sea shepherd in action.

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we live on the most incredible planet and yet we abuse it and we abuse it mercilessly right now we're living in a major extinction event we're going to lose more species of plants and animals between 2000 and 2065 than we've lost in the last 65 million years if we don't find answers to these problems we're going to simply be a victim of this extinction event that we're at fault for desperate actions are needed when all else fails people make all sorts of sacrifices to be here they leave their homes they leave their families they leave their jobs to fight for a species other than their own those water cannons are dangerous i'm not going out there looking to get hurt or kill or be a martyr for this cause i mean if it happens then so be it oh my god people say you know why you know you're asking these people to risk their lives for whales how can you do that the possibility is there you could die if you're not accepting those possibilities and you don't belong there antarctica's pristine waters the sea shepherds are the soldiers who wage this war they're led into battle by captain paul watson their enemy is a group of japanese fishermen whose chosen catch is whales okay let's do this where'd that one go oh that one didn't work come on that's it let's get in a little closer make sure the shot's accurate slow down a little bit okay here's your chance there big boy yay over the top onto the blending it's where they cut up the whales after they've murdered them hopefully it takes them for years paul watson's crew of volunteers has battled the japanese whaling fleet in antarctica every year the battles escalate operation 2008 the sea shepherds battled their own inexperience and two crew members risked their lives and their freedom to board a harpoon vessel and create an international incident but the fight continued operation musashi 2009 the war escalated when the whaling fleet killed and transferred whales to the factory ship in front of the sea shepherds all right i can't price this myself hit those bastards last year during operation walting matilda the conflict reached a new level the sea shepherd's new stealth speed boat the ari arigil was sunk after it was split in two in a collision with a whaling ship its captain pete bethune sought revenge by boarding the whaling vessel and confronting its captain he spent four months in a japanese prison cell this year the operation is called no compromise something neither side has been willing to do even with life and death circumstances staring them in the face and now 63 days into their seventh campaign the sea shepherds believe they are finally winning the war i measure intelligence by the ability to live in harmony with the natural world by that criteria whales are far more intelligent than we are but the reality is this if the life in the ocean dies we die
Channel: kevin211193
Views: 988,641
Rating: 4.6039662 out of 5
Keywords: Sea Shepherd, sea shepherd.whales, humpbackwhale, peter brown, peter hamertstad, brigitte bardot, steve irwin, bob barker, alex cornilissen, nisshin maru, yushin maru 1, yushin maru 2, yushin maru 3, whale hunt, australia, Bob Barker, Brigitte Bardot
Id: b44QrmTn0Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2012
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