for decades to sharpen their knives when scientists conducted research the results were amazing quartzite literally took up half the mountain the mystery has not yet been solved as scientists suggest a piece of Portside from the continental crust could somehow end up in the ocean and Rise 4 000 meters during a volcanic eruption but there are no traces of quartzite on the basil rocks of the island asclass says it's like seeing a wizard that shouldn't be there in the future scientists hoped to solve this Mystery by studying the age of War side this will help to understand when and how it ended up on a volcanic island human mummification workshops and now we will find ourselves in Egypt where two ancient workshops have recently been opened what was produced there you may ask mummies so imagine we are in Sakura this is an acropolis in your hero the researchers found two workshops one for embalming people the other for Animals the workshops are like a Labyrinth of specialized rooms each playing a different role in the mummification process here is a stone bad on which the body is laid here are the tools and materials for mummification fascinating isn't it 5 such Stone beds were found in the animal workshop and in the workshop for people these bats were much larger you immediately imagined how these bats were used to lay the bodies of the dad after organs were removed from the body it was cleansed and filled with embalming fluids special wooden sex story The involvement fluids and play pods kept their remains of salt and black resin inside during the excavation Seymour teams were found the force belonged to any Hazard bar the chief scribe and priest of the god Horus from the Old Kingdom who lived in 2400 BC the second was for the 18th Dynasty priest man Heba who died around 1400 BC the largest ship of the Middle Ages straight from Tallinn the heart of the Estonian Capital comes the news that makes us rewrite the history of medieval sailings literally under the certain pavement of one of the central streets a sunken ship was found at first archaeologists were sure that this was a cog a small single Master chip actively used by merchants of panziatic league in the 14th century well what were the surprises there it turned out that the ship is not just larger than an ordinary Cog this is a real giant most likely descended from the Scandinavian shipyards and its design is so unique that even experienced experts in Maritime disasters cannot hide their surprise did you know that Moss was commonly used to insulate the hull of ships in the Middle Ages while on this ship animal fur covered with resin was also added to the Moss this method was common in Scandinavia in contrast to the north German regions where typical cogs were built and how do you like the fact that playing structures were found on the wreckage of the ship which began to be widely used only a century after the estimated date of construction of this ship there are more and more questions the ship sank right in the center of the city where lotsy street now passes judging by the damage its Hull was facing the shore and was visible to All Passes by at the time of Discovery the length of the ship was estimated at about 10 meters but during further excavations it increased to 20 meters this makes it one of the largest medieval ships found in Europe the highlight of the spine was the things left on board the ship fruits fish and even more than 20 pairs of leather shoes which have been perfectly preserved over the centuries but what surprise archaeologists the most rats insect rats buried under the tar that leaked from burst barrels it was buried with a woman today we have something special for you an amazing archaeological find Straight From the Heart of China imagine that archaeologists have dug up a very old and elaborate horse saddle this is possibly the oldest saddle ever found this find was discovered in the distant Shan Chan Yuga autonomous region of China in the area Turf and Basin it was in a woman's grave in yanhai Cemetery she was probably a writer because there was a saddle underneath her as if she was sitting on it the Saddles say they're unscathed for about 2 700 years thanks to the dry desert climate it was made from two cow head cushions filled with a mixture of straw deer and camel hair even for us living in the 21st century that sounds pretty comfortable doesn't it analysis showed that the saddle was made sometime between 724 and 396 BC making it possibly the oldest saddle in history this is important because we used to think that the first Saddles were made by the scythians nomadic people who live in the Eurasian steps an archaeologist from the University of Zurich Patrick Bertman said the discovery could push back the start of subtle manufacturing history it is possible that the woman they found were in the saddle belonged to the sibeshi culture that lived in the region about 3000 years ago we now know that domestic horses appeared about 6 000 years ago but at first they were used for milk and meat horseback riding as we know it today probably only started 1 000 years after that the first writers used simple rocks that were tied to the horse's back as shown in Assyrian reliefs and the oldest real saddle that we know could have been created in Central Asia around the middle of the first millennium BC researchers suggest that the sebaceous culture may have had contact with the scythians as they had similar weapons and clothing while the scythians were Nomads the sebasti people most likely engaged in pastoralism in the turf and basing he knew about the existence of women only from books this episode will focus on an incredible story that seems to have come straight from the pages of Legend This Story begins back in 1938 with the news article in the Edinburgh Daily Courier don't worry it's related to archeology the article read a monk who has never seen a woman has died in Greece imagine a monk named Michael thoughtis who spent his entire life in a monastery on the Majestic Mount arthas he was born in 1856 and immediately after his birth his mother died and no one knew his father the Little Orphan was left on the threshold of an Orthodox Church where he was found and raised by monks the laws of Mount Alphas where he lived were strict women were not allowed there and so it happened that Michael spent his whole life not seeing women his knowledge of them was based only on the stories of other monks and books the Bannon wizard in Mount authors by women and domestic animals such as scouts or sheep has been in effect since the 10th century and still exists it is a appreciated with the vow of celibacy given by the monks of others but not only women were not seen by Michael thoughtis he also never saw cars planes or even movie theaters after all he did not leave the monastery all his life death overtook him in 1938 at the age of 82 and he was buried with great honors as the only man who had never seen a woman now Mount arthas is a UNESCO world heritage site visited by thousands of tourists every year while women are so banned from entering sparking controversy and accusations of discrimination there are 20 monasteries on the mountain where about 2 000 Orthodox monks from all over the world left 17 of these monasteries belonged to the Greeks and the rest of the serbs bulgarians and Russians sounds incredible doesn't it and all this is a part of the history that we dig up every day to learn more about our past and in order not to miss a new video on the channel which I am already preparing for you subscribe to the channel and click on the Bell so you will be the first to know about the real release of a new video thanks for your views bye everyone
Channel: KirTop - Archaeology
Views: 1,519
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Keywords: Shocking Egypt, Egypt Finds, Caught On Camera, pyramids of egypt, top 10, selection, archaeologists finds, science, ancient civilizations, archeology, archaeologists discovered, sarcophagus, tomb, sphinx, history, kirtop archeology, archaeology, archaeological excavation
Id: jcqUiiN3Wys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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