Shipping Container Modification: Expert Tips & Time Saving Products

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in this video I'm going to give you a  sneak peek at a few advancements with our steel stud brackets and also I have  some wood stud brackets that I developed   about 6 months ago and I can because here  at the container guy we do not believe in   using wood as framing systems inside  of shipping containers so stay tuned  in this video I'm just going to give you  a quick update with these systems and I   need your feedback on these wood stud brackets  should I sell them should I not hope you learn something so to start off I'm going to talk about  our steel stud bracket system we love the system   it was refined we have the steel stud brackets  that go on the 60 mm tubing across both sides   and then there's the corner casting covers that those connect to but across the end wall of the   container we have to run a track across and that track needs to secure to those Corner   casting covers it's proving to be a little  bit confusing for some people to do that and   so instead of trying to show people systems and  walk them through it we just said hey why don't   we just develop a specialized steel stud bracket  for the end wall of shipping containers the issue   with this is that there's two different types  of shipping containers there's an angle iron   style that we call it which is just the low spec  basically try to try to save money by only using   uh folded sheet metal there rather than the the  60 mm tubing and then the higher spec 60 mm tubing   style so we have a spe special bracket for each  if people think that this is intelligent or if we   find that it works we haven't even installed  them yet then we will start including two of   each in the kit and then people who do buy the  steel St bracket kits will get both options so   you're not wondering oh what kind of container  do I have and will it work so we'll just give   you them both and one thing that's interesting to  noce currently if we screw this is the angle iron   style this is the sheet metal style the low spec  style if we screw through here we will puncture   right through the outside of the container so  we don't want to screw through there we have   some 3M VHB tape and we're going to try this  and this they use to build Rockets I believe   instead of using Fasteners they literally use  this and send Rockets up to space we've had   great success with this with our big air 45  screen or mesh screens and we feel it's going   to work here especially long enough to hold the  uh the studs in place until it's all studded and   until it's spray foam that spray foam 2 lb Clos  sell locks everything in place and really these   things are just placed holders at that moment so  since we're in this uh low speec style container   let's stick these two on and maybe just pull  on them and see how well this VHB tape works   this is science right here we have not done  this yet I'm going to learn with you so this   stuff is notoriously hard to start I should  have done that before getting here uh a lot   of times you need a knife or something just to  get started with this double-sided tape and I   got it and so that you peel the the one side  off and then we should be able to just press   and stick this on I don't think it truly matters  exactly where you put this on but put it where   there's a an outside corrugation so let's throw  the first one on once this stuff goes on it's   sticky so you want to make sure that these bottom  Tabs are lined with the bottom before you push forward let's give that want a minute to set I'm  going to start taking a minute to try to get this   backing off and did it so fast let's stick this  one on as well and then I'm going to pull on them   I'm not too sure how this is going to go somebody  put this tape on ahead of time and they put it   down towards the bottom it should have maybe been  a little bit higher just because of the radius of that I'll be honest I'm not too pumped about how  that's stuck I think I'm going to have to go back   to the drawing board a little bit but what is cool  about that is it does Define that plane if you   put your track up here and if it was connected  to your corner casting cover this will let you   know how far out from the end wall it needs to  be and that was the biggest concern is that we   always had to tell people that they needed to  be 2 in from the inside of this face outwards   or it was like something like a an inch and 7/8  but we said it was was kind of flexible now even   if this didn't stick to that back tubing if it's  screwed into this track I'm sure if I pull on it   yeah there you go I got it and it's going to come  off but at least if it's stuck to this track now   that I look at it it doesn't need to be screwed  on there it's just to Define that final plane and   so I was thinking I had to go back to the drawing  board or come up with a way to fasten this better   or maybe have to sacrifice and penetrate through  the envelope but don't do it uh as long as this   is secured to your track through the top and the  sides it's going to define the planes everything   was rigid enough anyway once you get your vertical  studs in place this tracks held in place I think   we achieved the objective of what we were looking  to do with this bracket and that's defining that   last plane that was a little bit confusing for  our customers so good work engineering team we   nailed that uh it'll be a little bit before these  are included because we have to order them and   get them built but we will update the product  description when they are included in the kit   and you will uh see that you'll be getting them  or not when you go to place that order so give us   a little bit of time that will be live now I want  to show you something that I made it's probably 6   months ago these things have been sitting around  and I just couldn't bring myself to even going   outside and and uh framing a container with wood  uh but I created those exterior studing brackets   and we're starting to use wood on the outside  side of a container and and that kind of came   out of this is we realized if you're framing  with wood on the inside you need to frame it   like an attic so to speak the walls need to be a  away if you're going to use fiberglass insulation   you need to ventilate the entire cavity all around  there needs to be vents in the roof vents down low   and the air needs to circulate around that just  like an attic so that wall system can breathe   and you'll avoid condensation or at least the  condensation will be able to dry out and not   be trapped in a double Vapor Barrier setting  so we went to framing wood on the outside of   shiing containers and that's proving to be pretty  intelligent uh if something was to mold outside   it's only outside it's not inside your seam  welded shipping container which is non-porous   and nothing's getting through and it's not going  to affect your health living inside of this thing   so we really like those exterior stting brackets  but these are made to mount on the 60 mm tubing   same way as the steel stud brackets and then they  can fit in either a 2x4 with a top plate or a 2x6   and they can also be utilized as a bit of a hybrid  system so we could actually do 2x4 mineral wool   insulation rigid foam and then maybe inch and 5/8  steel studs potentially if these were just in the   inside corrugations you can tuck your steel studs  in the inside corrugations and then still do a   couple inches of rigid foam there but now you're  going to have that air gap all the way around and   that needs to be ventilated and so now what do I  got to do do I got to develop new vents as well   that install down low and a ridge vent that goes  up top to mimic an attic just something I did not   want to get behind and so I kind of Park these  but if you do just plan on framing with wood   you're going to do it anyway you're not taking  my advice again my advice is steel stud framing   on the inside of shipping containers and 2 lb  Clos sell insulation if you frame it with wood   and you make sure that your wood members are  away from the wall and down from the ceiling   then spray foam with 2 lb Clos cell insulation in  non-humid climates that aren't a temperate climate   or a mild climate you're probably going to be okay  it's more in very humid tropical climates and up   here in Canada or further north than us where we  get extreme cold- 40 -50° C and then we're trying   to keep it 20° inside of here that's when we get  those huge temperatur swings that's when we get   all that condensation and even if you do use spray  foam if it's not 2 in thick it's not classified as   a vapor barrier for the federal government and  therefore it's going to mold it's going to rot   and you're going to have health concerns so do you  guys want me to keep continuing pursuing this or   should I shelf it uh I will sell it to people I  know buddies of mine in the industry are framing   with wood I'm sure they'd enjoy this thing let  me know in the comments down below what you think   think of these I think worst case scenario even  if these aren't utilized inside of a shipping   container they may have a purpose when you want  to span say a up to a 2x10 across two containers   and have a relatively Hollow floor across them all  so you could install it on the outside of the 60   mm tubing and then whatever size of dimensional  Lumber 2x4 2x6 2x 8 2x10 2x2 all could secure in   here and build yourself a little bit of a deck  across two containers if you enjoyed this video   please help us out and give it a like if you'd  like to see more videos of us modifying shipping   containers coming up with all these cool designs  please help us out and subscribe to our channel   ring the bell for notification what am I doing  with my hand and as always check us out at [Music]
Channel: The Container Guy
Views: 28,036
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Keywords: Container Building materials, Container Construction Tips, Container Conversion, Container DIY, Container Homes, Container Innovation, Container Roof Ventilation, Container Solutions, Container Wall Systems, DIY container projects, Tiny Homes, container building, container insulation, container ventilation, containerbuilding, framing a house
Id: rDl0kiAOmjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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