Shirley MacLaine Interview with Bill Boggs

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you you well we have a special guest today you know it's Shirley MacLaine right I've known Shirley MacLaine for about 12 years although by the end of the interview it could be 12,000 years we'll find out think about Shirley MacLaine for a second trailer MacLaine has truly been a leader of her generation which is a very special place to be starting basically as a chorus girl or dancer she went on to be a Broadway star then out to Hollywood she was an ingenue and on to be a leading lady a distinguished Academy award-winning actress back to Broadway for a Tony winning triumph on Broadway she's become a best-selling author and we're going to talk about a recent book today so on the play and interesting at this stage in her life she is one of the leaders of the New Age movement so here she is Shirley MacLaine nice both the innovation the history the progress do you have to do anything now if they could see me now let's have a seat and do some talking which one should I sit on the right surely Hey the first time in my life I've ever been on anyone's right well you know in this lifetime yeah right um surely has a new book which I mentioned let's show it here cuz I want to begin by talking about this it's called it's all on the plane this is what your fifth book yes I wrote out on a limb when I first began to write about metaphysics five times and each of those manuscripts was entirely different so I like to think this is my eleventh oh I see I I'd like to go through some of the things that I read in the book that we're interesting to me and then as a show progresses we'll take some questions from me from the audience just have some fun one of the things that hit me right away you say in the book you're creating your life to learn about yourself mm-hmm just elaborate on that a little bit you'd like me to write a mini book right here on your show well I guess the best way to go at that is to you know when something happens to you that you think is really traumatic and negative and you start to blame others and flail out what's what I'm beginning to realize is that I participated somehow in that negativity in order to learn more about myself because I have to tell you in being and having a lifetime of failure and success I've learned much more about myself from failure and success so I've learned to look at these so-called negative things that happen in my life as lesson lesson learning processes and then give up the idea of needing to learn through negativity anymore there's a way to know who you are by not drawing that stuff to you now that to me that's always an interesting concept because most people will think that somehow things descend on them from the heavens but there is in fact and I believe in many of the things we're talking about in terms of the personal vibrations that you send that you do draw negative things I'll give you my interpretation this years ago when I was in North Carolina doing a show before I met you I had a lot of psychics and mediums and things on the show and I get really got into studying Edgar Cayce yeah and I one night my show was cancelled because the guests didn't show up so I went to pick up my girlfriend who was in Edgar Cayce study group and I sat in on it and that night I learned something to stay with me the rest of my life give us this day our daily bread interpreting it give us this day that which we need in order to grow yeah that's really what you're talking about so it's really like looking at something that's very tragic is a perception you choose to to take I commit to the whole it's a half a glass of water things I have map dear helpful but there are times in life when things like for example another thing that comes out of the book as you say there are no accidents I think there are times in life when it's virtually impossible to be positive about the things that are happening to the tragic loss of a little child because of a drunk driver virtually impossible to say oh it's not impossible it's your very difficult very extremely difficult at drunk and that child and on some other cosmic level this harmony is working that is what we now assess to be cosmic karmic justice otherwise bill it none of nothing makes sense I think what got me into all this was the travelling that I did as a political activist and kind of a human reporter and when I went to India I couldn't why was all this happening but as Mother Teresa said when she came to New York this is true poverty because the people in New York down on the Bowery who were sleeping over the subway gratings don't understand the spiritual participation of the learning process that they're engaged and you think the people in India have more of a sense of that no question that was actually more spiritual the most spiritual they understand karma comes from India and though this is the oldest civilization in the world it's very sophisticated ly adept at explaining the role of man's purpose in in time I know we're going to be talking about many of these things with the audience I want to make sure I get through some of my specific just things from from the book which I enjoyed very much that I some of the stories about the people in the book are fascinating Albert Finney for example yeah Albert Finney takes you to the greatest lunch than anyone could because you wanted him to play one of the characters look basically is dealing with the experience of making the film I don't know limb just tell us a little bit about Albert Finney what was he doing to you that day why did he put you through no it isn't that is that Albert Finney is an extremely theatrical human being and I don't think he wanted to play that part I don't think he wanted to play any part at that point in his life and he was reluctant to say something simple like I don't want to play there so he invited me to dinner at his favorite restaurant and I came out of my cab and I saw him behind me get out of his cab and he was wearing this long black cloak he looked like the lodger remember that picture a little bit of Dracula thrown in but this gorgeous body and very very hefty and commanding and so theatrical it was though that small street in London had become his stage so he swept me up in his arms and he took me down and showed me all the new fashions and talked about how the new fashions were representative of what the new political shifts and point of viewer thought that was all very interesting after I understand it but it says oh well is somewhere it relates then we walked into the restaurant and you to introduce me to the first woman as his girlfriend I thought oh my god he's got a woman who's the maitre d here interesting and then as we went down the steps to this Italian restaurant there were several other women coming up and he introduced me to all of them as his girlfriend oh this is even more interesting as we proceeded down to dinner there was a Paraguayan trio playing if you told me that I have my darling I have dropped this Paraguay and trio all the way from Paraguay for your enjoyment my dear I thought that was very interesting then he turns around and he said to everybody in the restaurant and these are extras who have come we're the same thing here as a matter of fact today and the upshot is he didn't do it well there's something a couple of one specific thing in the book that I was dying for elaboration on but one of the reasons I like my job is that I can ask follow-up questions in the book you're talking about John Hurt wonderful actor and how he got to like the term uses push my buttons then you have one sentence where you refer to Robert Mitchum knew how to push my buttons uh-huh and Debra Winger knew how to push my buttons start with Mitchum what do you mean by I didn't know exactly what you were saying what did Mitchum do to you surely have pushed your buttons part of that I'll answer the other part we'll just wait for some interview in another incarnation all right why I'm very attracted to people who have the capacity to make the English language extremely obtuse I mean you know those people that rattle on and on with very colorful words extremely intriguing complicated thought patterns like Barry Farber in New York does that Barbara no Barry is a day at the beach of clarity compared to these people and and they force you to sit for it they're going to get to the point I know they are there's going to be a reason for them saying this I mean I've got a hernia for me what and it but it's something to do now the whole exercise is an exercise in keeping people away you see instead of really being clear about what you think I didn't like what I did last night and this is why there's a whole thing about what went on with the weather and the moon and what they ate and how this sensuality of what they ate sort of live in their tour and that's when all this is going on I am just of course mesmerized so at the end of it I'm thinking you know a half an hour is gone by and I never got the answer to my question and I never will get the answer to my question because they're still gonna go on all these things yeah that's what I mean and that's what John does John Hurt does that hurt her Nizar day John Hurt it's not still hurt it's not John Hurt no it's he's quick to remind you've heard right but what about Mitchum Mitchum doesn't sound like that kind of awesome Mitchum is one of the most intelligent spellbinding story Weaver's especially even when he's drunk maybe more when he's drunk so what Dad you never met in your life what would he push what kind of buttons I don't want to get into that support I'm not gonna tell you that's why you didn't follow it up in the book how about Debra Winger definitely wouldn't do it with her forget about it go on to another wife I won't know one another question you made a movie with John Forsythe the trouble with Harry directed by Alfred Hitchcock and you make references it's okay to a point of delight good now again along the same line you made some references that Hitchcock wasn't so easy to work with wasn't good to you but this is not news Hitchcock was not particularly great to work with a actor sort of actresses cattle but later in the book you're talking about Hitchcock coming through when I tell that story it's very interesting yeah hitch started me on my career he found me in pajama game and he is of course a master or was a master of mystery a master of tension so as Colin and I were writing the screenplay for out on the limb we knew that there was some tension missing and we didn't really understand how to fix it and as one at one point when Kevin was channeling some of these entities the energy of Hitchcock hovered around and talked to them so that they would point out to Colin and me that we needed to instill more tension in this scene in that scene if you make the tension in this scene leave it unresolved so that the audience will stay tuned through the commercials to have it resolved an hour later and as that was happening I noticed I'm wired up here so I can walk right sure I would notice that I got up from the chair now hich used to walk like this he wouldn't walk like this in he name is a little few know we all know what Hitchcock look like and he sort of and I started to walk like no this is becoming far I started to jest and I wondered why I was doing this was this was before I realized that it was hitched hovering around and so when I went back and asked Kevin who was still in the trance why I was walking like this why I was suddenly thinking about Hitchcock the entities came through and told me that he had he had been kind of upset he wouldn't let my husband on the set and he was sort of cruel in his directorial techniques and he was now paying off some of the karma that he incurred with me by helping me with the needed tension in this particular script and would I would I take some of these little techniques of mystery and how to make the spiritual metaphysical mystery work because now that he was on the other side he understood we're probably going to come back as a as a spear carrier in another life this is what I like we need I wish we didn't have to we need to take a commercial break when I come back this is what I want to get into 47% a recent large survey said 47% of all people the United States feel that they have been in touch with someone who has died and the process frequently used here is channeling let's get into that when we come back okay we'll be back right after this show this shirley maclaine is our guest i had a lovely weekend and part of last evening reading her book which i enjoyed very much it's called it's it's all in the plant playing and it's Bantam hardcover and I was on the west coast a couple weeks ago and it was a cover story but you probably saw maybe didn't the Los Angeles Times magazine that's where I got that statistic from the LA Times 47% of all Americans feel they've had some contact with someone who has died let's take a look raise your hands in the audience if you feel you've had some contact with someone who's passed on to the great beyond alright now like to get to some of you and hear some of those stories and if you're listening at home with your hand up put it down we can see you anyway surely can see you and I'm trying to get close behind what was your first situation where you feel where you felt that you were having some contact with that you mean other than channeling yeah other than other than to say that the whole channeling experience means contact with the great beyond - well you take a moment explain what channeling is they're using terms here that everybody knows how can I say that a trance medium is a person who sets his or her own consciousness aside sort of like you do when you go to sleep you set your consciousness aside and allow yourself the freedom of everything let's put it that way all of this is going to sound very Zen Buddhists but maybe it's time we won't bleep it that's okay no no I mean it's you know it's looking at some things that are much more conversant with the psychology of people in Asia than than here okay the medium puts aside his or her consciousness and spiritual guides and entities don't possess the body they overshadow the body and use the face of the medium the lenox the voice box the hands each each the relationship between each medium and each entity is different built because there are some mediums that the entities don't want to use there eyes and so their eyes are remaining closed the whole time others use the eyes some just sit and the body's never used it all only the voice box is used some actually get up walk around move can do exercises the eyes are open and it seems as though you're talking to that person who might possibly be acting that's always the the question is this personality and in fact there must be many mediums or a percentage of them who are just making money doing this who are phony I mean you have to realize there has to be some of these yeah sure like there isn't any profession sack but you know even that I find as a lesson learning experience if I go if I'm drawn to believing a charlatan I certainly learned from that I learned a huge lesson in discernment so even in that I have to say there's a purposeful boot in it and the whole point of this spiritual investigation is to find the reasons for justice the reasons I mean is there such a thing is good and bad etc because it becomes a very profound study but to pare down this question of trans channeling it is the same question really as do we die when we die I mean is it over and out is it finished is that the end a trans channeling to me is a kind of proof if you will who can prove what's really going on there but the British Society for cyclical cyclic will research has come fairly close to proving that the human soul is eternal the human soul exists on some level everywhere all the time which is what organized religion has basically been telling us sure hundreds and hundreds of years the soul goes up goes beyond it's a matter of what happens to the soul is that is the issue that's why wars have been fought what's going on with the soul yeah anyway but it's so stupid to conduct a war cuz you're not really killing anybody well I agree but you're just encouraging all right otherwise that actually that raises that raises a question of philosophy if you say that wars are stupid because nobody's really dying what do you say the reason for you know fifty sixty six thousand deaths in a war are you know it didn't have to happen is what it's saying and it's saying that that we are really remiss in our spiritual understanding it's really saying that we haven't got it straight that the harmony of the eternalness of the soul is the giant truth and that when you take the physical vehicle of someone away you are incurring tremendous karma for yourself you're not killing them you're only hurting yourself but it would be very it would be dangerous I think to have a leader who devalued the living of life to an extent that he wouldn't worry or she would worry about sending people into battle because they weren't really dying that would be bad because I think we need to honor life we don't have to duel honor it on earth hopefully I never go to battle right it's the point but anyway we're all slightly off the track in terms of contact with food the the story first time it did it that it hit you I think oh okay in relation to the 47% to few yes they've had some contact with someone who's died when my friend Christopher Adler passed away this was the man who wrote the lyrics for some of my shows it was a dear friend and very young it was 28 I knew that he was sick and I knew he was going but I didn't know when one night I was lying in bed and it was the middle of the night and a light filled my room until I woke up you know how light in the morning wakes you up because it filters through your eyelids I thought my goodness it must be morning and I woke up and it was like 2:30 or 3:00 o'clock in the morning there was no sun shining but the room was full of light and when I checked with Christopher's father he had died at exactly that time and I felt it was Christopher and I and I and I kind of felt him you see all of this it's not necessary what happens in your brain it's what happens in your feelings what happens in your heart and we're beginning to come to a time and place in our culture where we're respecting the feelings of the heart as much as we do the scientific reductionist thinking the brain so when I sat there in my bed saying why is this light in this room something in my heart said this is Christopher I didn't hear anything really except if you can hear something in your heart which I do that's what woke you up that's what woke me up and there was definite physical light in the room now the folks in the audience who raised their hands let me see those hands I think it'd be interesting at this moment just to hear a couple of similar stories and people can I see the hands please all right gentlemen here in the red right in the front row yeah just what what's your experience been sir well a friend of mine woman recently and we started today and we weren't sure why we would connect it this way and one evening we were together I had fallen asleep and she was still talking and this is that's not it basically a good sign she was talking about him she was talking like why are you asleep anyway go ahead what happened and it was one of those you know catnap put it that way and she was talking about a friend of hers and here she she started to cry woke me up and she said why did you say that and I said wait what I didn't say anything she said yes you did you told me about uh Keith and I said well what do you mean Becky cuz I had really not been talking with her and she said you told me about you dying and here this is felt that I had known remotely that she had been dating in high school I committed suicide at that time had died uh two years prior to this and when we started investigating it he his presence was there he had come through me to talk to her about why he had never had never said he was sorry for committing suicide and his hanging around and his being there through my voice to her was a release for both of them you know something Bill about this you should ask yourself the question it seems to me what your karmic relationship was with Keith because you had to give permission for him to use your physical instrument to talk to your girlfriend and there's obviously some connection with all of the three of you obviously and two this is the adventure of it this is what makes it such a fabulously colorful investigation that it's not only you and the woman who have a connection but you and Keith what we had found the story that had going on with this was that he stayed around for a couple days until I contacted a person I know who does spiritual work and we all went to her place and had this release of Keith he came into the room and there was his presence and it's like a soul memory and what I got from it was that my purpose in the relationship was to help Keith leave oh how fast once she released her anger with him for killing committing suicide he was able to move on what I'm gonna do is we'll take a break we'll come back and we'll take a few more such incidents from the audience with Shirley MacLaine right after this someone over here uh yeah stand up please that much to do with it but I was visiting my mother in New York and my mother-in-law before I left had said to me you really shouldn't go up there now and it was like I thought maybe the weather I had a baby with me so when I went to New York one night my mother and I are sitting there watching television and as clear as could be I heard my mother and all calling my name she we live in the third floor and she used to come to the second floor and call up to me and I looked at my mother and I said did you call me and she said now I said now it was my mother-in-law so we got stuck in New York for three days because of the bad snowstorm and couldn't get home and I called back to Philadelphia to tell them one would have to come home by bus because the planes were grounded and when I got off the bus my husband was there with all his brothers and sisters but I thought this is not the mate you know they always meet at the bus we didn't have a car we got in the car and they told me my mother-in-law had died and I said oh my god went and when they told me it was the same time that I had heard that let's let's look at these stories because there are there are millions of these stories not only in this country but everywhere I have sort of tried to figure out with all reading and all my investigation what is this saying because that's what everybody wants to know what does this mean when you are in touch with your higher-self as I would call it you're the Oversoul the true eternal you it resides in a space that recognizes all time at once as Einstein said there's no such thing as linear time linear time is an invention of man all time is happening simultaneously when the Oversoul the super consciousness as Freud used to say the super consciousness can look at the past and can look at the future and if you are in tune with your super consciousness you get messages from it so your super consciousness was hearing the mother-in-law's voice the super consciousness was hearing and feeling the presence of the cousins mother why this work is so important when you can get attuned and aligned with your own super consciousness you are attuned and aligned with the great Universal one what do you do thing what do you personally do to yourself that's exactly the issue you learn how to meditate and allow yourself to just be allow your own consciousness that is this sort of nattering voice that tells you all the time what you're doing wrong what you should be doing et cetera go into a meditation and put that voice somewhere else and allow yourself to touch this higher self and you are touching all time at once how could somebody who's never studied meditation whatsoever just heard you or somebody else to talk about it do this without taking a formal class in what's a basic way to do it would you say sitting on the beach looking at the ocean watching waves breathing helps you get to that you know we are meditate we don't even realize it you know when you're daydreaming you're meditating depression is a biological meditation when you are depressed and you don't want to do anything your higher self is saying to you don't do anything allow yourself to just be sinking into that let yourself experience it a kind of a laughter is meditation what you know there's something I wonder but why is there a fear surrounding this every time on my New York show that we would deal with meditation there invariably someone would come out of the woodwork or be protesting and come to the station kind of saying that this is mind control that something bad is going to happen as a result of it I think if a politician says like a Jerry Brown type figure he gets painted as a kooky guy because he's interested in Zen when in fact a larger percentage of people in the world than the United States really treat this is a very serious thing but why is there all here fear surrounding the simple thing of meditation which is basically on one level just really relaxing and putting your mind in a very tranquil place well people are afraid if they let go something will happen to them I think basically and profoundly they don't trust that God is good when you really come down to it your vision of God in direct ratio is to the vision you have that God is what it is is your sense of fear you work with your dreams at all I do is I want you to tell the story I have one person watching a person I've cared about for a long time watching who needs to stop smoking I would end a lot of other people I don't know need to stop smoking I want you to tell your dream story about how it led you to stop so yeah we were shooting this scene in Machu Picchu and it was all very dramatic how we changed the weather that's the real story that's a good way that's also my list ask you to do the same okay cool Anka read the book so I came back to this little how this little room that they had for me and I lay down and I had it wasn't a dream it was like a vision and I used to smoke Vantage cigarettes I never inhaled really but I had this habit it was a silent companion that never talked back you know when I was writing I'd light up a cigarette and I thought this is comfortable well the dream was that there was this huge package of Vantage cigarettes the size of a house that's interesting and beside it was a ladder and something said in my dream climb up the ladder so I climbed up the ladder and I peered into this great big house-sized package advantages and it was empty and this voice said see to it that it stays that way and that did it we'll be back right after this more mature in this rain we have a we have a phone call and it's not Alfred Hitchcock it's a brand Springfield Fran you're on the line hello yes good morning Phil good morning Shirley this is Fran from Springfield dollar County he's my question my question concerns children I was at your seminar in New York in May and it was a wonderful experience I've gotten a great deal out of it of the whole other reading list I've done a lot of reading but I was I hung out with I have two children and I also work with children so I was wondering what your thoughts are on raising children I find organized religion too confining so a spiritual training that is intuitive I guess you would say maybe eugenie well my children are seven and 11 and you're just calling for basic advice on raising children in a spiritual sense no that's all right that's really um I sort of look at children these days now as teachers because any child in a family oh it's going to teach every adult member of that family more about themselves that sometimes hard to remember because you think you have the responsibility for teaching them but children are old oles children have been around many many times and they choose to come in to learn from you you choose to have them in to learn from them so to kind of what what I do with the children in my life now is just relax in a more environmental democracy so to speak and say okay we're students and teachers equally for each other and don't take it quite so seriously thinking that the responsibility is all that intense relax the intensity and if a child has a fantasy I like to talk about the fantasy with them I like to if they have an imaginary friend I like to sit down and talk with the imaginary friend instead of instead of saying they're crazy and and turning off let it go the potential for expanded thinking let them turn it off when it comes time I mean after a while the the imaginary friend is not going to be necessary to talk to you because you're going to get so addicted to the physical dimension as the child grows more like that my 11 year old is maybe he's my guide but he's kind of telling me I'm crazy he sees all my books and he jokingly since says that what is that stopping well exacting you to teach him if he says that this is crazy he's really saying well tell me so I won't he doesn't like to think his mother's crazy right so he wants to know what his mother's thinking so this is a sort of a roundabout way of saying teach me what it is you think is real because my friends think it's crazy in other words he's asking you to hone and articulate your point of view that's a teacher Fran I thank you for the call yeah surely one of the people who works at the station I want to dent off' I said please ask Shirley MacLaine why her seminars are so expensive I can't afford them and so why the high price tag on well god I thought so long and hard before I did this I didn't want I could only take grand ballrooms and I didn't want people to come for a spiritual tea party with a movie star and not be committed I know how expensive they are 300 300 for the weekend got a real estate seminar goes for 750 and acting seminar goes for 1,500 and a stockbroker seminars off the wall because it's about money and I thought what am I going to do here my preference would really be to do it for nothing because none of this is for me I'm using the money for my spiritual center but I had to come up with some figure and I decided since the seminar was basically revolving around the connection of mind body and spirit I decided to charge 100 for mind and 100 for body and 100 for spirit better that's how I came you know this this whole subject of money is excruciatingly Li important in this New Age movie that's what the press always focuses on but if when you do something for nothing you truly are placing the other person in the position of obligation so we have to figure out what we think were worth like I guess there's always a natural suspicion when we're dealing with something that we really can't see an ability to be a medium or actually a teaching ability and recharging money for it I think there's always a suspicion when money and there's a picture it is if we're expecting people to be like Jesus and walk you know barefoot wearing a robe yeah but Jesus had a system of barter going to they fed him they gave him wine he the system of barter at that time was food and lodging system of barter at this time is money I have a question here from Harvard theologian Harvey Cox a major thinker about what's going on in philosophy and religion called New Age thought quote a kind of yuppie religious experience you can have everything without discomfort or pain how if he were here now how would you relate to that statement Joe I would agree with that I think he's right I think it's a little sarcastic and not everyone in the New Age systems of Investigation are yuppies there are a lot of people who are poor who are not up early mobile people but yes I think this New Age approach to making your life better is saying that you can create a more positive reality and not have to learn through suffering not have to learn through pain but you see he is a theologian and he does believe in suffering he does believe in pain they always call him up about New Age stuff the one they always ask what what about people like the amazing Randi and the other non-entertainment types who really go around claiming that their being objective in debunking paranormal claims and can always find some reason why it's not really a paranormal experience I phasing her critics orto sure Randi is another one they always trot out and he the thing that I most object about this Randi the magician person is that he will spend on a talk show like this the whole time debunking some extraordinarily proved phenomenon of the spirit and then tell you to get his book at sixteen ninety five to prove that it does it's not real he's really there to sell his books I also read someplace not in your book your brother Warren Beatty leaves the room when you start talking about that's not that was in LA Times article I believe that they said yeah I think so I'm a fact I'm certain it said something to the effect when you start going into this reincarnation stuff Warren Beatty gets up and leaves the room that's where I read it I mean he's been known to leave the room anytime he's bored I think he's bored by it but he has told me that so many of the women friends he has his co-workers how strongly they are investigating their own spiritual search Laurens very smart he knows better than to just I've just asked this out of hand no he doesn't do that also you write in your new book I think very lovingly it was interested in it in an interesting way about your mother and father together for 55 years what an amazing thing and here I mean they've produced two leaders of their generations and in American arts community you and your brother Warren just everything aside about the New Age movement what did they do as parents that helped to create you two superstars yeah amazing I'm going to have to write a book addressing myself to that question I don't think I can be very deeply articulate in a couple of seconds but I guess it had to do with mothers extremely talented as an actor she's Canadian you know and worked in Canada as an actress and also here dad also harbored desires to be a performer I feel yeah he was a musician but he once told me that he longed to run off and join a circus isn't that wonderful and this is a man who had a doctorate in philosophy and psychology so maybe Warren and I are living out those desires that mom and dad gave up in order to devote their lives to us I think that's more illegitimate as many parents have done for their children sure I wanted to take a break and we'll continue with Cheryl MacLaine right all right right so it we have someone waiting on the lines of it but a question of first time man what's your name uh peg Richardson peg wantin dollar thank you for coming to the show today what's your question for Sherman my children I understand are always more psychic than grown-ups and a lot of times when they're playing they actually these characters that they're playing with are actually people to them because they're spirits I think it's because they're closer to the astral dimension when they're young you know when you look at a baby's face they'd look so wise and so all-knowing and the older they get the Dumber I'm talking sarcastically there but better that a baby is so close to that other side because it's just come in from that other side so it has a an acquaintance with it that slowly disappears because the babies come into the physical dimension to learn in this schoolroom Cindy from brides Berg finally after a long wait you're on the line hello hi hi Bill Hurley hi what's up well a lot of what a lot of what it is that I basically want to talk about is the living and the living the connection between people that you don't know and people that you love I was raised kind of in a third generation spiritual sense in the great deal of what you're learning and teaching us now and it's not so much a question as it is a comment in that for years I turned away from my belief and what I would call kind of the superior instinct the way of connecting with people and binding through love and a great deal of knowledge and now I find that I find other people that I'm connecting with almost as if we're kind of a 4% of the population almost as if there's a smaller percentage of us that is bringing the rest of us forward through the new age and that it seems that our hypersensitivities to a great deal of what you might call the magic in life is a great tool to do with the binding of ourselves with God through each other and it's very beautiful and I've turned away from it for years but in the very recent past especially the connections and the coincidences have been too strong to be just that coincidence and it's beautiful and I wish you would talk more about the interconnection and the idea of the harmony and the binding between people who not only love each other but sometimes don't even know each other and are drawn to each other for that love I did I just I know I can tell you've a lot to say and I hate to cut you off but I think if I didn't we'd be going for the rest of the show and she's done it very well very well all right thanks Cindy thank you very much no question over here take this woman right here I was at your last seminar in New York one of the 1200 and I was wondering if you've heard anything through the entities if the harmonic convergence was effective in terms of numbers of people that meditated that day or any of the effects of that day and just quickly remind us what the harmonic conversion was well I tried we see it's it was the planetary alignment unlike we've seen in centuries that helps align energies that we could access to help our own growth you know how the full moon sort of amplifies feelings that you can use either positively or negatively I'm finding the results of harmonic convergence coming up in more linear ways I haven't asked any of the entities I don't have to because I can see it ideal of course with a lot of doctors because so many of my friends are sick now and they are saying that they're seeing an acceleration in disease and an acceleration and spontaneous remissions so you're seeing a polarity of people who will allow themselves to work with the light work with these invisible unseen spiritual energies and heal the body and people who will ignore it for a little bit longer and in ignoring it will experience an acceleration in dis-ease and the hospitals are reporting that that with my doctor friends that's what they're telling me I will ask the entities and see whether 144,000 made it or not but it's I want one quick question we have jay-z night coming on the program talking about channeling what's one question you would like to ask JZ Knight I would like to ask her why she feels it necessary to live with such material wealth all right we'll take a break and we'll wrap things up a show the plane right after this all three of our books one out on the limb which is I know this is the one we're interested in right this is the main one the new one it's all on the plane up yeah one one last question in the current issue of either Ladies Home Journal or McCall's I get them mixed up you're going to Russia soon at the invitation of Gorbachev is that correct yeah I decided not to go I decided to do a movie instead hmm what's the movie called madame sousatzka and I do play a Russian American I have Russia somewhere in my cell I know that you're right about that boy Edgar Cayce said the people with birthmarks Gorbachev has one right on the top of his head can either affect people in a positive way or a negative way lots of people what's your feeling about Gorbachev oh I think he's an extremely progressive leader bill I wish we had a leader like that from the point of view of our own system but you know he there's a there's a prediction and I believe it's Nostradamus the man who leads the country of the bear with the birthmark on his head will change the world listen it's about time that we headed in a more peaceful direction with our so-called enemies with our enemies of Russia's Shirley MacLaine I want to thank you can barely say a lot of certain people we'll see you tomorrow no show we have bicentennial covers thanks for watching
Channel: BillBoggsTV
Views: 66,214
Rating: 4.8483415 out of 5
Keywords: Bill's, Interview, with, Shirley, MacLaine, YouTube, Shirley Maclaine, actress, film, classics, tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2012
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