SHO’NUFF setting up the Slipper Clutch with Legends !

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i can't hear you all right so we got the clutch out of showing off my buddy kyle's out here kyle carter he's the probably one of the baddest clutch tuners there is we got eric lewis i can't say it eric lucinski we got eric lozinski's clutch here and right now we're weighing the arms um kyle drew a little picture of the arm here too sorry we got stuff everywhere yeah there's a washer we got stuff everywhere right here because we were 44 45 45.3 but you're looking for 44. yeah oh that's where the washer was that's why we had the extra weight we're gonna send this information to our friend mike sullivan and he's gonna put this in his computer software and what's the history of mike sullivan mike sullivan he was the owner of wayne county speed shop uh he had the pro stock cars which uh i believe daryl alderman and scott jeffrey on drove back in the day um one of the most successful pro stock teams there was and he just knows these clutches in and out he built a computer program so that we can put the base weight in there we can put the counterweight in there and then it'll tell us what our plate load is and then we can put a before and after so we can make changes to what we had and it'll show us whether it's going to put it down low or up on top kind of looks like a dyno graph and it'll tell us what we need to do so we can get this thing to fly and that's what we're after so we pulled one of these arms out all these little clips and washers and stuff and we're weighing the components and getting a general idea so the kit comes with a little scale comes with all of these little hardware kits different things to do for base weights and it also comes with this little dial indicator so we're gonna go ahead and get this all set up in the car and then we'll get back on the wiring so that's where i'm at showing up be divulging too much information are you i can't wait to see how you edit this one yeah no idea you're like divulging too much information you haven't divulged enough information we don't learn unless you divulge yeah well the vulgar is different than we nah yeah all right got this all marked up so we're going to put it back together all this stuff is balanced so you got this red mark and you made a red mark here yeah but what's that red mark then that's on the piece that's just something else you might so i knew that the pin went on that side perfect pretty anal about putting everything together side to side you like what you're a funny guy there i heard the latest greatest on youtube this morning before i left the house your buddy garrett and whistle and diesel both have cobia garrett just got over it oh he did i don't know that was old news yeah that's old news a little behind i'm a little behind yeah yeah it happens oh yeah well glad he got over it yeah that tie rod's trash it moves up and down like wild yeah it looked bent when i first got it yeah i don't know so cool it's all good cool all right all right all right cool all right [Music] my truck's too wide to go onto the trailer so oh really they're gonna tow it to this other joint real quick wheel bearing so so we said yesterday we need to build a little chair right there that just drops in this is the the black magic not enough people know any about we're gonna have to set this stuff up but i don't know where we're gonna be yet yeah that's what that's where i slowed down right there's setting those stains up i was like i better get kyle there's one that's super tight it must be that one yeah you could have been around until i found this box kind of look there that's what i i had to do that earlier too so well we're just gonna guess you're gonna start feeding me parts yeah i need fiber i need the pilot that pair of calipers that i had i mean i could run get a battery you don't have a regular just a dial shane might [Music] uh there oh wow that's mine look at that must have been in the box at the house huh my kids my kids on this organized all everything there so okay so what are you setting those up to now i'm just putting the round number of three inches in there see if we're anywhere close you always want to go see there's a flat spot and then this sticks out i always put this flat spot toward the flywheel you never know if your bolts are going to hit because these see how that flange sticks out yeah [Music] cute little thing huh cute little thing [Music] where's that little adjuster that punch looking thing gotcha sleeve washers [Music] all right so there's the nuts and washers here's our punch it is a beautiful clutch do you have any anti-seize yeah all right so we got the anti-seize thank you pal thank you pal ooh weird yeah i don't know my kid my kid had this stuff shirts yeah it's anti-seize threadler we can't be sensor safe high temperature up to 2000 degrees a smidge if you will yeah yeah this is the good stuff all right get a little on the face of the ring one thing about a clutch everything goes to the pan when things go wrong where the can flies out yep centrifugal yeah i'm starting i'm putting in the car why would you need stop okay well if you want me to make sure about this lever and i don't have it in my hands and stuff okay the outside dimensions aren't what i need to know okay uh just take it just take the cover out and uh obviously you gotta take it apart and take it so you get a layer out your hands yeah and then i'll have you measure some stuff i hope we talk okay yep you need the fulcrum points and stuff yes okay and i need to i need when you got a lever straight across from one another the pin that then the cover i want a little center to center on that and and so what the one that's in the cover where it pivots on and and and the way to do it just to drop the pin in there with the cup when you got it all apart yeah and measure across and then the different yeah the the diameter of the pin yep yeah and then obviously i need the radius that's easy so yeah you want center to center of the pen yep got you and then i've got to know what i want you to do is measure from this between has it got an oblong hole in the lever i i don't have that picture i think i got three that are hold three hold backs and three three leaves so yeah it's a it's a lockout a little bit more okay yeah because that's what i had the i had a holdback lever out it had an oval hole in it didn't it [Music] doesn't have a weight hole on it that one had an oval hole so it was so it could have raised up okay mobile up and down um but that looks like that lever looks like the weights been raised up but i don't know that i haven't gone through trying to find my levers of that i've got to find i've got to do that i don't know where that is i've got to dig that out yeah okay i do need to know that they haven't put the two pins on the lever itself i need to know what that distance is between them and the easiest way is to measurable hole diameter and and divide them by half and then measure between them you know put the veneer down inside the two holes [Music] i've almost got it zeroed so i'm gonna zero it real quick so i can get a stand height and then i'll pull it back apart and i'll do that for you real fast okay well there's no rush because i've got stuff i've gotta do i've gotta try to find that okay oh yeah yeah yeah okay we can do it and you didn't tell me how many pluses you've got on your program i know i'm not sure yet you may have given me all of them i'm not sure you may have this already okay how long that's the right one right if you think i gave you all them you got afc then what should be on there okay i'll look uh yep all right just take your time and you got two weeks so that you know and we'll get it done okay all right thank you i appreciate you all right bye bye that was a good call to get yeah you have it mr mike's he had some film going yeah yeah good guy yeah he's on of course you heard him he's to make it happen yours yeah right clocked up the break because the tire the wheels are bearing it's all running wow you guys was on your way to the ditch went on our way to the ditch wouldn't be the first time so you're zeroing that to get the stands in the right height and we'll take it the hat off again and then do this measuring what are you measuring there so there's a hole here that's got a calibration in it you can see i got these set this one should go to zero right there so the distance that they've established when they manufactured this is one point four inches it's on there on the box on the sheet and it's on here so that's the height between the top side of the face of the the pressure plate basically so that's your zero point every time you come back you zero that and then we can work on air gap which is how far the throttle bearing is going to push it and then we've got other stuff we're going to have to do because we're going to set the two-step so we'll set the two-step with the clutch switch we'll have to have a light in here and we'll measure the dial and we'll see when that how many thousandths right before we get back to zero and then that'll tell us so that our two step when we release the clutch like the engine doesn't get a run at the clutch or vice versa it doesn't tug it tug the motor so we'll figure out what that happy number is usually somewhere between 20 and 50 thousandths depending on the engine obviously you know i've worked on hemis and all kinds of other stuff so this one's going to be a little different a little less torque down a little bit the turbo so you know it's going to be another it's going to be another not tuning nightmare but it'll be interesting to get it figured out we'll figure it out quick it helps having everything set in a spot so you have to if you didn't zero everything and set everything right you'd never have any baseline to go back to this you have a way to measure it exactly every single time it seems like we just need a sensor that just sits there all the time tells you where it is every bit you do but it's hard to do because when you clip the discs then you have to re-zero your zero point changes that's your just distance yep so then you gotta you gotta take it up in your linkage it's a 3d moving target it just keeps moving and then you add a turbo in the equation the power changes every time you know depending on if it banged and popped and you left it 21 pounds or banged them popped and you left it 23 pounds yeah it might hit the top of the the bang in the pop or you might hit the bottom of it when the flame comes out and the turbine spins up and then it spins down a little just depends it's all obviously the better your two-step is and your anti-lag and all that that's the beauty of the fuel tank it'll just hold it flat one rpm that's so there's not a bang and pop and you know big rpm swing yep that's the rpm pretty much stays steady how quickly it leaves obviously tighter gap tire clutch yeah you can kind of play with your light your reaction time you can make the car react a little better a little worse if you need to slow it down if you're too fast you can put a little more air gap in it you can you can use it as a tuning tool for different things clutches are nice for that too they're just universally a pain in the ass but yeah if you know what you're doing you can kind of use them to your advantage and most of the time you can get them once you figure it out you can get them to work do you have is a little linkage done yeah we're within two or not right on zero but that's okay for now take a look at it all make sure it's good and it's gonna work see there's not a lot of base pressure in there i can still move them discs around a little bit just nice and then we need to it should be an allen wrench that came with it and then he hurries yeah the phone is ringing hello well i found my box beavers huh and that ain't there i don't think and i know it's not in what i have yeah so here's what i want you to do i want you to take a clean take a nice clean sheet of paper and lay that lever down on it and with a very sharp pencil something that you sanded to make it pointed unless you've got a drawing set but you need a sharp pencil and you trace around that lever oh holding it down and with your finger and then trace the two the three holes in it okay the four holes it's got four holes right yeah yeah and then and trace it to the outside edge of that so so then once you've done that i want you to make those measurements that i was talking about and you can you don't need to put it on you can do it on that drawing if you want what you think they are now the way this the standard for that type of clutch is for the top of the lever to be flat okay going into the throw out bearing here harrison i'm saying yeah and i don't know how the cover is made so but if you give me that that radius dimension diameter whatever you want to give me and then you could calculate those others for the best you can i will i will just and then draw a straight line on it and put them one inch mark it for one inch it's my okay you got a fact i don't know well then just send it send it in an email for you that's okay i can name it yeah i can scan and email it for sure and then i will take it and blow it up great thing where that's all i can do to get it on a piece of paper okay and i'll have that one inch mark is my guide okay put the one inch right the one inch thing up close to it so when i blow it up it it won't blow it off the page if you put it far apart and then i'll cut i'll take that and i'll cut i'll make two copies of it or three and i will cut the lever out okay with a pair of scissors and cut i'll do the holes with an exacto guys and then i'll that's how and i will hang it you've already told me the weight i know that let's hope and so i can calculate what it is and i'll uh i have i haven't gone in and found my all my paperwork for afc yet i'm gonna do that but i found the box of levers and it's not there and i've got a lot of different ones that are aft and that one i don't have so he said he made it he may have okay that's why this will i'll know for sure what it is and i'll get it in the program too awesome yeah i'll let i'll let them know too all right here you go that's uh something to do thank you appreciate you have you have you is it in the car now set up it is right this second yes all right take a measure put a straight edge across it lift the levers up like that so that you know they're up and with the straight edge across the top of where the whey hole is okay down to the tip on one on the on one lever the three we're only interested in the three the other three don't mean that yeah okay i can tell you you'll be able to see what those other three levers are gonna do okay oh yeah and uh that's easy to calculate because they're gonna they'll put plenty on it probably but you might want to put weight in them so we will just go from work there okay but first we got to get the three so we know what they are right we'll get weight on yeah three three okay uh what's the what what motor is it's a honda s2000 motor f20 is that a four cylinder yep so it'll be about 12 1300 probably at first we made 10.50 with this carlson car oh yeah most people not another 150 150 or 144 whatever that standard number is most people don't know you built all that stuff on that engine the bed plates and all that stuff well the block was weak on that that was the problem right that's why we made a good plate because if it rips a crankshaft right out of it yeah okay we're hoping to run upwards of 80 or better once we get the compound deal done wheel drive car yep okay see the whole thing was on that on the front wheel drive you couldn't pour all the power to it because it hit it'll bite there is no was no reaction for rolling back and getting it lifted the wheels off the ground if it did anything right you see what i'm saying okay all right that gives you something i gotta have if you want me to do it right okay all right so you can see the distance between the lever and and the top of the hat which is bottom of our stick so that's what it's going to leave on it's going to leave on that lever this one's going to be the lock up so see that distance the throw out bearing's still going to be holding that one it's going to leave on that one it's gonna hold that one it's gonna leave on that one it's gonna hold that one so it's gonna leave on three we're gonna hold three back and then as soon as we let those go then they'll put an extra probably a thousand plus pounds of load on the plate so okay it'll lock her up solid and we can play with that we can put counterweight on it if we need to we probably won't have to though those levers just letting those levers go is a lot of weight and we'll be able i'll be able to show you that in that software so basically it'll tell us what each one and each value is going to be worth so we can say three levers we're going to leave on three levers depending on how many how much weight we put on them we might leave on 1200 pounds of plate load yeah and then bring in another 1000 or 1500 pounds with those others in the car mike was talking about right there that was sean carlson's pro front wheel drive neon yeah so that was pretty cool he did yeah he did the uh design and engineering on that engine for mopar yeah i hired him and paid him to go out there and help carlson that's pretty cool that was awesome yeah so i can pull it out then we can measure it all well [Music] i knew he was going to ask for that and the weight of it so we're looking at the can too make sure that's all done and then right here i got the input shaft magnet so that this sensor here so the same push up that in it goes on the candlestick yeah i need to find a good haul for that those ones while you're here we need to go over that we have one here oh you do yeah i was gonna go over that i think you're reminded the camera can but i see it there she is yep [Music] [Applause] there he is hard at it again [Music] who's hard at it again you be live love your american flag that shit's a badass huh yeah it is let's dress again all right so i'm just getting the linkage right here put together i can find that hole insert jokes now we got you all right looking good showing off back to toon land i like to land i like team land okay how are all that shit's in there see if you can push the clutch [Music] is that the cross shaft just welded into the floor and off to the tubes the what that shaft this shaft yeah that's to the floor yeah oh yeah that floor is giving a lot you see what kind of pressure we're talking about here yeah it needs a little it needs a length to it too it needs what length you're reaching too far no it's just the leverages this needs stitched to the tubes yeah this is like all right so we had a good successful day we got the trans put back into the show enough clutch is all set up correctly and uh we're getting ready pretty good successful day so i think that's gonna do it brother we should do it we're gonna get out of here for the day and uh we'll continue tomorrow so thanks for watching we'll see you guys later [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 57,682
Rating: 4.954484 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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