Removing The Flooring In A Shipping Container - Debunking The Toxic Myths

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hey everyone I'm Channing Mccorriston the container guy recently in our comments container guy recently in our comments we had someone ask how do you remove the we had someone ask how do you remove the floor in a shipping container I had to floor in a shipping container I had to sift through our videos we did have one sift through our videos we did have one video where we kind of showed it but it video where we kind of showed it but it wasn't a very good tutorial so in this wasn't a very good tutorial so in this video video we are going to show you exactly how to we are going to show you exactly how to do it how we do it and then or maybe try do it how we do it and then or maybe try out how you can do it at home because we out how you can do it at home because we like to use equipment and we understand like to use equipment and we understand that some of you guys might not have that some of you guys might not have that at the end of the video I'll that at the end of the video I'll address a nasty myth of the container address a nasty myth of the container plywood flooring being toxic for human plywood flooring being toxic for human occupancy stay tuned so we here like to uh use our equipment we we here like to uh use our equipment we have topless we're able to remove all have topless we're able to remove all the screws of these wood floors if we the screws of these wood floors if we put blocking underneath and set this put blocking underneath and set this thing down the floor is no match for the thing down the floor is no match for the weight of the top lift and they come and weight of the top lift and they come and pop right up you folks at home do not pop right up you folks at home do not have top lifts and the luxury that we do have top lifts and the luxury that we do and so we're going to do a little and so we're going to do a little science experiment we're going to use science experiment we're going to use our bolt on d-rings is this something I our bolt on d-rings is this something I developed developed I did kind of help A supplier out and I did kind of help A supplier out and they wanted me to manufacture them I they wanted me to manufacture them I sent them a batch and off they went to sent them a batch and off they went to China so fool me once I won't be sending China so fool me once I won't be sending them any more products but uh yeah them any more products but uh yeah something I developed what it is it's a something I developed what it is it's a replacement for these d-rings replacement for these d-rings allows you to go allows you to go well specifically up top and then you well specifically up top and then you can hang the shelving brackets from them can hang the shelving brackets from them so it's a pretty cool product something so it's a pretty cool product something I came up with uh and we're gonna maybe I came up with uh and we're gonna maybe try to use this by using our 5 16 sheet try to use this by using our 5 16 sheet metal screws which are a little bit metal screws which are a little bit softer than a lag and don't break softer than a leg and don't break bolt them to the ground and we'll try to bolt them to the ground and we'll try to maybe just ratchet strap up to the top maybe just ratchet strap up to the top d-rings to lift the panel section out d-rings to lift the panel section out we'll also show you how we do it so if we'll also show you how we do it so if you do have a forklift or something you you do have a forklift or something you can do that can do that another option if you want to lift up a another option if you want to lift up a container at home we do have a container at home we do have a specialized container Jacker and so that specialized container Jacker and so that goes on the outside goes on the outside corner castings and you can put a bottle corner castings and you can put a bottle jack in there and lift the container up jack in there and lift the container up slide some blocking in there and then slide some blocking in there and then lower it back down and that would work lower it back down and that would work if your floor is stubborn and you need a if your floor is stubborn and you need a way to hydraulically remove the flooring way to hydraulically remove the flooring you can purchase those container jackers you can purchase those container jackers I think we got them on the website or on I think we got them on the website or on Amazon they're available and they're Amazon they're available and they're just handy to have anyway if your doors just handy to have anyway if your doors aren't working properly you can utilize aren't working properly you can utilize them and they will get your can leveled them and they will get your can leveled out and your door is working efficiently out and your door is working efficiently so the first step to this is just so the first step to this is just removing the wood screws and so you'll removing the wood screws and so you'll see a lot of them they're just a see a lot of them they're just a Phillips screw now I think they used to Phillips screw now I think they used to be Torx way back in the day but you'll be Torx way back in the day but you'll need the biggest Phillips bit need the biggest Phillips bit foreign new containers they're pretty easy to take out on used containers sometimes take out on used containers sometimes you have fun uh but it's a lot of times you have fun uh but it's a lot of times yeah self drilling Phillips looks like a yeah self drilling Phillips looks like a grade eight hardened uh screw there it's grade eight hardened uh screw there it's a I guess a trailer deck screw and so a I guess a trailer deck screw and so just repeat that process over and over just repeat that process over and over to remove everything from your wood to remove everything from your wood floor floor you can do a couple more here it's interesting to see with this wood floor there's like a lacquer on the on floor there's like a lacquer on the on the screw and so this is the screw and so this is honestly I think they call it like an honestly I think they call it like an eco-friendly bamboo floor but I think eco-friendly bamboo floor but I think it's just low budget and so this here on it's just low budget and so this here on these one-time use containers that are these one-time use containers that are meant to be sold right away it's great meant to be sold right away it's great for storage because it doesn't Wick for storage because it doesn't Wick moisture but I think it also is just moisture but I think it also is just less expensive than the very rugged teak less expensive than the very rugged teak flooring that's used in like a leasing flooring that's used in like a leasing company or shipping line spec and then company or shipping line spec and then one other thing I do want to talk about one other thing I do want to talk about prior to getting at this prior to getting at this is in this specific modification we need is in this specific modification we need to remove to remove about I don't know what it is seven feet about I don't know what it is seven feet to the flooring or something and to the flooring or something and our staff were thinking they wanted to our staff were thinking they wanted to remove this whole remove this whole call it four by eight sheet cut it off call it four by eight sheet cut it off with a skill sawer on the table saw and with a skill sawer on the table saw and then reinsert it in its place then reinsert it in its place that's not a good idea that these panels that's not a good idea that these panels don't go back where they were they'll don't go back where they were they'll always be a little bit higher just always be a little bit higher just because of if ever deal that was because of if ever deal that was something that's been in silicone down something that's been in silicone down or caulked in place it just doesn't or caulked in place it just doesn't quite get to where it needs to be so quite get to where it needs to be so take your skill saw and cut it where you take your skill saw and cut it where you want to remove the floor and then finish want to remove the floor and then finish want to remove the floor and then finish off an oscillating tool make sure you off an oscillating tool make sure you off an oscillating tool make sure you got a nice clean cut and then only got a nice clean cut and then only got a nice clean cut and then only remove the floor sections that you need remove the floor sections that you need remove the floor sections that you need to remove and leave the rest and so to remove and leave the rest and so to remove and leave the rest and so another thing another thing another thing if you're at home and you're trying to if you're at home and you're trying to if you're at home and you're trying to do this and you have primitive tools do this and you have primitive tools do this and you have primitive tools remove everything that's going to be remove everything that's going to be remove everything that's going to be blocking this from coming out so whether blocking this from coming out so whether blocking this from coming out so whether right at the seam here the two panels right at the seam here the two panels right at the seam here the two panels are snug tight together if you took your are snug tight together if you took your are snug tight together if you took your skill saw your flooring is an inch and skill saw your flooring is an inch and skill saw your flooring is an inch and an eight thick so if you set a skill saw an eight thick so if you set a skill saw an eight thick so if you set a skill saw to one inch you'd have an eighth of to one inch you'd have an eighth of to one inch you'd have an eighth of clearance kind of plain with fire there clearance kind of plain with fire there clearance kind of plain with fire there a little bit but you could cut right a little bit but you could cut right a little bit but you could cut right along this line and then just get the along this line and then just get the along this line and then just get the saw blade with the gap between the two saw blade with the gap between the two saw blade with the gap between the two floorboards that might allow you to get floorboards that might allow you to get floorboards that might allow you to get a pry bar in there or something you can a pry bar in there or something you can a pry bar in there or something you can do it a couple times but that you won't do it a couple times but that you won't do it a couple times but that you won't ruin a whole panel in case you want to ruin a whole panel in case you want to ruin a whole panel in case you want to save these they're awesome chunks of save these they're awesome chunks of save these they're awesome chunks of wood but you'll just get yourself some wood but you'll just get yourself some wood but you'll just get yourself some clearance and then these are all caulked clearance and then these are all caulked clearance and then these are all caulked All Around The Edge that stuff's Like All Around The Edge that stuff's Like All Around The Edge that stuff's Like Glue and so if you have a utility knife Glue and so if you have a utility knife Glue and so if you have a utility knife or something and you ran it around there that's going to that's going to uh just yeah release this the floorboard uh just yeah release this the floorboard uh just yeah release this the floorboard from the sides or from the footer here from the sides or from the footer here from the sides or from the footer here so just everything you can do to try and so just everything you can do to try and so just everything you can do to try and free this thing up as best as you can free this thing up as best as you can free this thing up as best as you can make sure all the screws are removed make sure all the screws are removed make sure all the screws are removed hopefully you're working on a new hopefully you're working on a new hopefully you're working on a new container because it sucks with the used container because it sucks with the used container because it sucks with the used ones ones ones we used to try to just take a Sawzall we used to try to just take a Sawzall we used to try to just take a Sawzall and cut out big chunks and pry and pop and cut out big chunks and pry and pop and cut out big chunks and pry and pop employees that spend a day trying to employees that spend a day trying to employees that spend a day trying to remove a few floorboards now when we remove a few floorboards now when we remove a few floorboards now when we just remove the the screws and we use just remove the the screws and we use just remove the the screws and we use our equipment and just set it down it our equipment and just set it down it our equipment and just set it down it happens happens happens just like butter and so so we're gonna just like butter and so so we're gonna just like butter and so so we're gonna get at this and perform our experiment get at this and perform our experiment get at this and perform our experiment with the d-ring and then show you how we with the d-ring and then show you how we with the d-ring and then show you how we do it also hopefully we don't hurt do it also hopefully we don't hurt do it also hopefully we don't hurt ourselves with the ratchet straps if we ourselves with the ratchet straps if we ourselves with the ratchet straps if we feel it's unsafe we'll probably stop but feel it's unsafe we'll probably stop but feel it's unsafe we'll probably stop but hopefully we succeed with that if it hopefully we succeed with that if it hopefully we succeed with that if it doesn't work it's also good information doesn't work it's also good information doesn't work it's also good information for you guys to know so get at her so we figure if we pull up one so we figure if we pull up one floorboard oh first that might be floorboard oh first that might be floorboard oh first that might be cheating and so we might want to try the cheating and so we might want to try the cheating and so we might want to try the the ratchet strap first see how that the ratchet strap first see how that the ratchet strap first see how that goes goes goes uh we might not uh we might not uh we might not succeed here but let's try it so we're succeed here but let's try it so we're succeed here but let's try it so we're using our 5 16 sheet metal screw using our 5 16 sheet metal screw using our 5 16 sheet metal screw this strap is going to go that way this strap is going to go that way this strap is going to go that way also want to pull also want to pull also want to pull might try to pull that way I honestly have more faith in this now I honestly have more faith in this now than I did before so here we go the moment of truth so here we go the moment of truth uh uh uh not sure what's gonna happen here what's gonna happen here if we purposely just grabbed a little if we purposely just grabbed a little if we purposely just grabbed a little one inch straps just to see how tight we one inch straps just to see how tight we one inch straps just to see how tight we can go we don't really want this to hurt can go we don't really want this to hurt can go we don't really want this to hurt ourselves but uh ourselves but uh ourselves but uh yeah Curtis I don't know if you'd wanna I had zero faith in that working I I had zero faith in that working I thought for sure thought for sure thought for sure um we wanted to kind of have fool you um we wanted to kind of have fool you um we wanted to kind of have fool you guys and remove one panel so that it was guys and remove one panel so that it was guys and remove one panel so that it was easier and then maybe the second one easier and then maybe the second one easier and then maybe the second one would come free but no that's not true would come free but no that's not true would come free but no that's not true science I wanted to try it out first science I wanted to try it out first science I wanted to try it out first with the first panel and I just I with the first panel and I just I with the first panel and I just I couldn't even believe it once it started couldn't even believe it once it started couldn't even believe it once it started lifting up especially with just the lifting up especially with just the lifting up especially with just the little uh retractable one-inch strap little uh retractable one-inch strap little uh retractable one-inch strap there because there because there because that's because of past experience past that's because of past experience past that's because of past experience past experience tells me that experience tells me that experience tells me that um these things are really hard to get um these things are really hard to get um these things are really hard to get out and that was just way too easy so out and that was just way too easy so out and that was just way too easy so maybe this thing's fresh out of the oven maybe this thing's fresh out of the oven maybe this thing's fresh out of the oven in China who knows but yeah in China who knows but yeah in China who knows but yeah um bolt-on earrings these are available um bolt-on earrings these are available um bolt-on earrings these are available for sale on Amazon or our website for sale on Amazon or our website for sale on Amazon or our website typically coming three packs meant for typically coming three packs meant for typically coming three packs meant for hanging shelf brackets but hanging shelf brackets but hanging shelf brackets but they're perfect for this job they're perfect for this job they're perfect for this job William doesn't believe us he thinks William doesn't believe us he thinks William doesn't believe us he thinks that we're just kidding that we're just kidding that we're just kidding let's let him try let's let him try let's let him try we enjoy this so much we don't even know we enjoy this so much we don't even know we enjoy this so much we don't even know if we're gonna show you the other way we if we're gonna show you the other way we if we're gonna show you the other way we do it I think we just literally changed do it I think we just literally changed do it I think we just literally changed the way that we're gonna do this forever the way that we're gonna do this forever the way that we're gonna do this forever if this doesn't work then we'll go to if this doesn't work then we'll go to if this doesn't work then we'll go to the top left foot why mess around with the top left foot why mess around with the top left foot why mess around with equipment when we can just use a couple equipment when we can just use a couple equipment when we can just use a couple ratchet straps oh okay no oh okay no so that's kind of how I expected it to so that's kind of how I expected it to so that's kind of how I expected it to go on the first one as well uh maybe we go on the first one as well uh maybe we go on the first one as well uh maybe we should let's get out the old exacto knife let's get out the old exacto knife and cut the caulking and see if that and cut the caulking and see if that and cut the caulking and see if that changes anything um something interesting to see here is um something interesting to see here is in China this looks like a chunk of in China this looks like a chunk of in China this looks like a chunk of fiberglass they used to use steel and it fiberglass they used to use steel and it fiberglass they used to use steel and it used to actually rust really badly so used to actually rust really badly so used to actually rust really badly so I'm actually happy to see that they've I'm actually happy to see that they've I'm actually happy to see that they've switched to something that doesn't switched to something that doesn't switched to something that doesn't corrode corrode corrode um but this just seems the two chunks of um but this just seems the two chunks of um but this just seems the two chunks of wood allows them to bitumen seal around wood allows them to bitumen seal around wood allows them to bitumen seal around it and just stops moisture and or Worse it and just stops moisture and or Worse it and just stops moisture and or Worse ants and stuff getting up into your ants and stuff getting up into your ants and stuff getting up into your container and it looks like they did run container and it looks like they did run container and it looks like they did run a line of sealant before they laid down a line of sealant before they laid down a line of sealant before they laid down their floorboards on both sides of it so their floorboards on both sides of it so their floorboards on both sides of it so that's good another thing if you're that's good another thing if you're that's good another thing if you're watching this video you're probably watching this video you're probably watching this video you're probably wondering how to remove the floor and wondering how to remove the floor and wondering how to remove the floor and then also what it's going to look like then also what it's going to look like then also what it's going to look like once you get down there potentially if once you get down there potentially if once you get down there potentially if you're counting sitting on the ground you're counting sitting on the ground you're counting sitting on the ground you don't even know what the floorboard you don't even know what the floorboard you don't even know what the floorboard looks like come over here we'll show you looks like come over here we'll show you looks like come over here we'll show you so under here you're going to expect to so under here you're going to expect to so under here you're going to expect to see c channel style cross members these see c channel style cross members these see c channel style cross members these are folded uh looks like they're four are folded uh looks like they're four are folded uh looks like they're four and three quarters of an inch it's a and three quarters of an inch it's a and three quarters of an inch it's a it's a millimeter dimension it's a millimeter dimension it's a millimeter dimension 120 mil cross member and these are 120 mil cross member and these are 120 mil cross member and these are typically typically typically 11 inches on Center and you'll be able 11 inches on Center and you'll be able 11 inches on Center and you'll be able to tell how far these are spread apart to tell how far these are spread apart to tell how far these are spread apart by the screw holes in the wood floor so by the screw holes in the wood floor so by the screw holes in the wood floor so if you're wanting to do this for a if you're wanting to do this for a if you're wanting to do this for a modification there is a room under here modification there is a room under here modification there is a room under here to insulate but there's not the ability to insulate but there's not the ability to insulate but there's not the ability to run plumbing through here people to run plumbing through here people to run plumbing through here people think oh I'll just put my toilet flush think oh I'll just put my toilet flush think oh I'll just put my toilet flush on the floor and then run my Plumbing on the floor and then run my Plumbing on the floor and then run my Plumbing cut holes through all these joists if cut holes through all these joists if cut holes through all these joists if you do that you're ruining the you do that you're ruining the you do that you're ruining the structural Integrity of your container structural Integrity of your container structural Integrity of your container so it's not meant for that but you can so it's not meant for that but you can so it's not meant for that but you can spray foam under here you can spray foam spray foam under here you can spray foam spray foam under here you can spray foam and use some mineral wool for some added and use some mineral wool for some added and use some mineral wool for some added R value R value R value another thing to look at is the floorboards themselves they are they the floorboards themselves they are they have like a have like a have like a called a planed edge here that allows called a planed edge here that allows called a planed edge here that allows them to just sit nicely in the corners them to just sit nicely in the corners them to just sit nicely in the corners where the the bottom channel is and then typically they're a 19 ply typically they're a 19 ply teak plywood but this is that other teak plywood but this is that other teak plywood but this is that other flooring flooring flooring it's kind of hard to see on this Edge I it's kind of hard to see on this Edge I it's kind of hard to see on this Edge I don't know if I can clean it up it looks different so this is that equal it looks different so this is that equal bamboo and bamboo and bamboo and it doesn't look like your traditional it doesn't look like your traditional it doesn't look like your traditional plywood where you just see all the plywood where you just see all the plywood where you just see all the layers it's kind of more like an OSB or layers it's kind of more like an OSB or layers it's kind of more like an OSB or a particle board and I think that's why a particle board and I think that's why a particle board and I think that's why it's less expensive it's more just glue it's less expensive it's more just glue it's less expensive it's more just glue and scraps rather than actual real real and scraps rather than actual real real and scraps rather than actual real real wood but wood but wood but it is eco-friendly and uh but either way it is eco-friendly and uh but either way it is eco-friendly and uh but either way there's a nasty rumor about floorboards there's a nasty rumor about floorboards there's a nasty rumor about floorboards as well that people think that there's as well that people think that there's as well that people think that there's these these these chemicals that you can't breathe uh if chemicals that you can't breathe uh if chemicals that you can't breathe uh if you go into the npsa national portable you go into the npsa national portable you go into the npsa national portable storage Association that's our storage Association that's our storage Association that's our organization that all of us the organization that all of us the organization that all of us the container guys are uh subscribed to so container guys are uh subscribed to so container guys are uh subscribed to so to speak and we we meet together twice a to speak and we we meet together twice a to speak and we we meet together twice a year at conferences they paid a year at conferences they paid a year at conferences they paid a laboratory to do an experiment on this laboratory to do an experiment on this laboratory to do an experiment on this flooring of whether it actually is truly flooring of whether it actually is truly flooring of whether it actually is truly dangerous and uh basically it's not safe dangerous and uh basically it's not safe dangerous and uh basically it's not safe for a human consumption so as long as for a human consumption so as long as for a human consumption so as long as you're not eating large portions of the you're not eating large portions of the you're not eating large portions of the flooring you will be fine you're not flooring you will be fine you're not flooring you will be fine you're not going to kill yourself by building a going to kill yourself by building a going to kill yourself by building a container home and utilizing the container home and utilizing the container home and utilizing the existing floorboards don't remove it existing floorboards don't remove it existing floorboards don't remove it just because you heard a weird rumor just because you heard a weird rumor just because you heard a weird rumor there's Myths it's the whole container there's Myths it's the whole container there's Myths it's the whole container modification industry all over the modification industry all over the modification industry all over the Internet it's just pure myths it's a Internet it's just pure Myths it's a Internet it's just pure Myths it's a reason for this YouTube channel is to reason for this YouTube channel is to reason for this YouTube channel is to start squashing those and give you guys start squashing those and give you guys start squashing those and give you guys correct answers we can give a link to correct answers we can give a link to correct answers we can give a link to that publication in the comments down that publication in the comments down that publication in the comments down below that'll uh let you read it and below that'll uh let you read it and below that'll uh let you read it and prove it to yourself so that there is prove it to yourself so that there is prove it to yourself so that there is pretty much pretty much pretty much a wrapped up version It's unexpected of a wrapped up version It's unexpected of a wrapped up version It's unexpected of how we were planning on uh doing this how we were planning on uh doing this how we were planning on uh doing this process and filming this video but I process and filming this video but I process and filming this video but I think we came up with with an answer uh think we came up with with an answer uh think we came up with with an answer uh if you're looking to remove the if you're looking to remove the if you're looking to remove the floorboards you can secure something floorboards you can secure something this doesn't have to be these bolt-on this doesn't have to be these bolt-on this doesn't have to be these bolt-on d-rings it could be an eye bolt d-rings it could be an eye bolt d-rings it could be an eye bolt something if you drilled through if you something if you drilled through if you something if you drilled through if you can get your your hand around oh got the can get your your hand around oh got the can get your your hand around oh got the shop cat here if you can get your hand shop cat here if you can get your hand shop cat here if you can get your hand underneath there and secure something underneath there and secure something underneath there and secure something something that's strong that isn't going something that's strong that isn't going something that's strong that isn't going to rip out and allow you to use a to rip out and allow you to use a to rip out and allow you to use a ratchet strap or something to remove the ratchet strap or something to remove the ratchet strap or something to remove the floorboards it works I see here you know floorboards it works I see here you know floorboards it works I see here you know we used one inch and it was getting a we used one inch and it was getting a we used one inch and it was getting a little tight but if you do have your two little tight but if you do have your two little tight but if you do have your two inch ratchet straps most people have inch ratchet straps most people have inch ratchet straps most people have that it's commonly available tool this that it's commonly available tool this that it's commonly available tool this should allow you to uh should allow you to uh should allow you to uh winch up your container I love the winch up your container I love the winch up your container I love the retractable ones you don't have to wrap retractable ones you don't have to wrap retractable ones you don't have to wrap them up so anyway let's wrap this video them up so anyway let's wrap this video them up so anyway let's wrap this video up if you enjoyed the video please help up if you enjoyed the video please help up if you enjoyed the video please help us out give it a like if you'd like to us out give it a like if you'd like to us out give it a like if you'd like to see more please subscribe to our Channel see more please subscribe to our Channel see more please subscribe to our Channel and ring that Bell for notifications and and ring that Bell for notifications and and ring that Bell for notifications and as always check us out at hope as always check us out at hope as always check us out at hope you learned something you learned something you learned something cat get out of here
Channel: The Container Guy
Views: 63,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Connecting Two Shipping Containers Together, Container Homes, Double Wide Conex Container, Double Wide Sea Can, Double Wide Sea Container, Double Wide Shipping Container, Double Wide Shipping Container Homes, Double Wide Shipping Container Workshop, Shipping Container Garage, Shipping Container Homes, Shipping Container Modification Kit, Shipping Container Modifications, Shipping Container Warehouse
Id: uC8Af29KtxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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