Ship Upgrades BROKE Me! - Starfield

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foreign [Music] foreign Fox and welcome back for more adventures in space we're considering our playthrough here with Starfield check out new sites to see new fights to have new loot to grather more random junk to pick up and fill my inventory with that I don't need welcome memories here in the chat so far if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always a huge thanks to everyone who's clicked on that join button to become a channel member thank you all very much for the support and a special thanks to our top tier mistakes are made members that we're gonna hide it at the start of the stream hope everyone had a wonderful weekend to be in North America I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day today during that non-working day good day to take a break today was the last day of the pool in our townhouse complex was open my uh my wife is very disappointed I'm happy with swimming maybe for like 20 minutes once a week but my uh wife and kids use it a little bit more frequently they're getting ready to go back to school this Wednesday so that'll be fun I did have today off yeah I did um I actually uh I once saw a movie today with my cousin huge I forgot where we are are we in the keyless still all materials have really dropped lately it's those independent mining I think we're on Aquila we were doing a mission here and I kind of forgot we uh we had just wrapped wrapped up doing something let's see what else we got going on deputize so so we can talk to talk to Emma to get deputized they'll let us get missions here for the Freestar Rangers uh which can certainly be useful uh Ground Pounder that's uh there's some sort of an assault going on for that one we want to go check that out we got some more core quests I think I'm gonna kind of do some side stuff today the core Quest Line's fun and all it's good story and what have you but I want to explore more of uh the system and space and Gathering resources on planets and stuff I think we're gonna go and check out this um well we'll talk to Emma since we're here already actually we'll go get deputized that should get us access to the mission board system would it we got a report of a distress call out there oh we don't have the ships to send someone that far out look at that I'm getting a quest without even moving anywhere I literally haven't taken a step and I already got a new Quest move from Vegas to Phoenix on Friday spend the weekend watching everyone play Star field and getting settled awesome Alex well I hope it was a good weekend hope you uh hope you enjoy Phoenix it's one of the few cities I've been down I've been in uh that area of the U.S also was in Vegas okay so in here should be Emma we can talk to her did Bud Light drop its price what's this now but I got really cheap for some reason so I'm drinking that nice can't imagine how it got really cheap well hey definitely no boycotts involved there or anything a year you already back I shared a drink with Ron hope that why can't I can't drink I can't interact with her what's going on there we go she had like hands in her pants or something oh oh sorry sorry you got some business with me I don't know you got business with me the Marshall sent me I'm the hero that solved the gal bang hostage crisis oh yeah I want to learn more about the three star Rangers let's say I'm a hero why not really I don't want to say I'm a hero but I'm a hero I'm guessing he wants to recruit you so I'll tell you a little bit about Who We Are well the freestyle Rangers ensure the safety and security of the Freestar Collective and its people we might hunt down the fugitive break up a smuggling operation investigate a Starship theft or put some would-be bank robbers behind bars whatever needs doing to keep the people safe we do safe you say uh I think that's admirable sounds like dangerous work so most places have their own security Force sure but we Rangers work across the whole of freestyle Collective space um okay sounds like dangerous work it can be yeah we tend to get called in when there's a threat too big for local security to handle so that means we hunt the most dangerous game I imagine I've seen that movie questions I'll answer anything I can okay question number one will I get to shoot people and will it be considered a crime if I do I guess that's two questions uh is it paying work that's why right up front that if you're looking to get rich this ain't the line of work for you yeah crap but yeah we do get paid from time to time to help with expenses and such all right what authority of the freestyle Rangers have well in theory uh Freestar Ranger can go anywhere and freestyle Collective space even private property we can break in but of course it doesn't always work out that way we also have jurisdiction over any local security when we're tracking a fugitive we got hailed by somebody but your ship's extended warranty earlier that's awesome are there a lot of free Rangers the number's always changing due to retirements recruiting and unfortunately death in the line of duty but as far as I know there's never been more than a dozen Rangers at any one time which playthrough style are you doing have fun please uh I don't know what style I'm doing I'm just kind of like taking each thing as it comes along I haven't decided to be like a bad guy or a good guy although I've done some good things and I've done some bad things I don't know picking and choosing as I go I guess okay then a word about myself I'm in charge of making sure anyone that wants to be a freestyle Ranger is up to the task oh that being said the Marshall wouldn't send you here if you didn't think you had potential so what's it gonna be are you ready to sign up with the freestyle Rangers I mean why not I've already signed up with three or four other factions it's a big decision let me think it over given the way I had to bail him out how about you give me the Marshall's job how do I apply though it's a little form or something if you knew half of what I did about the man you'd show him a lot more respect you ain't got no respect oh she's not gonna like it just in line and I'll be damned if I'm letting you cut ahead of me oh well fine be that way all right fine I'll join might be a good fit for you the Rangers can do a lot of good before don't get a cowboy hat badge I need to know you can handle the job you helped out with the hostage situation but sometimes people just get lucky tell you what use the mission terminal and take one of the listed jobs your choice come back alive and we'll talk about you joining up oh well that's Andy pretty much everybody plays loot Goblin though oh yeah that's me I've already uh I've already exceeded the loot capacity on both my person and my ship prepare to be disappointed all impressed prepare to be impressed did I already prove myself a gal Bank let me just skip the amount let's see it didn't I already prove myself this is a dangerous line of work and I'm not putting someone in the field unless I'm sure they're ready well wait you can join multiple factions it seems that way I don't know I'm doing missions for different people maybe I'm doing it wrong I don't know uh prepare to be impressed oh got no lack of confidence have you well let's see if you back it up oh I could back up all right watch this blow up a seat friend yeah okay so this is the uh the mission board here for the Freestar dudes we got four missions kill the outlaw captain and Piazza 4B kill the outlaw gang leader on Tau City 8D destroy the Crimson Fleet captain at tolomon rescue hostage seti 6A oh might as well just take the top one it pays pretty well 3 200 bucks uh we're gonna lead on a particularly notorious group last scene of the abandoned research Tower in Piazza 4B in The Piazza system what if they have a fountain there or the square The Piazza no mano all right sure let's take this one 3 200 bucks except mission you can do it like Skyrim where you could join the thief killed and the Dark Brotherhood yeah I guess so I mean this bit is basically um it is basically uh Skyrim in space so always painting two okay oh wait wrong button Rosie there we go get our missions here complete free star Ranger Mission kill the outlaw Captain this is one we're gonna focus on I guess take out the outlaw Captain we'll just set a course right there oh wait wait wait maybe I should um picture though check my inventory and stuff here first I'm only doing Weight Wise 51 of 150 that's okay oh if we go back to the ship I wonder if there's um different ship components I can buy oh that was not the door I thought it might be we gotta go downstairs uh I want to see if uh if there's any like ship module upgrades we can get at least ammo is weightless that's a plus in that case I'm gonna stab a lot I mean I mean I'm gonna store a lot not stab a lot I would I wouldn't stab a lot all right why would I do that what I really want to do is get my hands on the the wakazashi that's in the game apparently chop people up I've been using uh the hatchet or whatever fire Hatchet I think it's called but it's not super effective I wouldn't mind a sword maybe I could get like a hobo stabbing knife or something where's the uh like a thing here that I can buy and sell stuff upgrade my ship change things around etc etc maybe it's a dude I gotta talk to maybe it's this dude are you the dude yeah I know it's called the SS wallowing Pig okay so not this guy oh wait is it this guy over here there's a dude over here wandering around maybe this is the guy are you the guy oh there's the terminal there for the uh selling of things tell me you're the dude you're the dude you're not the dude he's in the building next to the terminal thank you chip Services I guess that makes sense just double check I don't have anything to sell uh uh sell from the frontier I've got all these Aid things resource things Peril things thank you sadly it doesn't show me the uh the storage capacity of the frontier it would be kind of nice to be able to see that from here uh okay are you the dude man you're a sad looking side ship Services every couple Landings they'll cause plenty of Havoc if left unchecked eat leeches oh that's a thing that's cool like if you would modify my ship okay no problem how many commands have you gotten killed already nobody there's nothing I'm aware of yeah this is the SS swallowing Pig She's uh she's a hefty sucker kind of like a weird Turtle shape almost um I would like to see about storage like adding some cargo on here um that'd be a shipbuilder I guess I would like to add there we go g structural historic I'm assuming storage would be structural right risers thrusters braking engines maybe not holy crap there's a lot of structural components oh cool so using some of these things you can actually make like the shape of your ship a little different that's cool cargo there we go no they're not even all that expensive though that would affect my Mobility wow these are heavy things man okay cargo 225 what have I got on this thing right now I wish it would show me where that is currently that's this one would give me 300 additional cargo and a five additional haul 320. storm Max 50 car okay let's go with this one no this one yeah 64. oh yeah okay it's fine look at this one here oops uh r nope where does the sucker attach that's a problem did I just buy something I can't even find a place to stick it on that would be really bad I saw a little piece pop up oh there we go I can stick it up here that's a little weird I haven't haven't cargo like next to my guns but I guess whatever you know it's fine it's whatever we have a class a power generator run of the tour Royal reactor that gives me 18 power generation I'd like to see if there's another one I can get to replace that actually I should be looking at upgrades for this not uh there we go warnings oh wait what's the warning flight check reduce Mass uh around engines to improve Mobility oh crap I've got so many engines on this thing already hey everyone talk how you doing maybe it was a bad idea adding on more cargo shoot all right I'm gonna scrap it for now I I need to like either get a different chip maybe or modify some things engines are also upgrades yeah well let's see what we can do for upgrading maybe so upgrade chip is e I don't know why okay this category there we go so I've got the toroidal reactor right now how do I see what I can get really the only thing I can do is get a reactor that generates less power because the one I have generates 18. okay well that sucks that's not an upgrade what about engines X power 2 engine thrust 5660 what did I just do 5200 I don't even do anything I think I misclicked something ah all right cancel modifications I'll keep the ship the way it is for now I'll figure it out later I actually even have to try to find some time offline I can log in and poke around with the ship stuff and see what uh see what works good and what doesn't Super Chat extend middle Komodo dragonfly I'm gonna like put some like structural things on it to change the shape of it but that's all right all right let's go uh um take out this outlaw Captain dude of course [Music] fuel consumption I have 120 it's gonna take half my fuel to get there wow oh that's not that far we go different spaceports offer different things you have to build your own landing pad for the best selection oh really version come to my farm come and knock on my farm we'll be waiting for you all right welcome uh uh so this is where we're going I guess on this here planet and a research Tower we'll bring our ppus if we go wider with expansion frames give it a bird to prey and look uh yeah scan the planet first oh I should have geez good work dealing with those merchants in three-star space and of course I read your report the ship would be the lasting in touch yeah good job that's it yes oh thank you very Fox are you enjoying Starfield I've been able to log 39 hours so far this weekend nice nice ambient extreme cold planetary conditions that's with the extreme cold it's outer space of course it's cold this this is like a moon or something it doesn't even have an atmosphere it's gonna have to be cold I guess it's not over there it's covered abandoned research Tower oop a little gravity what's that whoa whoa mine's mine oh crap note to self there may or may not be Minds present I couldn't even see the darn things scan one of two resources of iron here we're apparent shooting is that a mine nope actually with Super Chat didn't see it step on him again that's right kill the outlaw captain on Piazza four dipped us talk wait a minute did I just succeed at something without even doing anything wait a minute what happened did someone else kill him I'm very confused I completed a mission and like didn't even get inside the building if you step out of mine and it doesn't go after jumping up and down a few times that's a good idea that screeching eagle sound is like an alarm or something going off I couldn't can I go down going up be great if I could find a button somewhere to actually turn that alarm off spacers here it's pure access that door doesn't open this place isn't super abandoned they've got spacers here [Music] [Music] this is gonna be fun did you hurt himself I love this gun requires some some degree of aiming but other than that it's great calibrated deep mining spacesuit oh thank God I can turn the alarm off the door's locked and I can't open it I'm not an expert now he's picking us all oh I think she died he got weapon wise Equinox rifle that guy was even naming you it looked like uh Rave the lasagna yeah portable CD player oink they're dead they don't need it anyway star Romer space helmet all right shielded lab outfit come about the Lord's inhibitions oh I love that one game piece of Shadow Queen jeez I found cheese we've been looking for cheese for a while man I can unlock that one recipe I don't know if it actually means much to me that I do it but I can do it now oh I didn't mean to take that toilet paper I thought there was a way to like pick up stuff in this game how do you do that do I have to have the gun put away nope oh shoot you'll never see me in the toilet time to get back to it I guess guys antibiotic cocktail uh caseless shotgun shells did you pick what I got new Mission mantis read the secret outposts late deep Recon spacesuit modified Coachman calibrated star Romer space helmet all right nope not in there it's in here secret Outpost loyal to your crew I get it but screw that beg borrow steal kill to get the Deno to De Noble uh 1B I guess it was a secret Outpost we're trying to crack once in a lifetime opportunity you know grand for the rest of your life if you don't get your butt over there all right 144p um you might have to manually change it sometimes YouTube will set you at a lower uh lower quality level and you just have to change it kind of a nuisance but it is what it is metabolic agent toxin silver looks like copper in there but I can't get to it which is where you get the free ship take uh lots of Med packs okay Med packs I never get damaged what are you talking about semi-metal wafer manifold must runs battery I'm sure all these things will come in useful for something at some point later desktop sand garden look how you can pocket a chunk of silver bigger than your head right exotic and organic resource can use this component of crafting all right Neon into this stuff I mean these research people are probably all dead they're not really going to mind that I take their things right it's down here I'll get the alarm okay there may or may not be enemies in here I'm using the wrong weapon what am I doing wait a minute I got this fancy thing yeah to be like a thermal scope on it or something not preload oh God I could zoom in a little bit totally forgot I had this gun he was Naval Cutlass oh wait a minute this law Giver rifle nice and pack calibrated star Roamer pack Place helmet all right hallucination I gotta lose an engine sweet I thought I heard a dude standing for later in the game you may want to uh skill and pickpocketing hmm okay but stealing things is bad doesn't even have a gun anymore oh staggering rip Shank all right space trucker cargo well I don't know oh my God turn off the alarm didn't seem terribly worth it lots of frag mines synthetic hamburger right exactly it's good for making synthetic sloppy joes or something computer status closed open door opening door done now which door did that open oh that one okay must be a McDonald's burger that's not even a real Burger open doors constellation guide to perfectly reduce fall damage by five percent nice I like those uh permanent upgrade things if you shoot the drawers they'll open wait which drawers where these ones that's crazy still empty but kind of neat beautiful you'll never see me I need to get a silenced weapon so I can do this look at things detected I love this gun though it's so good I'm gonna go get visible I have a helmet that uh cloaks me when I sit still and I'm crouched me but I just uh I think it just like reduces the discoverability or something I don't know makes me a little bit less noticeable Art Deco sculpture why not maybe we can sell it let me down here shielded lab open already grabbed one origami sculpture doesn't matter hookah canister you know like a whole freaking bomb bomb in here I guess that's just a hookah but oh my Lord where oh thank goodness kill the one guy they dropped their cutter into a completely different room again wait what I Heard a Voice nearby sorry guys watched another YouTuber yesterday and there's a way more to the game it's crazy Earth is dust Planet you definitely can go all around the world that's cool yeah there's just so many places to check out uh I've kind of been mostly doing quests and stuff up to this point but you can totally like free roam and just go places so there'll be a point in which we're definitely going to want to do some of that our spool dropped your Equinox elevated Navigator pack [Music] it's my inventory up to do now 133 of 150 so I guess I should be a little careful about how much I'm taking space pot yeah that's a space hookah this top Fishbowl oh sweet now the bathrooms plushy star pal I can't remember if we have that one enough so I'm gonna take that one I want to get the whole collection of Stuffies for plushies whatever you heard column TP to take their ah there's all kinds of TV yeah sadly it's not as worth as much as it was a couple years ago otherwise it'd be totally worth grabbing no it was a stairway no one hit the alarm oh my eyes come on you know what I haven't used yet that I want to use whoops wrong button oh God get me out of here die how do we use the grenade doing something wrong I thought I had to like select the grenade and then use it but try G oh there we go that worked thank you it's the first grenade of Their Own chunks Cheesesteak yes please I like cheese sticks spacer communication two oh it's the same one actually that's interesting [Music] foreign kick it for optimal yeah that sounds like a great plan let me get right on that nope I actually threw it properly Small Miracles don't expect a repeat liquid cooled space trucker pack all right we'll turn around about where I am exactly in this research facility now oh cooking station isn't that fancy big alien jerky distilled water huh you ever gone on a space mission and got the munchies yeah uh are weapon level skilled or does the weapon found a level one have the same state as the one found at a higher level I don't know actually since meet veal I don't really need to gather more food I don't think I'm gonna start being a little more selective enough picking up the crap that I don't necessarily have a use for keep filling up my inventory and then I have no room for Stuff oh that's the okay this is the door that was sealed like when I first came in I first got off the elevator anyway it's over here should I get enough cryptic Fox uh hold the grenade and see what it does I pulled the pin but I don't know what it's gonna happen oh oh would have gone through the vents eh what you're taking us off that's nothing there's the other guy someone else was shooting at me [Music] all right deeper compact space Rogue outfit oh shoot I'm not that encumbers me uh calibrated star warmer packs actually these packs aren't really worth anything I'm gonna throw them away oh wait no that wait oh actually no they're actually they're worth quite oh shoot never mind I was wrong they're worth they're worth a bit more than I thought this is the defense rating here not the not the value probably an important distinction um we got the law Giver I wish these things actually sold for what they uh they list though modified Equinox move fully automatic rescue X US Naval Cutlass [Music] took that it does more damage than the rescue ax does and then the rescue ax we can just drop I guess it's not worth all that much finally got a sword of some sort it's more like a machete I guess based on the size of it but you could sort by value okay I just want to do the Sorting oh there's a sort Z serpent damage sort by value there we go ah look at that isn't that handy okay so what about these uh spacesuits they're not wow deep Recon suit 7255. sounds good to what I'm using because I got that one from the case but stuff's actually worth something crap I'm already encumbered though my person didn't follow me for some reason that use the cost you buy from the sellers yeah I know but you'll get like a like a percentage of it when you sell it so you know there's something to be said for that I guess you know um uh let's go into the aid section and we can just eat some stuff to make myself feel better like a cheesesteak I've got a lot of medical things on me though foreign zipper bandages plus 150 resistance for a treats lacerations and stuff synapse Alvin grease reasoning and reflex is proving problem solving she's a med pack still overweight dang it check my resources uh yeah oh what have I got in here oh this is all the stuff I've been picking up some of it's kind of heavy positron battery but they're like rare things too oh well hopefully we'll uh I'll try to be a little bit selective about what I pick up at this point since I'm already overweight just poke around and see if there's anything that looks particularly valuable there's something back there maybe not foreign stuff you can yeah but they didn't follow me for some reason I don't know I don't know why this time they chose not to follow me I must have like I must have turned off their like oh corrosive pacifier we need that take the ammo because that's doesn't have a weight pirate survival pack I don't care about yeah normally I would have somebody following you I don't I don't know why they aren't right now it seems like there's a door behind this thing but maybe not I said I can't go into it oh okay this is above where I came in all turned around is that a reflection it might be uh it might just be like a shiny reflection on the uh ball Giver technicians space truckers oh man secret elbows I already got that but I'll take it anyway and calibrated star Roamer spacesuit Neo City Hustler outfit nice a lot of people with these spacer Communications don't even remember why I'm here what's the mission say um it's hard to tell me to go back and talk to Emma but I haven't even done this thing failure communicate mantis took the outlaw Captain they've been a research Tower so that was the guy that was lying dead on the floor in here I wonder why you died I didn't even have to fight him he just dropped dead he was like sitting not in here there was like a like almost like a bridge area foreign still it's not him he's very dead must be too tired somewhere there's a dude at him I think we've pretty much tapped this place out best of cryptic Fox still that's right does it decrease the weight if you equip a weapon to one of the empty slots uh you know I don't know so I know so I'm at 157 right now if I go in here and take um let's sort this by damage corrosive pacifier epic shotgun anti-personnel plus 10 damage against humans randomly deals corrosive damage and reduced Target armor wow that's sweet I've got the uh exterminator Coachman right now it does 62 so we can swap that into here maybe does not appear to have changed the weight at all so I'm gonna go with no not so much you know what this dagger is only worth 7.66. it's only that's only 0.4 Mass though so that's not gonna help modified Equinox that's worth man some of these things are too valuable I don't want to get rid of them I'm too much of a pack rat do we like did we search everything in here now I think we've been through this whole Tower weapon not placing one in the empties in the bottom oh yeah but but they have different weight amounts so I figured it would have adjusted the mass um let's go and take we'll I don't know we'll take the this this Coachman then we'll favorite that one and put it down to here no didn't change it I didn't search everything poison arc welder tungsten I have too many things now I'm so overburdened why didn't my Lackey follow me moonshine pot nice if you go into space they would would they away so yeah they would have the same mass but no different weight I mean it's no gravity in here too you'd think they'd be lighter pretty sure I've checked everything now I don't know where my Pack meal is normally Sarah would follow me around but she didn't follow me this time so I must have done something to tell her to stay behind somewhere unintentionally so now she's not interested in my bowl computer already used foreign I guess hey look there's dead guys see dead people what is that there's like a giant communications array thing or if that's like some super space laser looks like Communications probably can you loot or take whatever you want without Sarah and telling him no uh she gives me crap if I steal things actually so if I take things that that are marked with the um the red logo or whatever she gives me grab for it oh there is a dead guy up here deep core spacesuit a lot coconut okay I gotta go unload hey Captain you know what the stream's visiting science lots and lots of science what is this Bill Nye the sky go to usage based off exertion you're under so lower gravity uh the Lesser O2 is consumed so even though you're overweight it doesn't affect you as much that's a plus uh let's unload all my crap how many orders the hell do you think you are okay corrosive modified drum beat that does terrible damage but I'm gonna sell that when I get a chance I guess foreign pacifier I got that favorited I'll give her poison arc welder yeah daggering grip shank nope wait a minute did I put one of the things in there that I hadn't favored it already can't remember if I had the drum beat favorite oh well it doesn't matter uh spacesuits they were all this junk Tanner's a maxi pass yeah crap I should have increased my storage okay people I needed to carry some crab for me Sarah you seem like a legacy person let's trade gear bring me anything useful not really now carry these things be Center minus 15 damage from Aliens 25 thermal resists and it's a boosting pack way less resistances though otherwise it'd be really cool oh this is the other thing that makes me go invisible someone was asking about that earlier it's the chameleon effect on this helmet blend with the environment while sneaking and not moving calibrated star warmer helmet technicians space trucker space helmet that was kind of redundantly redundant black gravaplace helmet so I could wear that instead of the uh the Hat I kind of like the Hat though oh shoot I didn't get to put my resources away you ready to go back out not yet I mean not yet can I dismiss Samco until the empty nest oh your gang are strong arm types Sam why don't you follow me the assault murder you know shut up Sam here this is for you what what do they give me I wasn't expecting anything then surprise should have brought party hats I spotted it on our last planetary foray all part of the service all part of the service you didn't have to do that for me hey I'm gonna pick things up one way or the other I'll keep my eyes peeled who knows check in with me now and again and I might find more I love that you'd call us up in your [ __ ] without having to take it with you you can sell stuff for that yeah it sucked it would really suck if you had to like I think you zag Isaac I am your Sidekick Your Shadow your tail I love how they don't even react when you aim at them uh someone said we might be able to play some of the objects that I have on me if I go into my miscellaneous this is trying to find it oh there we go let's see drop sword name inspect nope can't I guess I guess I can just drop things let's cover somebody's bet we'll cover somebody's bed and plush toys I wonder if they'll stay there miscellaneous Okay so find all the plush toys plushie cuddle store drop I did have another I got a couple star panels now Solomon's map kind of forgot about that I had more push toys I must have put them away or something oh that crap they didn't even go on the bed here get over here out of my way all right whatever uh there was another thing I could I could check out over here so yes I do keep a frontier is home to the Ashton constellations most decorated predator you could drop the music e then pick them up and move them but how do you pick them up yes infallible one I haven't figured how to do that it shows e for take but you can't like move it it just like puts it directly into your inventory what's the button use e to pick them up and move them like oh there we just have to hold it longer I guess foreign that's a slow process what happens if I put them on here were the other players like the other characters like knock them off okay let's go uh I want to see the other points of interest here before we take off in this planet well that'll be moving dead bodies oh yeah Captain pillow oh what's this over here apparently can't scan that thing ah toxic gas dang it couldn't even loot it it's Bethesda it's clunky yeah it definitely is I would have thought there'd be like a separate key for it but I guess not maybe the uh neodymium all right sweet we can make magnets something appears to be missing here I'm not sure what it is oh Sam is following me where the hell were you when I was inside you big jerk beryllium I could have used him to carry stuff around for me but no he wasn't even with me I'm stuck over there too it was a cave over there that was helium three use your mining tool to go oh do I okay hold on because I noticed with like the gases and stuff before he didn't mind it he like he had to go grab it yeah see it's it's a gas thing it you can't Harvest it with this thing a lot of people always want wives and children in video games uh I don't know to do inappropriate things with them too I'm not sure you grab gas is not your exact exactly well I noticed that uh I've grabbed some before normally when you're getting close enough you just you hit the e button to grab it but this one I can't grab so I don't know do good at like exposing myself to gases though Xeno grub it's fun to do with the Xeno girl I wonder nutrient tissue spacers we got spacers all right maybe not maybe not the smoothest attack tactic I thought I was gonna be able to shoot him on the way down if it didn't work all right turn mark one oh favorite part you made that look easy I think they know we're here it's hard to get wives and children living in Mom's basement I guess that's probably true too they're like I'm suddenly fulfilled I think I gotta run around through this thing lucky Sam I almost shot you never run up on a guy who's got horrible potato aim utility flight suit huh can I hear somebody else from Leah Jenkins oh you never mess with a code fire almost got wrecked the grenade was a little closer than I would have liked me and my friend they got another well hey this isn't happening ah this team I heard what finishing sentences is probably good Leroy Jenkins I shot her in the butter right in the buttered toast huh oh God dang foreign I love the scope on this thing real cute come back got her finally I hate hide and seek it's good but available nice this feels like old times foreign butts that's right I specialize in butt shots no wait that that doesn't sound right I don't I don't specialize in those I see you yeah the scope is great object on the way what's he got oh they have a colorless that's the thing I was using time they're dead yeah phrasing definitely a phrasing opportunity there shotgun shells not gonna worry about the miso soup foreign well she gets married to me so I'm pretty sure she knows I'm quote unquote special not sure if that's what you're referring to or not all right last mistake you'll make I disagree there will be many more mistakes don't you worry don't mess with me weapon case Corner calibrated solstice gotta find some more ammo for my pistol that thing is let's go things vicious but it uh the ammo is not super abundant lacrosse sticks don't hurt be glad I typed something but was responsible enough not to say it very proud of you Ashley very proud time to tango it showed possibly more restraint than I would have that goes outside oh there you are not oh no the other guy go I saw him running ow you jerk that case so does your wife know about uh your what you specialize in uh let's not go there I'm gonna I'm gonna say probably not [Laughter] oh god oh emergency power cell I got another one of those already get your blood pumping huh foreign spacer one of those robot dog things another one down oh God I'm almost dead it's probably zeal things have gotten better now you don't think of the film at all Irma GERD as soon as I got a Reload that's what he stands up huh jerk this is my favorite part yeah Mighty Punk foreign for the moment wouldn't have been out of your wife is Sneak peeking your streams though you might shoot a Target maybe but she's probably she's usually asleep by this point [Music] she doesn't find my streams all that interesting so sometimes she'll pop in to say hi to people or whatever but uh she's not really one to like sit and watch not super interested in video games Blue Collar awkward Duds [Music] did that say hidden duck no no it said Wooden Duck so there's a a little wooden duck over here kind of thing you'd use for like duck hunting or whatever as a decoy it's over here uh nobody what's a little bit hilarious as you had me yeah it wouldn't have been funny if she had replied in that moment where I was like no I don't think my wife knows and then she replied I've been like hi honey [Music] too many things to steal exactly your thought yeah it would have been uh it would have been really convenient timing that's for sure laughs spacer communication too it's the same one I think as I've been collecting that other spot titanium modified calibrated equipped something or other my boober tuber legendary laser rival oh cool what's the deal with that thing titanium modified calibrated Equinox legendary laser rifle Furious each consecutive hit deals more damage incendiary randomly deals incendiary damage titanium build premium build materials make this weapon light as a feather wow it only takes like six energy damage though that's crazy but I haven't I had an equinox before but I think I got rid of it right it seems so weird to have a weapon like this that's like six damage legendary it's legendary and it's crappiness I think I've gotten two or like two legendary weapons so far and both of them were just junk it does say it does more damage when you get when you hit with successive shots so maybe that makes up for it but is it does it compound six damage every time so go like 6 12. 18 24 kind of thing or is it like six seven eight nine foreign maybe I should stop picking them up oh never mind this is where it goes [Music] I'm in place for one of them anyway s what's going on here computer robot uh controller face status inactive activate units update friend faux settings sure to carefully read the user manual before changing friend foe settings uh for combat capable robots current iff standing standard recalibrate friend foe settings protect current user okay that's good remove combat Inhibitors warning robots with combat Inhibitors removed will be to treat any nearby entity is a threat all friendly Personnel should be evacuate oh no let's not do that or should we I I recalibrated them to be friendly to me so they should defend me theoretically if there's anything left to defend in here you're gonna bet that's a good weapon I mean we can try it out and see what happens it's gonna be hard to compete with the one I'm using right now but oops not there go into here so we'll favorite this thing I guess what have I got here cutter grow some shotgun we'll put it in place of this Coachman I guess wait a minute what did I have there yeah try that I think that was that gun I accidentally sold that's a good zoom I got a decent number of shots for it we'll try it we'll see what see what happens where's case scenario it's crap but we just sell it I guess it's got to be worth something right foreign favorite and it's automatically used from the scanner is it oh all right that's cool where's my there's the cutter there now I remove something from being favorited it's been competitive favorite drop I guess I could just like put something instead in its place instead right whatever it's fine go ahead did I activate the robot so well there was a thing they're like turn them on so that they'll treat any oh hooped all the way around I think we're already clear there was only the one robot I think if I had gone through this way before and said the way I went I could have reprogrammed the robot and then the one that was in heat this room over here would have helped me instead of shooting at me but we already killed it so it didn't matter like we got the we got this building cleared out anyway let's get out of here take out a companion who's that so this is uh Sam Rowe or Sam Coe rather uh he's another one of the guys on board my ship and I picked him up benedo back at um somewhere I don't remember where it was anyway he's been following me for a little bit we're doing a mission for him basically that I haven't completed yet okay that's the door I had already seen when I was inside [Music] up here Show Yourself faster oh it does light them on fire that's kind of cool that does reasonable damage actually is this game worth it well that depends on how you define worth it um so I bought the um the the like Super Deluxe Edition or whatever so that I could get the five days of Early Access uh I would not say that that in and of itself was worth it uh except that I create content on YouTube so it's useful for me but the average player I don't think that necessarily is so super beneficial it does have some like skin options and stuff that I didn't really care about getting that deluxe edition or whatever um and you also get access to I think like an upcoming expansion or something maybe so no that that aspect of it not really uh not really worth it in terms of just like a fun game to play I'm really enjoying it so far and it's also an Xbox game pass so if you have Xbox game pass you can play for free anyway but so far as far as games go like it's obviously not perfect but uh I've been enjoying it thank you so that's a plus there's something else out there oh the cave over there right I want to go check that thing too that's an unknown I gotta go back to the ship and unload stuff with my cargo's full oh wait you went I forgot I couldn't load this guy up let's trade gear share the wealth right don't waste your money yeah I totally get it um okay take uh take all these things I'm not using deceptic deep Recon pack actually here take these take all these things too free a mile in my inventory space store it all I hope you'll tell me if he gets too much stuff on them and like can't carry anymore I gotta be down to 60 so I got more room to carry things good three foxtails out of five yeah I actually I'm having a lot of fun with it I don't know like I said I I didn't go into the game with a ton of expectations um I just sort of uh like I was looking forward to playing it but I just sort of treated it as a like a fun upcoming RPG that I wanted to try uh and so far it's been great I have no complaints I've seen some some chatter online about people complaining about certain things but none of that stuff has bothered me it's big yeah it's big there's definitely a lot to do uh I've been doing like I'm doing side quests right now I'm not even on like a main mission you can pick random plans to go check out and they all have kind of like some some points of interest and stuff on them that you can find loot and resources for crafting things utility jacket wearing going this way come on Sam people yeah well uh yeah people complain about everything it's not always everyone complaining about everything though it's sometimes just some people complaining about everything foreign part is you see people online sort of bickering about stuff and that can give you a false impression about wait a minute crap I went I was gonna go to the cave but I guess we're going to this thing first wait that's it's almost the same distance we'll go to the cave first I'm more interested in what might be in the cave um you see people online complaining about stuff and but it's always the loudest people that are most vocal right so it can give you a false impression there's a lot of games I wouldn't have played at all if I just listen to what people said online all the time how to get the jump boost um so there's you'll when you're looting stuff you'll find um stuff that has a boost pack to it oops not there so if you go onto your inventory uh your your pack in the back here this one it'll say boost pack down here that gives you the double jump and then there's a skill that you might need to actually use it uh skills are where nope not there P yeah there we go um oops nope oh I forgot to go skill point to spend somewhere oh here it is a boost pack training this lets you utilize the Boost back so I'm pretty sure you have to have this and then one of those packs that has the Boost the basic boost pack on it and then you can uh you can do the double jump thing and we're in a low gravity environment here too so I can like you can boost up even higher squeaky wheel gets the lube I guess although in the case of like internet complaining I mean they're not necessarily even expecting to get anything they're just complaining because that's what people do so the one cave that I found before actually had some neat stuff in it hopefully this one's similarly well equipped there we go try out our fancy new gun in here only just started playing the game nice yeah it's uh it's been fun the Boost pack is helpful for sure good for getting around certain places that would be difficult to reach otherwise come on Sam don't hold me up buddy there we go it's really dark in here man carbolytic acids laughs foreign I want that it's too soon oh this Cube's tiny oh no he knows that hold on another guy went down here okay maybe it is Tiny this is a small cave there's not really much in here a couple resources and that was about it a little bit of copper waiting for the deathclaw yeah chlorine the gameplay is good enough you don't forget a lot of issues yeah for sure I mean it's a it's a Bethesda game so it has bugs certainly not bug free but I don't think anyone who has ever played a Bethesda game would expect otherwise in a Roblox facility I guess we'll go over to this other unknown Target now see what this thing is don't hurt me [Music] it just works right exactly it just works [Laughter] oh Todd oh he has to be out of the scanner to grab some resources maybe that was the problematically yeah so there are some things you have to be out of the scanner to get like those carbolytic whatevers that I saw on there I had to turn the scanner off to pick those up some things you have to blast with the uh a little cutter thing yeah bugs what are they shooting at you yeah only some of them hold the right button before firing the cutter to speed up resource Gathering oh that's weird what does that do does that like super powered or something it's like a boost button it's like I'm in the scanner thing so it doesn't like aim the same way oh helium uh scan there we go sir babe I'm gonna helium deposit which is good for Rocket Fuel I wonder if I should set up an outpost here if I can I don't know if I have the stuff to make it but we could get iron and helium down this planet all right isn't that a funky tip see the guys throwing a hissy fit because he got to choose his Pro I did see that video yeah that's ridiculous like like come on you guys freaking out because of one little toggle bar or whatever like get over it that's ridiculous oh what the heck is that crashing or Landing wait a minute I wonder if those will be the guys who are hunting me because of my wanted trait let's go see what the deal is with this I've never seen anybody just land on a planet while I was here if it's a publicity stunt you think so maybe like to boost his own channel or whatever I guess it's possible bounty hunters that's pretty far out there like they didn't even land anywhere near me thank you gonna join a cult in Starfield when you start nice you're gonna go for that snake cult thing there's uh I think there's some encounters where if you you can run into people from that cult and if you're part of their faction they you get like a different um different encounter with them they don't automatically turn hostile on you oh my God this is way out here chips will land all the time on the planets and moons the NPCs will either guard the ship or leave and do something or both it wouldn't suck if I got all the way over there and then they took off like he was a son of a my joke I could just fast travel back I guess but listen to one of the priests that cult they're pretty persuasive nice it's like I'm sold me up for the snake thing sneak on the ship and steal it the one time I tried to sneak onto a ship um you get into like the back area of the ship and then the door didn't open it was just sealed so I couldn't get on the ship to actually take it or kill anybody or anything anyway you better have a proper gun out now hey it's probably minority Brian how's it going thanks for the raid buddy ship Landing site locations I'm detected now I'm hidden I'm detected I don't even see anybody here Friend or Foe I don't I don't know are you a friend let's go see if I can get on the ship first come at me exploring taking your med packs too while I'm here all these Med packs are belong to us Endeavor locked Advanced oh I can lock it can break into it sweet IE for Brian welcome everybody might be dropping in from Brian stream thanks for the raid Brian appreciate it uh so that one's good for the second lock I guess but that one and then go this way I get that cleared nope not that one nope I got an overlap there that's not gonna work there we go hello hello everybody you see these ships can't get in uh I don't know what kind of ship this is but I just broke in I wonder if they're I still don't know if they're friendly or uh enemies but um they might be in for a rude surprise in a second like check out my new gun how do you rate a stream so when you're uh when you're streaming there's an option in there um you can like edit your stream footage thing and then redirect so that when you your stream ends it will automatically send your audience off to somebody else say first that's not a bad idea actually we'll do a quick save there we go just in case on the off chance this turns out to be a really really bad idea how's it going Brian welcome appreciate the raid uh uh Oliver twists these are stolen goods so I don't know I really wonder if I could just take the whole ship that'd be cool oh cargo hold credits calm relay towel grade reels I could loot their whole cargo hold that's awesome salt Viper thanks for clicking the join button appreciate the support all right going to bed and drop this off at the babysitter uh sorry kids we didn't have any chocolate milk left uh you'll have to do though I can sit the pilot seat oh my God I could take off with this thing but what would I do I have another ship with people on it do they just follow me or something I have no idea how it works when you take another ship Loop before flying this guy's gonna have a long walk home yeah tell me about it dude can we sell the ship like I I don't even know what to do with it when I take it oh crap really I forgot I brought the goody two shoes with me I don't think you're worth taking that's gonna be great adaptive frame Town great rheostat okay I don't want I don't want Sam getting all pissed off at me because he's kind of a stick in the mud let's go and see if those people actually talk to me maybe they have something we can uh somebody can say to them yes they go with you do they disappear oh look vasco's here wait I'm confused why is Vasco here how long can I be a service Captain travel safely you fly away and it gets added to your Fleet and then what happens with my other ship I I don't think these guys are hostile hey buddy what's it called excuse me excuse me I stole your stuff you don't really want to do yes oh you won't even talk to me jerk you have one extra share first you have to register then you can sell okay you scrap the ship for parts I don't know you send Sam back to the other ship and then take this one I don't I don't know hello hello I hope that their ship looks that cool or anything but oh the captain here we go we're glad to find you why our ships are in bad shape we managed to land but we're in need of repairs no I wouldn't happen to have zip code would you we can probably jury rig a fix on our own it'd be so funny if I like gave them back the parts of their own ship there might be some [ __ ] parts around here how'd your ship get damaged oh me too I shot them already steal it everybody here is a bunch of criminals you all want to steal the ship you'll get a tutorial prompt after stealing and just do it but now we need to do this is gonna get back home might be some [ __ ] parts around here if you spot any well I don't know what that qualifies as or they just well they just show up as like lootables it didn't give me a quest or anything for that this is the Endeavor I don't find it weird I just get on their ship without them letting me in how did you take off captain ready to take off cam I think that's that's gonna be a bug because Vasco showed up over here too as though he's ready to take off with this ship too um I want to see the uh stats on this thing but I guess you can't see those until you're in space right I want to see like the Shields and all that stuff but there's not like an option to do that do it there's a tutorial for this they want you to take it okay okay well now we'll run a quick pull I'm pretty sure I know what the outcome is going to be but we'll try anyway foreign they don't decide to come and get mad at me because I'm sitting in the captain's chair [Laughter] please reload to steal already they wouldn't have uh what but if I reload what happens 100 cryptic's already stole it did I already steal it just by sitting in the captain's chair okay I see what's up we're already at 80 all right oh look at the engines on this thing you have you have a new home ship your previous home ship's been added to your Fleet to retrieve ships in your Fleet uh that you've left behind go to ship service technician at any major city and ask to view the ships that you own from there you can cycle through the ships your Fleet and so okay see ya just abandon the poor colonists on this planet have a good walk home suckers we're locking into orbit now okay so this ship does not have missiles but it has pretty significant engines Shields aren't awesome lasers are not bad ballistics aren't so hot check stats how do I check the stats on this thing I mean aside from the bottom left area there um I want to scan the planet here if we can because I haven't done that yet real resources this is a helium and iron Planet apparently although we didn't already notice that from the service does it have no grab Drive oh man if it doesn't that's a problem that's got graph it's fine doesn't have any of it powered up right now but it's uh it's there okay we gotta go back to what's in some place now right ship section in the tap screen oh okay okay uh the end never oh down here okay fuel 75 whole 408 cargo 730 that's got more cargo than mine I think one of your ships is unregistered you must register the ship before you can modify or upgrade it okay and can I compare it with the other one this way oh I can so cargo capacity 450 on my original ship this one has 730. [Music] I have more fuel and a better uh slightly better haul a better reactor better Shields though 408 versus 355 it's actually not that hot it's not horrible kind of cool looking too and I didn't even have to murder anybody to take it I mean unless you count the fact that I left them on a planet where they're almost certain to die if you count that as murder we sort of murdered some people but if you don't count it then not the battery in your head's Dead or Alive dead or not alive yeah I don't think I have a bounty but cargo hold oh wait a minute does this share it shares a uh shares a cargo hold with my other ship so when I swap ships I get all my cargo from the previous one that's kind of crazy actually the cargo hauler with a long range yeah yeah I uh all right we might have to tweak this thing a little bit let's go back to Cheyenne for our mission hopefully they don't arrest me when I get there so about this stolen ship I'm driving I swear it's not mine next to Aquila City dedicated they could live in yeah generated again there but it gives them Shelter From the environment or lack of environment I guess it's like a meteor shower they can they can hide in there there's some abandoned facilities I guess they could go hang out in although I don't know if they're I don't really have any atmosphere in them Let's uh I better sell some stuff here actually other people are carrying when I go to the trade thing are my people there I don't know I don't know what happens with them honestly I had kind of a lot of people on the other ship okay vendor sell uh nope sell from endeavor corrosive modified drum beat that's worth uh 1146 get rid of that sell all this junk I guess [Music] oh it's already here's my biggest challenge with this game the vendors never have very much money so as soon as you start to sell things they're they're quickly out of cash and then you can't even sell all the things you've looted I'm a horrible Pack Rat and I can't even sell a lot of stuff what if the ship uh section under Tab screen hit C to change crew out ah okay all right oh I see I see so the trouble is this new ship only has a room for two crew on it salmon would be a good is a good one he's got piloting Starship engineering for Barrett particle beam weapon system so he's gonna sign let's assign him to the um crew from any location can be assigned to a landed ship no assignments are currently available for Baron really so I got the adoring fan maybe all right we'll figure out the crew in a minute you have to visit several vendors to sell your stuff yeah it's kind of bites I'm gonna have to oh yeah the Bounty Hunter guy don't come hunting for me I didn't uh I didn't know that ship was owned by somebody else when I took it welcome to just hang out if you want not quite opening day but take a look show them in the menu wait what do you have uh also going to reset vendored cash by winning a full 24 hours of new chair but yeah it's kind of lame having to do that though cell he's got 2 000 credits oh he only wants to buy food items I guess that makes sense we'll get a reward I need to find a different vendor what's this one Shepherds oh Shepherd's Journal Store there we go you'll buy stuff maybe he's got more money too I want to do your business quick I'll say right up front that if you're short take a gander she'll be looking out for sale buddy 57 and 75 he's got if I buy some ammo off him I might be able to liquidate some more things too uh weapons are all good on spacesuits are good I need to go ship sell from ship inventory oh right I forgot about the Commerce ability I'm gonna hold on to the market one space helmet for now it's taking up space in my inventory but get rid of all this it's fine can't take my plushies though they're mine okay so the stuff that my people are carrying for me uh I don't think I can sell directly oh yeah where's that uh oh the ultramag this is what I need uh load up on that like we're good otherwise give me uh give me my stuff come on Sam Sean her gang our strong arm type I wouldn't say no to an upgrade oh shut up and give me stuff okay um so he could be using a better weapon I guess he's using this thing for some reason the calibrated calibrated Grendel I guess that's not that bad give me this thing quartered calibrated Solstice 18 fire rate 25. he's probably better with the Grendel thank you all right he's got all those resources on him okay bye good I get all kinds in here well shut up and buy my junk how much money is he got left five thousand uh all right we're still good foreign [Music] pack from the the basement of the the lodge every other pack I find just doesn't compare because the level of resistance on the on the mark one pack let's stay with some robot enemies plus 25 Airborne resistance for antiseptic yeah I don't know whatever get rid of it maybe as we move farther in into the game we'll get some stuff that's more worthwhile foreign let's get a reward check out the Icarus update if so what'd you think uh yeah I started playing again actually uh and then Starfield came out so I've kind of been uh focused on Starfield the last few days uh we'll definitely be going back to play more it's nice to have some alien environments in the game finally I feel like that was a primary complaint to people when they played the game initially was that you might as well just be playing a game on planet Earth because all the things you were dealing with were all earth-based anyway you've got potential Destiny so it's good so far but I haven't seen the swamp of the lava areas yet and those seem like they're probably the most interesting this was a success I'm ready to take the next step uh I hope to make the free star Collective a little bit safer nothing a lot more than blowing away some bad guys I passed you a little Testament to give me a damn badge all right let's go to the second one you did and I'm glad to know that was your priority you did what I asked so let's go meet the Marshall Done Right follow me no give me a reward too I need a reward like money give me money I like money it's not gonna give me money we got headquartered in the upper floors of the rock but we also have remote stations throughout freestyle Collective space helps us I don't think I was just staring at the wall like I said before there are less than a dozen Rangers at all and we operate with limited resources thankfully most people respect us and are willing to cooperate in this job your eyes ears and wits are every bit as important oh man I'm screwed then and your sidearm and both non-observant and not super witty either so I mean I'm just like a Dead Man Walking after the money upstairs in the red laser District I'm not sure because you're satisfied that our new recruit can handle the job Marshall Marshall got the right priorities all right then step forward recruit let me have a word with you real fast can you test your quest log on our activities if you have any of the pertain to the secret base or something similar yeah I actually just got the secret base one uh sorry it's uh in here uh activities my distress call use hand scanner to place an outpost Beacon speak with Trevor to talk with scientist cargo base go to the bartender talk to the sergeant constellation Mission board I thought I just got something for a secret base they already communicate mantis go to the secret uh secret Outpost that the nebula 1B is that what you're talking about if so then yeah I got that one I've got just one question do you pledge to defend the people of the free star Collective even if it means risking your own life now when we say risking my own life I mean what are we talking about here like actually putting myself In Harm's Way where's my life just how dangerous is this job you've already had a glimpse of what we deal with I'm not going to lie to you it can get a lot more dangerous than what you've seen just friendly nudgy to do that you up for this all right final I'll do it I pledge to punish the enemies of the pre-star collective well that's not quite the same thing for now all right it'll do for now here take these you're now a free star Ranger deputy I'm assigning you to Ranger Wilcox for some field training listen good to what she tells you welcome aboard deputy congratulations the Rangers Ain't a Bad outfit and they're lucky to have you wish we could throw you a welcome party but there's work to do I'm a Power Ranger that's right I'm a farmer on Montero Luna she says someone's trying to take a farm and she's afraid she might be in danger that sounds great but I got other things to do anything about this farmer we can tell me about Montero Luna well it's a moon that orbits Monterra it's gone yeah just turn a blind eye on the ship Jack warm climate and good soil for growing too funny I I literally stole a ship while I was on that mission they're like yeah you're a wonderful deputy you're clearly looking at it for everyone's best interest it's fine just a name Michaela Wagner there have been wagoners on monterluna for a long time and I'm sure they're proud of that heritage he's very technical someone boring until you get used to the layouts good game lacking someone however I've been having a lot of fun with it so far honestly um I haven't been super focused on doing any one thing I've kind of been like sampling and going around doing a bunch of different stuff time for some rough Justice how about you ease back on the throttle there Deputy oh violence is the last resort you don't draw your weapon unless innocent lives are in danger grab any supplies you might need and let's get going tells you oh crap she's following me now I don't want her following me I'm gonna go like dispense Justice or something recruitment in retirement Marshall CPD to the council that you need to prioritize recruiting I'll say it plain we need more Rangers you report on the rise and smuggling makes that plane I don't mean to disparage the work that you and your Rangers have done I know you're all doing your best but I can remember a time where there were twice as many of you as there are today I'd like to see those days return and so will the people of the Freestar Collective I'd also like to think uh like you to think about your successor let's be honest Marshall neither of us is getting any younger surely you've earned the right to hang up your Spurs with pride enjoy a well-earned retirement look forward to seeing you with the next Council Gathering well it does look a little on the old side oh I can use this computer right over his shoulder that's handy recent messages new Syndicate in play another false alarm good news hell good status two all Rangers new Syndicate in play are we all to keep your eyes and ears open we're going over reports from local security both here in neon and there's a disturbing Trend seems like smuggling is on the rise in a big way and there's more than one faction involved seems like we might have a new player looking to move in we could probably expect to see some interfaction conflict that could spill over and put innocent lives at risk if you learn anything that could be useful let me know right away Autumn's already looking into it but leads are scarce so far turns out it's probably Brian Menard I hear he's gone pirate another false alarm just you all know that report we got for the farm on polvo turned out to be another false alarm local security says that they headed out to take a look at the man they talked to said nothing was wrong funny thing is the original call came in from a woman and what security asked to talk to her the man they they met said she went off world to visit family yeah nothing suspicious about any of that normally I wouldn't think twice about it but I'd read a similar report only a month earlier where the call had come from an elderly man only local security didn't see anyone that old and when they asked they were told he'd gone on a vacation could be nothing I know but if anyone hears of any trouble on a farm let me know couldn't hurt to check it out oh how about that could be the lead the mission that we have right now is about lady on her Farm hey Dr Death Wish how's it going look a secret Among Us icon painted on the wall behind her for those who haven't heard we've got some good news the dog has approved Helga for a limited Duty on site here at the Rock with some luck she'll be back in the field in a few weeks but we want to take things slow and take all the necessary precautions in the meantime let's all give her some encouragement and support no Ranger wants to be stuck indoors while there are people out there who need our help but sometimes that's the way it's got to be and it will all be there when she heals up oh look at status happening in front of the Hulk is making good progress the recovery is ahead of schedule the worst is behind her and I expect no lingering after effects from the injury or have not get ready to clear for field Duty we're still in a window where there's a risk of aggravation and I wanted her to stay in Aquila City for observation including a continuation of her daily checkups just seem to take the news well but it's clear she's eager to get back out there a little support encouragement for you and the other rangers could help you use the bird personal Journal send around the usual messages and others about recruiting hate to nag but I'm looking blah blah blah so he wants to recruit starting to worry about Autumn as much as I like to deny it Emma might be right maybe tracking down that new smuggling Syndicate we've been getting reports about was too big an assignment she's young headstrong and ain't the best at keeping in touch while she's out in the field so the long silence might mean she's in some kind of trouble We're not gonna sit tight and hope we get some kind of word soon Emma always says we've got to have faith in the people we give a badge to so for now I'll stay the course but if another week goes by without news I might need to send someone out to track her down ain't much for Superstition or luck but I'll cross my fingers anyway seems like I have time for salute from the governors blah blah blah retire retire yada yada yada he wants everyone to wait he's he's like screw retirement I'm still old and I locked my gun okay so you're saying the mission we should be looking at doing is uh whoops ah wrong button the Mantis Mission this one here okay quickly go and see if we can add another um another crew pod on that ship I got so we can change our crew around here's the way down all right they're hiding me there we go running Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms farm girl does Farm stuff for mission Spike will be a good early game Predator is for sure yeah I'm gonna get um some of those like storage compartments that prevent your cargo from being scanned though because as I understand it if you have uh have Contraband on you when they scan you they pretty much just claim it right away there's like zero chances of them not finding it it seems uh okay I'm gonna go back and tweak the ship a little bit I got both of them following me now Council of Governors and poor people on the original ship without any changes oh really because it shows that you only have room for for two crew so if I go uh if I go into the ship panel it shows that it's available for two crew versus uh well actually that only shows I have two crew there also hmm that's what we got Sarah signed of the ship she's got astrodynamics Sam I want to assign him to the ship if possible prove many location beside no assignments are currently available for Sam yeah see I can't even assign people to the ships because there's not enough room I guess need shielded cargo or go to the denim wolf system they can never scan or they never scan oh I see two crew unlimited passengers oh I got you I got you I got you so if I took Sarah off crew for example change Sarah's crew and assignment to the Endeavor I don't know why I took her off the crew on a sign okay there we go so if we unassigned Sarah and then we assign Sam no assignments are currently available for Sam what it's because he's following me I want uh what about Barrett no current assignments available oh this sucks well Sam's a passenger but I should be able to uh assign him right because I would have thought I would no assignments available Berlin No assignments available for Heller nobody can get assigned except for the adoring fan and Sarah I think I suppose you're on Sam's Mission finish it and it should end up oh okay Maybe all right well whatever Frontier is home to the Ashton predator Rick I'll carry anything you need yeah whatever give me your stuff I need the resources I gave him you know what would be better if I just hit the take all button there we go I wrote an article about the old things we went in separate ways the mind to be fine we got things to do first can't dismiss Samco until the empty nest is completed oh shoot anyway where's that Quest oh I gotta go here crap okay well let's just have him follow me then for now maybe I can assign him afterwards that's fine that's the issue yeah one boy they were all walking around the rangership with the brooms in their hands are they riding them like horses or what [Music] that's crazy must be really overloaded right now hello captain hello captain I grabbed all those resources we're home what's that sound in ears noisy all right uh resources no shoot resources store all resources including the stolen ones giggity [Music] oh did I oh look at this thing laser sight penetrator rounds 73 physical damage that's more than the urban Eagle does that's craziness all right hold on let's uh I'm gonna put that on a favorite spot I think I'm gonna try that sucker out and I got so many amps 35 moves me for two minutes two times jump higher for two minutes oh it's like we'll put like a whole bunch of those in storage foreign at least okay let's go check out this mission um hell you belter none of that none of the above I don't know what our deal is exactly unexplored root fuel consumption okay so I can't go there because I haven't explored it that's interesting why can't I take the shorter route like this way okay that's that's clearly not gonna work hold on Oh weird oh it's 3D space that's why [Laughter] I was like it looks like it's so much farther away that's so strange yeah not necessarily shorter and when I moved it I immediately saw that but um so we gotta get to the nebula but it how am I gonna get there if I can't it's sending me off to this other spot first destination did I be a level 30. 25 go to the secret so how did we get there direct path go to the first planet then it'll let you do it oh okay I've got to go here first and then it'll let me go there I have to go as far as you can then jump by jump or whatever you haven't explored yet okay so we go here first it's gonna take half my fuel though all right um now that we have a moment oh what is this time to feedback oh come on Sarah not this again oh my God I wish they would stop talking at last grab jump no one in their right mind would make a claim like that all right look you want to throw your money away I'd be happy to take it otherwise it'll let it go already one day we're going to system hop and test your theory I just hope you're ready for some serious disappointment I mean the characters talking to each other is interesting and all but when it's like talking over top of like Mission information that's kind of lame uh all right so I can try to help with the repairs I'm surprised your ship broke down demos makes good ships you'd be lucky to make it out here alive with your engine down I'm gonna try and help with repairs I guess I got a hot package that's paid for expedited delivery they'll dock my pay if it doesn't get to its destination star parcel will reward you well if you can assist that's kind of weird they're willing to give me their parcel given the circumstances their parcel needs to up that reward you know the other ships they'll just leave it let's try this we'll try to persuade them all Nightmare I don't care about your paperwork it's returns to get four points so you've heard of me right I don't come cheap I don't need this deal I can walk nice I'll tell you what can pay you some credits from the discretionary fund up front best I can do sure give me the package we'll just vent it on the way to my actual mission send the package over I'll deliver it all right all you need to do is drop this off to the ship Services technician on new Atlantis they'll take it from there thanks for bailing me out of this nightmare please it's a Bethesda game it's literally the DNA if you don't like Bethesda games it probably isn't for you or I could just be irritated by the fact they were talking over each other and I can have an opinion that doesn't coincide with yours just saying wait did they give me the package yet I was was not entirely paying attention look at Target lock let's not do that I guess I didn't notice if they gave me the package you sound like you're not after credits but something else all right I do not know what you're talking about okay let's go to the store map see if we can get the rest of the way to that um plane that I want to go to wait what did they say I had to take the package anyway is it in this system delivered Starbucks is a new oh the new Atlantis oh I'm not going all the way back there screw that we'll get there eventually now we can go to the nebula probably shouldn't pay more attention to see how much they paid me credit wise we're right on target right on target won the generalist system abandoned mining platform or mining Outpost which ones it's sending me to exactly we got water the time says it packages is ticking suspiciously they just loaded in my cargo bay and open doesn't blow me out of the sky um being a mining platform or mining Outpost it's not telling me they're trying to go to all admissions did spacer know how to secret Outpost of the nebula on 1B with Once in lifetime opportunity I should investigate I'm not clear oh wait there it is secret Outpost conveniently labeled we're going here I can add ice be Brother Wolf looks like those trees it's labeled Secret all right Okay so we've got Sam here we got Sarah here I guess they all come on board huh School I'm not sure who's gonna follow me Sam and Emma were both following me a minute ago but see where we see where this takes us ah don't get out of the way you dummy oh crap oh where's my uh shoot where's that new gun I got the modified calibrated Equinox I want to try the uh oh I didn't have it I don't have it slotted yet this thing here let's try that sucker out I'm about to rain down justice six separate tyrannus yeah make sure this thing on what you got killed him with a leg shot that's crazy one shot Wonder yeah this thing does some decent damage man do I like this game yeah I'm having fun with it so far uh I've kind of I haven't pushed really hard on the uh specifically on the main mission I've done some of the quests for it I've kind of been poking around and doing some side quests and things to explore I haven't gotten to the point of like building outposts and that kind of thing just yet so far it's fun though it's definitely a Bethesda game it's it's kind of basically like Skyrim in space but uh so far so good the package delivery have an expiration timer I don't I don't know I didn't think it did or is it here I just says to deliver it I don't know I don't see any timer there is this the best game of the year uh that I kind of doubt don't get me wrong I'm enjoying it but uh I don't think it's the best thing ever oh he dropped the grenade or something or maybe this is packed blowing up look out a lot of rounds up in this oh okay hold on there's some other better scope on it where'd they go They're Not Dead this is danger but I can't even see them no they are nice throw down we got a what's bg3 Baldur's Gate three that's one that's one that's probably someone else gonna be game of the year if I had to guess I enjoy these kind of games but um no this doesn't exactly it's not Game of the Year it's definitely fun but not game of the year layer of the Mantis it's cloaking as well yeah I've got a thing that if I if I crouch down I cloak as long as I'm not moving I got in here I wonder if I still got the um the box of tissues and the uh the hand lotion in my storage at the base option to learn more about the layer of the Mantis okay the fairy tale someone to keep pirates from going off the deep end hey I guess it's possible she never talked about where she got her Fortune and man she could handle herself anywhere it's a lot to take in the lotion of tissues might disappear with the adoring fan on board yeah that is uh that is a possibility mantis is dead huh hey hold that door open ah reload dang it yeah I don't need a gun is it burning okay the naval cutlets too okay that door is locked so I'm assuming that's gonna be the way we come out what's this automated message almost there I know things have been difficult you can cut some of the doors spacers and Pirates need someone to fear someone to check them to make them realize some lines cannot be crossed I know you do stay sharp focused just a little further is that a stat boost book in the locker uh no it's like a poster in the back there where'd it go I don't know where they are don't step in front of me and my friends today's not gonna be your day pal hello [Music] ow look at you running and slash things it makes no sense you've got to stop before it'll let you hard the video will was emotional mom and I stopped talking years ago um it was hard to hear almost touching but then the punchline I don't even know what it blew up there Apollo 1B I love you and I'm proud of you no six semper tyrannos oh my God always with that stupid last thing over and over my face thanks oh so much investigating UC Naval Cutlass uh oh instigating rather deals double damage to targets with full health oh interesting well I mean that's better than the one I have so we might as well equip that thing mainly Close Quarters guy but yeah still Marksman is always fun yeah it's um [Applause] peace um I like running up to hit them with a melee weapon but like when you run up you can't attack right away there's like this weird pause and that pause is usually where something hits me ammo case for no mine oh export unlock for that crap space bow can't move and reload either can you that sucks and double check there's anything back here I didn't get I think this was the only way I could go right oh all right we want to see if I could actually cut through this seems not did I ever use my skill points you know what I don't think I did nope I've still got one um I don't even know what I should put it in actually someone had said that pickpocketing was useful persuasion's good I've used that a few times um wait let's see what increased my carrying capacity maybe I should do that so I can carry more stuff we'll rank that up I can carry more junk piloting we don't need to be a good pilot we need to we need to have more room for uh for loot goblining that's that's the important thing that's a dead dude I didn't kill that one To the victor goes the spawns I said that right right my eye too much getting out of here level 10. [Music] the neat thing with that invisibility cloak thing is like you could be in the middle of a fight when you crunch down and turn invisible your next shot counts as a stealth attack so you get bonus damage on it it seems it's kind of weird [Applause] crap yeah wait that was blow me up you jerks oh look we're dying over I've had enough of this ah crap take to use Force but I've got a duty she's got a duty this is this fight's got in quick I need a duty you're done who's next I already this gun's amazing I mean it's not this one this one's pretty powerful sure works good uh uh let's see all the loot this companion armor change too uh you can tell them to wear different things uh I don't know if you can now tell them to wear armor or not or whether it's just um there's like clothing you can give them you can force them to wear same thing with like weapons you can give them a different gun and tell them to equip it spacer scum Leon vocaline mantis revealed hey I guess it's possible she never talked about where she got her fortune and man she could handle herself anywhere it's a lot to take in um you accept the heck expert locks and three yeah let's do this one though there we go now it might be able to open the lockbox the master dang it was an expert saved your life Ship Repair fundamentals like the way cryptic's playing this game oh thanks I'm sure not I'm sure not mid-maxing that's all right that question just uh gotta give you a big reward which one um man I I haven't been paying attention to the pop-ups we talk about this one here the Mantis spit Quest or a different one one shot kill gun yeah this thing's great doesn't hold a crazy number of rounds but uh pretty good oh you are take cover watch it watch it that sucks reload ah should I have a gun she's got her fists out look out take this come on at least I ain't gonna be born Explorer's calibrated Grendel grab that 'd be good for selling anyway the good loot man I have to say the only thing I don't like so far is how basic the tabs look for quests and skills something like Pip-Boy would have been cool yeah they cut it in a little more with that interface I guess you can get a pretty impressive impressively large number of things in there though in terms of like the number of requests you've got stacked up uh okay so this is an expert case this is the first one of these I've opened since I only just got the skill [Music] I think I might have to go this way nope that doesn't fit so I'll get the outer ring then the first ring in I could go that way but then I need another single one I've got that okay which ones did I line up already God dang oh but here this one that one that one that one whoops that doesn't fit oh crap I think I screwed it up most of the games are amazing besides 76. they're just fun games I think like I don't know it's uh we got one there we go got it oh all that for some freaking ammo there's nothing else in here that's lame another expert sanon starter uh that would give me three and maybe this one nope nope oh single one over here so that would give me the outer ring hey this thing's actually taking a little bit of effort small case will have a rocket launcher yeah just watch it'll have something huge in it no my brain's not working on this one very well um no I need a three-prong one no that's doubling up my brain hurts yeah my brain hurts too uh the ring lights up blue if the pick works on it does it oh interesting well the trouble is it it's um yeah I see what you mean now so if it will fit in at any point in the pattern it lights up blue oh it's good to know okay so I could unlock the odor let's unlock the outer ring we'll see what happens okay and then like none of these ones work on the others that's great I need the shoot okay that's not gonna work exit rendering will cost oh no no no no no I need to undo crap there's a two one on the outer well I gotta use the tube one on the inner one I think um if I go there and then the single one down here nope now I need another two one dang it this one's actually hard to do just use the digipick it looks like it does yeah so every time I have to undo it it's uh that's why I was trying to like lay out the Rings before I committed anything on the other one because it's taking a digipick each time I undo man this one's kicking my butt so if I use that one and this double one on the inside that'll get the second ring clear but the outer ring is the one that's messing me up right now that doesn't work there it does work there that's overlapping that's not gonna work wow top left one I had it well I had no so uh I didn't have the inner ones though so I got the outer one completed and then like let's see hold on there we go no hold on that one and that one okay and then this one and that one and then the two singles Jace that one made my brain hurt you are serious maybe my brain hurt this one's full of ammo it's all right disassembler calibrated Orion what the rare laser rifle plus 20 damage against robots 43 energy damage that's a mean looking weapon right there imagine lock picking have a good timer oh man I'd be screwed let's be handy with those locks it does my brain doesn't work that fast you know okay how does that thing compared with my other weapons let's see sort uh damage fire rate of 33 I mean it's not crazy it's a good amount of damage though big shotgun rare shotgun I don't know if that one's slotted Urban eagle it's not really I don't know I don't know if I should use it or not I got too many things I got too much stuff man turns out that's not a bad guy over there oops uh there we go Navigator spacesuit star warmer pack deep mounting space helmet I mean fads up if you gather enough of it I guess it just takes up a lot of room and inventory it's Leo test the gun on him space communication too it's Libby wait wait don't shoot I am unarmed I am unarmed we can help each other I can be useful just don't kill me spaces aren't usually surrendering inside you're just another dead spacer tell me who you are and I mean you uh no harm you accidentally blew up full of traps traps everywhere I removed them but this this Corridor is just too dangerous see looks normal one step inside slam you are trapped and nobody's been standing after the doors reopen well that's fun if you want to be spare and prove your word looks like this place really tore you apart had to deal with the traps no sorry if I tell you that then I lose my Leverage they're ingenious took a lot of lives to tease them out so the place really tore you apart it's true so many of my crewmates are gone and this Corridor is the worst I missed some stuff as I went in I figured it out there are letters on the floor it is a grid those letters must spell something but there are so many words or small phrases how many words have you tried five six it's hard to find volunteers I really thought we had it with M mantis uh poor Fred sounds kind of obvious what well nobody else here figured that out see I've been helpful ooh you could let me go or better I can help I know these traps I know how this mantis thinks please let me help and just give me a taste of the cachet inside you can trust me in my experience anytime someone says trust me don't yeah that sounds about right streaming you'll die just get out of here I don't need you you really think I'm gonna trust you this may be too strong a word we need each other so we use each other then when the arrangement is no good we decide then is that Aaron Paul it doesn't sound like him spell something probably saw by Olivia blam ah oh man he's not gonna be reliable there's no way I should actually trust this guy the shoot option is the best betray me and you'll die poking like a true spacer you won't regret this I will hold back here and well good luck yo hold back here I have to learn more about the layer of the mouse I still haven't done that optional mission to learn more about the lair unless there's something further in where's the stuff that I missed when I went in oh this guy grab everything useful okay hold on there's another recording there nope not that notes turrets [Applause] oh God well so it's for Leon his mom killed him I don't trust they'll teach you to trust mom before I entered the room bottom of the stairs do I look up here oh Advanced Navigator space helmet let's grab that at least random tools and such Bounty Hunter spacesuit oh sweet I want to be a bounty hunter I don't trust this living guy I kind of want to shoot him but I don't know if my people will think I'm a bad person if I do like I feel like this is the guy that's gonna close the door keep your eyes on anything death is everywhere you should want to be a bounty hunter well I've already got the uh the hunted trade or whatever wanted whatever it is I think it's wanted that so far hasn't proven terribly uh functional I don't like this you guys need to close the door on me who kill him Sam if they do shoot them too eventually they'll just keep the Smart Ones any personal losses me I'm dagger danger buyer hazard level three oh I see what's going on down there oh I need a master to unlock the computer say it before I continue all right quick save don't run what are you doing he's gonna get me killed little jerk yeah I mean can I not just jump over these things I'm assuming the paint here was the first letter they used so the G 6 emperor tyrannus the paint on the letters is hard is that a v or a y there I don't know why um oh shoot oh my God laughs uh well that's a quick death when you screw that up yeah I can't just shoot those things ahead of time oh what the heck oh you just jet pack over um I don't know I got perforated there and I didn't even like try to like step on anything see I thought I was gonna be spelling tyrannis but but the I think they are triggered it right it's Iran is freaking yeah oh yeah all right t-a-y uh so tyr a I guess would be the next one assuming this is the n here hey we're through first try no deaths how do I open the door door locked unlocked with expert hey only the printed man shall pass uh uh all right this one here I'll buy that one and the secondary ring that one and then I got hmm well let's say I'm gonna well let's spend these ones here so I got the ring cleared up I'm pretty sure those are gonna be the right ones for that that's not right because it'll have to be that nope hmm oh there we go no there's a three piece one crap that doesn't work uh the entering lines up blue too yeah we'll see some of them are um but it's only like a single piece it will obviously fit in but it's definitely not that one that doesn't work and then a single one after that I think so that one that one that one there we go now let's find something good did it it's amazing you must be careful there will be traps robots probably turrets very dangerous I kind of want this guy to just go away and not take my stuff something good in here there's nothing in here uh word for this Mission you could reload for a different roll on stats oh yeah I probably won't do that I don't do a whole lot of saves coming in games I probably won't bother I'm not really out to min max the game or anything I Just Want to Have Fun get the loot that I get kind of thing hey found a robot don't alarm anybody but look at this doofus he ran right through the Trap after telling me it was so dangerous that's not the good stuff okay that's good you are not allowed in this area I agree with you I am taking games reload got a situation here there's a lot of robots there oh shoot wrong button oh [Music] crap getting rocked [Music] now we're talking today ow take that oh reload reload reload that was crazy well they don't need us you have something good against robots you're gonna do actually I got uh was it the corrosive nope oh look at this thing 35 physical on that holy crap it's better than the Cutlass just a similar calibrated ore uh Orion rather bonus damage against robots try using this a bit now that I've already uh fought the robots well it'll be more oh this one doesn't really loot that's weird all right look at this guy he keeps running ahead I swear he knows something goes the game was unlocked at 8pm 9-5 for the East Coast uh does that happen I'm not sure actually probably so I bought the deluxe edition so I had access to it a bit earlier um but based on the time zones it like unlocks everywhere at the same time get ready I'm shooting my own dude there we go [Applause] layer of the Mantis thank you now The Treasure of the Mantis will be mine it will be wait turn off turn off up Ah that's awesome what a what a maroon [Laughter] should make her equip a gun is she I swear to God she's the only one she had one it's a Montero Luna the better oh I can't even access her uh her inventory I can't give her a gun see you that's lame oh what's in there is that a ship in there this room has like nothing in it [Music] I haven't been the best mother oh crap would I get to be the Mantis leave this area immediately oh crap oh I'm dead I wasn't watching my health go to the computer oh no how far is it going to send me back uh uh well that's fun doe is right um the other way I'm trying to read crap oh crap like this for Cora wait is Sam dead don't die Zab oh he's alive he's fine he's fine note to self save more often yeah for sure absolutely oh no I gotta do the stupid lock again uh I don't remember what I did before dang it plot armor for the win yeah for sure that guy that guy should have been dead but game decided otherwise here there will be traps robots turrets very traps Maps same loot doesn't matter we did Vlogs are different every time oh geez yeah about that Scout is a robot seems to oh yeah let's let's do a quick save now that I'm through that wasn't this door open before when I came down here is that Levi guy open it boxed that hostiles laughs there's a robot out get it she's pushing me out of the way foreign take the good stuff leave the rest all right click save give her a gun I can't I I told you like look when I go to her thing I don't have an option to trade with her unless maybe I can go through a conversation cycle is there anything I should be prepared to do not really maybe stock up on ammunition in case things get rough we're going to a farm on Montana Luna that's the Moon that orbits the maybe I go through a dialogue it'll give me the option to get her inventory but I can't I can't trade with her a farmer asked us for help we're gonna pay her I'll talk to you later make sure yeah I can't give her a weapon she's she's just stuck foreign as for changing to the robot gun this is the robot gun this is the one that does 20 bonus damage against robots crap again thank you now The Treasure of the Mantis will be mine don't worry she's the tanker yeah she's got plot armor anyway it's fine turn off turn off all right thanks dude if it was like the option to learn more about the layer of the Mantis but where does this go so give me more info about the lair I don't see any computer I can interact with here oh wait this one nope can't interact with that one either let's see what's in here floor zero savings for the week yeah Open Door if you had any gifts off your dooring fan yet no he hasn't given me anything yet so far he's yeah we decide from Annoying dialogue he's given me some annoying dialogue that's it wait a minute oh it's that door the mantle of the Mantis is a heavy burden but you can do so much good I miss this stuff to make them realize some lines cannot be crossed on a quick save option yeah so if you would uh hit Escape you could just go quick save foreign I wonder how you do the optional quest of like learning more about comantis [Music] my darling boy I haven't there's no computer here hey Dugger this area is thank you ah back off the drilled sandwich oh my God I'm dead again [Laughter] it's like instant death there I thought maybe there was a computer I could use to take control because I they uh but it doesn't seem to be the case I guess I gotta deal with the robots this gun does bonus damage against them but it's still not still not doing so 20 bonus damage really isn't that much I might as well just use a heavy heavy hitting weapon explosive pacifier would work try to smack up as hard as I can [Music] do in these final days I wish we have better mantis pick a person oh I heard him whoops sorry buddy made a run for the ship and then the Mantis gear oh yeah oh crap wrong button was hoping for a quiet day no fire on target this is going great so far more than that all right one down oh my God I'm getting wrecked this is what happens hurt man oh he's down together get up you jerk yeah that hurt stay Sharp I was just healing him stop it there we go okay I don't know if we got them all or not ooh more ultramag nice there's a little tank in here this place is crazy oh weapon cowardly Grendel and some ammo wow foreign the only thing they have in their fridge is alcohol it's like realism at its best place is totally correct yeah it's nuts isn't it dorian's computer scorched Earth warning you've been alert please log off this computer process scorched Earth has detached three enclosed and uh three close documents you have one hour to comply before admit override you've earned it Dorian you must have thought it was crazy but now you see right of all the people I could have chosen I know you will feel the role of mantis the best in these computers you will find the history of the Mantis what the Mantis is today it wasn't always the case when reading the logs about the first mantis don't judge her too harshly it was a volatile time and before she passed the mantle she recognized that the Mantis could be more than an opportunity to make money it could be a symbol make the settled system safer strike fear into the hearts of those that believe they're Above the Law above reproach but most importantly keep the secrets safe now I'm after a time and don't try to contact me he won't be able to find me I've left all you need here the former mantis first kill I've been forced to take flies before but this was the first time I did so was the Mantis it felt different I was scared more about letting everyone down than the fight itself at one point the man has a ship the Razor Leaf was light years above everyone else she still flies well and true but it's clear I need to upgrade pretty much everything inside it holds what matters though that's the symbol but in the end I got the better of rhetorer I imagine there'll be celebrations in the streets of Aquila City total scum but I can't shake the feeling of the tracker work is at its heart murder for pay not sure why the old mantis chose me but I'm pretty much uh but pretty much every mantis has said that uh this is like the Mistress of mystery quest and followed 76 like exact copy oh is it really that's funny how about Leon I've been going through the motions of living fighting and carrying on but all I can think of is you have a year to live Dory plays over and over in my head I can smell the office see the sad flat eyes of the doctor details come to me at the honest times it puts everything in Stark relief what's important what's not the most important thing is choosing the right successor and I know Leon could do it I failed him so much the job always seems so pressing if I'm brutally honest with myself the nannies in the boarding schools raised him more than I but there's greatness in him if only he could see it I'm going to talk with my lawyer first thing on getting in the system the wheels need to be set in motion I'm having a good day today I feel so normal but I'm walking through the whole world like it's a cloud I thought that would have satisfied that like learn more about the mantis thing but apparently not so much yet space suit workbench this must be the Mantis suit oh I got a face on this thing it's cool armor plated manta's legendary oh two boosted 20 oxygen capacity lead line plus 25 radiant radiation resistance armor plated minus 10 incoming physical energy and EM damage basic boost back holy crap incendiary mantis suit the B Center minus 15 damage from Alien enemies automatic automatically use a med pack when you uh when hit and health is below 25 once every 60 seconds oh that'd be handy for me because I keep forgetting to hit it incendiary 10 chance to ignite nearby attackers repulsing mantis space helmet combat veteran minus 15 damage from Human enemies hacker plus two repulsing five percent chance to disarm nearby attackers that's cool that's some crazy suit they got there you know they have cargo holds for all that I know but I'm Sean again I wouldn't say no to a gift no a pack rat I can't help it I gotta loot everything that's how it works uh all right take this I'll give them the weapons I guess take all these things 25 damage for that dagger I got that's 35 yeah take this thing just give them all the weapons I guess that's a pretty decent amount of weight foreign physical physical resist but not as good with energy and EM resists oh shoot didn't mean to do that hold on give me that suit back into ballistics O2 I guess we're done okay I'm gonna try out this suit I don't know if it's gonna be any better but I mean it's definitely got less physical resist but it has all these other abilities on it that might come in handy got a strange looking though I like the chameleon effect though wow it's a lot heavier too yeah everything's a lot heavier on this thing yeah look at that it's crazy looking I am the Mantis it does look pretty cool it's neat no this is the good loot in here I guess research lab staggering Barrow knife original Aquila City Charter speed chicken and butter um sent me chicken and butter skinny butter oh God another lock pick um okay that would go there and then I need a two piece one but this is gonna be not wide enough so that won't work what about this thing that doesn't work here this theoretically works here there we go is there a single that doesn't work this one theoretically does and then this one that piece and then ah no I need that single back dang it I think it says this thing works on this ring but where's the fit oh there duh I got it uh gold use her component all right sweet take it all be super overloaded again before we even get out of here foreign I think we got all the loots down here play basketball okay so it still doesn't say that I've completed the uh the optional thing about learning more about the mantis layer I wonder what else I have to do or if there's any benefit to completing the bonus on it let me do what we must right positron battery if I listen to the holotapes I thought I had listened to them all already but I'll check uh there should be the notes right original killer City Charter although we're at the zoo Left Behind Humanity shares in ancient compact between any form of government and its citizens all individuals enjoy unalienable rights that may not be infringed a government shall not intervene in purely Private Affairs colony is complete autonomy and how they're governed and to manage our its own Interstellar relations and all individuals in time of great need owe the government their arms and if need be blood in the collective welfare if the collective welfare is threatened thus starts the original charter for Kila City as a list of Rights and responsibilities to the citizens as well as a list of the powers of government itself possibly one of the most important documents in Akila City history I don't take your word for it yeah I don't have any more uh the tapes I haven't listened to I must have missed something maybe because they don't I haven't seen any others I don't think foreign ERS I can't use nope here we go security meter security log explosion detected Mainframe failure hard wiped at 97 security offline process terminated archive security log Lane access granted axis granite and assignment roll oh undecided mineral mantis because people clean it's mental funny process scorched Earth interrupted data unrecoverable scorched I assume is just burning out all the uh all the records what's all manta story Batman in space seems that way I don't know they seem to be some kind of a vigilante kind of thing who knows what looks in the hearts of men the mentis news this is like the bat cave Starship lift controls activate mantis ship all right I assume that's going to the surface let's take my ship away maybe I should have gone on the ship first and checked it out four years of the cave there's a lever or button you have to raise the spaceship at the service oh yeah I already did that yeah all right let's get out of here I'm gonna be whoa she's running a fast forward I guess he got tired nice I can't elevator she was running real hard I thought if she kept trying she might actually get through that wall but then she didn't suppressed calibrated Grendel yes presser eh oh that was ship Landing all right so how do I get to the uh like I guess it must be in the opening over here there was a big open space it's got to be in there now right [Music] there it is look at this thing turn on XP all right we got points um Target Control Systems training booster pack well I guess if I get the next level using a booster bag expends less fuel oh that'd be handy I don't know what to take stealth that's a stealth meter so this does rank two wait a minute oh really I've only done three sneak attacks that seems weird so the Pirates or bounty hunters looking for you on that ship that landed well the other one was a colony ship uh um ballistic weapon systems piloting you can now utilize ship's thrusters what's that do for me remember those certified affected pilot um I wonder what the thrusters do chip engineering skills so you can steal and oh yeah that's a good idea where's the engineering one Shield systems payload Engine Systems well Starship engineering's way down here I have somebody on my crew that has engineering [Music] oh [Music] what am I get the rifle certification you do 30 bonus damage with my things ship perks would be good yeah Scavenging chance you'll find extra ammo when searching containers weightlifting I have uh I've already put the points into it so it's working on the the next the next challenge there already piloting would be good what does probably gonna do for you though so you got to ship thrusters but like what do the ship thrusters do increase ship turning their rate and maneuverability oh that would be good too actually I guess all right we'll get this I guess Target will let you target components yeah I have targeting already I have it uh the targeting control system here I don't know whatever there's somebody who wants like I could kind of want to pick only level 11 though so lots of opportunity for that I guess what's that what is that [Music] what is so what is 98 meters over here what is that thing oh that's my ship oh my God I'm so dumb [Laughter] never mind all aboard the Razor Leaf foreign navigation console oh I see [Music] goodnight Darkness wish [Music] free prizes on here jump seat Captain's Locker I'm kind of looking for the inventory thing here where is it I had to go cargo hold um okay so if I gotta ships now that this one should be my shipment already right I don't have to like claim it or anything raise the leaves there we go 420 cargo capacity that's rough man the low cargo is going to be brutal 390 Shields a18 reactor hey it's a free ship so I mean why not right I have to fly it yeah all right let's get off this rock I guess we'll take off I have to fly into a starboard to register it oh yeah I did the thing so wait what happens if it takes the the uh orbit stable what the what's that oh crap was it I don't know who you think I am but you're about to find out how about you just fly on spy stranger and forget you saw me well let's do this one get down for you two thousand words no crap can I save at this point oh crap quick save uh he ships all Integrity is low but drives the zero your ship will explode oh crap goes my ship uh I might have just quick saved at the wrong spot uh uh fine navigating with this thing tough crap it ships oh my God jump offline oh my God I totally saved at the wrong spot [Laughter] thank you oh my God if you used to we have a problem jump oh my God mistakes were definitely made with loads the encrypts without leap to another place in space can I do that foreign before they get me [Music] gonna fast travel during combat ah what about uh I'm gonna go back to I can't go back to Cheyenne oddly enough I can't go there directly anyway all right I'm stuck undo I knew I do yeah I'm in a death Loop that's brutal oh I can't repair either I'm hitting a zero and nothing's happening the worst part is that I don't have uh see if I can like duck out behind an asteroid or something I can't get around ah crap oh we're stuck ah shoot yeah I had my Shields at Max sorry so when I when the fight starts I actually don't have it up all right thank you jump system offline ah come on I have no repairs available I don't think zero is not accomplishing anything ah that is your draft driver as the only chance well the trouble is it says I can't fast travel with uh flat blind God dang it Max rusters makes it harder to turn yeah that could be an issue oh don't get up Rock button well let's just go take a little stroll or we're getting shot at that seems perfectly reasonable uh maybe we should sit back down [Laughter] I could load something that's like right before this I bet all Shield systems are back in the green right before we blow up good guy man let's see I'm gonna have to it should have a quick save before this that I can load uh yeah a couple of minutes before there we go so clearly we don't want to fight these people I'm thinking 2 000 credits is a very good price to pay them I'm hitting zero is it supposed to be oh where am I now didn't realize it was an upper deck here too yeah I definitely need more practice with the uh with the fighting oops empty weapon case well lots of good loot up here guns and stuff radioactive boosted calibrated Grendel epic rifles fancy I wonder if I take off in the ship if these things stay here or if they would have disappeared let her older repair have to scan oh so I was hitting zero I thought uh that was the button so that would be a problem for sure I think they were still doing so much damage I don't know that it would have mattered but after the enemy's Shield is down switch quickly to ballistics to Max well I was too busy like I was having trouble just even juggling the different things never mind paying attention to what their Shields and stuff were at at the time all right let's uh get rid of some stuff here like how does it treat the the resources of my other ship if I do this quick save and try it again it's not so bad you're doing 25 fan blade death Loops yeah well we let we ultimately live through that in the end but this one not so much I have six for you yeah the old key would like using like the switch between the different systems to control is a bit of a pain achieving all wait I'm not in combat right now so I can just bug out at this point right just d-pad much easier yeah probably expect someone to bethesda's giggling every time someone tries to repair their ship with zero instead of oh probably you're probably right a bunch of jerks okay so we want to go to uh where again I gotta go up to here to what a weird way it sends me okay let's go to groom Bridge first I guess is that ghosts don't stop letting me huh maybe I have to [Music] ah I want to scroll out farther but it's not letting me there we go I guess I gotta go to Purina for oh look at the weird pattern it's giving me now [Music] I'm gonna arima jump why can't I go to oh I can go to there we go there you go now we have to deal with the bounty hunters at all what is bail oh I gotta power up my grab Drive there we go police sport controller play yeah I must because it's also available on Xbox I haven't tried with the controller I've just been using Wilson keyboard though thank you now I want to go back to Cheyenne what this is how I got here in the first place how come I can't go back that way screw it up man the hell that's just so weird I don't imagine I can get to Elvis and Tori from here nope yeah well crap jump range is different Maybe I mean I I started in Cheyenne before and I went up to groom bridge and then from there down to nebula but doesn't seem to work that way I don't know maybe just because I'm a different ship anyway it's uh it's already 20 after one in the morning I have to work in the morning so I think I'm just gonna crash for tonight definitely be back to play some more of this hopefully uh with a little less death looping the next time we play uh thanks everyone for coming to hang out tonight I really appreciate it thanks for the super chats as well if you don't currently subscribe to the channel go ahead and click on the Subscribe button come back and hang out again I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 46,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, starfield, starfield gameplay, lets play starfield, starfield first look, starfield live stream, starfield ep 1, starfield part 1, space rpg, starfield ship building, starfield PC
Id: lDk7gkURZrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 27sec (13767 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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