Rudraksha & It’s REAL POWER explained | Shiva Mantra Jaap Benefits | The Ranveer Show 388

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people like you are a part of this Tantra Reawakening movement let's talk about the positive aspects of wearing a genuine rudraa Dei purana what is mentioned is if Shakti rudraa is worn 21 Generations receive Enlightenment so 11 generation forward 11 generation backward what's it like growing up in Nepal growing up in Nepal is a blessing because Nepal is a DA Bui Bui of where Shiva is Bui where pashupatinath is does Nepal have a lot of presence of bov yes the upasana of bov in Nepal is done to counter the effects of Shani bov is also a deity that you will be drawn into if you are affected a lot by evil eye love as a human need is actually not romantic but it's spiritual you have the capacity to love you think you want a girlfriend or a boyfriend but that love exists within you to give to God Shiva is everywhere every single step you take towards spirituality whether it just be oh om namash it's all adding up you and I will start crying if we go deeper into Shiva his aor tapasia for the aor weapon is what created rudraa for us who live in the material it is very difficult for us to imagine that a seed which is available today right next door can change one's life it's been 5 years of podcasting and rarely have I come across a guest who's younger than me but still speaks indepth about multiple spiritual subjects sukr is based out of Nepal his family his grandfather was a Pandit at the pashupatinath temple and he spent his entire life growing up right in front of the temple today's episode is centered around two themes the First theme being Shiva a subject that can be explored infinitely and explored it will be in depth in this episode and the second subject being something very close to my heart because I begun my own Journey with deeper forms of upasana I've begun my journey with Tantra that's led me to learning about what a rudra what a Mala really is they say Tantra is a combination of mantras as well as yantas and when we're speaking about yantas or tools one of the most powerful Tools in all of sanatan DH is the Mala is the rudrax this episode is a one1 on the rudrax as well as a deep dive into the subject of Chism sit back relax and enjoy this jenz spiritual coach his name is sukria kada I was absolutely Blown Away by his knowledge as well as his conviction when it comes to his subject I'm sure you'll feel the same at the end of the episode it's one of those therapeutic deep deeply ethereal Shiva specials of [Music] PRS sukai how are you I'm doing good how are you I'm good man young spiritual entrepreneur doing very very cool things uh I want to honestly tell you why you're on the show yeah uh I began something called a bav upasana fairly recently where I needed a rudra to practice the bab upasana because I'm starting to understand that what we refer to as sanatan DH or Hinduism MH uh in certain vertical requires yantas mhm yantas are devices that further your practice but the issue is that there's a lot of false yantas out there there's a lot of people who don't know how to use the yantas correctly correct uh and then you need to understand the truth about genuine powerful yantas that led me to finding NEPA rudra and then I kind of started doing my research I tried understanding who is in charge of this and I was shocked to know you're 24 so how has this happened um is it an outcome of shiv G at play yeah what's happening I think you know first and foremost thank you for having me um I really believe that you know everything is destined and my story uh yes I'm 24 but it transcends my age and it uh goes be you know starts at around 1960s when uh late uh shrimati lakmi my grandmother started Nea rudraa as a brand um and my grandfather balam Kat was also me you know involved in it and then uh throughout Generations my father my grandfather every one of us has been committed to providing rudrax to the world so as you rightly pointed you know um rudraa is a sadhan for sadhana so you're doing upasana of bav G so you need a tool to complete that sad you know sadhana that you're doing and rudra is definitely that and there's too many fakes out there there's a lot of uh you know fake rudraa unfortunately in today's day rudraa whenever we talk about rudraa the first question you you'll get asked is is it a real rudraa it's not like that for banana if you if I give you a banana you're not going to ask me is it a poisoned banana you know it's but in rudraa what has happened is the second almost the synonym of rudraa has gone into you know question about authenticity which is very sad uh it it does show show that we're you know in the verge of kuga where you know even on things like rudraa which is the most auspicious tool out there for humans uh The Fakes are there so yeah you're right there are there are a lot of counterfeit rudras in the market uh and that that's the unfortunate truth of today the world is waking up to Tantra again that's my reading uh Tantra Loosely translates to technique this something I picked up from rajaji nandi on the show so many of the audience was even watching this podcast have consumed all the rajash nandi episodes yeah uh it makes me think that people like you are a part of this Tantra Reawakening movement M uh I want to kind of ask you a little bit more about the purpose of a rudra mhm in order to understand how to further one's spiritual practice more I know aspects of it uh but I struggle to find the right rudra yeah uh which made me kind of research into this Subs subject of sanatan so I actually want you to explain what a rudra is from a very very basic perspective and why it's important uh you know right from the rudrax tree like what is a rudrax stre uh why is this such a valued device in sanatan DH and U why is there even room for fix yeah so that's a that's a very heavy question let me break it down Okay so rudraa in it uh when when we talk about the word rudra AKA rudra means Shiva AKA is the tear drops so rudraa in basic very simple terms is teardrops of Shiva so how do we see the origins of rudraa we can we can refer to a lot of ancient texts let's let's go back into Shiva purana from the first samita the Vidar samita of Shiva purana chapter 23 we'll start seeing the mentions of rudraa being there okay the origin of rudraa said in the Shiva purana that Shiva went into great Tapas for thousands of years okay and when he opened his eyes the tear of Joy fell into the world and out of which the first you know the the tree that grew was the tree of rudraa and this is the only tool where Shiva specifically manifested the tree to for the good of the mankind so this is meant for the betterment of the mankind okay if we go for D bhagwat puran which is also intensively focused on Shiva puran D bhagwat has about 12 chapters in it uh the chapter not 12 chapter sorry 12 sections in it the TW 11th section from chapter 3 onwards to chapter five is solely again dedicated on rudraa so here you tend to see like a uh like a pattern that you know these puranas we have 18 of them in Hinduism right in sanatana Dharma we have 18 puranas two of them are specifically focusing on a tool which is rudraa so there must be a reason for it is what you'll you'll start to notice if you're a beginner to that right so if we go deeper rudraa is like I said a sad a tool or a sadan to further your sadhana there is three ways you talked about Tantra so Tantra The Mention Of Tantra comes again in Shiva purana the first samita of Shiva purana talks about the three ways a person can transform their lives right it's transformation that is Mantra Tantra yantra rudraa encapsulates all three because Mantra sadhana is based on rudraa as well you do the japas right the fingers everything you already know about then comes the Tantra Tantra like you mentioned is a process but it's also a system through which transformation happens tan if we just look at the word tan then it's all about body so the meditation that you do the chakra sad the chakra healings that you do is also a tantra you need a certain spiritual tool to be able to understand and make sense of the energies that you're getting out of these sadhanas right and rudra is again useful in that you you start to make sense of the energies that are coming to you if without rudraa or without a tool or a sadan you are unable to you know adjust to the energies that are coming to you through these Tantra sadhanas that you perform so I talked about Mantra Tantra lastly the yantra aspect yes rudra is also worn as a individual bead for protection again protection and manifestation according to the shrimat bhagat DVI purana what we see there is rudra has two energies one is of bog second of MTI so bti and MTI both are provided by rraa the bog aspect is all about you know being able to manifest things and being able to get material fulfillment because we are made out of physical and energy and the energy aspect is all about mcti so rudra is also your gate way or a tool sad again towards MTI so both of them are there in rudraa that's why you you'll see that you know I wouldn't say it's getting famous or getting you know uh getting out there now it's always been in news you know it's it's the oldest tool you if you look at any J lingas for example the 12 J lingas one thing you'll find in common even the mantras will be different because they're of different dialects one thing you'll find common is the main priest that is touching the shivling will always be wearing the rudraa because the understanding has been there through generations and ancient times that in order for you to be able to do any kind of Vic rituals you need to attend rudraa so what I think is happening is people are again turning back into being able to you know do sadanas and uh getting back into spiritual practices and rudra is a byproduct it's eventually you'll end up using it and leading to it so it's it's on the way it's as if you're going from point A to point B the the middle section is 100% going to have rudraa anyways now I'll also cover why fake rudraa is there right so what's happened is rudra is made out of Muki you know the faces of rudra is known as Muki what we can see and the nature of rudrax is such that you can actually people can actually carve mukis themselves so to make fake ones is easy secondly not a lot of people know rudrax is extremely rare Nepali rudrax extraordinarily rare okay we claim ourself as being the world's largest collection you would think I have a lot of rudraa sitting there right I literally have a really really less amount of inventory of rudras because Nepali rudraa if authentic is going to be extremely rare so how do we meet the exceeding demand is some of the vendors some of the people are taking shortcuts into you know making fakes so that's that's the unfortunate truth about about rudraa that's the reason you know the Rarity of the rudraa is what causes fake rudras to emerge in the market okay um how do you even create a fake rudraa and I I would actually go as far as saying let's get into botany a little bit yeah what is a rudraa like is it a seed of a tree is it a fruit what is happening in terms of nature so rudraa is a fruit of a tree the seed within the fruit is what rudraa is okay rudraa grows in Nepal and primarily in Nepal's uh Arun Valley which is the deepen deepest point in the world right that is where rudraa grows now rudraa like looking like rudraa substances grow in Indonesia as well but our Focus if you are going into the spiritual route on not the jewelry side is going to be on the Nepali rudraa that is where in in the Arun Valley region is there's a small you know Nepal itself is a small country out of which there is only one Valley where rudra oia grows okay and if you talk about how do you create fakes and how fakes are coming in first you need to understand that rudraa it ranges in mukis and as mukis grow up the Rarity increases Muki is the face of a rudraa so basic structure of rudraa is it is a seed similar to what I'm wearing here and it has different faces in it okay and each face represents a deity the most common face that if a person is wearing a rudraa they don't have any idea of what they're wearing they're 100% 99% wearing a f Muk rudraa that is most produced but as you step up in your sadhana as you progress in your sadhana you encounter M is's like you know 15 16 17 18 21 Muki rudras which in a given year two or three exists damn so that is going to be extraordinarily rare okay and powerful and the power you know I'm just a human to describe the power of the rudraa so it is immensely powerful immensely powerful okay and you have to be destined to get it because one it is rare second you need to be able to handle the energy right according to the puranas what is mentioned is not a lot of people have interest in getting rudraa and that is written okay you have to be destined and chosen in order for you to even think about rudraa and people who have talked with you know by the grace of God we've been doing this through three generations right um the people that I talk with they have visions and dreams of rudraa before they come into buying rudra or getting rudras from themselves so I don't believe you buy rudraa I think it comes into your life and it manifests uh how big is a 21 Muki rudraa so 21 Muki rudraa is around 21 to 32 34 35 mm right so this one the one that was found in Nepal in 2023 which was the large just 21 Muki uh eventually you know procured by NEPA rudraa which is already gone it's not no longer available it was 39 mm bead compared to the size of the ones you're wearing so I'm wearing a 25 mm bead so these are and and rudraa is either round or flat the flatter is the higher Muki rudras so as rudraa grows from 11 mukis and up they start to get it flatter okay um I can show you images of the of the rudraa be just for comparison sake and your you know audiences as well as you can see what I'm talking about but 21 Muki is going to be flatter and a longer beat so and and extremely rare like I said okay well answered uh tell me one thing like about this authenticity versus fake rodra you said that it's seeds of a tree right uh how do you know that okay this one is authentic because there'll be many seeds only some of them qualify as a pun Muki that's what I'm assuming and the rest don't so the people who make fake rhas they go pick up the fake ones and then kind of car her face on it that's how it's a fake that's what I'm assuming yeah so the rudraa the practice of rudra has you know it it begins from the time beginning of time right so there's a lot of people who are aware about the knowledge of rudraa have a lot of history on this so it's not as simple as carving a face on it right so a authentic rudraa needs to be x-rayed okay so for example if you get rudraa through NEPA rudraa okay and many of the reputable vendors what you will find with the rudraa is an x-ray report of the rudraa because the X-ray we can see the number of compartments is equivalent to the number of mukis okay on the fake ones if x-ray is performed you'll be able to tell instantly that a fake rudraa so certification is there there's a lot of ways one can protect themselves from fake rudras and manipulated ones okay but manipulation happens when you know uh and and these happens in the secondary Market if you're going through a reputable Source you'll no not encounter any manipulated products but in the secondary market for example on the shops near the temples you know unfortunately that is unfortunately on you know these kind of vendors what you'll see is fake rutes are in abundance and another thing is people are unaware about the origin of rudraa so you're doing a upasana you're more likely wearing you know using a small Mala the Mala comes from Indonesia that is not a Nepali rudraa right so a Nepali rudraa can never be that small a smallest Nepali rudra is going to be this big okay so and what is done is you know and that rudraa is not a bad rudraa per se for japa that is used but for wearing you wear a Nepali rudraa according to the Shiva purana and Nepali rudakas literally only found in that one Valley in Nepal correct if even if I grow a tree in Katmandu for example the city that I'm from the capital of Nepal you'll not be able to find rudraa there like it won't even grow on that tree it will grow it will only grow five Muki rudras it will not grow the higher Muki rudras or the more powerful rudras and the quality will be extremely bad when I say talk about quality the weight of the bead will be not good the shape will be you know uh it it won't be symmetrical so only certain temperatures certain soils and I truly believe certain energies need to be there in that you know pan bomi for it to be able to grow rudras people have tried you know because of the value that they see in rudraa they have tried growing it in all over the places right but not successfully it only grows in the Arun Valley in Nepal podcasting question what's the price of one so the price of rudraa ranges from you know merely $5 all the way to more than $50,000 for a single bead that's how much in Indian rupees in Indian rupees that's going to be around 40 to 45 lakhs for a single seed you can that's a very common price to have okay so it can range above that as well there has been cases where rudra's are sold for almost 65 to 70 lakhs for a single bead sourced from Arun Valley sourced from Arun Valley exclusively Indonesian rudra's or rudraa Source elsewhere is never going to be as expensive those are going to be around your you know hardly 5,000 to uh 10,000 rupees Indian currency that's very expensive for those but if you're getting authentic Nepali rudraa of a higher Muki you'll be paying up to 60 lakhs almost let's talk about the positive aspects of wearing a genuine rhaka yeah what are the positive aspects like how does it actually change I know we can't get into the details of uh opasna here but just on a surface level how do you explain how a rudraa changes one's life so you know we've been dealing with rudraa since this you know since more than three generations and the only thing that we do as a family is rudraa and transformation with rudraa right and the transformation that I have seen we cannot be it cannot be described with words that's how powerful of rudraa is how it works is rudraa is like I said a bead manifested by Shiva for the healing of mankind each of the faces of the rudraa will carry a certain energy for example a 14 Muki rudraa will be of Shani mahash Shan rudraa it's known as Saturn right so if a person's Saturn is weak and they wear the 14 Muki rudraa the debilitation can change into an exaltation it will increase the power of the planet and hence show positive impact to the person as well secondly The rudraa Works in fourfold any kind of transformation happens in fourfold tharma K Moka you go through this cycle right so the first impact that a rudraa causes a behavioral impact which is more of Dharma the person will be more wary of their actions there will be more you know they will be more in line with their spiritual self and start making decisions that meet the criteria for one to be able to wear rudraa that's the dharmic aspect second arik like I said bti MTI both are provided by rudraa so we have seen wearing rudraa is directly you know impacting the material fulfillment as well and that is also a spiritual site because without material fulfillment there cannot be renunciation and without renunciation you cannot you know achieve the last aspect which is mcti so after the dharmic aspects after the aric aspect which is the wealth there is karma karma is relaxation enjoyment and the satisfaction of the self after which MTI comes in which is the end of the cycle and a new cycle begins okay so that is how through these four stages which is known as Pura in Sanskrit DH M four puras these this transformation happens along this way on the surface this sounds like a conversation about rudras but it's actually a conversation about Shiva it is it is a conversation about sh for those hearing us they'll think it's a conversation about rudraa for those listening they know exactly what this conversation is about yes uh I want to ask you about the people who bought that 70 lakh Rak who was it so I cannot dis I mean I don't want the name yeah I'm talking about who the being was so see when we talk about the expensive rudra's the reason they're expensive is because the procurement cost of those beads are also High why so because there is huge number of competitors that are trying to get the same rudraa there's a huge number of buyer trying to get the same rudraa so it's a basic science of E economy right if there is more Supply and more more Supply less demand the price is really less if there is really less Supply but high demand the price is high right so people who are blessed and people who are able to manifest the resurrection into their life are going to be PE you know are are the ones who wear it right so you have to be destined in a way to wear it I have seen people from all walks of life I've seen doctors wear rudraa these kind of rudras I've seen business tycoons wear these kind of rudras industrialist most of them if you're looking at them in the close way are using the power of rudras right so people from all walks of life you know actors podcasters have wonn rudas in the past who are who are really doing well with the with with rudras and its energy so but you need to be able to you know find the right rudraa for you that's very important yeah uh you want to talk a little bit about the practice sure like the only practice that I have done truly with the rudraa is japa yeah and I keep it on me like uh the personal perspective is when you actually begin to work with malas and uh I I'm hesitating to talk about this because I'm not sure how much I can talk about what I do I don't do anything crazy but I'm just very disciplined about my Mala uh I don't let it touch any surface uh I always keep it on a cloth I keep it close to me as much as I can being very open and vulnerable here uh I travel with it um because that's my anushthan I've taken with my D I've promised a certain number of malas every single day yeah uh there have been moments in the recent past where maybe I've been anxious about something or have not been in the best state of mind and I've meditated while wearing the Mala I don't know how right that is or how wrong that is I just intuitively felt uh I needed to do so and it could totally be Placebo for me but I felt like it gave gave me a lot of strength uh these things usually are not Placebo in my experience there's some kind of logic behind things that your heart wishes to do but when it comes to Nepali rudras this is much bigger than the ones I have MH uh how do you utilize these like what is the kind of sadna you do with this the Nepali rudras are primarily used for wearing just wearing just wearing and doing meditation as well like you rightly pointed if you if if you go to for example pashupatinath uh the you know the pashupatinath temple in Nepal what you'll see the mul batas who are the few chosen people who are able to touch the shivalinga because not everyone is allowed into the garbag gria right are going to be wearing the rutas before they do the Puja so any kind of Vic rights according to Shiva purana and Davi bhagwatam and all the you know scriptures requires it's not a choice it requires you to wear rudraa for you to be able to handle the energy secondly for for any kind of astrological you know um astrological use strengthening of planet or taking care of the mfic planet in your birth chart rudra is used there as well thirdly for meditation you wear the Ruda you know I'm a believer that even if placebo effect is if you know impacting you and making a positive impact to you you should be able to repeat that effect more and more and more if you're able to repeat the effect for the rest of your life you you did very well you know and it's probably not Placebo yeah so and and it's probably not Placebo then there are certain things in the world R we that you can only experience and not describe rudra's impact and rudra's energy is very that you cannot describe it with words words are very insignificant and you know incapable of describing the true nature of how one transforms with the use of raka uh I truly hope in my heart that people are able to understand the the depth of the conversation MH that's happening right now and I hope that people are able to read in between the lines of what you and me are speaking about now I'll move forward in this how has it changed your life my journey of life began with wearing rraa so I don't have I have very vague memory of my being without a rudraa but I truly believe that what I have been able to achieve you know maybe less maybe more is because of the powers that I have seen with rudraa in all aspects of life not not Material I'm not talking about material that's the most insignificant the spiritual aspect of life you know I'm 24 years old like you pointed the spiritual your body is 24 years old my body is 24 years old like you pointed you know my soul is eternal it's never I don't know the time it was born because it cannot be told right and the spiritual awakening that I've met you know that I've felt with wearing the rudraa is you know beyond words you know you literally the blessing that you get through ra is you know I'm I'm unable to describe it with words like I said secondly it's brought me closer to Shiva I think about Shiva every single day because I'm wearing the rudraa you know through rudraa I get closer to Shiva which is the biggest gain for me that has happened in my life I've never been you know awake and not be thinking about Shiva because I'm wearing the rudraa so it's bought on me close to Shiva and I think that's the single most important transformation that has happened to me okay I want to say certain things that might sound partially egoistic but I'm truly not coming from an egoistic place because I believe the work I do is simply the work of a medium it's not me asking the questions I've just opened myself up to the questions that are placed in my head okay and the same with opinions especially when I'm in this room so my opinion that I truly feel in my heart right now is that the fact that you're on this podcast considering the fact that or 24 years old we don't have too many young guests MH okay that's one aspect of what I want to say second aspect is considering the family you're born into and the fact that they gave you rodra that early in life makes me think about the fact that your soul is different yeah I'm sure you know this and I can feel it while talking to you and I know that the listeners are feeling it through the show also which 24y old talks like you dude yeah not a lot not a lot and I I really truly believe in it's why I wanted you on the show people need to see this yeah so a lot of older people who've been on the show spoken about spirituality Etc but this is a case uh which is in motion as I call it in terms of spiritual life is not about giving up on the material mhm it's about moving both those stories forward yeah until you're done with like the material completely yeah but it's important to talk about this phase as well especially if there spiritual intention now go on the Dy that we worship in you you're absolutely right the Dy that we worship in Kaluga is Rama right Ram is the main primary deity that we worship in kalyug when we look at the life of Rah you see that he always fulfilled all his obligations while being a god you can't compare with him but the learning that you get from him is that he was always fulfilling his you know U duties and responsibilities as RAM and as the same time who was the highest level of spiritual being that a being can attain right so similar to that I truly you know appreciate your point about in today's day you don't need to let go of the material for you to be spiritual that's that's a very uh narrow-minded belief that you know and and I get this all the time people ask me you know that oh I want to wear rhaka but I don't want to renunciate I don't want to leave my family behind what if my what if I become like a you know like go into sadh so much that I forget my obligations the first thing is according to Shiva in the Shiva purana what is mentioned is for you to be able to renunciate you need to have complete fulfillment of desire right so without the complete fulfillment of Desire one cannot truly renunciate because there will always be one angle missing so the material fulfillment if you look at it in a deeper perspective is what is leading you to get higher into your spiritual growth so you can take these two things hand in hand you don't have to quit One to begin another and I don't think there is a age for you to be spiritual you know you're born with it I've seen so many people hide the spiritual side of theirs because they think they're not of age right now to be spiritual and sometimes somewhere uh you know parents also play a role where they try to you know keep the child from not being too spiritual wearing rudras or or doing any kind of sadhanas because they want they're wary they they're protect detective of the child that you know oh something bad might not happen like they they might reach an energy level which they might not be prepared for but my opinion to that is if they're you know in the way if they're inclined to do so they're the chosen ones not every one of us are and you and I are witness to that yeah what do you think about this um in terms of spirituality choosing you and you not choosing spirituality I can only talk from a subjective life perspective which is from AG 0 to age 22 um I prayed I was open to God didn't understand it I was not open to meditation I was not open to yoga I was not open to conversations like this that yantas can alter your state of reality and then over the course of running the show I've met so many spiritual people I've met monks sages people who I believe are totally God realized people like yourself who are on their way up uh it's just kind of strengthened that sense of spirituality and I truly believe that it's about the age of the soul and not the age of the body so what you're saying is completely right and I would go as far as saying that at least in my observation a lot of the younger generation it's way more spiritual than even you and me yeah that's that's absolutely like there's some wave of spiritual growth happening in the world especially in I want to say India but I say India and Nepal yeah yeah I I see that all over the world actually and yes you rightly pointed India and Nepal were leading the movement but I get you know I get people from even the us or International people who are starting to begin and realize that there is something out there and they they want to get into their spiritual You Know M mindset their spiritual practice but they're just confused and I believe that lack of information and you you are facilitating a great conversation with people like you know a lot of people that come to your podcast talk about spirituality so thanks to people like yourself and the platform that you have created and many of people like you who have created these platforms conversations like these are being normalized before then you have to be on a temple premises to have these kind of conversations certain people are allowed to have these conversations or certain beings will you know take have these conversations these conversations are not new but the platform that these kind of conversations are getting in this way this day and age because of people like yourself is new yeah when we have cricketers actors on the show I enjoy I enjoy the ulation I enjoy the eyeballs we get but this is the core of what we do this is the true message M so some of the people who discovered me off of a yuar Singh podcast should actually come and stay for this cuz this is what will actually affect their soul in my eyes yeah um I want to genuinely ask you a lot of stuff about Nepal and Nepali youth which in my eyes is possibly a little more spiritually inclined than a lot of the Indian youth that I've met on an average mhm am I correct in saying that like a lot of times when I meet people from Nepal people your age people my age uh it's just I get the sense of deeper spiritual incline so there's a couple of questions what's it like growing up in Nepal firstly it's a very bro question it's out of you know even this Shiva conversation we're having and second um about Arun Valley specifically MH I want to know about the energy of that place what is special about the total land mass of your country and then that specific land mass yeah and your your life growing up in Nepal yeah so that's that's I I think I have mixed answers about that I think I've seen spiritual spiritual being across B borders and uh you know in Nepal specifically yes the youths of Nepal Are Spiritual and they you know spirituality is not uh think that they do but it's a way of life right so Nepal in Katmandu specifically the place place where I'm born every 100 MERS you'll be able to see a temple so on the way to school on the way to on the way to your work you know you'll be coming across temples and you know deities all across so you if even if you it's it's as if a TI yatra between the time you go from destination point A to point B that's how many temples there are you know of different deities so even if a person is just able to chant the mantras of the daes that it he he he or she passes by during their you know during their commute which is one of the most common thing that people do is going to uplift their spiritual levels right growing up in Nepal is a blessing because Nepal is a Dave Bui Dave Bui bomi of where Shiva is Bui where you know pashupatinath is and temples like this you know so similar to India Nepal is also Dave bomi where all the you know this kind of culture not only is but started from sanatana Dharma you know all all of this started from the Mahabharata range of our countries right and I I think that being able to be there experience these temples energies from a really young age is a boon and the Blessed Soul get to be born in places like India and Nepal which are in that spiritual realm and I see people from all over the world pouring in coming here to realize and feel that energy you talked about Arun Valley how is it so Arun Valley is a very rural area it's not an area that is that you would think is accessible through a you know through through through just a ride it's not a ride to Arun Valley you have to really be determined to get there and the energy in Arun Valley is just you can't describe it with words because you are surrounded by these rudraa trees and you are also surrounded by the people who have been doing this and seen transformation of people using rudraa so the day in life life in Arun Valley revolves around Shiva because it revolves around rudraa uh tell me more why is it difficult to get there so the the altitude the roads so my let me tell you a story about my grandfather okay so the reason NEPA rudra is NEPA rudraa today is because my grandfather was the first person who was actually able to take rudraa from anun Valley and bring it to Katmandu before then what happened was Arun Valley was closer to Banaras so people were actually taking rudraa from Arun Valley to Banaras and from vanaras they bringing it to Katmandu so the route in itself was so you know long he is the one who went there made the supply chain made the infrastructures in order for the rudras from Arun Valley to be able to come to Katmandu so even that happened in the late 1960s so that's how rural the place is even today the the routes you have seen the roads of Nepal it's quite dangerous so it's it's I I would see I would think that it takes a lot of courage and lot of determination for one to drive to Arun Valley which will take them from Katmandu almost 8 n hours and the roads are not in the best of conditions because Nepal Again country of hills and mountains so it's not easy for you know it's not a flat land where you can you know build roads it's extremely hilly sometimes there's deep steep you know Hills and curves and so driving and getting to our Valley is very very difficult yeah in my heart there's two things for me that are waiting in Nepal the first is a future road trip of sorts MH I truly want to explore your country and I've not been there in my life and it's always been my heart sometimes you just know you're going to go to a certain place so that's the first thing one detailed elaborate Road Trip the second thing is my future wife she's in m around it's just the first thing uh I have to go to Nepal at some point you you you have to and you will be blessed to be in Nepal because yes the nature the road trips are there as well as the temples and the spiritual aspect of what you are doing the oasas that you are doing I believe there's a lot of answers hidden in Nepal you'll be able to see so I've been told um your family has a deep relationship with the pashupatinath temple correct let's begin this conversation with a basic 101 about the pashupati temple so pashupatinath Temple is known as the head of all jar lingas it is the only linga it is the only shivalinga which has the head structures of Shiva in the linga itself okay so Shiva as you know have five faces has five faces the front face is sadad the left you have bamv to the right you have agor Rupa to the behind you have tush R and on the top which is the adisha r or the nirakar r is the is the ishan r of the Shiva right so in pashupatinath it's the only shival linga where you're able to see the four faces the adisha r is still you you'll not able to see but the four faces you are able to see and pashupatinath and rudra have a lot of relationship because the bhas in pashupatinath again are wearing rudraa while doing the Puja there is a Indra Mala in the Vault of pashupati Temple which is shown during auspicious occasions only like twice a year they're able to a public is able to see indr Mala is a Mala made from one Muki all the way to 21 Muki rudraa so this Mala is found only in the pashupatinath temple in Nepal there's only one Mala like that in the world there has been more malas like that okay some people have been able to get malas for themselves which are the Indra Mala but a temple having the indr Mala pashupatinath is the only one okay and back in the days pashupatinath also was UN unexplored because again Nepal is a small country and the infrastructure development has really recently started okay we have we have been uh a country which is unexplored in many senses back in 1960s there were only about three to four shops in the premises of pashupatinath the first shop in it was the shop of late shrimati lakmi who is my grandmother who started you know with rudraa and providing rudraa today NEPA rudraa supplies to more than 163 countries but one thing remains each and every rudraa that we Supply or sell to the devotees are touching the Lord pashupatinath Temple and then being shipped because it needs to be energized in uh Dei purana what is mentioned is if a energized or Shakti rudraa is worn 21 Generations receive Enlightenment so 11 generation forward 11 generation backward are receiving Enlightenment just by the touch or sight of an energized rudraa so that is that is how auspicious it is and pashupatinath plays a extremely vital role in that of course you've been to the temple multiple times in your life yes you've lived and breathed the temple so my house actually is we're able to see pashupatinath Temple from my house so my Village I am from pashupatinath so I didn't move to pashupatinath our establishment didn't happen in pasat but my even my great-grandfather lived in pastin so it's as if I am from pashupatinath that is that my father was actually born in a house which is touching the temple so that's the reason I feel like I'm blessed to be talking to you today about rudraa you know it's it's it has a lot to do with me being from pashupatinath as well pashupati Nat sends people who are who do different things for Shiva and one of the things that I think my family chosen to do is educate people about the science of rudraa tell me about your personal relationship with the temple so every morning from my room from the day I was I I can remember you know maybe maybe I was 10 7 8 8 years old maybe uh from my room before going to sleep and after waking up I can see a lot push Temple and I always bow down okay and the relationship is such that I feel I take I took pashupatinath for granted for a long while because if you're born in a place where you you are able to see the temple every day you don't realize the value it happened to me I think until the age of 18 one fine day and this is exactly how it happened Happened One Fine Day I was in the rooftop of my house looking at P temple with my friend okay and we were talking about different things right and I saw the temple and I realized that this is the exact Temple which is found in people's house in pictures and I'm able to witness it live you know so that changed something in me that made me feel like the auspiciousness of the place that I was being that the place that I was standing in I I was not able to comprehend for the longest of my life so after that I've been so grateful that I was born in the vicinity of pashupatinath and I'm able to see pashupatinath every single day of my life which is a blessing so the personal relationship with me to pnat is patat is my Isa Isa Isa is the favorite God of yours right my Isa in a personal note is Pasa I still want to know more man I'll tell you why cuz I've had an intense relationship with God since I was a little kid sometimes you move away from God even if it's for a tiny phase mhm have you had a phase like that you've kind of moved away from it I have I have I have had a phase where you know I I was not paying attention to the spiritual side in me I was maybe paying attention to a lot of different things because with age you know what happens is you start to be right now it's so easy to do that so easy to fall prey to social media just just be all about the virtual world and not realize where you are that's the reason I said right up until the age of 18 I was not even appreciating the place that I was born in I was I was doing the rituals like you said like you said that you you know prayed you did everything you were not very spiritual but you were doing that every day similar to me I've never there's never been by the grace of Shiva a day in my life where I have not prayed that has never happened to me but intentional praying is is something that I did later on so you know you pray om namashivaya or do a mantra like om right you do this but you're not there you're doing it because it's a habit it's like you know you're you're you're it's it's for example if you work out you know there's some muscle memories that that you do and you're not even paying attention to how many reps you have done similar to that I'm I'm giving you a very relatable example Le so you know when you're doing the mantras you you're joining your hands you're praying to the God but you're not there so I started being there very late in my life which is early but at the age of 18 I felt like you know I was there and I was appreciative of what the mantras were what each of the word in the Mantra meant I started to dive deeper and then my quest began yes I was born in a family of Vic practitioners but there was never a you know forced uh sense of okay you have to do this this is what I chose chose and I feel I didn't choose this but this chose me instead what did your grandfather tell you about pashupatinath so my grandfather passed away when I was um in the grade four so I was 8 years old when he passed away but you you would have had some memory of some me yes some memory so I'm coming to that the some memory that I have is my grandfather was literally carrying me his his playground he used to play chess right he was he was he was a priest at paspa Temple um he he used to do he was a priest he used to do the n you know the the kakanda priest so he used to do the kakanda he used to do your Puja for you so that's the kind of family that I come from but he carried me he took me to the temple that much I remember you know so Temple Journey going to the going to the premises of Temple began very early to me but my grandfather always said this that Shiva is everywhere in his room I remember you know I remember his room the room that he passed away in eventually you know and his room he had all the pictures of all the deities and he said you know that the temple is where you pray you can pray anywhere you don't have to you know go to a temple even though we were sitting right beside Pasa Nat he considered that you know the most important thing is your gratitude and you know your your biy towards the Lord and that's exactly what he did and that instilled in me so today even today even if I'm traveling I just close my eyes I see Shiva and I you know do a rudra abishek in my head and this is a this is a very common practice SAS Manas Puja is one of the stotra that you listen to right Manas Puja what does that mean when ADI Shankar aara um came to came to pashupatinath what happened is he didn't find the resources like I said it was unexplored he didn't find the resources to do all the Puja so what did he do he did the Shiva Manas Puja and did did the Puja with his mind he he was offering the milk the panchamrit the flowers everything in the Manus Goosebumps to worship right so that's exactly what my grandfather instilled in me is the main Puja that you can do is close your eyes meditate on Shiva and the Puja happens there and there and to get to this level of spirituality or Awakening use tools like rudraa that's simple one has to truly experience the within the Mind Puja to understand the impact it has on your spiritual journey and to understand the impact it has on your sense of biy yes um I offer some thing to the dees I pray to in this room like right behind you mhm every night and I definitely can't do it every night of the year because I travel a lot because of work yeah but there is not a single day that I go to sleep without performing the Puja in my head at least or ideally performing it here in the Physical Realm but if I'm traveling I don't care where it is I could be on an overnight flight to America I'll perform it in the flight yes because that is the power of visualization as well as the power of your own heart and soul yeah and that requires a lot of practice because you know how negative thoughts can come and affect the visualization aspect of yours so this is something that you probably have worked on for a long time that now even if you close your eyes you're able to exactly see the dates that you want to offer you know your your prasadam to your your um you know Nya to and do the complete the Puja all in your head because it's you know for someone who's already doing it it sounds like it's it's a common practice that you can do even in your flight to the US but for someone who has never done this to be in that state of being able to visualize is extremely difficult and how do I know this is because being a rudraa consultant you know I consult a lot of people I have seen my father consult a lot of people and I've heard stories of my grandfather consult a lot of people and the first thing that they have problem with is being able to stop the noise in their head because once the noise stops once the room is closed that is when the Puja begins that is when the sadana Begins the number one factor that affects a person is that ability to concentrate and focus and you know there are tools for us for for that to be aided for there are sad for the sadhana to be done but you understand what I mean the negative noises in your head can definitely pollute the sadanas that you do and for you to be able to visualize and do the sad on the air when half of the people are probably scared of falling down in the airplane because a lot of people like me are scared of flights right I fly a lot you know I'm almost flying monthly or every every few months but to be able to concentrate close everything you know to attain munaya meaning the fear of M is gone and be able to practice even if it's for 30 second that has brought you close to Shiva that is not a that is not a you know simple okay I do this kind of a thing for someone who's doing it it might be common but for someone who's not done it that's a great feat it's like running a 90 kilometer Marathon which is possible because every day you're running a kilometer correct every single bow down to the god counts every single thought of prayer counts every single step you take toward spirituality whether it just be om namash just that counts it adds up it's not going you know somewhere it's all adding up and it has led to this day today okay I'm going to get a little open on the show now yeah um everyone who watches the show regularly and I'm sure that the people who stuck till this point of this episode are the ones who watch it regularly um everyone knows that I'm lowkey an emotional guy yeah okay there's a lot of emotions going on inside which I've blocked out for the sake of business and my career in general uh I've had like two very intense situ situations after my career had begun and both were not related to my career there were breakups I had along the journey and I was in a very terrible state of pain and those were the phases which also led to one a lot of material growth but more importantly a lot of spiritual growth because I personally feel that pain especially after a breakup is simply love that doesn't know where to go mhm and the moment you have this realization you realize that okay what if I direct that love to God mhm even we have that little openness towards prayer your prayer becomes more ferocious when you're able to pour your pain into the prayer yeah when you're able to pour your emotions into the prayer because I personally feel that both pain and Love come out of the same place which is your emotional body in some ways yeah uh but simply this practice one helps you heal that material pain that you're going through and I truly believe even love is material MH but emotions are not and not only does it heal your material pain it also helps you go way deeper into your relationship with your Dy or your God uh when you're able to submit your pain completely to the daty and you know what I'll go as far as saying that I've struggled with being single in my life because I tend to get lonely and because of just I don't know earlier that's how I looked at life that I always wanted a partner but the moment I realized that hold on the single life allows me to give more time to my deity or my God that's when my relationship with the Divine increased much more quickly it became much deeper it kind of made me realize and this is something a lot of Shiva bus would say it kind of made me realize the isolation of the mind when your mind and your heart are truly in the process of praying to Shiva mhm I don't of you would feel the same but uh my relationship with Shiva has increased so deeply over the last few years that one I feel very calm and that allows me to Traverse through life but secondly I really really enjoy being alone like I really enjoy my solitude and now I'm able to pour what I used to think of as loneliness I used to look at it in a negative way now I look at it positively and I pour that loneliness into my God it made me think that love as a human need is actually not romantic but it's spiritual mhm you have the capacity to love you think you want a girlfriend or a boyfriend but that love exists within you to give to God lots of people won't agree and I'm not discouraging the idea of marriage or Romance I'm just trying to encourage the idea that when you're single and you have all that excess love to give go and give it to God yeah makes life much easier yeah so I have a I have a I have a similar take in some sense that yes you are a ball of energy humans are balls of energies and wherever you invest that energy is what comes to your life so if you're investing it only on one aspect maybe your married married life or maybe your relationship then the only return you can expect expect is going to be from that front you can't expect God to come closer to you when your only 100% of your energy is going to a certain direction but the beauty of the mind is it can you know segregate and absolutely divide and conquer so the I think the most important practice for one to do and I might be wrong is for them to be able to balance their spiritual and the personal life because there is ashrams that you go through in the first phase of life you go through the brahmachari asham where your focus should only be on the brahmachari meaning brahma's attaining the Brahma Brahma means Gan so any form of you know education any from of understanding of you know religion understanding of spirituality understanding of basic practices should be when you are in the brahmachari asham after that you transcend into the gasti asham because in the gasti asham is where you you should be or else you'll fail you should be able to balance the spiritual and the gasti meaning your family life right and then ultimately is when you do the van prasta van prasta is when you you know you leave everything behind when you renunciate everything and go solely to Shiva so if something is happening where the balances are jumbled up you're doing something wrong right for example Dharma Moka it's never M there is always a reason Things fall into a certain way right the Dharma is the number one thing virtue English if you translate is to direct English it's virtue Dharma is virtue but if you go deeper it's your responsibility as a child your responsibility your Dharma is to study is to educate yourself as a businessman your Dharma is to make profit and sustain your team as a mother your Dharma is to you know take care of your children and balance your life as well a father's Dharma is to take care of your children father you know your do your father responsibilities as well so if someone some one is getting [Music] disalignment place that's basic Dharma is what the person is doing and then you can see the aric growth aric growth is not only sense of material fulfillment but the emotional fulfillment of being happy with what you're doing after that happy is Karma and ultimately once you in that state you are finally able to go to the mukti phase and MTI does not only happen when you're about to die it happens while you're alive MTI is end of a cycle everything in life is a cycle your loneliness or you being without someone is a cycle for that you need to follow the basic principle of the four get out of it the MTI will lead you into a next cycle in life maybe that is of a married life that again is a cycle it start with Dharma what are your responsibilities as a married person then it will start giving you meaning then you'll be satisfied and you'll ultimately seek for the next step which you attain MTI from then you follow the you know next step so life is chakra life is a wheel right it all comes back it all comes back and then it you know keeps moving until the day you die and even after that according to sonat Dharma if it balances out right if your karmas are not to the to to the fullest extent of you know being able to renunciate everything and attain MTI you come back to this world again based on your prenatal Karma which which is the karma of the past life the soul chooses the body and the family where it's born so our Karma today the cycles that we go through today is not only for this life but the life after this right because where you're born is decid is being decided as you do your karmas today and if you're born is also being decided so you know so this cycle transcends life and the cycle goes on and one of the beauties of rudra I'm sorry I'm adding rudra here but the beauty of rudraa and the reason rudra is used in across all spiritual practices is it's the only thing that can Rectify your karmic debt you attain karmic debt in everything and anything you do in Kaluga even more the piece of bread that you eat in the morning you don't know how it's coming out you don't know the people who have been disappointed or disfavored or been you know treated unfairly while that single piece of bread is produced I'm giving an example example of a bread because I'm assuming most of the people have bread in the morning but you can go deeper into everything and you accumulate a lot of karmic debt for people who understand this concept of karmic debt the single purpose of life starts to begin is to balance it out is to do good karmas to do good more than bad you're always trying to balance it and rudraa is a tool that helps you B balance it it's said that even through a site of rudraa which is seeing you know you can't comprehend how is that possible the karma is being done in the material how is my sight or looking at rudaki going to purify everything but there is only a chosen PE Chosen Few out of 8 billion people how many people do you think are going to tune into this show and be able to see the rudraa for people who are already seeing it it's very common how can it be but for people who have never seen a rudraa there are a lot of those as well so to purify your karmic debt take you out of this site and take you to the place where you truly belong and truly be able to express yourself rudras and Tool like that you like you said mantras upasana Tantra upasana and yantra upas are extraordinarily vital do you think as you wear it and you chant mantras the energy of the rudra also changes I don't think I know it changes because it's uh mentioned it's a written it's written in our scriptures that chanting with rudraa has has almost Cy meaning cores worth more benefit and more power than chanting without one because like I said while you chant Mantra each Mantra has a certain vibration and energy that you are you know putting out in the universe and once the you said you are doing certain amount of aasana the reason is you want the you want to Let's imagine you're building a stair to the daty that you are trying to reach with every mantra you're reaching closer to the daty right you're sending the sound sending the frequency you're trying to awaken the daty and just you just want the daty to glance at you once that's enough for you to to realize to for the daty to recognize that ranvir exists is the only thing that you are trying to achieve with a mantra sadhana right rudraa is the steroid to that stair just it's the common practice you're taking an elevator so that is mentioned and this is not my philosophy that I'm trying to put out here this is what our Dharma our sonana Dharma says uh I'm really happy I met you bro because I don't meet too many people in their 20s who are as informed and as emotionally driven as you are about spiritual conversation about scriptural knowledge Etc and I feel that when audience members see another young person who's also materially successful talk about spiritual things it does shift something I know that we've got a big team teenage audience you know and if I had gotten access to these kind of conversations when I was a teenager I think shifts in my life would have happened earlier does Nepal have a lot of presence of bov yes okay before I let you expand more on that yes I want to ask you to explain what bav means to your heart and based on what your family has told you because I've had five different people on the show say five different things and none of them were wrong m but my logic is that I average out what I understand from the spiritual conversation on the show so I'd love for you to expand on so bav is a form of Shiva he is the form of sh Shiva uh and he's also a shiv Gan okay now I'm telling two different contradictory statements here he is Shiva how is he a Shiva G so before doing uh I do rudra abishek every Monday not trying to boast or say anything but that is something that practice I've been doing for a long long time right before actually worshiping the shivalinga you worship the shivans in all the direction so the there are two bavs that you worship during worship of the shivalinga the first one is the kuk kuk the second one you worship is the UN okay there are different forms of B There is Kal unuk there is you know SA we call it the white bav right so the unuk and kuk bav both have deities and this you know presence inside the pashupatinath premises itself kuk bav only has head okay he was the manifestation of Bava with only head because he is so Agora so high in energy that he ate the entire body of his so only the head part remains that is kuk found in Pasa Temple second one is the charged form of Shiva the unuk okay where you see the unuk D inside Pash Temple you are going to you're not going to be able to look eye to eye to the to the to the DAT because it's fully energetic okay fully charged you'll see and I'm not trying to make this conversation vulgar but you'll see an erect fallace of the UN unuk bav inside pasa Temple so the D is almost 10 ft tall okay about uh 10 ft wide and it's structured in such a way that the every the only thing you feel is the charged form of bav which is only calm there because pashupatinath is calming him through the aor Muk of the pasati okay the aor Muk the agore face of the shivalinga faces the unuk bav who's been calmed down by the presence of Shiva so bav plays an important role there's lots of B you know dieties VAV statues V mortis V temples all around Shiva and all around Nepal uh and the single most important aspect of bav is he is a form of Shiva and he is the uh form of Shiva that destroys de demons so he is the he's not The Silent One he's not the one that is in best he's the active one Kali and BV play a very similar role they're the ones who go after demons and are extremely active deities on a very everyday level why does beov choose certain people to be upasak because not everyone prays to bov not everyone's even drawn to it no no so there is in my opinion and I have SE I consult a lot of people like like I said you know and the people who are generally attracted to bavs are people who have a certain inclination towards destruction not in a bad way but in a good way anation destruction of something for a new beginning to start that is what bav gives you the energy of BV is the energy which allows you to end certain things in life for new chapters to begin so if you're trying to kill your demons if you're trying to kill your negative thoughts if you're trying to kill something or any you know kill certain energies that are surrounding you the person will be drawn towards bav bav is also a deity that you will be drawn into if you are affected a lot by evil eye you know if you are affected a lot by what people will say about you you are more than likely to be done towards bov because that's your natural instinct saying that I need protection and bav is the one who's going to protect me so a person who seeks protection a person who seeks uh a kind of like a a figure that protects him from all the negative around is going to be drawn into BV perhaps even the negative within and like I said the negative that within is also destroyed by VV um so many things to say man like again B visited me S I didn't go looking for it I was in Banaras and of all the temples I possibly could have visited in Banaras I only went to the Kal Temple because the name kalal just attracted me and you and I may be connected because this is from Kal bav that I visited about four weeks ago to Banaras Kashi and were kalav you need to take permission of Kal bav in order for you to do the D of Kashi vishwanath you knew about this right yes so that's the reason you went there and you will find in the premises a lot of people are you know uh giving you Mantra and blessings in the premises Inside by of and that is all to e word of negative eyes word of negative energies the 11 Muki rudraa is also associated with bav and L rudras and it's also a rudraa that is used for protection so bhv in its sense is a DAT that protects and the daty that destroys evil that's that's the basic draw towards pyra I would argue that it's also one of the most misunderstood daes very much so because what what we think in today's day is death is negative killing is negative you see about Shiva even he has that image for some he's like Shiva is a destroyer is what you see and you know her hear people saying what is he destroying though he's destroying the cycle for new cycle to start okay so Shiva you know Shan is the most sacred time for Shiva right why is it Shan one is when rain happens rain heavy rain that destroys and takes out soil from every place it looks in the in the present state that Shan is destroying everything flood is happening everywhere crops is are dead you know every single you know soil is you know mixed and there's there's chaos all around but what does that begin in a year in a month or two after shaan what happens new plant blooms New Beginning starts right so the reason they are misunderstood is because you're looking from a distance okay see Shan is the worst time because rain all the all the place you know it destroys crops but if you look at it in a deeper level that destruction is what led new new fle to begin right so bav is also misunderstood because you will only see one aspect of him oh bav is a very de demon-like Dy which kills everything very high energy you should not do basana but what is he killing what is he destroying what is bov's energy and the Tak that he is showing what is it all about it's about destruction but of evil ah so much to say here because first of all I'm doing an English spiritual podcast after a very long time and I've had some time to just live life and you need some to accumulate experiences accumulate certain spiritual learnings and then bring it back for the world to see uh so just for a second n just could move I want to show you my morti so that's my can you see it yes that's the caral with the dog behind it y uh that's the main kind of idol for me which all my upasana centered on uh I was in udur in July of last year mhm and before the trip I don't know whether it was a dream or it was just a very strong gut feeling that my udur trip is going to be related to B in somewhere I think it was because I just begun that job okay something had told me that something about ver was going to happen Okay um very nice trip udur is known for it's fancy Resorts I know I went there for a fancy vacation uh but open to the possibility of having a spiritual experience there's a hotel called the Uday Villas Hotel uh right before you enter the hotel on the left there is a shop that sells statues and uh antique Works etc etc that's the shop I was drawn to okay I was like there's something in that shop uh there's a really tall Shiva like on this alar so that's the tall Shiva I saw in the shop and I was like okay that I'm definitely taking uh but there's something else in this shop without thinking about bov it's just that thought of meeting B was in my heart uh at the start of the trip and throughout the trip and I knew that it's going to find me but I always thought it would probably be a temple that I would visit little did I know that once I took the Shiva statue I went inside the shop and I was just looking at the different idols and there was tons of Krishna Idols tons of Hanuman G Idols tons of shiv G Idols etc etc uh I just saw one be which was this one yeah and I was like that's the one I'm taking now the owner looked at me and he's like why do you want to take that I said I have my reasons because the moment I saw it I knew that okay this is one of the reasons MH I am taking it m uh the owner said that this particular statue has been in his family for three generations and it's just been lying in the shop wow and they had got it from someone who had used the statue for their own upas mhm so he's like I'm very shocked that you're choosing this one M it is what it is and that Idol in my house has not only cre created changes but also material growth and also very deep levels of spiritual incline and I definitely have prayed to it to destroy my internal demons which at this point is possibly a sense of ego possibly a sense of anger towards the world and towards life possibly a sense of wanting to not go into my sadna as deeply as I should yeah uh so when I felt like my sadna wasn't going as deep as I intended for it to go I didn't know what to do and I literally looked at that Idol one night and that's what they say about k b that if you really want to connect with the idol you talk honestly to it because often when people are even talking to God they are sort of lying to God because they're sort of lying to themselves as well mhm so every time I'm trying to talk to car barov I try to go to the depths of my own honesty that's what my mentor in all these things Shri rajash nandi has told me that if you're having a conversation with k b you talk very openly really ask yourself if every sentence that you're saying is truly honest and that's the Only Rule I follow yeah so I looked at the idol and I said that you know I know I'm not perfect right now but why don't you just destroy what's on the inside in order for my sadna to further and that's exactly what happened of course I can't reveal all the details absolutely because some things are private but people get removed from your life friends get removed from your life situations get removed from your life uh and you're left with what is needed for the next cycle to begin to reiterate your thought and things have just gone upward in my life things are already going upward but I think the pace of the upward trajectory has increased and this is my own personal relationship with Kalb of course I'm still a shiv in my core uh when you just spoke about shivji throughout this episode every time you mention shiv or pashupatinath there's a part of my heart that feels a very strong s sense of Stillness when you speak about B there's a part of my heart that feels a sense of motivation yeah but the motivation is to get towards the Stillness again yeah uh that is my very ethereal possibly not completely accurate understanding of bav G because I'm still getting them myself but this is what I wanted to relay on the show so uh I'd like to ask you again about your personal relationship with B have you had a phase where you've particularly prayed to this daty and I ask you that because I follow rajash nandhi on Twitter uh he speaks a lot about how basna all over the world especially in our subcontinent but all over the world bav is Awakening again in the material realm yeah that effectively means that the daes are always awake in their own realm they make the presence felt more in our realm when the time is right right now there's been an explosion of awareness as well as popularity when it comes to bav in general but not everyone including myself has completely understood what bav truly stands for which is why all my questions are directed towards you yeah the first thing I don't think that was a business ploye because a lot of people would be nervous to keep a woried Dy in their house which is out out of your gotra right so you are you are doing something that is out of your Norm so this D that you show about bav was meant to be for you right or else it would not come here right so your trip to udur even though relaxation was the main you know point it probably was there and I would say not probably definitely was there because the DAT he wanted to make a entrance to your life right this is a time in your life where you're probably getting gurus right so for example Guru like Raj nandi G um and bav who is your Isa now who your you know you are getting a lot of guidance in this uh stage and uh at what I assume is the reason B has come into your life is to do exactly what you articulated as to remove the demons make you focused give you the growth that you need and the upasana of bav in Nepal is done to counter the effects of shanni and the counter the effects of the like you said the ego because when you're talking to bav the reason you're talking to bav and the reason you are saying every truth is not because you want to tell him he know knows everything what are you you who are you to tell him what you know the reason is how humble are you how true and honest to yourself are you because he knows everything when you when when B is sitting in front of you you're not telling him you're telling yourself you're you know bowing down your knee and surrendering yourself to bav and then is he going to take control of your life and kill the demons within you and outside of you the people who are going out of your life probably had some some negative consequences if they were associated for a longer time and the demons that are inside of you is also being cleansed by BV that's exactly the reason we worship bab even in Nepal for example if someone is suspected of having evil eye right uh then they would offer uh some kind of nid to the kuk bhav D on The Saturdays I would say my mom has almost always made me and my you you know entire family go to kirtimukha bav Temple inside pashupatinath to offer thei and beaten rice chura to the ktim Muk bav D it's one of the one of the food that we consider is of liking to bav and we do this on a Saturday so that all the evil spirits are calmed and bav takes care of us so maybe what I suspect is the reason bov came into your life is because there were negative energies that were about to surround you and through BV you're meeting a lot of people me included who are coming in adding some kind of value to your life because what you what we're doing here is insignificant it's material but if we look deeper and go into ranvir why is he talking to me today at this time is probably because P wants some kind of message delivered towards you and the message might be that you need protection and I've come into your life to protect you answer the next question in a yes or no are the experiences that you had that you'll never share on a public platform no I will share I have had these experiences but the reason I will share is because if anyone else has had these experiences the best thing I think the most important thing that gets us out of ourselves and out of the lack of information is sharing who am I to gatekeep the experiences that I've had if I gatekeep someone else Millions miles away having the same information is unjust he's just looking for that answer which I was looking when I was really young right so I've had experiences where you know you attain a certain spiritual height or attain a certain Spiritual Awakening for a little while where times you can see the end of time you can see time ending and that is the most scary you know thing for someone to feel because time is very relative right now we have an hour 60 Minutes every minute has 60 seconds but there is a spectrum where you can stand a level of conscious you can reach where time is you know it it goes on a different level you can see the beginning of time and end of time and then you are unguided because there is you need to find a guru and Guru in today's day is associated with a physical person who's old probably and you know looks a certain way but Guru can be your inner Instinct people find Guru in their deities I think you found your Guru in Kal bav or bav I found my Guru in rudraa when I was in that state the only thing that could answer my my questions was when I hold the rudraa and you know deeply meditate and come back to the real world is the rudraa manifestation of shivji himself yes it is it is so what happened is there was assur known as tripurasur tripura Sur assur was a assur that had beaten Brahma and Vishnu both okay the only deity remaining out of the trinities that could be beat uh tripurasur from destruction of everything was Shiva but even for Shiva it was not an easy feat okay to achieve so what Shiva did was he opened his eyes kept his eyes open and manifested a weapon which is known as the Agora weapon in order to kill or destroy the tripurasur it took him thousand years is what Dei purana mentions thousand years of of only still manifestation even for Shiva he needs to work something Karma needs to be there okay it it took him thousand years of opened eye manifestation to manifest the agore weapon which after manifested shiva's eye you know there was a water drop from shiva's eye out of happiness that the Agora weapon has finally been manifested which is now going to kill the tripurasur and through that tear r draa was born and like I said it is a manifestation of a seed which is which is the only seed that is manifested for the mankind there has not been a creation for the mankind there has been creation like and around mankind the only creation mentioned in the scriptures that is created for the benefit of mankind which is so hard for us to believe today it is created for me who am I to be created for but it is created for the mankind because bat has done a lot of thing out of self sacrifice he's the one Neil K you know poison in his throat let others live He's bat Shiva how can I describe him right you'll you and I will start crying if we go deeper into Shiva but he his tears of you know aor tapasia for the aore weapon is what created rudraa and for us who live in the material it is very very difficult for us to imagine that a seed which is available today right next door can change one's life but the information to get out of here to get in here is everything is accessible right here you don't have to die in order for your soul to mature you don't have to go out of this world to bring something in the world which can transform you the tools the resources the knowledge right around you Steve Jobs now I'm bringing Steve Jobs who is random at this conversation I read his book one of the things that stood out was he said if a person is and someone said to him so I remember this is if a some if someone is ready to travel around the world to find a guru the guru appears next door okay so similar to that the conversation that we are having if someone reaches the state where we're in they're able to realize that yes there is a tool very hard for us to believe but there is a tool out there in this physical world which can transform us today I want to talk about that moment you spoke about time dilation or expansion rudimentary guesswork on my end have you seen the end of interstella so my memories about movies my family just hates it that I for get everything okay fair but but I know the vague concept of incest where they travel in time and you know they wake up and they're in different time and stuff yes I have watched it but I don't remember it it's something like what you discussed where goes to a dimension Beyond time yeah so two dimensional thinking is x-axis y- axis threedimensional is height they say that time is the fourth dimension and it can be traveled across mhm uh but it's a reality which is beyond human understanding and it's come up a little bit when we speak to some astrophysicists on the show it's come up a lot when we speak to spiritualists on the show uh everyone kind of touches upon this conversation but it honestly is a conversation that is not able to be expressed through human words and human conversation yeah the reason for that probably is because we're still making it a material travel we're so associated with I that when we assume of time travel you are going to assume yourself wearing the same shirt same pant and traveling through time if you just close your eyes and are able to manifest and are able to concentrate enough spiritually awaken enough you and I can go back to 1980s today not in this body but our mind can why are we not associating that with the self and this with the self and assuming that you and I will fly like an airplane to 198 8s and that is time travel what if we're already time traveling backwards you can see not just through your memories but if you do the upas you are able to land in a state wherever you want to that can be in the past or in the future one thing won't exist you H yeah um I don't feel like asking you further about this exact experience for some reason I don't know why yeah I I don't think you will be able to even capture the right words to relay it it it is an experience that a person should feel but the energy in the room has already changed when I spoke about this right so the energy about the experience that I felt can only be felt because it's an energy it's a it's a state of mind it's not a physical place that I went to where I can describe how the air was how the feeli was or how the temperature was we are so associate in the physical form of ours that to share an experience to you I'll have to give you physical examples sure I but this experience was so spiritual that I can only share it with you if you able to be that spiritual and go to that level of spirituality I'll have a go at explaining time dilation a little bit sure in just a few sentences I'm not going to relay any of my own experiences uh but what I will say is there have been very deep meditations where I feel like I've been meditating for 5 minutes but it's actually been an hour and a half that's a very easy way of explaining what time dilation feels there have been meditations where I definitely know that I'm not in my own body I feel like an hour or to have passed but it's actually just been 5 minutes yeah and I have not understood either of these all I know is that I'm able to reach those points when I'm truly focused upon the technique that I've been taught in my meditation because there are techniques to alter the state of your mind to give your mind very very deep rest and then come back into to the material world with a lot more energy and a lot more creativity and a lot more healing uh which is why I talk so much about meditation on the show because I've seen aspects of the mystical side of it but mostly the material aspects what daily meditation can bring you and your sense of reality which brings me back to the question I asked you much earlier what's your opas yeah so meditation is definitely a part of it meditation has taken um me to places like I said where words are in you know not sufficient for me to describe and the one thing that has aided really well in meditation is tools that I used for meditation name mainly I meditate with my eyes closed there are open eye meditation so it depends on whether you are too associated with the physical or too associ with the environment if you are too much into your physical and you you even able to hear your heartbeats and as soon as you close your eyes you start to get frightened and sweaty just open your eyes and meditate meditate is Yoga Yoga is all about chod that's the first sentence of pangali who wrote The Yoga Sutra right panjali we know it as a brand today but patanjali is a Rishi who wrote The Yoga Sutra out of which yoga and meditation stems out of right the first sentence that he wrote which we forget is yog means the Mind Lake if it starts to you know wonder that is not yoga so if you're able to keep your you know mindly chitt still then you are in a meditative state right how do you keep that first you need to practice second you need tools you definitely need tools and the tool that has been recommended not by me or my family but by the Shiva purana and all these scriptures is the rudraa which is the tool that helps you not only get to that state but remain in that state right because the energies that you will get that you will come across in the Uncharted Territory you might or might not be ready for therefore you use certain tools secondly the upasana that I do is also a mantra upasana Mantra is extremely strong only person who is able to describe the strength of Mantra is a person who has chanted Mantra themselves there are certain Mantra you chant out loud there are certain mantras you chant within there are certain pranayamas that you do by chanting inhaling and exhaling you are while you Mantra let me go deeper what is mantra what does the Mantra sentence mean there is a lot of meaning that you can find just by knowing what the word means Mantra is the sound of man what is your inner voice English inner voice so when I'm saying Mantra I'm just saying inner voice there are people who come to me say I do 10 gu mantras in the morning all day I have negative thoughts all day so they're doing negative thought mantras throughout the day and trying to purify those by 10 gatri mantras that is not mantra Mantra is when even while I'm talking to you om namashay plays in my in the within that is Mantra and that is the Mantra sadana I do I don't I don't sit down and I don't have to do like 10 hours of you know Mantra sadhana if I'm able to breathe in and breathe out my mantras if it's in your breath it's in your breath and I'm not saying I'm an enlightened so in any way but that is what has worked for me because I live in a material world I live in a material world I have obligations and and I realize that the things that I need to do I should be able to do it in my death bed too it should be sustainable so I only choose practices that I know I can do it until the day I die let let's just put that as a measurement right okay can I do Mantra 10,000 Mantra a day until the day I die I highly doubt it sorry me I highly doubt there are probably peop who can do it Mantra that is the thing second Tantra Tantra is all about controlling your senses right not you know speaking when whatever is in your mind that is also a tantra practice Process Management of the process of your emotion coming to your mouth controlling it at not saying that's the basic Tantra practice I do yantra I wear rudra I look at the astrological chart I look at what what are the planets in play I don't assume my ego to be too big that oh I don't need anything I assume myself to surrender and take what resources are available to me and use rudraa as my yantra support so my upasana is really a practical one what I do in the morning is I worship the deities the panchan panchan are the five deities that a person is recommended to worship the panchan are Shiva Vishnu Davi Surya Ganesh these are the five daes everyone should worship right the panchan after the panchan worship I go about the day I go about the day and in my mind I'm doing the mantras while I drive if I listen to the Hanuman Chalisa that's the Mantra sad for me because it is practical for me in the day I am born maybe there's a reason I'm born today but that is what is practical for me I can't go to Hanuman Temple every single day to do this sadhana me personally the life I live that does not give me an excuse to avoid Hanuman Chalisa altoe that requires me to be creative about my my sadhanas so what I've seen as a pattern is oh my God sad is so tough I'll do it later when I'm 40 by the time you're 40 you have already forgotten that God exists you are only fearfully awakened you are not spiritually awakened right now is when when you are young is when you can achieve the Brahma that you are searching for but be creative about it if you can't do 10 Hanuman chalisas in a day you know I've seen people recommend hundred CH chalisas in a day and the person sitting next door is so frightened that oh my God I can't do this J SRI Ram I'm out of here no if one is practical for you do it if not just say om J Hanuman okay let's start where can we start I think that should be the upasana that all the people do at least that is the upasana I do I do practical upasana what I've truly come to believe based on my subjective reality and you can totally uh disagree with this if you think differently but what I truly believe now is that the greatest temple one will ever visit is the temple that one builds within their own heart correct like it's the same thing as saying the only Zen you find on top of mountains is the Zen you take there everyone escapes to the Himalayas to find God God can be built inside you present inside you it can be nurtured and grown yeah um I have one last question question for you today which is about the shiv pan because you've spoken about it so much throughout this episode uh are you familiar with anit Bayan no Ram B he's a big social media revolution in India the fastest uh account that's ever as in the fastest grown account ever on Indian Instagram congratulations to him yeah uh he's become a national icon he's created a fitness Movement Like a fitness Revolution in the whole country right from tier one up to tier three tier four like he's become that famous and impactful uh he used to read the Shi puran in the middle of his day and he used to kind of Vlog each day wow um we had him on the show and he attributes all his success to scriptural knowledge and scriptural wisdom that's changed his life and his reality uh I have often heard people talk about the bhagat Gita on the show uh I will definitely have a phas of my life where I deep dive into the bhagat Gita I think I need classes honestly that's been my consensus I need someone to actually take me through it uh but very rarely do people talk about the Shi puran you're only the second guy I've actually heard talk about the Shi puran on the show after anit Bayan bua tell me about it because you've read it yeah you've studied it uh I know you can't explain everything but my basic question to you is what does it change inside your existence yeah so let me let me start with this scriptural knowledge is good but it's not enough because there is three forms of knowledge shuti smriti and the scriptures shuti and smriti are listening and remembering and the scriptures is in the heart okay out of the 18 puranas in Hinduism we have 18 puranas out of the 18 puranas there are in total 400,000 verses in all 18 puranas all 18 puranas combined there is 400,000 verses which is four lakh verses the Shiva purana is one of them it's based on shiv okay hence the name purana is completion the name purana means completion the thing that completes the Veda is purana again I'm going into word but that's where the meaning is so Shiva purana completes the form and the information about Shiva it does not complete per se say it adds to and takes us closer to completion it's still happening it's happening process Shiva purana in the SAT uh in the uh Satya yoga is said to have 100,000 verses today we have 24,000 verses in the Shiva purana it's said to have 12 samitas today we have seven samitas in our Shiva purana so a lot of information has already eradicated this is a very good opport Unity for people to quit reading about Shiva purana but there's still 24% left which is 100% of where you started if you at zero so uh Shiva purana really has seven Adias seven um sections it Dives in a surface level is a story about glorification of Shiva and stories about Shiva that he goes through but in a deeper level each and every story is a message sent to us that transcends time if you read any Scripture in Hinduism what you understand is it's a symbolic representation the water is Flowing not it's it's not just about a river now what people in today's day are going to do is dig up and find start finding the river no it's a symbolic representation so in Shiva purana you'll find lots of stories that Shiva went through nirakar rubas rudras you know the mukis of the rudras the the story about the you know tripura Sur the story of how narad monei was once you know so dwell in ego that he started to think himself as God and was given the head of monkey right so these kind of story all of them are present in the Shiva purana so when a person will start reading the Shiva purana I guarantee you 99 of the 100 will think oh this is a very basic childlike book I'm saying a very controversial thing here but the stories are such but if you are able to see and read behind and underneath and within the meaning the meaning is beyond you and I so Shiva purana is the gateway to the all the answers that people are searching but one must first be able to open thems to knowledge second be more deeper than just surface level understanding and three follow what it's teaching don't assume that you can pick and choose right so Shiva puran will tell you to live a certain way and do certain things we're thinking of it as Buffet we're thinking of it like I don't want this meal I'll just get this but Shiva puran is a way of life it's a emotion it's it's way of living and it's not asking you for much recommending certain actions uh teaching you certain things anecdotally through Stories the only thing you need to do is be receptive and go deeper than just a surface level understanding about you know to uh to to two characters playing a story I I'll end with a story uh so and and I'll tell you why it's important so in uh Shiva purana as well as in the Davi bhagat I'm always talking about Shiva puran and D bhag Shiva and shaki flow together the the purana that mention Shakti is the Davi bhagwat puran the puran that mentions Shiva is the Shiva puran these are the one of two of the puranas in the 18 right and there's a story about this uh Girish um gishath Gish that comes I think don't quote me but in the 11th uh book of Davi bhagwat in chapter three or chapter five this story comes because some of the viewers would want to read and i' recommend reading it of girinath girinath is a very spiritual being he has a son Guna gunan nidi gidi U now gunanidhi starts to have an A Affair I'm cutting the story too short starts to have an affair with the wife of his Guru own Guru he's so attractive and the wife is also attracted towards him then what they eventually end up doing is poisoning the uh Guru and killing the guru okay gunanidhi does that now then time passes away everything happens and ganid dies in a floor right the yamag ganas are coming racing and they're trying to put him in hell but shivaan are coming too okay and telling them that no he's going to shival right and they dug deeper why why is he going to shival Lo he killed his Guru he's killed these people right he has poisoned his own Guru had an affair with the other why 25 feet beneath the surface he died he finds rudraa okay and that's the reason he was sent to shivaloka the power that you seek is right in front of you it only depends on whether you want to achieve and take you know take benefit of it or not so that is the power of Shiva that is the power of rudra Mr Suk when I was standing outside looking at that sunset with you little did I know there's this atom bomb of a podcast in you uh I knew it would be a good conversation I didn't anticipate you to be the way you are um not because of your age or the you know the Western way you look you know what I'm saying uh I'm not someone who judges my guess before but I've often seen that sometimes these Atomic level podcasts atom bomb level podcasts happen slightly unexpectedly like uh I remember the first time I met rajaji nandin he was just chilling outside I knew it would be good but I didn't know it be rajash nandi I want to say the same thing about you we were just standing there enjoying the sunset all I knew about you is this guy's clearly a Shiva B it it shows up in someone's voice in someone's demeanor but little did I know the rest of it so I think we found a TRS Allstar ladies and gentlemen bro thank you now I can call you bro and come back down to 2024 uh I wish you all the luck man you don't need it from me no I need it I need all the luck not just from you from the viewers because I feel like uh energy the energy that you carry the blessings that you carry in your word are of great use to me I'm no one I have no energy of my own so I would love to have the blessings of every single one of you that's the only thing I want to earn in this lifetime like we've done a Shiva theme podcast after so long I I literally feel like the same feeling you felt in fourth standard when you put a new refill inside your pen and your pen wrote really well I kind of feel like that on the inside so thank you bro thank you uh lots of love appreciate your time appreciate your presence thank you for having me thank you that was the episode for today I genuinely believe that there is an overall rise in spiritual thought and spiritual intention all over the subcontinent that's actually what led me to finding sukr in the first place I was blown away by the fact that this young guy is running a company like this is running a company that intends to scale within the spiritual domain is running a company based on the fact that so many like you and me spiritual Seekers who are going about their daily life or trying to grow materially are constantly looking for further guidance further help further knowledge that's why he was on the show in the first place and towards the end of the episode I know for a fact that I was in a bit of a trance all my questions all my opinions that I put out within this conversation came out of a state of flow which doesn't happen in every podcast I'm sure you picked it up if you've listened to the podcast till this point of course Suk is going to be back on the show please tell me what you thought of this particular episode I enjoyed the heck out of speaking to him I deeply enjoyed deep diving into one of my favorite spiritual subjects which is Shiva I'm sure you enjoyed it as much DRS we'll be back very very soon thank you for listening in [Music] n
Channel: BeerBiceps
Views: 622,431
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Keywords: podcast, indian podcast, indian podcasts english, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, the ranveer show, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, trs, nepa rudraksha, shiva, rudraksha, manifestation of rudraksha, power of rudraksha, meditation, tantra, yantra, mantra, power, tear of shiva, mahashivratri, maha shivratri, shivratri, sukritya khatiwada beerbiceps, understanding rudraksha, understanding spirituality, spiritual life, pashupatinath, pashupatinath temple, arun valley
Id: 1mAwcXE_9Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 37sec (6757 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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