Shizuka Goes BAR HOPPING in Osaka | OSAKA NIGHTLIFE Part 1

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[Music] hi welcome to japan by food i'm your host shizuka anderson today i am in the wonderful city of osaka in the western part of japan it is known for its delicious delicious street foods but if you ask what i'm doing here today i'm actually joining a lovely street tour with my tour guide rodney welcome we have a lot of cameos happening today uh my name is rodney smith i've been in osaka for 15 years now so i'm well acquainted with all of the bars in the district here the international wonderful it's a wonderful place and today i'm actually going to be joining an exclusive nightlife tour well i'm going to start out in one of my favorite izakayas it gives us a chance to try a whole bunch of osaka's most famous delicious treats so today even though it is a nightlife tour unfortunately we do it a little bit earlier than usual because of some restrictions due to covid still last order is about 7 30 pm that's right things are getting better but we still have to finish drinking by a certain time so we've got a lot to get around because there's a huge amount of osaka and nightlife to see um tokyo of course much bigger than osaka when it comes to number of bars and things in tokyo you're always catching trains around to various cities whereas from where we are now in the south of osaka around number there are literally thousands of venues you could go to like we could go out to a restaurant and find a new restaurant two new bars do that every night for literally years and not come close to canvassing what's in walking distance of here it's either a great or a terrible place to be a functioning alcoholic i can imagine that it is so well without further ado why don't we go be alcoholics today and find some wonderful little hole-in-the-wall spots yes that you wouldn't find unless you had an experienced tour guide so let's go explore shall we osaka osaka [Music] [Applause] which means eye of the tiger alleys so a lot of osaka foods started out as street foods in yatai like little vendors but over time sort of through street ordinances and things they kind of got moved off the street and into restaurants so there's actually nine restaurants here bunch of different all second we get to try in street foods in the same place that is really fun all right this is my favorite place to sit in here out of all of these little restaurants because we're at a counter we got the food cook right in front of us we can kind of like meerkat around the rest of the restaurant check it out which is cool i love that yeah even behind us we've got a different shop over here yes these are literally all different shops like when i go around all the things i have to pay separately at each register and then they'll bring it to you to eat here [Music] what do you feel like i love fried foods well this is a zombie fried this is um this is an osaka thing isn't it this is very awesome it was let's why don't we try one of those because i think we got to try some foods that are very classically osaka okay so first one being corn corn vegetable i'll show you later awesome uh mochi that's it and um how are you with garlic i love garlic let's get some of that in our faces yay this is so cool so basically we just hopped to different shops within this building yeah you can get sushi here yeah what you can literally get everything in here pretty much it's a one-stop shop oh wow i'd love sushi i mean if we wanted to do all these in different restaurants it would take us all night just to walk between them but it means we get to try all these different things in the same place and then go out and enjoy the atmosphere of these great little bars oh i love that yeah your stomach is happy your liver is maybe so so f by the end of the night what is that exactly um it's just particularly delicious that goes well with beer and you have a beer [Music] we did you say avocado he's got something up his sleeve i don't know what's going on we need our first evening don't we that's right of the or the early afternoon our happy hour campfire yeah have you ever come back all right come by wait just chopsticks you got an omikuji there oh because you like from a shrine your fortunes right yes so not only you have a delicious meal you can find out how lucky you're gonna be so you you open it up and it has your fortune inside you do what i which means good luck it's the middle average left um daikichi is what you want right yeah it's like the great amazing left yeah the highest if you get daikichi in this restaurant it means you actually get a free second drink oh that is very lucky indeed that's amazing [Music] whoa that is a lot of flavor i know right these are cucumbers how many people that don't like cucumbers come here and have their minds blown by this this is um what's that secret ingredient um this is unrelated to this video but some of you guys who are watching may have watched the best summer food review show and sunny is notoriously he notoriously hates cucumbers i'm wondering if this might turn him now these are a bit awesome as well i'm sure you've had hitamame a million times they're great well these are yaki and so you chuck them on the hot plate here and you put in butter a little bit of soy and you make them even more delicious and probably less healthy oh these are so good this is definitely a way to eat edamame that i definitely recommend so good well the food is all really delicious but it's really cool that we can actually sit right in front of the the counter where they're cooking this is my favorite place to be this is so fun you can see them cooking our i think that's our okonomiyaki over there that's our little baby over there oh and it looks amazing it just makes you even hungrier when you're sitting here watching them cook it smells so good yeah the atmosphere is so much fun in this place and it's i think i almost feel like this is the the essence of osaka culture it's like street food is that's a lot of famous osaka foods are street foods they're not the sushi has arrived oh when you spoiled for food yeah look at this it's all coming oh my goodness this is a bit delicious it's so exciting there's the guest of honor you get to you get to choose really oh thank you there's no kimchi is that what's oh my goodness can i just say this shrimp is enormous i mean it might just be because the head is on it but like the size of my hand we got more get out really that sounds amazing mixed together and yeah you can have okonomiyaki pretty much anywhere in japan but the bar in osaka is pretty high this is the place to have it definitely here we've got um kimchi spicy korean pickled cabbage and mochi which is um pounded rice that comes with some salt like cheese as well look at that cheese oh i live for cheese that is so looks amazing here we go itadakimasu oh my goodness it is loaded with kimchi loaded all of the kushikatsu that we have right here yeah oh they look so crispy then corn just lotus root mmm i love lancome and um this is garlic this is garlic it's just all garlic i thought these were like quail eggs or something no that's just so good this is just a deep fried deep fried garlic garlic from vampires whoa well that's great because that's one of my concerns when i come to osaka so with kushikatsu these deep fried skewers they usually give you this little tub of dipping sauce um usually everybody would share this but the absolute golden rule is you cannot double dip in order to keep it sanitary that's right that's right so i'm gonna do one really solid dip what's a good dip like halfway all the way all the way man all the way okay i'm just gonna soak it in sauce this seems a little a little much but uh let's give this a try oh oh that is so good oh it is so chewy i mean as expected with mochi mochi is quite on the outside is nice and crispy nicely breaded it's good that you're chewing as well i always think that about you multiple people die every year from mochi it's a big killer in japan it's the crazy thing is it is though that's true hashtag facts hashtag very sad truth always chew kids always chew your mochi people actually do choke on me but it is delicious so at least they died happy with me mostly this is so good okay so here is my deep fried garlic you can see the garlic cloves inside and it's also been soaked in sauce yeah i feel like you're supposed to enjoy it in its slightly crispier state but the flavor is delicious you said like you must garlic yeah that's that's all it is it's just garlic it looks amazing it is amazing oh i love garlic so this is incredible but you can really just feel the garlic like expand throughout your your entire head it has garlic but it is so good garlic lovers choice right there avocado wrapped in bacon and dropped mayo i don't think you can go wrong with this i think this is a one biter so you get a chance to try all these different foods in the same place the atmosphere is great but of course the one reason the number one reason i bring you the food is just awesome right yeah really really nice food here it's gonna prep us well for when we're out heading the streets ducking into bars the food here really is amazing there's i mean some there are occasions where you you're kind of strolling the back streets the food can be hit or miss sometimes with like izakaya food but this is not like izakaya food this is like amazing street food that you can get indoors so i think this is where you want to come if you want to get a solid meal before you go out and get drunk the rest of the night you're setting yourself off well if you start here this is a delicious delicious preparation that's right it's so good well which which is your favorite this is what are you gonna go for i do love a nice like um tuna tataki but i also really love a good unagi itadakimasu so basically you should be drinking beer when you eat this chicken yeah well i'm almost out of beer oh bless me what what am i gonna do do we have time for another beer we still have a lot of places to hit wally i think you have to drink quickly i want to eat this so i have to get another beer so i'm going to get one that's a delicious looking refill oh you only got no hands free right now so i take this from you and then you can see how it matches okay so here do you know what is special about this fried chicken it's more flavoursome it's got a spice i don't know how they make it but it's got a spicy um much more dense flavor to it that normal kalage which is just sort of deep fried this is fried and seasoned and it's a bit good because it is what you think okay because it does look just like right from the gecko it looks a lot darker than a typical japanese cut out thank you must [Music] it is so juicy on the inside crispy but also so much umami in the sauce on the outside i can see how this goes well with with beer actually so good well we have a lot of food to still keep working on so why don't we continue on with our meal our drinks and then we got to continue on bar hopping we do we got a deadline all right well let's get this down i'm gonna drink them that's right we're on a schedule you guys so let's keep eating and then we'll head off to our next spot this is where we're going to go stand up 10 38 which is yeah the owner's name is saya yeah oh that's cool so it's a little play on words let's go in i like in this place to drink you get a harry potter's closet what okay wait this is it already [Music]
Channel: Japan by Food
Views: 121,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: osaka, japan, japanese food, japanese street food, osaka street food, namba, Torame Yokocho, Tiger Eye Alley, okonomiyaki, sushi, kushikatsu, edamame, karaage, osaka nightlife, osaka bar hopping, downtown osaka, japan nightlife, what to do in osaka, what to eat in osaka, best food in osaka, osaka food tour, japan street food, osaka street food tour, osaka food, street food japan, osaka street food guide, japan food tour, osaka food guide, food in osaka, shizuka anderson, byfood
Id: j5kwBKUlr4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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