Aghori Transformed Into Shiva In Front Of Me - Tantric Shares Insane True Story

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happiness through Curiosity on Dr eclipse I remember an anecdote I had read and that's a not an anecdote actually it's a very it's a true incident there's a beautiful text in Bengali it's called which means that is somebody who is curious about Tantra sadhana tantric processes that kind of an individual he goes out in search of sadhus who are of the tantric persuasion and he interacts with them and this gentleman spent 12 years roaming around India trying to find these kind of people he had later he came back home and later he had gone to sriorobindo and then he wrote that book and that book is a cult classic only thing is that it is in Bengali those who have read it it's it's it will blow your mind it's one of the greatest books I've read so there he had an interesting encounter he mentions he comes from a traditional Vedic family so he is suspicious of country he mentions right at the beginning he thinks that there is some this is you know some kind of Jewel to use the very typical Mumbai language like uh some kind of fast he doesn't believe that this thing actually leads to anything he's very skeptical and very honest that he's skeptical about it but he's still curious to see and it's perhaps his destiny that he gets to meet a lot of great tantricas of that era and he was an artist by the way so all he used to carry with him was a pen and paper and whenever he used to meet somebody interesting to make a sketch of that individual okay so he goes to a place called in Bengal Bakr is one of the oh ancient shaktibitas of an important uh divine feminine Temple yes I'm having to translate everything because we have so many American and European viewers but I got your back go download my meditation app I'm kidding so so he goes to vakrishwar that is one of the very famous and Powerful uh temples of uh of the Goddess okay or the tantric temples and it was that in that era the temple was famous for virajar sadhana viracha is an extreme form of Tantra sadhana where these things come into play viraja Veer means you are like a hero vir okay by the since we're talking with classifies men into three categories first is pashu an animal who is an animal who has no spiritual conception just going around doing whatever else you are doing in life you are a pashu after you have the tantric initiation and you start doing your practices you become a Veera you are a hero because you are trying to fight against your Tendencies and develop yourself spiritually it and then last stage you become a div we are a Divine being okay this is the three categories of men whole of Tantra sastra is meant only for the Vira but the pashu who is uninitiated at the initial stages there are no you do The Vedic sadhana you are not even the you're not even entered the arena the Veera after you have the initiation then only all these rules all this Makara everything comes into play and finally the Divine the Divya he also has no rules why because he has already become Divine whatever he does is correct so Tantra says that you don't mess with him and the pursue you don't bother about him it's only the middle section that I am curious about and bother that Temple was famous for veerachara and this gentleman goes there and this must be in early 1900s maybe 1910 or something I don't remember the year Etc so uh people tell him that in The Cremation ground and The Cremation ground still exists by the way and the commission ground is so interesting uh not advisable for people to just hear and Rush there but if you even in the afternoon if you go there you'll have that certain Airy feeling there in that area it's wonderful place for certain kinds of personas certain kind of tantric sadanas and thankfully it is not yet commercialized so it's good here he goes there and he there's a Temple of the mother goddess of MAA Durga is there and he stays in the temple in the those days if there's a Wandering monk that comes he used to wear that Hmong kind of dress so they gave him some food and a place to stay and all that and somebody tells him that there is an agori who sits in The Cremation ground so they just call him Baba they don't know what his name is they just know that he has come from Tamil Nadu he's come from the south and he's sitting there and he stays there in The Cremation grounds and nobody disturbs him Nobody messes with him and this guy gets very curious okay he's curious he's scared he's also skeptical that all these things are some farce but at the same time there's curiosity also what is happening what is this Etc somebody tells him that aghori as we were discussing it's once in three days and what does it he consumes uh the brain matter of dead bodies with the rice once in three days the Dome Dome is the individual who used to you know helps in the burning of the bodies yeah which is a whole other topic by itself met some domes and that's a whole it's a society yes yes and they're supposed to also have tantric Powers the worshipers of uh so yeah so there it's there yeah yeah so in that the Dome uh used to refer to him call him Baba and he used to get that that brain matter if you have ever seen a skull pop in the fire it makes a sound and what's the sound like it's like it's like a cracking of the skull in the fire and then something will that that brain matter the GUI mask comes out Etc observed in acclimation ground anyway so he used to consume that once in three days he was a hardcore means he's gone beyond even the rules of Tantra sadhana also nobody used to mess with him nothing but people used to River him very much that he is not an ordinary person he is almost he's like become he's become wherever only wherever is the Lord of The Cremation ground Shiva in this form as bhairava is the king of the commission ground nobody comes close to him he's the one okay he controls everything there then one day after few days he sees that and he is curious to meet the gentleman but he's scared of the gentleman is he he's writing all this it's the mix of emotions is going on okay he sees that the Lord of tantrics who have tantricas have come to that place suddenly one day and from different fireplaces and this is we are talking about pre-independence India so people have come from Bangladesh there's a lady who has come from Bangla present-day Bangladesh there's somebody who's come from some other place Etc and he is wondering that why they are gathering so he goes to one more friendly and approachable looking of the tantricas and says that why have you come and he says that because we will be doing a chakra understand chakra understands one of the highest pujas in Tantra sastra greatest of pujas okay chakra is like the ultimate of upasanas so and the Baba has called us how did he call telepathically there's no telephone in that era he's sitting in a cremation ground he doesn't even have anything so he telepathically calls them and they come start coming and those days they have to walk and things like that so few months ago and Etc they're Gathering Together and they have come all in partners partners groups Etc and then there is a lady who uh comes from Bangladesh okay so he is this guy he's curious that he's like asking but don't you think this is all you know whatever what good can it come out of all whatever you guys do Etc and the people are trying to convince him no you don't know this you have not tried the path if you don't know something how can you say that it's good or bad okay what is the story of most Catholics in the world yes So eventually the Knight of amavasya comes amava says the new moon night completely dark completely dark okay and at night the chakra understand will happen so what is the chakra understand chakra understand is a is called a mysterious worship the term that is used is mysterious worship it is not to be done in public it cannot be even ideally the details of it cannot be spoken of in a gathering where the people are not initiated into Tantra Puja so people will sit in a circle and there will be a Karma of sitting there's the bhairava and his bhairavi will sit wherever and his partner Shakti okay and they will be complete Synergy between the two by the way when this practice is correctly done the two people will have such coordination one the partner may be here and the wherever maybe 5000 kilometers away you know exactly what this person is thinking and it will be perfectly it's not even as it's not like by fluke once or twice some coincidence happens and we think that oh something is happening no to test it the wherever will mentally give a command something weird Okay so which is not you cannot predict that thing something three to four times this test has to be done bhairavi is at a very far of distance you will give a command she will register it in her head and do exactly that and that is how you know that the coordination has been built to that perfection it is not to be left to a fluke and I know that this may seem complete um Abracadabra to Skeptics I don't care this is what it is you believe it you don't believe in your business I don't care so then all this come together on the night and in Chakra as I was saying chakra you sit together in a circle chakra means a circle together in a circle and there's a leader of the chakra he's known as chakrish for a lord of the chakra and there is a chakrishori his partner okay they are like like Shiva and Parvati only in The Cremation ground forms okay and um and bhairavi is his partner so uh they sit together and they do this panchamakara upasana one after the other and it creates a tremendous christendor of power and the other thing that is there wins you once you enter the chakra once anybody enters the chakra you will lose your distinction of caste or any other outside you may be rich you may be poor doesn't matter as long as you are in the chakra you are all one only difference is who has more Shakti than the other and there is a certain arrangement of sitting that is followed in certain chakras and other things but I won't go into all the details because not everything can be spoken of in public but anyway the chakra understand is happening what I am talking to you is already written down in a text hundreds of people have read it I'm just translating that story and once again because it brings out that element okay um so this guy this author he's very curious what is it doing so he goes into the cremation ground and from a shrub in the uh you know forested certain areas he hides himself there and he's observing okay what exactly is going on so you see that they are sitting together in a circle and then in the middle there is the Gori Baba who's sitting on his left is that a lady that female bhairavi would come from Bangladesh very senior who was there and the others were sitting in circles so this goes like this that the immediate left is the Shakti of that person of that person and then the Puja starts Puja means first they will be meet first okay so meet with mantras they will consume it they will pass consume pass and with every partaking of the meat you'll have to do Mantra japa it's not just a you know let's sit together and have a feast no no no every partaking you have to sit and do mantrased then there's Karan the term alcohol is not used neither is madira used the term that is used in tantris Karan because it takes you to the Karan Sharif purified Sanctified alcohol that takes you to the Karan sharir and with mantras and all these things it has to be purified it's not something you just get from the market to understand the word Karan Sharif you'll have to go back to our second podcast your body consists of three parts your physical body your astral body and your causal body your astral body can be thought of as your ghost and your causal body is your purest form of your soul which is just pure light now go answer okay so um so he's seeing from a distance that what exactly are they doing and he's seeing with a bit of skepticism and curiosity as it happens the more skeptical we are the more curious also we are what exactly is happening and he sees that there is the meat that is being passed then there is a fish and then there's the alcohol and then there's the mudra parched grains so there are certain um green dry grain stuff that we use for mudra and then there is the final punch and he sees that uh the bhairavi the chakra was the leader of the pact the agori and the bhairavi she sits in front she opens her clothes she starts is doing Mantra Japan on her forehead on a neck on different parts of the body this whole process goes on for one hour almost so he's doing Mantra of the deity basically he's invoking the form of the mother God is inside okay of that Shakti of the power of the deity inside that is Shakti inside the lady who's sitting there in the and she's also a tantric Lady by the way not an ordinary woman Etc and he's observing all this and he is also not sure what exactly is happening since Etc and then after some time um and and it's it's kind of dark it's dark and he's the the what he's seeing is through the there are lamps those days obviously you didn't have that kind of yeah and that remote place so there was uh Diaz or oil lamps Etc lit in front everybody so the light of that lamp in the Darkness at midnight on a cremation ground he's observing this scene okay and then suddenly at the end of this whole Puja process that is going on he sees that the Gori who's the leader of the chakra he sits and on his left thigh the lady who is also uh she sits down and a specific mudra okay and he's doing japa with this hand with this there's a Mala in his hand like this is and at that moment there's a flash of lightning in The Cremation ground a thundering lightning in the pitch darkness and that lightning rips apart the darkness everything is visible at that time and he sees to his absolute shocking amazement that there is no there is the chakraeshwara guru is not that is Shiva is sitting full jata there and there are snakes around him in his head and there is a trishula and there is Parvati sitting next to him and he sees that in a fields in that flash of lightning all he sees he writes down is that I can see that this is the chakrishoda is gone it's not there anymore it is Shiva is sitting and this Parvati is sitting there in that posture in that specific mudra we call it in specific posture and there are snakes in his daughter as Shiva has snakes Okay and there is a threshold near him and there are beings all around Etc Andy faints he wakes up next day in the afternoon and he the Dome who used to be there uh Dome he sees when he wakes up he sees that the Dome is throwing water on his mouth and all that the person that burns the body so he's saying that um [Music] while he was hidden there and observing all this the aghori knew everything so after some time the aghori called The Dome and said that that guy is there is fainted take him inside let him rest he doesn't have the capacity to take the power of this he doesn't even have an initiation for again an initiation he was a very genuine individual very high caliber very very very high caliber so the kind of power that is generated for a person who does not have that practice if he is there it is going to cause a shocking effect on you as we were discussing in the previous podcast the moment you come into face to face with a reality that is non-conceptual so you build Concepts in your head whether it's skepticism I don't believe it whether or this is a big Theory there's God somewhere but he's not coming here I'm safe completely the moment you have an altered experience it breaks down your Concepts and you either run away scared from it or you bow down a difference there's no other rational way in which the mind can process an experience that is beyond your ordinary you know what you are accustomed to so he uh this chakrishwarya he knew that that guy was dead there's no way he can know because he's hidden there and he calls this Dome and says that he's fainted take him inside put some water let him sleep so next day he wakes up and he's he's like stunned at what he has seen and um he comes to this chakra and says and this this aghori starts laughing okay and then there's a beautiful ancient ensuing conversation and it says that everything in this material plane is divine it is not that there is a God outside the god that you worship ishwara ishwari the Shakti the supreme power that we are worshiping the Supreme mother God is that we are worshiping she's here in this plane everywhere hidden inside even the things that you consider as uh as impure things that you consider as filthy it is there even there inside that is the philosophy we have we have even from the upanishads there's a statement that sarvam khalidam Brahman everything is Brahman it is not saying that there is a God outside and not here no we don't believe only a transcendental God or a deity or an ishwara the devatha manifests here in this plane also it is hidden there it is through the process that you remove process of the upasana of the practice of you remove the veil and you have a direct experience of the deity okay so what in this case the whole point of this story was that when correctly done this sadhana by the right people who are actually practicing and who look at it not as some kind of an enjoyment and some Fringe activity I'm doing and some you know whatever else they think they're doing you look at it in the right sense this is the nupasana this is the worship of the mother you look at it with the sense of reverence with that sense of sacredness it has to be that sacredness has to be there and not just repeating sacredness ten times no no that feeling of reverence you when you go to a normal Temple of any normal Temple of a deity you have faith on be it hanumanji be it Lord Shiva with Krishna with anybody you have a sacredness and sense of reverence right you go with a you don't fool around there you go you fold your hand sacredness that sacredness has to be there in this process for it to work because you are not just doing random actions this is worship then this will manifest into a terrific spiritual state of absolute this is mahabhav samadhi kind of state this is where you not only have a manifestation of the deity and I remember in the last podcasts I think we mentioned that one of the goals of the Tantra sadhana and the other paths is for the deity to be inside you some of Asia is the term that is used not just a Liberation but you divinize yourself completely okay so that there's no difference between you and the deity as a mistake so this is what it is he that gentleman that oghori who was there whose name is also not known this incident he had attained to that kind of a condition that when he was performing the ritual Shiva himself had entered into him there's no difference between him and Shiva now what mode is Liberation if Shiva if if a deity like Shiva comes into you Etc that is Moksha this is Moksha this is Liberation this is all there is what about the people in that Circle they are a part of it to uh spiritually Advance like I'm assuming it's we spoke about how tantric sex is a very big boost in your spiritual advancement I'm assuming that a ritual like this makes it even faster yes and is everyone naked during the process yes uh not when the Pancham Makara the fifth Makara comes in in fact uh very often uh after the four makaras are the four Mecca means after the meat fish etc etc then so each one can retire with their partner specific partners and perform it in privacy perform the fifth ritual which is again they know this process so they know what mantras to be chanted and how long Etc they can do it in their privacy okay um while so many questions right now why do these tantric sex techniques then work for the everyday human who reads it out of books because there must be some power in them in those formats in that technique that adds itself to an orgasm I'm asking from a very City person point of view nothing to do with tantric practice uh so there are certain techniques that work to enhance the uh you know the sexual intimacy and pleasure and also but that is my so taking it out of the context is a it has another Fallout by the way so if you take it out of the context if you do these practices and just follow so the techniques that were developed for example for for ensuring that an orgasm doesn't come so easily until all the Puja and the anusthana ETC is completed during the process Etc if you take it out from the religious context where it is used in that sense you will end up becoming just the opposite thing that the religion abhorse which is you will become sort of a miniature version of a sex maniac you will not only flare up your chakras that control sex but you will go crazy about it and if that's what you want that's fine fair enough be clear in your head please go ahead and do what you want there's probably some Neuroscience in this that your body will release excessive dopamine in that moment maybe I I don't know that I can't comment on that but my my point is that the specificity of this is useful this is useful as a technique only if you remember the context in which is to be used so even at the peak of this technique when used correctly there is an orgasm but it's it's not an orgasm it is an internalized orgasm but initial stages it will not show so for people who practice this actually in a very very broad Manner and defining it without going into more specifics so initial stages it is not going to work that you will not be able to retain the orgasm but eventually as the practice deepens Etc you are able to internalize the orgasm with a and it is at that Peak moment when the Mantra attains maximum power without the Mantra all this is meaningless the Mantra attains power and the mantra Mantra becomes what is known as you reach a stage a specific technical thing that is used in text which is called the Mantra chaitanya which means the Mantra awakens it becomes an alive entity inside you Mantra is the deity that is the moment your connection is built in a second I'm I'm sorry if I'm crossing a line here but is it like when you orgasm in that ritual you have the vision of the deity uh more or less but yeah more or less but it's not again just like any other ritual for that matter even a normal Puja Etc it is not going to happen in day one it is to practice okay with the right partner and all the other settings being set in place Etc but yes in that moment when the orgasm happens Etc uh in fact one of the things that people were more keen on uh in those who are in this those who practice this kind of persona specifically for men so that they can somehow uh retain the orgasm or if possible even sort of you know go beyond the orgasm not have the orgasm why that is because orgasm calls the moment there's an orgasm there's this basic fall in the level of energy okay so one of the typical things that after an orgasm that can happen in general is that you feel sleepy you feel a little tired so then you want they did not want that fall of energy at any state even during this process so all these things that I'm talking about by the way makes only sense if you are doing the upasana if you take it out of the context then it's just whatever else you want to do I measure your business how long is that vision of the deity is it like an orgasm for like three four seconds the vision of a deity if it if it's properly manifests uh your conception of time will go away you'll that is what is called a samadhi samadhi means you enter into a Zone where your normal sense of time your concentrated um a single pointed concentration on the uh on the deity or the Mantra is so deep that you lose track of time you lose track of everything I hear you so if you enjoyed this video subscribe to TRS clips for more 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Keywords: the ranveer show, trs clips, the ranveer show clips, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, podcasts, beerbiceps podcast, trs, clips, the ranveer show beerbiceps, dark tantra, tantric sex, sex positions, tantric sex explained, sex explained, spiritual sex, how to have sex, how to kiss, rajarshi nandy, rajarshi nandy tantra, rajarshi nandy beerbiceps, beerbiceps tantra, dark tantra hindi, spiritual sex meditation, nofap, celibacy, celibacy benefits, semen retention, shiva, aghori, true, sex
Id: wbrPY-SJtKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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