SHOCKING AXE FAIL - What Were They Thinking

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without wood is as hard as an East Coast man's head so it seems to me if you're gonna go to the trouble to build a beautiful tool like this that's hand forged with laminated steel made by a blacksmith where the guy actually had to split the metal and put a piece of carbon in there to do everything right and the beautiful design and all the materials and to ship it off with a loose handle is shocking to me I mean shocking if it's gonna be something that sold it Harbor Freight or Walmart okay you know we don't have super high expectations right but when you get in the hundred dollar price range and something that obviously someone has cared because it is a beautiful thing to have a handle that won't even stay it's not even safe and then also not to send it with a decent edge on it that was sharp and furthermore to spray the whole thing with lacquer varnish and cover it with stickers that won't peel off without a ton of work that's a kind of a fail in my my book I was originally ordered this because I wanted to show you how the attachment point was because I thought it was so fascinating but here we can see that it's not a good detachment point so this as it's being called as a Japanese kindling hatchet in that classic bearded design isn't that beautiful I think a bearded bearded axe is one of the prettiest things the reason for that shape is it it helps to get the weight closer down to the user's hand to improve the balance what I like to see on a bearded axe like some of the northern style axes is a comfortable handle up here but now they have but they have a square handle so choking up on it to do detailed work is not really an option because this is uncomfortable in the hand but look at the beautiful lamination on that steel if you see the two colors right there they actually it's a fascinating process they actually taken and split the metal what they do is they use a softer metal that has less carbon in it that's more maybe a little bit tougher it doesn't not without edge you know does it's not a tool steel doesn't hold a good edge and then they made that they Forge weld a piece of high carbon super hard steel in there and then they meet them together and so you have a durable axe it can take a beating and you have a high-carbon cutting edge that will hold hold its edge with heavy use the fascinating thing about this and the Wyatt the reason why I ordered it because I had never seen anyone try to attach a wood handle to a tool like this before it's it is beautiful when you look at it you can see right back there on the spine you see that we've got a piece of flat bar that runs through the eye and has a little ninety degree turn on there and it makes complete sense they've driven that down in there and they put two small Brad nails in there to hold that there's no way for this axe head to slip off the end because it's being retained by that metal clip also it's gonna be a very easy axe to rehand 'el very quick you can quickly put a handle on it beings its square it's easy to fit and then they someone has driven a wedge in there to try to tighten that up but it's not tight I mean it's you saw right there the very first time I sunk in and wood it was Wiggly it came this way I've not chopped anything with it so let's do a little forensic let let's see if we can disassemble this see what's going on and figure out why it's doing that and how we can fix that the first thing we need to do is to get these nails Brad nails out the what went wrong here and what is this little wedge supposed to be doing that's not really a proper wedge that's a piece of flat bar that someone just cut off with a shear just quick and dirty Wow now that's very interesting so there's no shoulder well there's no taper on the shoulder to keep it fixed at both points like in a western-style axe we've got a taper on there so the further you drive to handle in the more it tightens not only on the top but on the bottom as well this is just kind of relying upon it to to sit on there being tightened on the top and nothing supporting it really on the bottom so here's the axe head it's just beautiful isn't it look at that pretty so this way it is got it does have a taper in there you know towards the front at the handle and that fit now is it can only go one way so you can't mix the handle up let's do this let's uh let's take for that shoulder so that when it comes up hard against that at least there's something holding that tight against the side and it's not just bouncing up and down on that ledge we'll use a spokeshave and just put this slightest taper on that [Laughter] we don't want to take any of that wood away but I I don't want to feel any ledge there either so we can drive that down whatever wood they used it's a hard wood for sure you know guys I think the only way just fasten this securely is to put a wood wedge in it but we're gonna have to do it the opposite way I've never done this before I have to cut a kerf in here and wedge it out this way my fear way the way that grains oriented is that that may split the wood so one thing so right there is where it was sitting before right there in that shoulder and we tapered this down so we'll be able to drive that down a little bit further than that so if we were to let's say if we drill a small hole right here to relieve it might help to relieve some pressure and then cut a kerf down there that might just do the do the trick now this may split when we wedge it but then again it may not depends on the type of wooden is so we'll we'll see but even if it does you know what we lost right we had to make a new handle for it anyway all right let's see what we can do here so you don't want to forget our our little keeper wedge now we've got that taper on there from that spokeshave I think that's gonna make a big difference here we'll be able to drive that down there further so unusual I've just never seen anything like this before but I've a lot of the things are the same when you drive this down in there yeah that's already look how much further we're sticking up now now we're going down on that taper that's gonna be it seems fairly obvious right that's really driving down on there we might as well hit it again get it as tight as we can yeah yeah I like that I'm just wondering what would we be better off to use more of a western-style of step wedge this is so small it's gonna split no matter what we do this was already split I'm almost inclined to do this yeah we're spitballing here right that's pretty tight using a brass hammer here trying not to ding that up because it it is I like the way it looks when it's got a sharp edge on it the only thing remaining is to replace those Brad's I don't I ruined those nails getting out I don't have any steel ones but I do have these lovely copper little copper spikes but the copper is so soft that it you have to pre-drill it because it will Bend trying to set it in this hardwood alright friends let's see how we did we'll bury this in here hard and we got rid of that movement let's give it a few good whacks totally secure putting quite a bit of force on it I don't I don't see or feel any movement alright let's see how she splits carries it's got a lot of nice weight to it it's a no it's a well balanced tax that's for sure feels feels very natural in the hand well that's a hard old piece it's a nice little axe feels great that varnish doesn't feel great but that's fixable still tight still tight all right so what do we learn here is he gonna is he gonna have a place here a place of honor on the splitting stump here next to the oh my all my favorites here Oh we'll try it and see we'll see how it holds up it's a beautiful little axe I saw that these are on sale for I I think they were Wade Garrett maybe they're importing them I bought Martin on Amazon it was about 75 bucks I did see on their site that it was they're selling it for 65 yeah is it worth $65 well I think some it's really pretty it definitely it gave me the fizz when I first looked at it some of that of course you know went away when I would get it it's not really sharp it's got a loose axe head on it but I guess the takeaway from this and the thing that comes to mind is just the what a great sin shoddy craftsmanship is and shoddy work not just this and you know me I don't have a whole bunch of them to test you know maybe I got just happened to get a bad one but I don't know if it's your experience but it seems seems to me that me getting bad ones of lots of different things seems to happen too often I think I think the shoddy work is is a great sin because it's it's breaks the Golden Rule do unto others as you'd have them do unto you when you are let's say you're an excavator or you're a foundation guy and you do shoddy work or you poor a bad foundation on a house as I've seen so many times it affects everyone else it makes everyone else's life harder and that mentality of a guy that that makes if that makes that statement oh I don't really care I can't see it for my house or good enough for government work that's a that's a terrible thing to say and that's a terrible attitude to have and and you never want to be that guy you know you're gonna work with guys they're gonna be like that and they won't take care of themselves they won't take care of their families most likely they just don't take care of anything they're just shoddy men and you don't want to be a shoddy man and you know you can't always do everything perfect I'm not saying that but I'm saying that you you don't let something leave your hand that you wouldn't be proud of whatever that may be I don't care if you're writing code or if you're building houses or your your whatever you're doing you want to do it to the best of your ability and that's what I like so much about the accountability that comes from the makers mark you know the makers mark wasn't done out of pride back in the day the makers mark was done as a it was as an accountability for example I've seemed loaves of bread that were made by Baker's way back in the day maybe medieval times where they had a little disc with their maker's mark on it that they would lay down and when they would proof the dough or cook the dough that this maker's mark would emboss on the bottom of the bread and therefore you were accountable for it if someone were to buy your loaf of bread and there was something wrong with it maybe you wanted to save some money so you substitute half the flour with sawdust there was recourse they could flip that over and see this came from such-and-such bakery and this is not right and so you know there is that sometimes we need to be held accountable you know a little bit more that would be you know I'm speaking for myself as well would be favorable but just this is a perfect example of shoddy work you know it wasn't such a big deal you know it gave us an opportunity to kind of hang out and talk a little bit and you know you know try to figure out a solution which has its own value but it's just not fair and it's not right for a guide to spend his hard-earned money on something and for it to show up like this into not be ready to go and him have to take his own time effort material to make it right when it could have easily been made right had someone given the smallest amount of care or had the smallest amount of amount of a pride of ownership pride of craftsmanship that's what I'm saying so shoddy work is a great sin because it does break the Golden Rule well I think that there's a lot to that so that's it thanks for watching if you haven't subscribed to the channel I know a lot of you like to watch but haven't I invite you to subscribe so you can stay informed what's going on take a moment click the thumbs up if you enjoy these videos and don't forget always keep us in your prayers and may God bless you and your families and we'll see you guys on the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 550,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube, wranglerstar axe, axe restoration, axe restauration, axe throwing, wranglerstar chainsaw, wranglerstar knife sharpening, wranglerstar workbench, wranglerstar knife, wranglerstar boots, wranglerstar survival kit, wranglerstar chainsaw sharpening, wranglerstar edc, testing axe, testing the worst axe on amazon, amazon
Id: zYhCFXbQsqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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