Shirley Temple Christmas Eve Night Heidi 1937

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I was hoping for a new head but I'm not gonna wear my new clothes when I go home tonight no the grandfather might not know me oh you're gonna leave us tonight are you yes Claire's gonna ask the Papa to send me now he'll be here in a few moments and I've come to tell you when you meet him you're to say how do you do gracious sir and make him a little Curt how do you do gracious sir yes I think that ought to do merry Christmas to you sir oh thank you brother Maya how is Clara it will may be expected considering what we've been through I didn't want to disturb you by writing but the child if he brought it impossible indeed her manners are dreadful and she excites Klara to do things beyond her strength I've been seriously worried I'm sorry to hear that why didn't you send the girl away Clara took an absurd fancy to the child and I had the heart to cross her you know I'm foolish it fond of the earth Clara but I hope you'll act immediately for the sake of Clara's help coming there we will discuss this later Fraulein Klara what has happened I expected that is Fraulein told me but what you haven't look so well since your accident of course because I've been so happy it's tiny Heidi my little companion thank you a thousand times for letting me happy what Fraulein seems to think she excites you beyond your strength I like to be excited and she makes something funny happen all the time Oh papa she's a dearest little thing a my darling something has had an amazing effect on you I didn't have much to look forward to before now when I wake up I think I'm going to spend the day with Heidi I don't see why for our line doesn't like her nor I it's very odd why did I invite it how do you do Heidi how do you do sir gracious we're going into the christmas chain a minute you'll never guess what your present is Willy happy now let me see is it animal vegetable or mineral well I pulled it sort of animal I know it's a Shetland pony [Laughter] there we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lovely Heidi lovely merry Christmas to you all and thank you for another year as faithful service our Christmas greetings to you some flooring Clara a long life and good helped you both Thank You Andrews a very grateful God thank you sir great thank you very much sighs Merry Christmas Frieda thank you sir we'll wait till we've had our present Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you sir for your Christmas for a lion and thank you for the efficient management of my house early thank you ahead thanks ma'am I've always felt like a mother to Clara Heidi first Oh Cara you're back oh I forgot that one papa happy Christmas to you my dear thank you to Clara from a doting bubble down the Nightside up Heidi the grandfather's help he's bringing in the wood can I keep it I'll be longer than that now it's my turn I don't see my Shetland pony around anywhere shall we give him this present now you hold on now watch papa you stand over there don't be afraid I'm not hey Tommy my darling child they told me you might never walk again how did you how did it happen how do you taught me ID I was afraid but she made me try and we did a little more every day he's dead child you've worked America Peterson I've never learned to read but the grandfather said I could if I wanted to and I did like that Claire could walk if he wanted to he did you've given me the happiest Christmas of my life I get ready to go home now I have another Christmas present for you home with us as long as you live no I couldn't do that why not the grandfather's been waiting for me such a long time oh hi I hoped you wouldn't want to go now what don't you want to stay here with Clara and be hunting sister yes I'd like to be that but I've gotta go home I told how did you let her go she wanted to but you don't understand here you'll be my own daughter you you'll have clothes like Klara's everything just like hers grow up to be a great lady now wouldn't you like that I can't let you do that I'm sorry honey someday you'll understand I did promise you'd send her home but yeah you don't know what her grandfather's like dee dee told me that it was a very brutal man feared by everyone no Heidi will be much happier here with us you Maya what is the meaning of this forgive me Herr sesemann aah I would be on myself you must realize I cannot have you longer in my employ I'll give you a month's re you will arrange to leave tomorrow red button [Music] [Music] [Music] looking for somebody my granddaughter you might find that the theorem every youngster in town size to get there on Christmas Day yes she might detail thank you [Music] hey grandpa I'm looking for my granddaughter she can go in hide I must see she's here sorry that a performance is just over you better wait over there [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we better not try you've had too much excitement for one day [Music] [Music] couldn't be a grandfather Heidi you must be mistaken they're your grandfather's 100 miles away on his Mountain [Music] [Music]
Channel: Shirley Temple
Views: 58,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shirley, temple, Shirley Temple, Shirley Temple Black, Kids, Children, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Silent Night, Heidi
Id: UXFLkdA7vf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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