Shipping Wars: Full Episode - Mini Golf and Massive Headaches (Season 7, Episode 4) | A&E

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- This is starting to piss me off. - Yee-haw! - NARRATOR: ...who risk everything to haul the most unusual items... - JARRETT: Fire in the hole! - MAN: I've never moved anything of this caliber. - NARRATOR: One wrong move and they could lose it all. But if the bid is right... - Yeah! - Boom! - NARRATOR: ...rewards can be huge. - MARC: More money, more money, more money! - NARRATOR: On this episode of "Shipping Wars"... - Today I'm shipping an indoor black light mini-golf attraction. - Fore! - Our grand opening's tomorrow. - MARC: Well, I guess it won't be that grand-- - [gasps] - --or open. - PATRICK: We're paying a lot of money to have this artwork shipped here. - Go ahead and set it down. - Hold it. - Whoa, whoa, whoa! - JENNIFER: I don't get intimidated. I was raised to be tough. - I been driving since birth. Coming down! - MAN: There you go. - What can I say--I'm awesome. - JARRETT: I'm very much an amateur at this, and definitely having an "Oh, [bleep]" moment here. - JESSICA: It's just me, the truck, and the road. You guys need to get that back on there. I got places to go, people to see--let's go. - TODD: Time is money-- I want to get it loaded. - [squeals] Ah, look out! We're gonna knock them out of the water. Yes! - Every time I win a bid, man, it's just like I hit the jackpot. - Today, I have two simple rules. One, don't haul any [bleep] for free. And two, make sure these d-bags haul [bleep] for free. - Bidding's gonna be like a Mad Max movie. I'm going hard. And by the end, it's gonna look like a desolate wasteland. Or my love life. Either way, worthless. - As a woman, I don't expect special treatment. If it's neck and neck at the end, I'll match. Hopefully they'll choose talent and beauty. - Word is I gotta work on my people skills. So today during bidding, I'm going to refrain from calling these other [bleep], well, [bleep]. Man, it's gonna be hard. - We're going about this all wrong. - Yeah, we wanted these guys to like us. But that's not gonna happen. - So today we get tough and we kick some...butt. - MARC: Today I feel like a rock star. And what do rock stars do? They tear [bleep] up and go on tour. I'm gonna raise some hell at bidding and hit the road with a load. - NARRATOR: Every day, hosts special timed auctions for select top-level transporters. - Money, money. - NARRATOR: First item up for bid-- Pieces for a black light miniature golf course. - Today I'm shipping a black light mini-golf attraction. We have a client who contracted us to build this attraction. The attraction is tricky to transport. Nothing is in boxes. All the items are different sizes, different shapes. - That's a lot of stuff. - Who has a mini-golf course without a windmill? - Red's Fun Zone is a family entertainment center that specializes in night putt-putt golf. There's not a lot of different attractions that kids can do year round. The mini putt-putt course needs to arrive in one day for our grand opening. We have kids that are really looking forward to this attraction. If the transporter doesn't arrive in one day, we will not be able to open for our grand opening and they won't be paid. - NARRATOR: These pirate-themed props must travel 167 miles from St. Louis, Missouri, to Paris, Illinois in one day. - I loved black lights in high school. I'm in for making some quick money. - The pickup's close. But that's a lot of pirates. - Black light mini-golf course. [bleep]. I don't mind a kiddie run, as long as it pays adult money. - What a pile of stupid crap. Luckily I got a rig that can haul stupid crap. - Nice short little route. Not too far from home. But all this might take two trips. - I'm bidding on this against idiots. Okay, you know, I've called them a lot worse. - It's still okay money for this. - The others are gonna have to consider getting help loading and unloading. - That gives us an edge on the money. - Time to run some of these guys off. - Crap! - For this money, I'm out. - Damn it, Jenn, I'm trying to be nice here. But you make it so freaking hard! - You wanna see me play, you gotta pay. Thank you...and good night. - Because I love golf, I'm staying in. - That's not sailing into kiddieland. - One more bid before it's gone. - Todd and Tamera are barely hanging on. - Let's not lose money here. - All right, we're out. - Fore! - I'm trying to be nice. I'm gonna work on that in the next auction, because Jenn is a dip [bleep]. - Dusty and his whining would scar children at this putt-putt opening. I'm doing this for the kids. - Jenn! Ugh! - I got this. - My reputation against Jarrett's? No contest. - Not gonna happen. - Walk the plank, Jarrett. Whoa! - Man, I hope she gets scurvy. - Set a course for Port St. Louis. I have one day to deliver all this for this opening. I don't have time for any errors. Miniature golf means all the things are miniature, right? Hey, are you Patti? - I am Patti. - Hi, I'm Jennifer. - Jennifer, so nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - We have a client in Paris, Illinois, who is opening a brand-new family fun center. And they hired us to design their indoor black light mini-golf. - That sounds like quite an operation. - Let's go take a look. - Why the hell would you hire Jenn to haul it? - JENNIFER: Oh, my God, there's so many pieces. You're shipping all this? - Yeah. - Oh my God. I honestly don't think all of these are gonna fit into my trailer. This looks like way more than 55 pieces. - JESSICA: Jenn, quit showing off like you can count. You're not fooling anyone. - You look concerned. - I hope it all fits in the trailer. - Uh, Patti, I think this is where you should be concerned. Just saying. - I guess I'm gonna have to start thinking about what I'm gonna load first. - PATTI: I'll get the guys. - Okay. I am praying to the God of Tetris that this all fits. Go, go, go, go, go. Put it over there. Is it gonna fit? Turn it. Oh man. How tall is that? Is that gonna fit in my trailer? You got it? - MAN: Yeah. - JENN: Okay. Oh my God, this ain't gonna fit. - JARRETT: It looks like Jenn sucks at playing Tetris. Probably sucks at playing Legos, too. - Is this the biggest rock? - I don't know how all of these are gonna fit. They said 55 pieces, not 52 pieces with three big chunks of Mt. Everest. It's like more and more pieces than I thought. There's no way I can make this work. - I don't--I don't have any more room. I'm gonna have to do this in another--I'm gonna have to do this in two trips. I have no idea how I'm gonna make my deadline. Hey, Patti? - Yes. - There's no way I can get all those rock statues. I'm gonna have to just pack as much as I can in this and make two runs. - I don't think there's time for two runs. - JENN: Well-- - You realize the deadline? - As long as I get all this on there as fast as I can, then it'll be there on time. - All right, let's do it. - I hope this plan works. - I don't feel sorry for her. I'm the one that has to watch her screw this up...twice. - No stops, come right back. - All right. - We're on deadline, or you don't get paid. - JENN: Okay. I'm pretty stressed right now. I'm having to haul ass or there'll be no grand opening. - NARRATOR: Next item up for bid-- Six modern art pieces. - I don't really think of myself as an art collector, but I like having it around. These pieces are going to my house in Santa Barbara. They each have their own character. The thing I like about them is there's a certain whimsy to most of them. - I don't what it is, but I'll ship it. - My father collects modern art. Much of his art shipped from Idaho down to his new house in Santa Barbara. When my dad gets here, I'd like the artwork to be here so he can show them where to place it in the yard. We're paying a lot of money to have this artwork shipped here. And if it doesn't get here on time, I will not be paying the full price. - NARRATOR: This collection of modern art must travel from Hailey, Idaho, to Santa Barbara, California. - Well, this load's better, but only because Jenn's gone. - These just look like rocks to me. Like it's something I can handle. - It's saying the total weight is 300 pounds. That's nothing. - It's gonna take a day to get to the pickup, plus like a grand in expenses. But if it pays... - This [bleep] looks like Jarrett made it, then shipped it. - You know, every time I see this artsy fartsy stuff I think, "I gotta change careers." Hell, I can make a ball out of duct tape. - Twenty-six hundred is my low point. After this, I only bid to get the others to their bottom. - We're taking these clowns out. - That's my man. - Ugh, Todd and Tamera are getting a little aggressive. It looks like Tamera's back in the driver's seat. - This is a great load for Jarrett. He could jack it up and nobody could tell. - Those might be rocks, but this isn't a rock star load. I'm out. - Just one more drop. - Marc figured out we're serious. But Samko and the twins? Not so bright. - I can save money by staying in the Taj Ma-Jarrett. - Getting stuck with this would hurt. Time to pull the rip cord. - [laughs] Samko just does not get art like I do. - All right, boys, it was kind of cute at first but, seriously, this is ours. - Not gonna happen. - Talk about not taking hints. - Man, I want this run, but the money's turning into small potatoes. - Aw, Jarrett's still living the dream. - Wake him up. - Really? - At least I didn't lose to Jenn and Jarrett. That's a small victory. - Time to go. - To Idaho. I didn't plan on that rhyming. - We are officially in northwest cabin country. - It's got hoity-toity written all over it. - Hoity-toity? Maybe that means something different in Idaho. - Hello. - I'm Jim. - We're your transporters. - All right. - I'm Todd, nice to meet you. So you got some artwork for us to pick up? - Oh, you mean the one that looks like a giant pea-- piece of rock. - JIM: It is one of a kind. - It'll be okay lying on its side? - Yeah, yeah. There's one more piece. - TODD: Now you say that's going? - JIM: Oh, yeah. - That is? - JIM: Yeah. - MARC: Luckily Todd has a Spiderman outfit. I mean, it's a kid's Spiderman outfit, but Todd gets a lot of confidence when he wears it. - That's really up there. - JESSICA: You know what that looks like? Something just waiting to be knocking over by two idiots. - Okay, we'll get everything in there, and we'll load that up last. - Okay. - TODD: All right, ready? You got it? - Yeah. Oh my gosh, it's heavy. What do you think that is, 250 pounds? - MARC: Man, that's heavy. That's almost what I bench. - TAMERA: How the heck are we gonna move this? - TODD: Get some two by fours, and we're gonna slide it on the two by fours. There'll be a gap for the dolly. - TAMERA: Clearly Todd is an amazing guy...until he starts thinking he's MacGyver, then I get a little worried. - TODD: But we gotta spin it-- - TAMERA: Oh my gosh. - Go ahead and set it down. - TAMERA: Hold it! - Whoa, whoa, whoa! - Whoa, whoa, whoa! - Oh, son of a gun. You do realize we have to climb up the side of the building, and we're gonna be totally fatigued? I'm not doing it, I'm done. We can't do this, we need to call somebody. - Who? It's Idaho. There's like 40 people. - Sounds good, I'll see you in a few. I got a couple guys that are gonna come help us. - All right, let's go up there and let's get that thing down. - TAMERA: The higher we go, the queasier I get about having to bring this thing down. Oh my gosh. I think we should loosen the bottom bolts first, tie it and then loosen the top bolts. - TODD: All right. - TAMERA: Let me tie the rope around you. - TODD: If I start to fall, you're not even gonna be able to hold me. - You just won't fall as fast. - TODD: Okay, you gotta give me some slack. Almost there on this one. We got it. Now it's time to get up on the roof. Got her under control. Marc couldn't have done that. - TAMERA: I really feel like we're forgetting something. - TODD: Uh... big ass piece of stone? - There's a car coming. - You called for some movers? - TODD: Okay, that's good. - Thank you so much. - No problem. - TODD: Next time we'll call the cavalry in sooner. - Dang straight we will. - As soon as everything is off my trailer, I've gotta head back to St. Louis. I've got so much more to pick up. If I don't get all of these pieces here, I'm not gonna get paid and I'll be doing this run for nothing. - DUSTY: You know it's always about me, me, me with Jenn. What about these little French kids in Paris that wanna putt-putt with golf? - Jenn? - Hey. - Hey, Donnie. - Nice to meet you. - Hey, um, really quick, I wanna let you know, I only got half the load, so-- yeah, it's a-- - No, seriously? - Yeah, so I've gotta get this stuff unloaded quick and then I'm gonna head back. - Our grand opening's tomorrow. - Well, I guess it won't be that grand...or open. - If you don't get back in time, I'm not paying for this. I'm not paying for this. I'll get a couple guys, I'll meet you around back. - DON: All right, guys, let's go. - ♪ - Okay, guys, that's everything that's off the trailer. So I'm gonna go ahead and get the other load, and I'll see you in a few hours. - All right, hurry up. - JENN: All right. I am concerned I'm not gonna make the deadline, because it just depends on fast it takes to reload this other stuff. - TODD: All right, so you got the movers all taken care of? - I did find people and equipment. But since it was last minute, I don't know exactly when they're gonna be out there. That's the problem. There it is. - TODD: All right, let's go. - [doorbell rings] - Hi. - Hey, how're you doing? - Hi, I'm Tamera. You must be Patrick. - PAT: All right, my dad's here. - Glad to see you made it. - So we'll just bring it out, and you can tell us where you want it. - Yeah, mm-hmm. - PATRICK: One question, how long is this gonna take? - Uh... - 'Cause we've got some guests coming over this afternoon, so we'd like-- - Okay, the majority of it'll take about 30 minutes. - Thirty minutes? What, are they still on Idaho time? - TAMERA: You really told 'em 30 minutes, and we don't even know when the movers are showing up? - TODD: All right, let's move. - TAMERA: How 'bout right up there by that bamboo? - Up. - TAMERA: Um, no. - [phone ringing] - Yeah, we're ready. That's all we're waiting on. - Where the heck are the movers? - Got it? - I thought you guys would have been gone by now. - Well, us, too. But we're dealing with contractors, and stuff comes up. So we're trying to get ahold of 'em. - Let's keep, uh, history in mind. It was delivered to me by two guys. - They deliver rock sculptures all the time, so they have the equipment. - No. No, it was a couple of landscape guys who moved it for me. - Two guys? Well, you've got Tamera. Well, there's Todd. Yeah, you're gonna need movers. - I don't wanna waste all day. - You know I've had just about enough of Andy Warhol. - JENN: This has gotta work. I've already took the first load. The second load has to fit. She's waiting on me. The faster I get this picked up, the faster I get back on the road. If we can get both of those big rocks loaded on first. - We're losing daylight so, yeah, sounds good. - JENN: You guys go grab the other one. Even if I manage to get this all there on time, I don't even know if I'm gonna make any money. I've never done a round robin before, and I'm never gonna do it again. - Really, Jenn? 'Cause I'd bet money you'll get yourself in a mess like this again. - Hey, Don. - I know, we need to get moving. - I know. Okay. - DON: Gotta get this stuff in here. - [no audible dialogue] - This is a problem. - This is a problem. - Is there any way we can repair it? - DON: I--I don't know. - Let's just get this thing out of here, and maybe we can find a way to fix it, okay? - Okay. - You know if she'd have broken that earlier, she may have been able to do it in one run. - DON: Clearly we've got some serious damage here on that wall that's been broke in your trailer, and it's comin' out of your pay. - This guy's been hanging out with way too many pirates, because I'm not handing over any more money. If you give me the tools, I'll fix it. - Let's get it fixed. We--we don't have much time, let's go. - JENN: Okay. I busted my butt doing two runs. No way a fake broke rock is gonna make me go broke. All right. Voila! All right, I'm all done. Can you inspect these so I can get paid and leave? - Okay. Everything looks good. You know, we had some problems and you stepped up and you really helped us fix everything. I appreciate it. Uh, those kids are gonna be excited here. We're gonna get opened on time. Here's your full payment. Thank you very much. - TAMERA: When these movers finally do show up, I'm gonna have to hire two more to help me hide their bodies. - Hey, guys, how're you doing? - MAN: Go, go. Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Awesome. - Yes! - Turn, turn. Watch your hands. - How does that look, sir? - Lookin' good? - Boy. - Warhol approves. - TAMERA: Well-earned cash. - MAN: Awesome. - Thank you so much. - I don't wanna brag, but we totally killed that. We are done. - Oh, great, great. - We just need you to take a look at everything, make sure it's right where you want it. - PATRICK: Okay. Yeah, I don't know. What do you think? - Yeah, that's-- - Is that where you wanted it? - Yep. - Okay, it looks good to me. - That is...where it belongs. - In a fire pit? Whatever you say. All right, we're ready to go if you guys are ready to take care of everything. - Well, here's the initial money we talked about on your share right there. - We are sorry to have to charge you extra. - Yeah. But I saw what you had to do, so... So thanks, great job. - Thank you so much. - Take care, safe trip. - NARRATOR: Todd and Tamera received $1,825 for the art sculptures. After hiring help, they were reimbursed, the couple walked away with $875 for the 3-day run. Jenn didn't fare as well with her 2-run delivery, her expenses doubled, and she drove home with only $211 in profit for 1 day's work. - JENN: All right, guys, Red's Fun Zone is officially open. - [cheering] - I'm just so glad it's dark in there. - Look at that, that's awesome. - [whispers] So they can't see the mess I made. - Turn a little bit. Turn, I wanna see the sun. Magnifique. - Maybe Warhol will give us $50 grand for that. Wow. - I'm an artiste.
Channel: A&E
Views: 363,686
Rating: 4.812624 out of 5
Keywords: Mini Golf and Massive Headaches, golf course, black light, misnomer, modern, Shipping Wars, Shipping Wars season 7, season 7, a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, Shipping Wars Full Episode, Shipping Wars Season 7 Episode 4, Shipping Wars 7X4, Shipping Wars Season 07, Shipping Wars Episode 4, Shipping Wars Seasons, Shipping Wars Episodes, Shipping Wars S07 E4, Shipping Wars S7 E4, Shipping Wars clips, Shipping Wars show clips, watch Shipping Wars, Todd
Id: hML46Hwxo70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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