Shipping Wars: Full Episode - A Tiger Chase and a Tight Place (Season 7, Episode 15) | A&E

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- MALE NARRATOR: There's a whole new breed of gambler... - This is starting to piss me off. - Yee-haw! - NARRATOR: ...who risk everything to haul the most unusual items... - JARRETT: Fire in the hole! - Oh, my God, are you serious? - NARRATOR: One wrong move and they could lose it all. - I just need a jump. - But if the bid is right... - Boom! - NARRATOR: ...the rewards can be huge. - MARC: More money, more money, more money! - NARRATOR: On this episode of "Shipping Wars"... - I commissioned seven mythological figures for my museum. - Oh, [bleep], that's not good. - Dear Lord, not good? That's horrible. - Today we're gonna transport adult Bengal tigers. - If we drop one of these, it could bust open and we're gonna have a big problem--oh. - In that case. - [tigers roar] - JENNIFER: I don't get intimidated because I was raised to be tough. - I been driving since birth. Coming down! - MAN: There you go. - What can I say--I'm awesome. - JARRETT: I'm very much an amateur at this, and definitely having an "Oh, [bleep]" moment here. - JESSICA: It's just me, the truck, and the road. You guys need to get that back on there. I got places to go, people to see--let's go. - TODD: Time is money-- I want to get it loaded. - [squeals] Ah, look out! We're gonna knock them out of the water. Yes! - Every time I win a bid, man, it's just like I hit the jackpot. - I'm not in the mood to do any favors today. If there's a high-margin load, it makes sense for my rig, where do I sign? - TAMERA: We can't afford to take a loss today. - That's why our bids are all about the bottom line. - Set our bottom number at the beginning. That keeps Todd from doing anything crazy at the end. - What happens to idiots who mess with my bids today? Get in my way, find out. I'm looking at you, Marc. You've got a bitch slap with your name on it. - Bidding like a nice girl hasn't won me any loads lately, so I'm setting manners aside. If I see a load I want, I'm taking it. - JESSICA: A girl's gotta have standards. If the load sucks, I'll trick someone into taking it for no profit in the countdown. - NARRATOR: Every day, hosts special timed auctions for select top-level transporters. First item up for bid-- six adult Bengal tigers. - Today, we're gonna transport adult Bengal tigers. Working with tigers has been a passion of mine for the last nine years. We're over capacity here at the park, and we can't give 'em the care that they need, the big cage that they need to roam in. And putting these cats in a new facility and giving them a bigger cage is the best thing I can do. - Wow, these are live tigers. - This could definitely be a cool adventure. - These tigers are an endangered species. And the reason is not because we're running out of tigers, we're running out of habitats. This facility takes them in, and I help them find new homes so they don't get overloaded here. The temperature's dropping, so I wanna get them in their new home as quickly as possible before it gets too cold. If these Bengal tigers don't arrive on time and I miss my deadline to get them to the sanctuary, the transporter's not getting paid. - NARRATOR: These tigers must travel from Wynnewood, Oklahoma, to Pilot Point, Texas, in one day. - I've got a rule. If the load can eat me, I charge a premium. - This load isn't going far, but I'm not doing it for cat food. - Loads like this need special cages and a trailer built to transport animals. - I've transported all kinds of animals. This is perfect for me. - We need a livestock trailer for this one. With rental and fuel costs, we're gonna need to get at least two grand. - Okay, the money per mile kicks ass. I just gotta get there. - Ha, Samko, these guys would eat you alive. - There's no way I'm losing out to Dusty. - I'm Dusty, hear me roar. - What a jerk. - I think it's time Dusty got a little lesson on the law of the jungle. - Kiss my ass, dude. - Kid, I can do this all day. [laughs] - No more pussyfooting around. - Unbelievable. - Are they crazy or stupid? - We're still above $2,000. - Just drop it a tick. - This one is still paying way over four bucks a mile. But profit potential is in serious danger. - Seriously, guys, you're out of your league. - What a freaking dumbass. - Is it worth going under $2,000? - Nah. - I must win this load. - I'm not sure if this money is worth risking my life. I'm out. - Come on, Jenn, big cats need big dogs. - There isn't enough money left here worth screwing with Dusty anymore. I'm out. - Don't mess with the tigress. - I'm the [bleep] king, bow down! - Not so fast. Whoa. - Don't call me when you're scared [bleep]. - Cat power. I've handled livestock, but never tigers. I'm up for the challenge. I just don't wanna die. - Jenn, you're a little biased. We're all rooting for the tiger. - All right, I think I'm here. Aw, is that them! Ah! - Uh, if she does that again, I'll maul her myself. - How're you doing? You must be my transporter. - I'm Jennifer. Nice to meet you. So are these the two I'm taking? - - No? - They're actually bigger. - They're bigger? - Like that big. - No. - Oh, yeah. - You'll be taking the ones with the taste for flesh. - Okay. I'm not--did they take your legs off? - Um... - Wow, tactful, Jenn. - I actually lost them in a zip line accident. - Oh, my God. - But they are this dangerous. They do have claws, they do have teeth. - Okay, but they're gonna be in a cage, right? - They'll be in a cage. A lot of scenarios though. - Oh, with Jenn's less than stellar mental capabilities, there are more than you can imagine. - Why are these out here in the cold? - They're acclimated to the cold as long as it's not below 32 degrees. It's imperative that these guys get to their destination before nightfall. - You know, with Jenn, you need to explain certain words like imperative. - So how are we planning on moving? We don't walk 'em, right? - We're actually gonna put 'em in these transport cages, and I can push 'em up here. As long as you listen, you'll be safe. - Okay. - Nice knowing you, Jenn. - We need to grab that cage. - I'm gonna have you hold it. That way, when the cat comes running in here, it doesn't roll. - Wait, running at me? - Imperative, from here on out, you focus. - Okay. - Dude, you have explained the word imperative to her, right? - When he comes in, he's gonna come in, hang onto that cart. These cats don't mess around. - MAN: If the cat's moving, this cage will move. - Okay, are you guys ready? Come on, stay focused. Keep coming. Hang onto that cart. - MAN: Watch out! Hey! - Stay focused, he's coming. - Five hundred pounds in this cage. Good, we got him. - Oh, that tiger's just inches away from her. Come on, kitty, get her. - I gotta go in here, I'm gonna wrangle these cats down to you, all right? I will say banana if I'm in trouble. Do not react unless you hear me say banana. - Edible safe word, that's smart. - All right, let's get this cage put in place. Okay, fixin' to be hot here. - Hold on, what's my safe word? - We're hot, people. Jenn, where's your fingers? Make sure your fingers are not in the cage. - They're up. - Shut it down, shut it down. High-five right here. - She gets a high-five for leaning around? I yell at Todd for that. - Her trailer doesn't have a ramp, so we gotta get it in there. Let's make this happen. - JENNIFER: There you go. Good job. - Time to get this rolling circus on the road. - Okay, I got one more thing. - What? - I need you to haul one of these cubs for me down there to Scott in Sharkarosa. - Ah, okay. - I've hauled baby cubs, it's simple. All they do is meow and nibble at your fingers. I've hauled five of 'em. - Take care of my babies. - I will, thank you. Talk to you later. Oh, my gosh, I cannot believe I have so many tigers on my tractor trailer. - NARRATOR: Next item up for bid-- a collection of mythological figures. - My name is Ben Isitt. I'm a sculptor. One of my biggest clients has commissioned me to do pieces from various types of mythology. Altogether, I spent six months sculpting and handcrafting these pieces. One of my big concerns is that they have a safe ride. So packing them and loading them is very important. - Great, artwork, my favorite. - Who buys [bleep] like this? - I'm an aficionado and collector of anything and everything mythological. For the past five years, I've been turning my house into the museum of mythology. Recently, I commissioned an artist to put together seven mythological figures for my museum. They're finally complete, and I'm really anxious to see them. I really need these figures to arrive at a warehouse on time and in perfect condition. If these figures arrive late or damaged, the transporter's gonna have to pay. - NARRATOR: These figures must travel 2,800 miles from Puyallup, Washington, to West Deptford, New Jersey, and arrive in seven days. - A load like this going over 2,000 miles? [laughs] There's some money to be made here. - Nobody hauls fine art better than I do. - I don't know what dork dungeon this is going to, but if the money's right, I'm up for some roleplaying. - This is a major trip here. Fuel alone is gonna be several thousand. - We gotta stay over 11 grand. - These things are delicate. But for this price, I'll give them the Springman tender, loving care package. - The princess is coming with me, dude. - Plenty of room to move here. - You gotta bid harder than that, folks. - I better shake Dusty up here. - You wanna go, Samko? - [laughs] - Step up! - Two can play at that game. - Don't make me laugh. - Dusty! - [laughs] - Don't these guys wanna make money? I'm gonna send a message. - Just stop, Marc, you're embarrassing yourself. - Man, these guys are really into this one. - We've gotta get back in here. - Since I'm on the east coast, this will be over a 5,000-mile trip for me. This money's not worth the time and trouble, I'm out. - The money's right. I'm still feeling really good about this load. - Time to bring out the big guns. This oughta do it. - That's just stupid. - Let's just give it a little nudge. - Outbidding Todd and Tamera. Too easy. - I predict a man child's about to cry. Ready, and fire. [blowing air] - That was a jerk move. - Nothing beats giving Dusty a smack down. I'm just on my way to load up these mythology items. We've got three feet of snow up here in the mountains this morning. I'm not liking that at all, 'cause I gotta go that way. There's not much room here. - "I don't like driving in rough weather, "and I don't like small spaces. Got it, I'll become a trucker." - Awesome. Let's go find Ben. Hello? - I'm Ben. - Hi, Ben, Marc Springer. - Hey, Marc. - So you've got some mythology stuff, huh? This looks like maybe they're some of 'em here, huh? - BEN: There's seven sculptures that need to go to a private collector in New Jersey. Some are more vulnerable than others. They need to be crated up though. - I need to roll. So let's get this stuff packed up. - We need to start wrapping these things with bubble wrap. - All right, let's do that, too. Maybe drop it down a little bit, okay. - I know she's only a statue, but I'm feeling creeped out for her right now. - MARC: Yeah, one more here. - Hey, Marc, I got some friends here to help out. - MARC: Sweet. Kind of a gnarly-looking dude. Want that one? Oh, [bleep], I need to get down that far. How 'bout that bucket truck? Let's use this as a crane. - BEN: Keep it low, Brian. Be careful. - [applause] - How's it going? - I'm ready to rock and roll. - I wanna make sure they get there on time and in one piece. - I'll get 'em out there for ya. - Thanks, Marc. - MARC: All right, take it easy. If I hadn't spent half the day packing crates, I'd be on the road. Now I'm hours behind. - [phone ringing] - Now what? Hello, this is Marc. - This is Rob, with the mythological figures. - Yeah, what's up? - And what would that be? - Marc, I think he's talking to the problem. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. That was not the deal. What the hell is this guy trying to pull? Where do you live exactly? - MARC: I'm not set up to be delivering to a residential area with this truck. - You clearly don't understand how big this truck and trailer is. It will not fit down a residential street. It's not gonna happen. - I got delayed right out of the chute with these guys not having everything ready to go. And the buyer decided to change the drop location. I can't get my truck down these streets where he wants it delivered. - They can maneuver aircraft carriers better than Marc can maneuver his rig. - Fortunately, I've got my Dodge pickup out in Cresco, Iowa, where there's a company out there doing some custom work on it. So my plan is to talk 'em into giving me a good deal on a gooseneck trailer. And I'm gonna take my Dodge and this new trailer and run that out to New Jersey. I kinda feel bad adding this new trailer, because the beatings I give the other guys are just gonna worse. Man, this better come together. I'm--I'm seriously at my wit's end on this one. - I've got six huge tigers on the back of my trailer. If one of these guys gets out, I'm not chasing it down. - Okay, if one of those things gets loose, that cutting torch behind me had nothing to do with it. - I'm gonna have to feed this cub, sounds like she's hungry. - [tiger cub whining] - Sounded more like exorcism. [laughs] What was that? - I don't have much time at all, so it's gotta be quick. Hopefully she'll drink this bottle fast. Let's see. Are you thirsty? - I'm glad she has a bottle, 'cause you know what the other option was. - JENNIFER: How cute is this? Ew, what is that smell? [gags] - [laughs] Maybe it's your upper lip. - You're too young to do that. [gags] - It smells like Jenn's getting her first review on this run. - We gotta get going so you can get out of here. We need to put a diaper on you. - MARC: Pretty chilly here this morning, it's a whopping two degrees. Heading to pick up a gooseneck trailer to run behind my Dodge. Came up with a plan, and now I'm gonna execute that plan. - And by execute, he means, you know, make it dead. - I'm really hoping I can get this deal done and get out of here before this storm hits. There you are. - Hey, how've you been? - Good. Long time, man. - You, too. - I know this is really short notice, I apologize for that. But I need a trailer. - This is kind of a special trailer. We built a lot of extras on it. - Would you go $18,000? - I can't go $18,000. - You can't do $18,000? So, uh, I guess $16,000's out of the question. What if we just round it off at 20 grand, I mean-- - I'll do $20,000. - All right, that's a good deal, I'm happy with that. - Get some guys lined up to help you, and we'll get right on it for you. - MARC: All right, thanks. Okay, I went to $20,000, but I only got $18 grand in the account. - GARY: Okay, guys, let's start unstrapping and moving over. Set her down. - MARC: Let's tip it this way. Lean her back towards me. Oh [bleep]. That's not good. - Oh [bleep]. That's not good. - Really, Marc, what gave you that idea? The big, gaping hole in the top of the box. - Just set it down. Man, I wonder when that happened? I'm not seeing any damage, really. I'm gonna have to cover this up somehow. Go ahead and call me MacGyver, 'cause I'm about to blow your mind. I'm thinking I just maybe put a tarp over it. - I thought Marc said MacGyver? 'Cause I was ready to help. - MARC: Like so--perfect. Perfect. You guys are awesome, man. Really appreciate it. Take it easy. A simple trailer swap wasn't so simple. I should have been gone a long time ago. Now I'm sweating my deadline. - JENNIFER: I'm close to the drop off. I do hope the tigers come out a lot easier than they did going in. Hopefully the forklift can reach in there and get 'em out. Are you Scott? - I am. Are you my transporter? - Yes, sir, I am. - Cutting it kind of close, aren't you? - Listen, Spicoli, my timing is impeccable. I have the baby in here first. You want-- - We have two tigers in the truck? - I have just the baby. - SCOTT: I was counting you. - Oh, oh, you count--calling me a tiger? Well I appreciate that, 'cause I kinda am. - Jenn, that's the line you come back with? Man, girl, you gotta work on your game. - All right, don't let her out. All right, we've got a forklift, so this should go pretty quick if we don't have any problems. There we go, there we go. - [forklift beeping] - All right. - [tigers roar] - There we go. - All right, let's take a look at my tigers. I don't see any major cuts or bruises or scratches. I can't believe how good they look. They didn't rub on the cage at all. You did a good job. - Thank you so much. - There you go. - Here, a hug. Thank you. - Don't worry, big boy, you're going to a good home. You're gonna be well taken of. Watch out the back. Watch--oooh. - JENNIFER: What the [bleep] was that? - It's just tiger pee. - [gags] - [laughs] Please, I just gotta see it one more time. [laughing] It's so funny. - Come over here. - Ew! Give me a towel. - SCOTT: It'll be all right. - I think I swallowed it. - [laughing] Yes, that's freaking awesome! - All right, let's go outside. - We'll go outside, you're gonna let 'em out? - We are. Get to see their new play area for the first time. - MARC: On my way up here this morning, I'm on time. I'm real glad I brought this truck. This is getting kinda skinny down here. Look, try to make a turn on that street right there with a 90-foot tractor trailer. It's not happening. This must be it. - [knocking on door] - Hey, good morning. - Very glad to see you. - Are you Robert? - Yes, sir. - Oh, Robert, as in the brain surgeon that made this run so complicated. Where do you want me to drop these off at? - I have one main room in the back. - Let's take a peek, see where you got these going. Man, your--your whole place is done up, huh? - Yeah, we like everything to do with 12th century. - I've never seen anything like it. You've got a couple of guards up there, huh? - ROBERT: Yeah. - MARC: Pretty cool. So this is where this stuff's going, in here? - Yeah, I thought this would be the best room to wind up putting everything. - Yeah, it's all real cool, Robert. Let's go get the truck unloaded. I'm sure Robert could talk about this [bleep] all day long, but I've got movers out here that I'm paying, and they're just standing around. Hi, guys. All right, I appreciate you showing up. - MAN: Be careful, because that could easily snap. - Everybody wants to know about this one. We wanna see the chee-chees. - We do see some damage here on her hair. That was right up from there. Now that looks like that's near the top, so that's a little concerning. - Hair? I didn't even notice she had hair. - All right, let's get this inside. Just take it slow, take it slow. - MAN: Set it down. - ROBERT: Slow. - MAN: Here we go. - Guys, geez, at least buy her dinner first. - Why don't you take a quick look around, make sure you're good with everything. - You do have some minor damage and stuff. I'm gonna have to spend some time touching up some of these pieces. - Looks to me like you've got plenty of time on your hands. - You know what else he's got on his hands? Your money. You might wanna watch your mouth. - The Atlantian Princess, if there was one I didn't want damaged, that was the one. I'm wondering if we can't take like $500 off. - Uh, no. Here's the deal, Robert. You changed up the delivery location on me. I can appreciate you being upset about the damage, but I think you're barking at the wrong guy here. - Tell you what. You help me take the troll head upstairs, I'll pay you in full. - Done. - All right, sir. - That's easy. - And here's your money. - MARC: I'll take it. I earned it. - NARRATOR: Marc collected $11,500 for delivering the mythology creatures. But after hiring movers and his expenses, he earned $5,100 for a 7-day run. Jenn fared much better. She brought in almost $1,800 for delivering the tigers. After expenses, she earned $1,449 for a 1-day run. - And they're gonna come right out that door. - Okay. - I think I hear 'em coming. - [gasps] - Check it out. - Oh, he's gonna play. [laughing] - Man, Jenn's easily amused. We should get her a house cat. - On the table there is fine. - What am I looking at? - This is a typical dungeon. We fight things like dragons and wizards and stuff. - That guy's weird. [laughs] It's gotta give Marc some hope though. - Twelve with your bonuses is a hit. Your skeleton shatters and falls before you. - MARC: [laughs]
Channel: A&E
Views: 604,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Tiger Chase and a Tight Place, animals, mythological, residential, bengal, massive, Shipping Wars, Shipping Wars season 7, season 7, a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, Shipping Wars Season 7 Episode 15, Shipping Wars 7X15, Shipping Wars Season 07, Shipping Wars Episode 15, Shipping Wars Episodes, Shipping Wars S07 E15, Shipping Wars S7 E15, Shipping Wars show clips, watch Shipping Wars, shipping wars full episodes, Tight Place, Tiger Chase, six massive Bengal tigers
Id: hVXnjqdD8lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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