Everything you need to know about Rudraksh | Keerthi History with Sukritya from Nepa Rudraksha

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can rudra be used for black magic no because rudraa is a manifestation through Shiva himself when it comes to rudrax we're talking about energy here so when you say positive that'll also be negative right is it okay to have sex while bearing rudrax the answer would be no can women wear rudrax while they menstrate yes to answer your question women can wear rudrax in their Cycles if they had already won the rudraa before the fact Nepali rudraa always has natural H you don't even need to driller hole that's how nature makes with if I make you fearful if I tell you oh my god KY now for 2 years this bad things are going to happen where it our culture is more driven towards fear invoking and giving a solution which is ultimately going to bring you back to I do have customers who are scientists they're biochemical scientists they're leading researchers in the field of cancer I have customers actually who have bed on NASA these people understand where spirituality begins is where science is right now I don't see like any like extreme scientists denying the existence of like God or anything there's always a possibility that's what science is I think spiritual aspect is something beyond that it's not like science can't figure it out it hasn't yet it may in the future cried out so loud I I was you know saying these things in my mind uh I had around like 12,000 subscribers with me the next day uh one of my videos started going viral the next week I visited I had around like uh 4 lakh subscri subcribers the incident I told you about it was on L February and February 12th exactly I got monetized and this February I hope I'll touch 2 million you still need to work you can't sit down and wear R and say okay now everything is done let's go about it today's podcast is with shukriya kada a third generation rudraa expert and a viic astrologer I was someone who was wearing rudrax in my college days obviously without much knowledge of about it so when I got a chance to meet someone who has an expertise in rudraa I obviously had a lot of questions this is one of my well done podcast for sure and I really hope you all like it too hi hi KY how are you I'm good I'm good how are you I'm doing good as well so it's been really long since I did a podcast and this is my first time visiting Nepal and I'm doing in Nepal uh so I'm really excited about this so I'm going to start with one thing that's really bothering me since I met you why are you wearing rra in your hand and also I I heard people saying that you shouldn't be wearing rudrax anywhere other than your neck it's kind of disrespectful so since you're rudrax expert and you're wearing it in your hand and it's really been bothering me I want to know why so that's first and foremost welcome to Nepal I'm so glad that your rudraa journey your rudraa quest has led you to Nepal and I'm able to talk to you here uh yes so that's one of the main reasons I wanted to talk to you is to break myths like this one so according to the Shiva puran on the 23rd chapter we start reading about rudraa and up until 25th chapter rudraa the Shiva purana talks exclusively about rudraa and one of the things that is mentioned there is if a person is wearing a rudraa on it his wrist which is visible he is equal to rudra he's as equal in power to rudra and you should salute a person that is wearing such I'm I'm not saying that I'm you know salable or rudra in any way but wearing rudraa the amount of rudraa recommended for a person to wear is around 100,000 if we just go through puranas there is no way a person can fit 100,000 rudras on his neck so there is different mantras in terms of rudraa for the forehead rudraa for your chest rudraa for your wrist and rudraa throughout the body okay so there for yes this is I'm I'm so glad that you started in this question because that is one of the greatest myths that is out there so rudraa can be worn anywhere as long as it is touching your body we have to understand rudrax is not a jewelry it's not worn for fashion it is a spiritual tool for transformation so like I say it's a sadan for sadhana to be done therefore wearing rudraa the only thing that you need to be mindful of is rudraa needs to touch your bare skin how about I'm sorry okay how about you wearing it in your legs ankles so ankles would that be like disrespectful that would I think be disrespectful uh but you know to wear 100,000 rudras Shiva we can see him wearing rudras all around but we're not him in any way shape or form so I would restrain rudraa from going below the uh hi stomach Naval area so anywhere above the naval you can wear rudraa so that would be my recommendation is to always go above the uh stomach area for any rudraa to be worn okay you said you're a ruda expert and I've done some research you're in your third generation your grandfather your grandfather was the same your father was like expert in Ru and you doing the same thing you're in your 20s and you have like so much knowledge I can understand that it comes from your family but still like this Vic astrology uh like what is actually rudra expert what what it's just a seed what can be you know what is there to be an expert in that yes so that's exceptional question again when we look at rudraa from a distance it looks like a seed but when we go deeper into rudraa if you look at the people who do sadh with rudraa and rudraa is the the Journey of rudraa begins from the start of time so we we see mentions there is not a single tool other than rudraa which was manifested by Shiva himself for Spiritual transformation of a person so rudraa is a long history however in if we just look at it from a distance it is a seed as you go deeper the mukis the energy the use of rudraa varies from person to person it requires I would say exceptional knowledge a lot of you know uh Vic knowledge as well in terms of astrology and also genuine interest and inclination towards Shiva in order for one to be called a expert I would not consider myself to be a expert I'm still a learner I'm learning rudraa I don't think I can learn this in my lifetime it's it's so vast but I would at least be uh you know I would at least feel myself to be successful if I can share 5% of what I learn in terms of rudraa and help people transform in their sadhanas and spiritual journey I would consider my job done if we if I can reach that point and you said mukis uh I heard like there are a lot of varieties types in rudra like there's I think one Muki I don't know how you call that and I used to we rudra in my college days so I wore this the five faes one so would you like to break it down like how many types of rudra is there like like how do you classify it yeah so rudraa can range from one Muki up until we have seen up to 29 Muki rudras 29 okay and as the Muki progresses the Rarity of the rudra increases from 1 through 14 Muki it is known as the sidha Mala in which all the planets are you know uh taken care of the one Muki is exceptionally rare rudraa rudraa originates from Nepal Indonesia and India okay the Nepali rudras are the rudraa used for Spiritual reasons the Indonesian rudras are the ones used for jeweleries the wuki rudraa from utarak that is produced is not considered to be rudraa but is sold in the market as a one Muki kaju uh one Muki comes in four different varieties primarily the one is the one Muki Nepali round which is the rarest a one Muki Nepali round is virtually impossible to find second one is a one Muki moon shape from Nepal which is also a rare rudra it's the one Muki that is used on the pashupatinath indr Mala the third one sorry to interrupt yes uh when I was doing this you know I was just checking out about R since I'm talking to you I've seen a rudraa priced at 3 lakh rupees like in some website yeah I actually want to know is it like the Rarity you're talking about is it actually a thing or is just marketing like givings or all like yes so that is a question that I get a lot uh in Nepal the Nepali rodox are rarer than I would say diamonds because a diamond you know uh if you go to a diamond place you are pretty much guaranteed to find a diamond the cost you might have to bear but rudra is a natural product you cannot predict the mukis that are going to be grown in a single year and no one if anyone claims that they have a far and they are cultivating rudraa from a farm either they are Shiva or they're lying because they cannot how can you predict what mukis a particular tree is going to produce okay so as the mukis go higher you find up to like for example a 21 Muki you will find not more than three to four of Nepali 21 Muki in the Entre entire Nepal in a given year and the demand for Nepali 21 Muki is exceptionally High because it's a powerful rudraa for Kua for manifestation and for wealth fulfillment which ultimately leads you towards spiritual growth okay I have this thing is the demand you know is the price High because of the demand and the number of Supply is also very less yes or is it because have actually have like that kind of benefits that it climbs I would say both okay the first is you know the benefits of rudraa cannot be described by humans it is you know it is according to the Davi bhagwat purana even mere sight of a rudraa is enough to take rid of all the karmic debt a person has in their given lifetime we cannot comprehend that for us looking at a rudra beid how can that be so beneficial but that's what our puranas say and claim wearing rudraa the benefit and the results of rudraa can only be found by people who have actually worn it right so if you have worn a rudraa you'll be able to tell the significance of it the energy of it it cannot be described by me without you wearing one but to answer your question about what is determining the price is it the Rarity or is it the benefit I think the demand is created because of the benefit the reason people are coming towards rudra and Nepali rud in particular is because of the transformation that it guarantees you and the demand is high for that reason but the supply is low because it's all natural you can't man make rudra's in a factory to cater towards demand I think it's happening now yes so fake rudras are very much prevalent in today's day in the secondary Market in a primary whenever you know you talk about DX the first thing will be like authenticity is it like authentic one like how do you decide this authenticity like where is the meter how do you set this because anywhere it's a seed yeah uh it can be fake only if it's made U you know by humans in some plastic or some anything but you I I think you can spot it easily I'm not an expert obviously but I feel like you can spot it easily you can easily Spot the Difference between a seed and a plastic correct so that is fake news that you know there is plastic rra is being made the the fakeness or the manipulation happens in the Muki for example it's a five Muki if a human interferes and cuts and carves a Muki on it which is a sin of the highest nature in according to our sanatana Dharma and Hinduism when you touch and manipulate rudraa that's the highest sin however it is being done for money now how do you test it a rudraa expert or an expert laboratory which are there for example an IRL lab or igl lab in India these are Labs that you know are there to test rudras that can be done secondly you X-ray test rudraa the number of mukis is always consistent with the number of compartments within the rudras so if you X-ray examine it and there is only five compartment but you can see six mukis you are pretty much guaranteed that someone craved it right so that's the reason I you know tell people to educate themsel in terms of rudraa second you have to be cautious of the secondary Market you have to buy rudraa from a reputable source which at least provides you with the certification for example in NEPA rudraa what we've done to counteract this is we provide x-ray reports of each and every rudra you buy from us W and we are the only vendor in the entire world and I say this with pride not ego that provides lifetime money back authenticity guarantee on each and every rudraa sold so what do you mean by LifeTime money back like if I don't like it I can just give it that is that is a change of mind but if in any case in an unlikely circumstance you come across a lab for example kirti buys a rudraa from NEPA rudraa and after 5 years she's walking down the street in Delhi and she sees a rudraa lab now she wants to test the rudraa there and you know the lab says oh my God kti you have been fooled and this is a fake rudraa there is no one you can call at that time in the other areas but with NEPA rudraa we're giving you a lifetime guarantee that you can test your our rudra in 162 Labs worldwide and we guarantee it to be authentic we will bear the cost of everything and we will also give you your money back if that happens it has never happened by the grace of Lord Shiva and I don't expect it to happen because authenticity is the number one priority for us but it's always a good thing because I want to tell this your sadana starts when your questions and your doubts end you can't be doubting the tool that you're wearing for sad and get results because your mind will always automatically go towards is it fake or real right so to help people focus on what is important which is their sadana which is their transformation we have built this system to ensure that you know you are at least at peace of mind that you are wearing the real thing and would you like to continue the types of I'm sorry I encrypted it yeah no no no that's perfectly F fine so like I said the one Muki is a rare one uh it comes in like Nepali form there is Savar and one Muki moon shape we'll show your audience the pictures of this it will be easy for them to understand and then there's also the Indonesian type and the Indian type these are not spiritually significant but used uh because they are cost effective for vendors to use it okay okay the tum Muki is for chandrama is a one of the strongest rudraa for chandrama chandrama and the Moon so moon is a very important Planet it is a planet that takes care of your emotion and it's also the planet that represents Shiva therefore people who are facing mfic effect of the Moon want have debilitated moon or want to strengthen their Moon they go for the Tumi rudraa also like I heard that uh heard people saying that if you wear the two mraa like both husband and wife your bonding will be much stronger that is absolutely correct because it is also arar rudra okay I thought it's fake it is arar meaning the husband and wife it's the half Shiva and half Parvati so therefore Shankar and Parvati Shiva when he's with Shakti is Shankar so Shiva Shankar and Parvati it's Aran nareshwar so yes two Muki bonds it from three to S Muki we see rudraa that are used primarily for japa okay these are not rudras that people commonly wear individually these are japa rudraa like I said I want to break down a little bit rudraa is a tool that is used in three ways first is through sight even looking at a rudraa is a pun Karma second one is through wearing third one is through japa okay japa is the recitation of Manas for a prolonged number of time for spiritual growth so the mukis from 3 to 7 is used for the japa from eight Muki you start seeing rudraa for Ganesha which is for ketu nine Muki is for rahu because it's for Davi ten Muki you see rudraa for Vishnu it's a rudraa that is also you know most of my clients put it in their houses and their offices for vastu as well 11 is for rudra for VAV as well it's for protection 12 is for Surya 13 is for Venus 14 is for Shani 15 is for mercury 16 is for Maham form of Shiva it's for rahu as well as it's uh rudraa for well-being 17 is one of the the most famous rudras in the entire world known for vishwak karma it's a rudraa used for transformation in business and financial growth 18 is for bomi it's a gatri rudraa people doing gatri sadana which is one of the toughest kind of sad what is that sad means the gatri Mantra is a very strong Mantra I can't recite it in front of you because it's a mantra that is Mantra but never heard about the sad so anything that is done with a purpose for a long period of time with utmost discipline as a sad it's a very simple way for you to comprehend what a sadhana is doing a gatri mantra just once is uh act but act meaning a thing that you have done it's beneficial but it's not a sad but if you say okay I'm going to do 108 japas of gatri for a prolonged number of time until I you know fulfill these things and these are the things that I want to do it's it should be a planned disciplined act that is a sadana sadhana doing sad is very difficult because it requires you to be disciplined first second it requires you to have that constant focus and Activation so 18 Muki is a rudraa for Mangal it's a rudraa for Mars and a rudraa for gatri so that you know Foundation of spirituality is built through wearing the 18 mukaka and doing the gatri sadana the 19 Muki here we are talking about very rare rudraa okay I'm talking about it very you know casually because you know uh I want to tell you the information in a casual way but as I'm progressing in the mukis you are finding less and less of these Ras so very rare okay you need to be fortunate in spirituality and materially to be able to get these rudras from 19 Muki you looking at rudraa for sudharshana chakra it's a rudraa for Vishnu so Mercury it's the highest powerful rudraa for Mercury from 20 you're looking for rudraa for Brahma 21 I already told you is a KUB rudraa and so on and so forth there are rudra so many rudras that are still happening because we need to understand this purana is not ended life or the world is not ended the universe is still expanding and still growing spirituality is a growing and happening process okay we treat it as a history which we refer back to and learn but spiritual transformation spiritual growth and spiritual progress is happening today so if you do a sad and if you are spiritually enlightened enough you have the ability and the authority to add to our spirituality and make it beautiful that is how our openers were written it is all a dialogue of the Saints after they read The Vedas and they went on deep meditation they you know researched on their sleep they introspected and they wrote the upanishads today we're not doing that we're too afraid to even touch our books too afraid to even touch expand on our knowledges like money making missions nowaday so in spirituality it's a happening process and rudraa is a happening process as well right so who knows some there there might be a 30 Muk rudraa and it will be destined to someone and they will know what the spiritual significance for that will be but until then we don't know okay you you just broke down that what kind of rudra gives what kind of benefits yes so I have this silly question I know it's very silly but I'll just going to go with it like the person now he has the like tree or that rudra he finds this rarest rudra and it's going to give him a lot of benefit why is he selling it instead of keeping it with him so that it gives him all that benefit see so that is a very good question and a tricky question as well right so the the first thing is everyone in the world is a medium and I a medium as well I have a lot of rudras I can wear every one of them and receive all the benefit myself but my purpose as a human existence is yes I do wear a lot of rudras you'll see farmers in Nepal wear a lot of rudras for themselves but they can't be you know in spirituality begins when selfishness ends it's a tool for transformation of not just for me but for World Okay the reason I am being a medium to put rudraa from point A to point B is because I personally believe my family is chosen by Lord Shiva to do so we do wear rudras we do wear rudraa for our personal transformation but guarding that you know thing and making it a secret and just using it for myself would be one of the most selfish act as a spiritual being calling myself spiritual hiding my mantras there has been there's been a trend in a lot of unfortunate lot of spiritual practices there will be gurus who are not letting go of their mantras until their last breath the only person who knows the Mantra is their son and that's how the family tradition moves forward right but definitely that is in spirituality true spirituality is there where you put others in front of yourself yes you do need to you are responsible as a human being to cater towards yourself but the responsibility towards the world and spiritual transformation of others is also your responsibility so I personally believe to be a farmer especially of rudraa is also a Destiny and like I said D of a rudra is pun Karma itself so just imagine being able to live on the boundary whether that person realizes it at that moment is a question but if we look at the puranic you know uh knowledge and if you look at it in a deeper level than what you can just see it's a huge Ben you know huge Boon to have been born in that place for him since we are talking about spirituality I have this question like uh if you see the literatures and scriptures of a culture there's always you know it it's highly spiritually inclined one you know I believe earlier back back in those days even the common people everybody used to wear wrax because it's like that's how you know when I when you read the scriptures and all always the main characters has some you know some mentions of these kind of things like people were highly spiritually inclined yes nowadays we are not doing it but do you feel that we kind why do you think people stop bearing G the common people I'm not talking about the sasis or somebody it's like me a person like me I was never told by my parents to wear rudrax or anything my parents never I I never seen them wearing rudrax when I started we it they were actually against it yeah so like why do you think people stop doing it nowadays so there is three things I want to answer here the first is rudra is still warned by a lot of people you don't know but these people who are on their highly successful ranks and you know attaining success they are energy Harvesters they are using forms of energies to harvest their goals okay so there is happening today so however you're I'm not talking about these people you're talking about they like highly conscious of their doings but like I'm a commoner like I'm not like a very spiritualistic person but I'm like a commoner who I'm doing much just day-to-day things but we don't get these kind I don't feel the like the necessity or importance I don't actually know don't know the significance of it correct so our uh times and this is very unfortunate is ruled by U fear rather than knowledge fearful of you said you were wearing rraa but you stopped because you were afraid of negative things happening h no no it's actually not it kind of got broke down since I bought it I wore it for some for a long time I I was wearing it for like almost 3 years and it got broken down then I stopped it because I I didn't buy anything new but if I consider it like the most important thing the moment it got broken down I would have at least you know uh stretch it back and I would have it but I didn't do it so it's like maybe I didn't consider it I didn't value it enough but why do you think like people like me don't value it enough so that's number one is the lack of knowledge lack of knowledge lack of awareness I doubt that in today's Age A lot of people are opening the puranas and reading it you are getting more information from a mediator like myself rather than reading it yourself right if you read it and you uh believe it and understand the value you would definitely be wearing it secondly I would also like to say that uh after the Western colonization rudraa was very much prevalent in Peri days you can see your museums in a lot of places even including Dubai the museums have rudraa malas warned by Kings of Tamil Nadu Kings of you know but after the Western colonization we are believing in gemstones and other tools which are which are spiritual but nothing like rudraa so it's a lost uh tool for sadhana and that is kuga right Koga is all about evaporation of knowledge and we're seeing it in rudraa as well okay I was searching about rudraa online and I spoted a lot of weird questions like extremely weird questions but some are not that weird but some are like extremely weird questions and I also think it makes sense to some extent so I want you to answer these questions in one word a maximum in one sentence have you heard of this rapid fire thing yeah it's like it's not like exactly the current joa rapid fire but it's like kind of slightly like that okay uh I'm going to read it out sure number one is rudrax fruit edible yes it is what the external the external portion of the you can eat it e it I want to eat it just kid me one it's quite delicious actually really how does it uh taste it tastes like a berry it's it's a bit bitter but it's it's a we usually eat it after we clean the rudra the excess it can be okay I was expecting a no for this okay the second one will be can rudra increase your sexual desire so it really depends on whether your sacral chakra is blocked if you if there are certain uh spiritual reasoning for that blockage to happen definitely itely yes I couldn't get that like what is the blockage the sacral chakra is the chakra in your reproductive organ if you look at sex in a very spiritual angle it is just an intercourse between two energies if there is any blockage because of spiritual reasons or your birth chart is saying something about it then yes we can you know I have had cases where a sadhana and a spiritual uh you know tool has helped in the process I would still seek medical advice I but at the same time spiritual because we're made out of material and spirit the spiritual angle of it yes okay got it can a non-hindu wear rudrax it's not a weird one but still I just wanted in one word answer for this yes I have a lot of Christians a lot of Muslim uh people as well who wear rudraa for their spiritual and uh transformation at the end of the day we're all humans great okay the next one is it okay to eat nonvegetarian while wearing rudrax it depends on your culture if you are from a North Indian descent you'll find that your culture is surrounded with non-vegetarian meals is common right in Nepal we offer even nonv to Gods so so it really depends on the cultural thing but the answer is yes to a certain extent in certain culture it is common to wear rudraa and eat meat that is not a problem okay so it's like it's not restricted or anything right there is no mentions of anything where your meal is associated with spirituality meal is something you are eating for the material fulfillment and material you know strengthening of your body you're mixing two things assuming it's the same so that is very you know very uh that's a very limited understanding of spirituality when you start seeing you know can I eat rice can I eat grains kind of thing but uh don't you think the body plays an important role too because it's your medium where you spirites so it does it does and I have seen one thing though I will tell you one thing the inclination to having meat and tamasic substance these are tamasic tamasic substance goes down extraordinarily once a person begins their rudra Journey okay that is very common but what I like to say is rudra is not for the perfect person but for a person who is in search for Perfection so if you're already actually you're right if you're already imperfect and you're then you can't be like okay I'm all ruined now nothing there for me start my suggestion is start and go from there you can slowly change but don't call we like to limit it's a lie we tell our it's true because when I was weing RX I kind of stopped eating non for a year I don't know why but I just didn't like it for some okay yeah yeah yeah but I started it again uh but yeah that's kind of happens the next question will be is it okay to have sex while bearing rudra the answer would be no uh people usually remove rudra's during an intercourse that is that is what is common but why so isn't it a you know natural process like it is a natural process I mean you know it would be a personal preference in my opinion it's it's nothing Bound by spirituality our spirituality if you look at Hinduism it is very much open to sex it's very much open yeah obviously you you go to temples in kandu Nepal you'll find all the Karma suas everything mentioned because that's a natural process so it depends on I think personal choices if you're okay and if you can separate your spirituality with your material and your process absolutely fine I see a lot of people feel guilty after the fact okay see feeling guilty after the fact is like uh you better remove it you better remove it if you're going to feel guilty if if you have a open mindset if you understand that okay this is also a spiritual process of energy transformation then yes so it would depend on person to person it's not a onew answer unfortunately okay but is it's not like there's any restriction or something there has not be mentioned of any restrictions okay the next one is can rudra be used for black magic no because rudraa is a manifestation through Shiva himself and God can never be a Cause or a causation for a negative thing to happen in your life so unlike other yantas of you know various uh practices which I'm not very well versed on rudra is not something that you can use to create negative impact for anyone it is always 100% of the time sure positive results never negative okay so I just picked picked this question right now uh from the from your answer if you like ract the rudraa like like you said uh some people carve it out and all now so if the rudra is distracted in any way like it's kind of damaged uh won't it cause any negative energy because it's all about when it comes tox we're talking about energy here yeah it is so when you say positive they'll also be negative right so kandit rudra is what you referring to kandit rudra is rudra that are broken visibly damaged wearing those kind of rudraa is not recommended but when I think about wearing rudraa a person a person of a certain knowledge will never wear a rudrax which is broken or in two pieces that is not common so if you're wearing a round uh Nepali rudraa that is of a high quality which has no damages in it then no it cannot have negative impact but if it's a broken rudraa better to put it in a temple or you know Vis you can uh let go of it in ganga or any River and so do you think that's I mean I would like to know the best way to discard Audra because you bought one you it's damaged or you don't want to use it anymore how do you you know discard it there's a couple of ways the first one is you can put it on a temple okay donate it to Temple that is good because the source ultimately is God and his residence is the temple second one would be discarding it in your River because River you know is very good for resurgent you do Resurgence in Temple I mean Rivers so be mindful it's a natural product you can do Von of rudraa in the river itself that would be a only in the running water only in the running water I would not recommend doing it in Lake w why so running waters are considered to be all you know a part of Ganga okay they are all you know rivers are considered to be extremely sacred for our Varun vun bhagan is River and he is considered to be the house of all the tias when we do uh for example when you do a rudra Aisha you you will have Dio kalas and Ganesha kalas meaning kalas is where vur bhagan is water we worship water to pay out tributes to all the tias so when you're resurging of you know when you do auron of rudraa you're actually giving the rudraa to the entire dtas and telling them that okay you know I'm having to let go of this because of certain damages that's that's it okay that's a very respectful way to let go of it rather than throwing it in a garbage can okay I'm again picking a question out of this so I've seen a lot of people disrespecting rudraa like I mentioned wearing in their ankle and all I don't know like when I you know I get really kind of upset about it since I have like a personal personally have like a lot of respect on it uh but my friend used to always she used to say like it's just a seed don't you know overthink it but do we really actually see it just as a seed or do you like as an expert and rudrax and all do you feel like upset U you know when people dis disrespect it so see there's a saying in Hindi managan so even shivalinga if you look at it a person who's just looking at it in a very you know in a very uh what do you call it in from distant it looks like a stone H but it's the life changing shivalinga for some so for some yeah right and for us it's the jar lingas right so the I can't describe the power of shivalinga to you that that would be very very insignificant I'm a very ins significant person to be discussing that in front of you but similarly rudraa foram is the seed that transformed their lives for some it's just a fruit tree right so it really depends on the spiritual awakening of your soul that resides within you I also want to mention this I used to get upset now what I believe in is is everyone has their personal relationship with God I'm not a mediator of any kind the only thing that I can be responsible is for my act and educating people but even if after all the education and H information they want to disrespect then I I think it's a lost cause we should you know educate people but not get offended by their actions because I can't by the ignorant action ignorance cannot you know you can't fight ignorance with frustration it's only through education and Enlightenment of them that we can fight it so if you see someone doing that rather than being angry and telling them what are you doing I would recommend educating them and asking them you know do you know what you're doing because sometimes they if you know even know what if you I mean if you still do it intentionally that's up to you I think the world will be a much better place if everybody is aware of this one fact yeah for sure yeah so again go back to this rapid F thing can women wear rudrax while they menstrate so it's very common for people to not start wearing their first rudraa during their menstrual cycle because of the energy imbalances that there are energy differentiation that there are introducing a new energy into your body during a menual cycle it's it's diff it's different but after you have worn the rudraa rudraa is a yantra it can it should not not need to be removed from your body ever okay apart from certain activities like you know when you're going to a funeral for you know God forbid that happens or uh if you are taking a shower for protection of the quality of rudra it's not for Spiritual purposes but yes to answer your question women can wear rudraa while they're in their Cycles if they had already worn the rudraa before the fact yes that's like the most sensible answer I ever H so so good can you drink and smoke while wearing gudra so nonv is a culture but smoking and drinking is a choice it is not a culture you your your your father drank so I drink is not a point non I mean smoking smoking and uh cigarettes are bad for you and I would think that to be a disrespect to your spirit that you maintain the Santi of the spirit that you maintain and because rudra is already a Charged substance what I recommend is if you can't help it put it outside of your body while you consume a different substance which has the power to disrupt the Stillness of your spirit and after the fact you can continue wearing it I personally do not like or do not think it to be a respect to our internal Spirit to consume any other Spirit from externally while wearing rudraa that's my personal take again has there been any puranic mention of this it has not whether it is because it was such a given thing or whether it is acceptable that is up to you got it the next one will be how do I make a hole in the rudrax without breaking it this is actually a question I saw online so don't be mad at me yeah no this is again a Mis you know lack of knowledge regarding rudraa because a Nepali rudraa the number one identifying factor is a Nepali rudraa always has natur hole so you don't even need to drill a hole that's how nature makes rudraa like how how like how the nature is knowing that we're going to you know make a Mala out of it and all like how it comes with the hole that is that is Shiva you need to ask him someday maybe hopefully I always thought the hole is like man-made no Nepali rudraa all the holes are n natural but why why it has like is there any like stems going inside all like that so the uh so that's a a very interesting question I've never thought about it like that what I've been limited to is yes rudraa has a natural hole but when you look at the structure there's not a stem actually going in I think Shiva made it so that we wear it dude wow okay the final question will be can I exchange my rudrax Mala with my friend rudraa is passed down through generations for example one of the rudras that I wear I'm wearing right now from my grandfather the reason it was being passed out is because we SE the same gotra mhm your friend and you might not be sharing the same gotra therefore the karmic debt and the karmic imbalances and the karmic nature of your families might differ so I would I would I would be against rudraa being shared among friends but in the family it is okay if you're from the same gotra rudraa can be shared what about the husband wife husband wife share the same gotra after you are married your gotra changes so lovers can't do it yeah not it down guys okay so these are like the weird questions I spotted online there's not much weird I would say these are like people have a lot of questions about rudraa and there are a lot of myths around it like um you know even I told you now when I was wearing rudraa like every person who see me that will be my first identification the girl who wears rudraa I'm not even like a very spiritualistic person like I used to be an atheist actually like growing up all my life so I just thought someone told me that it gives a lot of positive energy I tried it I kind of felt better so I just kept it with me for a while so it's not like everybody who saw me like that will be my first identification the girl who wears rudraa and they'll always have something negative to say they'll always see something to discourage me to stop me to you know wear that my parents like they were like so mad at me because everybody in The Village will be asking my parents like is she is she going to be a sasi or something why is she wearing that rraa and then they will be like girl shouldn't be wearing rraa because you know obviously we menstruate and there are times like uh some Death happen in our you know in our family like when I go wearing rudraa they'll be you you shouldn't be wearing rudraa coming to a funeral and there are times it happens like you shouldn't be obviously eating non wge and you shouldn't be like like there a lot of things I I can't even remember so there are lot of myths around rudra as an expert in this field would you like to address the myths around rudra and then like break it like these are the actual fact and this is not just a myth so we can have this conversation all day in terms of the myth breaking there is a lot of myth but I think the mindset is what we need to cater here the deeper level is a mindset we look at any kind of spirituality with a no with that restriction restrictive mindset we're so fearful fear comes when you don't know what is next you're always you don't you you're never fearing a certain situation when you're able to anticipate the next thing fear comes from the unknown fear comes from lack of knowledge and understanding it is very easy for me to be fearful it's very difficult for me to find a Shiva puran and read it h so what do I do I be fearful and since I'm not wearing it and I know that I want to wear it see a lot of people want to wear ruction want to see that transformation in themselves they know it but since I'm not wearing it I don't want you to wear it so I'll make pass on the fear fear is something that we pass it on no one has come to you and said you know things that uh like for example wear a rudraa this is going to happen very less amount of people are positive about it even I see today people who wear rudraa won't share that they're wearing rudraa to other person yeah because it's like a I don't want this un you know unnecessary comments yeah and so restrictive mindset needs to be addressed Ms it's religion spirituality is very common sense it's a part of life it's a it's how we are born we don't have to over complicate things God is omnipresent he's everywhere he can see you if you think it's there is known as the Brahma within there is a Brahma within if your Brahma if you consult your Brahma without any societal interference you just consult your Brahma and think about for a while if I wear a rudraa do you think Shiva is going to harm me anyway if you just consult this you'll get an answer immediately you don't even have to research anything but what we're doing is we have really less amount of ability to introspect we don't consult our Brahma we go from this is said that that person said that and we move from there so we need to eradicate the fear we need to understand educate ourself and use the tools that have been warned by our ancestors for the longest of time for Spiritual realization our culture used to be much richer Spiritual Awakening used to be much higher that's a there's a reason we are moving from Satya y to kug not the other way around because these kind of fears are having there are authoritative figure which will even eradicate you know even uh make you more fearful because the easiest way to convince someone to do something is to invoke fear if I tell you I never tell this to my clients that without wear wearing rudraa there is nothing else in your life no rudraa is a choice do you wish to transform do you wish to wear it there's no negative things happening because you're not wearing it but if I make it can add if I make you fearful if I tell you oh my God kti now for 2 years this bad things are going to happen wear it ah so our culture is more driven towards fear invoking and giving a solution which is ultimately going to bring you back to me you said that the lack of knowledge instills fear in people but as an expert as you saying as an expert what are you doing to you know um educate create awareness among the people about the rudra and all like uh do you like teach people are is it just only for your customers no so knowledge should be free and I always like it like that uh and even though my contributions might be minuscule when we look at it from a large extent but I believe that every one of us has a responsibility to bring out the knowledge that we have or for example I recently did this documentary of rudraa and talked about all the mukis in that documentary so you know anyone interested can also look at our YouTube channels and you will be able to find the links to that documentary another thing that we do personally is on our website you can find re you know information about all the rudras and I was offering free consultations uh also but because of the sheer amount of demand of people wanting to you know consult I was I thought that the quality would not be up to the mark so right now because of a paid consultation we can you know I can guide people personally as well that something that I'm offering now but I don't know how long I'll be able to do that but at the same time I have my team who's focused on uh contributing information and knowledge and sharing all the articles that they can uh but it's not just for sharing and increasing the number of views we work on every single content we produce like it's our first so you produce content too yes we produce contents to help people educate about rudraa that's a big thing it is and new B people for that yes yes we you know it it's an investment but I believe that it's an investment that helps people educate about the spiritual signific of rraa and as a family which has been doing this since the late 1960s we were actually the oldest I'm the I'm very proud to say that I belong to the oldest family which is associated with rudraa period okay so I believe that it's a family responsibility I'm making my ancestors Proud by educating people about rudraa if one more PE person knows about rudraa and ultimately becomes a Napa rudraa family member then I believe that my ancestors will be proud of what I'm doing okay so you're actually younger than me but you have literally like I feel so dump in front of you because you have like more knowledge in terms of spirituality and rudra and all uh is it coming from your family like I I've read somewhere that your father I mean so your grandfather was the priest in the pashupatinath temple is it true so my grandfather was a kakanda priest in pashutin Temple he what does it exactly mean it means that if you go to him for rudish for Puja any kind of you know uh spiritual um uh you know spiritual ceremony he can do it Al alone so he's he was a a Pandit he was a pundit and he was a Vic practitioner he was a very learned Vic practitioner not I'm I'm not saying this because he's my grandfather but because he dedicated his life towards spirituality and towards rudraa so I believe the knowledge that comes to me and this might be a little bit you know uh hard to quantify it is a mix of things that I've learned but things that come naturally to me because I was destined and blessed enough to be born in a family that has been doing this for a long time right so I believe it's both both postnatal karma postnatal meaning the karma after birth the energies that I've put into knowing and learning about this but it's also prenatal Karma of my soul which is which has which is very old I like to tell people I'm 24 turning 25 soon but the the age of my soul is eternal and the knowledge you believe in the rebirth I do believe in the rebirth uh I believe that we are born again until our karma is completely purified and rudrax is a very strong tool for karmic purification so I do believe in uh our spiritual knowledge and uh because if you look at it from a deeper level you will see logic in it you'll see so I see a lot of time people wanting to mix science with religion and I truly believe science is a tool that helps us measure spirituality begins when the material measurement ends so I hope in my generation we're able to find tools to measure spirituality that would be a transcend of material and going into the spiritual world because that is something that I believe in today's generation because we are force-fed things that okay if you can measure it then and replicate it then it is yeah obviously see science is something this is what you know so far like it's not there are endless opportunities I don't see like any like extreme scientist denying the existence of like God or anything there's always a possibility that's what science ISS so I think spiritual aspect is something beyond that U it's not like science can't figure it out it hasn't yet it may in the future hopefully yeah and that would be extremely good and I actually want to play a part in it I actually want to and I'm working on researches in the scientific spare to re research more about rudraa but I know deep within that the tools that we have today is just ins you know it's they're just insignificant to measure these impacts which are life-changing life altering PE I have actually a very interesting thing I do have uh customers who are scientists they're bi you know they're they're biochemical scientists they're leading researchers in the field of cancer recent customer of mine was a cancer specialist and you know people from NASA they're wearing rudra I have customers actually who have worked on NASA so saying this with pride and these people understand where spirituality begins is where science is right now ending but I truly believe with our progression and with our society one day we will be able to merge the two with our understanding that would be amazing that would change people's life like because that would be a very huge convincing the most sensible way to live yeah it would be it would amazing so just few like few minutes back you spoke about the gemstones how it's like taking over the culture of wearing rudraa I notice a ringer in your thinging it has a gemstone I guess yes like but you said gemstones are like taking over rudrax but you are wearing a gemstone so gemstone and rudrax are both spiritual tool I don't discount the powers of gemstone gemstone is a amplifier if you wear a gemstone for a certain Planet which is well positioned in your birth chart it amplifies the power but it cannot strengthen if you wear a gemstone for a weak Planet thinking it will strengthen it it will further the weakness so gemstone you have to be very wary about it however it does work what my point is is rudraa and gemstone used to be warn rudra used to be warn where we need to take knowledge we can learn I said that it's a happening process spirituality it is good to learn but but it is not good to eradicate what you know and learn the new things that is what is very common we once we start drinking tea we don't need to bypass water H right that's like essential tea is a additional flavor to the water but water is what is the source of life so our spiritual understanding our spiritual Foundation is the key but if we learn that okay other civilizations have learned a certain tool can amp y then use it with caution I'm always a open-minded just take the good good things take the good but educate yourself you don't need what we're what is happening today is we're fearful of what we know we're fearful of opening the pages of Veda because if you see this and this is not a joke read the vas you'll see people saying don't read the vas standing up don't read the vas in the library don't read the vas in your bed don't read the vas in your room so just don't read it where do we read it right so is it that a human being needs to travel all the way to the temple find the most sacred place and read it and our temples are not designed like a library they're they're designed in a different way right so just read it you don't need to limit yourself so people are doing that they're restricting what we know our knowledge is being restricted and we're being open to only the external what I say is take the good from both and help you yourself in your transformation in life I want to know the process of making rudraa like how do you find it where do you find it how do you make the things the way it is like the final product I mean is it okay to say it's a product yeah so let's let's because like I said spirituality begins when material ends word is also just a tool of sounds that we use to communicate we don't have definitely it has an effect it has it has a limitation so let's use the word product okay so I'll take you to a journey of rudraa what happens is according to the Dei bhagwat Pana the inclination I'm taking you from like the bare meaning inclination to where rudraa comes from within it's very common and it's been written on the 11th book U on the fifth chapter or the third chapter don't quote me of the Davi bhagwat purana which has total of 12 books in it it's written that it's very common for people to not want to wear rudraa okay so it has to come from within that's the first journey then your journey for rudraa begins right you'll be you'll come across Nepali or Indonesian rudraa that's going to be the first question apali rudra is spiritual it's what is mentioned in the puranas it's what we have been using from Traditions but the cheaper alternative is Indonesian because Indonesian seeds look like rudraa used mostly for japa used mostly for jeweleries after you land on Nepal Nepali rudras what you'll do is you'll have to know which which rudraa you want to wear now yes rudraa does not have a negative impact however if chosen with proper Guidance the effect that you want and seek can be Amplified it's not that we're adding something to it we're just recommending the best rudras for you specifically to do that we can do it two two ways first is you have a question like I've heard this a lot even you're saying it like this kind of will bring you money this kind of thing will bring you health there lot of prescriptions like this I personally as I said I'm not very spiritualistic person so I don't understand these things and like just like me there are a lot of people who don't understand these things how is this possible like uh I believe it I believe in energy definitely it has everything has an energy yeah yeah so when you say like this kind of rudra will bring money and this kind of rudrax will bring Health like what what is the percentage we talking about like anything see let's say I'm eating Jung food all my life and I'm bring a rudra and I say like it will bring me Health it's not going to happen so anyway what I do I should be mindful of it I think whatever you're saying it can add up to it but what percentage what we talking about here so so that's a very good question one of the things that is the word wealth mhm Lakshmi mhm two different things wealth in today's world is just material fulfillment it's like bank account wealth in spirituality is what you have so the energy of Attraction Is wealth the attraction ability Is wealth health is all about your ability to be mindful of your actions if you're wearing eating junk food all day your health is already on the negative because of the actions because in kuga you karmic Centric yoga your karma is the biggest impact you can't meditate and lose we weight in this y very difficult to do so maybe some enlightened being can do it but karma of physical exercise and activities is what leads to it but the karmic change happens from within you don't start you know working out just like that it has to have something inside and internal needs to click what we're doing here is with the use of rudraa those energies are getting activated it you still need to work you can't sit down and wear rra and say okay now everything is done let's go about it you still need to do your sad you still need to do your Mantra See change happens from four cycle Dharma Kama Moka this is the four purusas Dharma is all behaviorial first change has to be dharmic change Dharma is behavior it's the responsibility is the virtue your Dharma as a educator is to educate people my Dharma as a rudra expert is to consult people a father's Dharma is to be the father a mother's Dharma is to be mother to a child right we need to be mindful of your Dharma first second ar ar is the meaning what is the meaning that you're trying to take out of it of the process so any change happens from Dharma K is the pleasure that you receive once you see that okay it's being meaningful as I become father to my child as I become an educator I'm seeing people change I'm seeing people you know be better that's the aric change that happens after that it gives we k a meas you know pleasure but one thing happens I'm done with this process now I am wanting to do next thing that's where you receive Moka from that cycle and go on to the next life is all about Cycles rudraa is a Aid in that cycle of your life where you are able to go through through this process of dhak Moka and move forward accordingly therefore I and this does not rarely happens it happens to people who are looking rudraa from outside view once you start wearing it you will see karmic changes happening you will start taking actions for example people with weak Shany and I'm mixing a little bit of astrology with here just to give you a little bit of information people with weak sheny they're procrastinators very high procrastinators you will be procrastinating and you will not be taking actions okay I think I have that thing yeah so you're doing so much I doubt it but at the same time you were 14 Muki and 17 Muki and you will start to see the change that you experience and the you know actions that you start to take so things start to manifest manifestation is a very famous word in today's day because of the influence but Shiva the origin of rudraa starts from manifestation so what happened is in in the beginning of time there was assura known as the tripurasur mhm to kill tripurasur all the trinities were extremely focused Brahma tried it failed Vishnu tried it needed assistance and wanted to invoke Shiva now what Shiva did is he meditated for thousands of years with his eyes open he manifested a weapon known as the Agora weapon it's known as the Agora weapon through this manifestation when the aurak weapon Came live in his eyes a tear of Joy dropped and with that teer of joy is where rudraa begins okay so rudraa is a manifestation of Shiva for the betterment of mankind it's the only tool that has ever been manifested in any of our scriptures read it as much as you may that is manifested to change and give spiritual growth it is for the betterment and it is a tool that has both and it's been mentioned in the puranas it has bti and MTI both biti is the material fulfillment MTI is the you know M Nirvana now why is that related how is bti and MTI related if you read Shiva purana the first samita is vesar samita if you read it what is mentioned is with the now people come to me and are fearful what if I be a syasi after wearing rudraa it is clearly mentioned to renunciate one must attain complete fulfillment of Desire so through the desire fulfillment you might see it in that time stamp as oh this person is getting rich oh this person's material fulfillment is happening but what is that leading to that is leading ultimately to desire fulfillment and spiritual growth okay again you need to be mindful that this fulfillment should come from a good act or else that fulfillment measure is never there he don't know where to stop you have thousands of cores 100 thousand of cor but you don't know where to stop we don't know what the next step is but for people whose basic material is fulfilled I have seen a lot of these people they then tend to go into the spiritual Quest and are able to devote their time and energy to building temples to helping people to helping build schools hospitals dedicate their life to Dharma like so these are the ways in which Shiva purana mentions that we must live and to help you get through this rudraa is one of those spiritual tools I say this with confidence that there is three things that Shiva purana mentions Mantra Tantra yantra yantra are the spiritual tools which help you harvest energy rudra is one of them Mantra is also very important and Powerful for people who might not be able to get rudraa you can start Mantra sadana don't stop yourself from okay I don't have rudraa how can I be spiritually inclined you can do Mantra sadhana Mantra is that Tantra is also in practice you do Kaa yogas you do a lot of yoga yoga originated from pangali yoga Sutra MH and we have forgotten this art as well so like rudraa most of our transformational abilities are getting lost and that is a very unfortunate truth yeah so true I think it's so true since you talk about spirituality a lot I have this own personal question for you so we in my hometown we have this uh one Temple which is like thousand years old it's like a Shiva Temple uh my mom told me like I was doing like I didn't know what to do with my life I was like very miserable in my life I didn't it's not just I have any particular problem but I was just so depressed I didn't know what to do I think I felt like nothing is working out for me at a point of time because obviously I studied history I had U and my I I come from a very small village if even if you go to the town the whole city you know it gets completed in like 5 10 kilometers you have like hardly few you know colleges and all it's like a very small town remotely small town so you don't have lot of career opportunities there you don't have lot of higher education opportunities there you need to go out and I come from a again a village mindset people they don't allow you to go out and study so I kind of you know felt stuck and I was like so miserable with my life uh she told me to like uh visit this Temple like once uh once a week uh somebody told me that it's going to help you get better so obviously I have nothing to do with my life so I felt like I just want a way out so I started going to this Temple uh I was just I to be honest I'm as I told you I'm not a very spiritual person at all I always need logic in this I always want to see some logic in whatever we are doing so I started to go to this temple on a weekly basis like every Thursday I I go to this Temple and every time I go there something good happens to me and I'll tell you something I was was expecting for an order uh I was just doing this um menial jobs and all at that time I was expecting this order and that's going to like benefit me like this very small thing but that was very big thing for me back at that time so I'm talking about a year back so I was expecting this order and the moment I stepped out of the temple like I paid uh you know I paid respect and I came out of the temple the daughter came like I got the cling sound so then I was like U it's like a you know uh recuring order you get it like every one our time the next week I didn't get the anything the whole week the next week I come out of the temple exactly at the same place I got the order I was like what the heck is happening here I need Logic for for real I I I don't understand like God is doing this for you I don't I don't know like I don't understand this concept like the someone is sitting up there and watching you all doing things he's he's just making it happen for you I don't believe in these things but I also couldn't believe that this is happening I'll I tell you one thing so I started doing YouTube by the time when I was visiting the temple since I'm like always like jobless I wanted to do something since I'm good at this I wanted to do something about it but it's not working out the YouTube obviously you don't get the success in the next day you start working but I was like so miserable with my life uh I didn't have any money at all with me I'm I'm like a person who won't take money from my parents uh I think the last time as my I asked my parents something was when I was in school I wouldn't ask my parents for anything so I just literally have no money at all so when you go to the temple I I buy this Dia for for Lord now so I used to at first I used to buy eight dasas so I used to you know uh keep it in for every God in the temple then it came down to five I couldn't afford it anymore so I won't ask my parents money I won't ask anybody for money so next it came down to three and somebody was with me in the temple that time um that person told me like um uh you have three now like for that that particular God I'm very like connected with I give him three the like every day every time I I go there so when it came down to three I just kind of close my uh you know eyes I just go straight to him and plays all the three the us then the person told me like you have three why why can't you just L it upon on for this God I was like I felt so bad so bad like I want to give this three to him but I couldn't give this uh somebody said this I felt I don't know so bad I started crying there I don't know maybe it's all the things that you know piled up in the past I started crying so bad like so bad means extremely bad I couldn't hold hold back my tears I was I was crying so lovely in the temple sitting there it's like a not a crowded Temple so it's not a problem but I was crying so bad um I think the next day I went home as I kind of had this I I kind of had this conversation with god like I don't really talk to him like a person honestly but that day you feel so helpless with your life I talked to him like I have nothing to do I don't know what you have what the problem you have with me I don't know what I'm doing with my life it's just I I see I see no way out here I'm just I just feel so stuck here you know within this uh City I don't know what to do with my life I just cried out so loud I I was you know saying these things in my mind the next day uh I had a like 12,000 subscribers with me um at that that day I didn't get monetization because I didn't have enough watch time for YouTube the next day uh one of my videos started going viral and the next week I visited I told you now every Thursday I go the next week I visited I had around like U 4 lakh subscribers wow from 12,000 to 4 lakh within a week yeah so every day I used to get around 50,000 subscribers it all whole like went boom yeah and it you know can you believe this if I say this to anybody I don't think anybody is going to believe it I don't I didn't even tell this to my parents that I cried and you know it all happened but you know it always something like this happens and there's this one day there's this company who contacted me like um I didn't have a team back then like everything I you know I do I I used to do it on my own Let It Be editing thumbnail any everything I used to do it on our own so I badly wanted a team I couldn't keep up with the demand you know people a lot of people started following me but I don't have much content to put out I used to post like once in a week and it's not going to be you know consistent for a long time so I wanted a team so this company approached me but their condition is like we'll take 50% of whatever your yearnings is I think that's a lot yeah but I I was not yearning that much back then so even still it's not that bad but back at that time it's it's it's your initial stage you you just started blowing up and this company approaches you I thought okay it's a good option since I don't have a team they'll take care of all the work for me I'll just have to focus on the content and video I was going to sign this but I I told them like okay I'll tell you tonight I was going to the temple evening okay I'll make my decision so I was already visiting this Temple for like more than 6 months it never happened uh you always offer coconut now the coconut went bad that day I was actually thinking in my met okay I'm going to say yes to them I don't know if it's right or not uh just make it right for me so this is what I told him the coconut went bad that kind of you know I took a step back I said U uh I'll need some time and then I said no I'll I'll manage it on my own then obviously if now I think it's like a very worst decision I could have ever taken because the contract was for 7 years wow so 7 years of my life I would be working for them 50% yeah 50% of whatever I I do okay so this thing now every time I go to this go to this Temple something good happens me I always feel it does something for me it does protect me from the bad but my logical mind it refuses to accept it I know like something is good is happening with me I know like like there's something that's something happening I I can't describe it but I don't understand it but I don't my mind refuses to accept it like maybe it's all a coincidence this is what my mind my mind says and I always have a battle between my mind and heart so as a person who's like more knowledgeable in spirituality how do you actually like see this this is like so crazy I don't think anybody's going to believe this but this is all true but how do you like how do you explain this to me just explain this to me I don't care about the viewers also just explain this to me how is this possible what is happening with me how is this possible see this is all what spirituality is all about right it's it's definitely definitely Beyond Comprehension for anyone who has not been a part of your journey who has not seen what you have seen who have not felt what you have felt the things that you have felt your emotion at the time when you cried out loud was probably to the purest extent and the frequency which God could hear and he definitely heard that and he was with you is with you and like I say you know in a year where you have come without that extra boost of blessing and a spiritual backbone this is virtually impossible as to what you have achieved exactly like the incident I told you about it was on last February yeah uh in February 12th exactly I got monetized and this February I hope I'll touch 2 million yeah so like it's it's unbelievable it's unbelievable it's unheard of and today you are doing a podcast in rraa yeah see how the circle has come wow you know and another thing with regards to logic from the time of kindergarten all the way to your however much you study you have always been fed logic you want to measure things okay you know this okay measure it know this measure it so we're bound to question questioning is very good but at the same time we must understand that not everything in your life your journey I can't replicate it the transformation that you went through I can't replicate that transformation I have to go through my own transformation we're all individuals if we're working on a glass and measuring the measurement of glass which is Factory produced everything is same so hence logic works you are different I am different my path in life my birth all the karmas I've done is different so I'm a separate entity the only thing that can measure me is myself the only transformation that you you have achieved through that Temple is related to everything that has led you to go going to that Temple not even the person who is walking to the same temple with you has gone through the same journey of life exactly so your transformation is individual to you this is exactly the stories I hear about rudraa about the transformation that happens but when another person listens about it it's too good to be true exactly you see even I can't believe this let it be another person so I never even bother to tell anyone that this Isen with me but it's happening yeah I know something as good as happening but I fear this it's going to stop anytime because maybe I don't I don't I don't accept it I don't like you know my my mind refuses to accept it to be honest the main thing I would say is to continue doing your karma if it's a coincidence so be it let's repeat the coincidence and keep happening Let The Coincidence happen some people tell me you know it's May maybe a placebo effect you know it's maybe a placebo effect I tell them if you can repeat the placebo effect for the rest of your life which you'll probably live for more let's repeat it let's stay on the placebo and die peacefully rather than be out of the placebo group and witness someone who's enjoying and laughing on a placebo so what I say is take your life personally your spiritual journey your transformation is very personal to you and you don't need to relate in everything you can't relate and you can't think about okay I this happened is it replicable is it logical it does not need to be sometimes you just let go and feel Shiva starts with you feeling him you don't need to replicate Shiva you don't need to replicate his Blessing his relationship with you is completely different that's why he's God I it's not like us who have you know say we are the same and we have different relationship with each other we try to make God ourselves but God has is a different relationship and and connection with you your form of belief your journey in life and your transformation is very personal to you and the transformation that has happened you don't need to even share about it just need to feel it that's exactly what a lot of people go through and the reason they come to rudraa they come to these spiritual Quest is because seeking that transformation and that happens and it's very hard for the other person or third person to understand because to understand that they have to live your life which is unique and they can't live your life so I'm really um you know I'm really happy for you that you are experiencing this as we speak okay seriously this conversation became so personal for me because it's like I never shared this with anybody and it's going to be on air with a lot of people watching so I'm little hesitant about what they will think about me like they may think that I'm lying they may think that I'm I'm stupid or anything like that but I as you said my whatever work for me I know it's for true and I don't know the reason but I'll just go with the flow now since it's all happening I'm like more honestly inclined towards spirituality like I want to know what is it like what is it to be that you know conscious of everything around you uh I also want to VI rudrax but how do you pick the right one for me you said there are lot of varieties uh the one I was wearing in my college it was like a five faces one but since there are a lot of varieties there's a lot of mukies as you say how do I pick the right one for me yeah so that's you know exceptional question in terms of rudraa there is a lot of rudraa but and no rudraa is going to do you any harm however we can see and evaluate your birth chart to make sure that we provide you with the rudraa that gives you the best results for example it's known as Planet strengthening there are certain planets in your bird chart bird chart is see look at it from a very simple and logical standpoint bir is a snapshot of the sky when you born planetary elements sit on Zodiacs but how do we like design this because I honestly I don't mean to offend you but I don't believe in astrology yeah I maybe I never used to believe in to be honest but how does this people like Cate that yeah so your date place and time of birth is how it's calculated uh the data is actually sent from NASA the team from the satellite imaging of the sky during your birth so that's very accurate so now I mean what NASA sends it to my parents no no not your parents the software that is used to calculate this and and then mean software okay I have one more question the person who like you know wrote my like the book astrology bir that thing he's not like a person who uses computer and all he's like a person that that will be will call him jadaka Kanga Jad means he's like somewhere like a priest or some kind of person yeah but he doesn't have the NASA details and all but how did he do it that is the Epic question and that is the power of our vadas we can calculate the exact positioning of the planets in your sky and it can be compared to what the NASA images said wow and you he can calculate that using his calculations now that calculation part has been really you know people don't usually do it unless they're you know sitting in a situation or a place where they're unable to because it saves them time now you have softwares like parasara uh you know jagat Hora softwares like this which you can put your information date Place time of birth and get a chart now chart is going to be very confusing and ambiguous to you but a you know a person who knows can see where the planets are sitting whether they're favorable where how the compound relationship is how the vimala is what the mahadasha that you're going through is it just is a knowledge see don't use astrology as a predictive measure prediction can never happen using astrology because you can't predict your karma your karma is you know you do your karma I can't predict what you're going to do but using astrology descriptive astrology is good meaning You can predict or see what the challenges this person faces for example if their third house has a blockage they have difficulty expressing themselves now I can't predict that they will Express wrong things I can just say that there's a little bit of blockage in the communication aspect what can we do to strengthen that right so that is very much accurate and doable why the astrology belief has gone is because based on that information people are predicting predictions are more more their reading of the person I can't predict anything what I can predict and see is the weakness and the strength of your chart and I can see what are the planets causing that and I can help you with the selection of rudraa not only me a expert any expert on anyone learn it can do it it's a learnable thing it's a learnable practice you can learn it as well it needs time time time and effort you if you dedicate your energy towards this you can learn it and be better than me on this but you need to study and you can see okay these are the blockages that are happening the rudras that are blessed with these deities carry these powers can help me with this and it illuminates you you said you go to those temple on Thursday H the rudraa that you wore was F Muki F Muki is a guru rudraa Jupiter the day of Jupiter is guruvara guruvara meaning Thursday okay so wow everything has connect right so the F Muki rudraa is a rudraa for Jupiter it is warn to strengthen your Jupiter and everything that we talked about started from Guru for you on the Thursday so similar to that we can look at why things are happening and you need to be very careful of using it you know using these kind of art people do misuse it people do invoke fears like I have kalog sarti and they are so fearful don't need I think you got to translate that for me yeah so these are yogas okay so you don't need to be fearful what you need is basic guidance and these guidance act as lubricants to lube your life forward it is going to move you are going to move if anyone says you're not going to move forward without any of this knowledge lying but do you want to be on a train or do you want to be on a Billard right on a ria that is up to you and if you have the tools why not you utilize it that's amazing that's amazing you're just so good at it yeah so I think been talking for more than two hours right now so it's time to end yeah so so glad to have this conversation it's like one of the very very good conversation I had and it became very personal for me at the end so I'm really looking forward to have more conversation with you in the future hopefully by the grace of God I thank God and Shiva for making this conversation happened uh happen and I hope your audience gets something out of it and gets them closer to uh spiritual you know transformation for themselves and it and I am blessed to be a part of it in any way and any uh form that I may same here same here so glad thank you thanks for coming I'm really looking forward for another conversation thank you oh no bye bye
Channel: Keerthi History
Views: 294,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Keerthi History, Roast, Troll, Tamil, Abhijit Chavda, Sabarimala, Interview, Jodha Akbar, nalanda University, vasco da gama, sardar vallabhbhai patel, podcast, ranveer allahbadia, english, beerbiceps, ranveer show, nitish rajput, dhruv rathee, soch by mohal mangal, abhi and niyu, Rudraksh, movie, kaise dharan kare, tree, mala, benefits, spirituality, india, pakistan, china, nepal, Ram mandir, Ayodhya, Modi, History, BJP, Hinduism, Sri Ram, Politics, Jealous, Bharat, Secret, Think School
Id: -XDs_YBeBto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 48sec (5268 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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