Shimmer and Shine Rescue Zeta the Sorceress & Nazboo! | 30 Minute Compilation | Shimmer and Shine

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Z's in trouble we got to help her come on wait I haven't finished the repairs yet your car won't F properly n booo do something okay how is that helping I'm not on ball anymore you've got to be kidding me hey we're coming Zeta w happing wo wo it looks like Dolly didn't finish fixing our carpet so it's not working right can you fix it Shimmer uh I don't know I'll try here we go weaving woing weaving wh make this carpet glittery [Music] new hey I think it work W it didn't do work come on Shimmer I know you can do this right I can do this weaving weaving woing whip make this carpet glittery new it worked woohoo nice one sis thanks guys now let's go save us a sorceress hang on Zeta we're coming got to move really fast got to hurry and catch up out of the way we've no time to waste we're hot on the trail going faster and faster we're up and running running here comes the chase let's go let's go let go let's go let's go wo whoop hang on need to grab on on I don't need your help oh oh who am I kidding yes I do what about the giant ball so worry leave that to me now where do you think you're going there we go that's better come on let's head back sorry Za but we're taking that gem back yeah there's nowhere left to run I don't need to run I never needed to run I can use my gem to tangle you [Music] up look out somebody get the scepter off of me Z stop waving it [Music] around is it just me or did things get crazy really quickly come on let's go save him follow that vine rightor I do not like this Jewel gem anymore I see that I like it we're coming [Music] Z it's getting away got to catch it catch it starting up the chase oh no no way going to feed up feed up zoom out of the gate at the speed of light in a Flash on the Wild Ride take off it's time to R oh come on come on yeah go got to move quickly swiftly ha on a chase oh there's no time to waste W oh yeah faster faster accelerate this is the exciting Chase W oh yeah Roll come on come on come on come on go roll come on come on come on come on go please you've got to stop these Vines I'll give you anything even the jewel gem yes whatever you want just save me master to oh and ASO too all right zaa hold up the Suter so we can say the magic words vines vines go away some gems another [Music] day oh good uh-oh gotcha thank you here you can have your crummy scepter back nice going we got it zeta's here Z you all look like you could use a laugh tickle tickle wiggle wiggle give these Genies a great big [Laughter] giggle what's that I don't know but I can't stop [Music] laughing me too I didn't even hear her tell a joke now that they're laughing thanks to my tickling potion I can use this grabbing potion to grab the gem you guys don't mind if I take this oh no Z's trying to steal the AAR gem but how will we stop we can't stop laughing hey you stopped laughing so did you so did I but how b b Bali you came back since magic doesn't work around Bali zeta's spell is broken now we need to try and stop Z and I know just how to do it with a Little Help from our friend b hey b want to play ball got to catch [Music] me hey B you want to play Hey I'm not laughing anymore yeah me neither Come on B here cat oh thank you oh great nil uhoh bowi bowi bowi one bit of magic come to z z catch what oh [Music] no that was a close call I'm laughing what have I done n [Applause] b B B B B B I'm sure glad you followed us B yeah you really helped save the day hey look at this that's Rocket's paw print all right and he went back that [Music] way come on NAS boo pull harder we have to get the creature to the jeweler to scare her there she is now do your barking jumping drooling thing so we can scare that Genie drooler and then I grab samira's [Music] staff what do I have to do to get this creature to focus I know I'll use a banana he seems to love [Music] them it's working monster it worked yes with samira's staff I'm now the most powerful person in Zar Falls ha now I Zeta will rule all of Zar Falls rocket I knew I'd find you hey what are you doing with Zeta and what's Zeta doing with samira's staff oh no Zeta must have taken it away from the genie Jeweler we have to get it back I've got an idea look rocket I've got your bone come here boy hey w w w w w come it out the staff naso get it good job rocket he's a thief that's my staff actually the staff is mine oh hi Samira hi Zeta and hi rocket thanks for getting my staff rocket you're a hero you sure are good boy point the light over there is that what I think it is I guess there are monsters here and it's coming this way what do we do [Music] run wait nuh-uh we're not going to let a monster come here and scare us away from our awesome Treehouse sleepover yeah but I'm all out of wishes we don't need wishes we can make a trap to catch the monster so it doesn't cause any trouble best idea ever let's do it gather around we'll make a plan to get this creature use the things that we have on our rare trade here got our Jews and our WIS all the things we pack that green gooey thing would be fun to catch we won't let it wreck our sleepover get the pork get theor come on the Trap got to catch it catch it yeah when we work together we grow strong together on a break Adventure let's go for it come on it's up to us to come such a silly monster all of us we're g now we're going to catch this thing come on we're going to catch this thing come on the Trap is ready ooh good cuz here comes the monster ooh gr roll it's coming this way come on this monster disguise is so good it'll send those girls running all the way back to Zar Falls ooh gr wait where' they go aha there they [Applause] are it's working help being a monster is hard work see that yeah worst vacation ever she was the monster all along oh oh Z no monster that was a great monster disguise Z come on guys we've got to find that snowflake gem before Zeta tries any more of her tricks but it could be anywhere Shimmer you found it it's beautiful I'll get it hey give that back you girls think you're so clever but now I have the gem and you don't oh no and now I can create powerful storms like this in the Hills where the cold winds blow make this gem snow and snow see nasu such power I'll be the greatest Sorceress in [Applause] zor I'm stuck Nas Boo get me out uhoh Mo the gy so what do you say you guys are ready to go back back to Z Falls oh yeah snowflake Jam be our guide take us on [Music] Magic [Music] Apprentice have you made my potion yet just finished wonderful what is it h tiny swirling Cloud it's a storm potion perfect now I don't want to get too close this time but I do want to take it to the marketplace to test it out Z Zach did you find him nope Zach's lost forever I'm sure we'll find him soon woohoo yeah Zach there he goes come on Zach Zach we've been looking all over for you really why you were missing I was what were you doing with Zeta I'm her Apprentice what that's right and my Apprentice created a potion that will make me the most powerful person in zor Falls yes yes bring the storm and I will rule zy Falls oh that's as big as it gets that's not very powerful at all W get this thing away from me don't worry Za I've got you is it gone I'm coming VA got you that Clow just won't give up and neither do we I wish that Cloud would go away boom Zar second wish of the day Shimmer and shine wish granted [Music] [Applause] divine all right yeah woohoo here you go Z your silly dance is no match for these shoes oh yeah we'll see about that come on [Music] guys it's working my necklace is coming back all right so are our bracelets not for long booms are May booms are a pal shoes make my dance magic stronger now W oh no our bracelets are fading again we need more help Shimmer and shine Leah Samir Sarah and our pet you guys are just in time let's get this party started we can use our dance magic to bring on the music Genies from everywhere come on get moving to the left and to the right let's get it grooving With Friends by our side there's nothing we can't do everybody shake shake shake we're going to say our make bo bo Boom come once and come all now everybody's getting into the groove with their hands and with their feet cuz the more friends moov it to the boom bo be the stronger we're going to be now everybody's getting into the groove with their hands and with Fe the more to the boom bo be the stronger we're going to be it's dance magic come on bo bo [Music] bo wait for nasil get me out of here okay all right Zeta you've had your fun now it's time to give back those shoes much better nice to have you back where you belong Genie riic work girls you Sav zar Falls with the power of dance magic I knew you were natural dancers is that naso hi friends then he must be standing next to Z uh-oh they found us run oh wait see wait wait for that it's getting away got to catch it catch it starting up the chase oh no don't wait going to feed up feed up zoom out of the gate at the speed of light in a Flash on a wild ride take off it's time to roll come on come on go better move quickly swiftly on the CH oh there's no time to waste oh yeah faster faster accelerate this is the exciting change W oh oh yeah n n n Roll come on come on come on come on go n n n n n Roll come on come on come on come on go [Music] any sign of Zeta nope nope we've got to get that comb back or she'll keep tricking everyone with her disguises but zeta's not the only one who can make disguises we still have these color changing gems IA was right and I have a plan we'll put the color [Music] ch I I think those Genies are finally gone potions get your potions did you hear that come on best potions in AAR Bazar get them right here potions quick show me your most powerful one certainly have a seat and we'll bring it right to you okay but be fast I'm in a hurry here you are Miss H this smells like shampoo that's because it is and I'll take that thank you very much oh hi friends hey you tricked me that's right just like you tricked Isa yeah here's your comb Isa thanks I feel like myself [Music] again uh-oh we're still too far away not for long grab a [Music] star okay everybody push on the stopper so we can let out the rainbow water that's trapped [Music] inside look the rainbow water is back back is the magic working again let's find out it'sing working girls you did it all the colors are back again and the weird magic is going away too woohoo wo woohoo thanks for your help Lily and sigh and now that the Magic's working again we can fix your staff Emma I wish Emma staff wasn't broken anymore boom Zar first wish of the day Shimmer and shine wish granted [Music] Divine my staff I'll never lose you again thanks you guys you're welcome happy to help now come on we better go check on Zar Falls yeah good [Music] idea great The Falls are back to normal quick to the marketplace well Zane I guess we'll just have to get used to this news Army Falls my carpet it's working I can fly Genie tastic the girl saves zarm Falls it happens happens a lot princess Samir we did it we fixed of rainbow water I knew you could we couldn't have done it without Emma and I couldn't have done anything without you girls if the squirrel loves sparkly things maybe we can trade the gem for something even more sparkly hey that's a great idea Shimmer thanks I'm kind of an expert when it comes to Sparkles do you really think it will work only one way to find out I wish for something more sparkly than the gem boom R Third Wish of the day Shimmer and shine wish granted Divine now your home is as sparkly as the gem a you're welcome yes we got the gem now we just need to get it back to the lumos tree uh-oh but the Moon is already rising and the lumos trees is on the other side of the garden we'll never make it a time I think the squirrel wants to give us a ride back to the lumos tree the hara's lamb if anyone can get us back in time you can a thank you now come [Music] on uh-oh the flower Wall's still up I'm on it woo nice job guys oh yeah what are you doing shine tail surfing I've always wanted to try this there it is the lumos treat we've got to hurry the moon's almost above [Music] it there we are back where you belong woo that was a close one it was awesome ring with you partner bye-bye Miss squirrel that was definitely the coolest squirrel we've ever met and we've met a lot of squirrels H the moon it's almost time for the tree to light up come on thank you guys for all of your help I never could have found the gem without you and your wonderful wish magic wa oh oh no it's Zach's helmet something bad must have happened to him poor Zach poor us now we're stuck too and I'm all out of wishes what was that it sounds big uh-oh it's the dark H the sound is coming from over there hey guys Z you're safe of course isn't this Forest totally awesome but what was that loud noise oh that that was the dark poppies those are D poppies I thought they were supposed to be big with lots of eyes oh yeah watch this it looks like they've got a lot of eyes cuz they're always playing together and they leave a big footprint by jumping to together plus they're super friendly pretty cool huh really amazing I don't know if you noticed but you guys are totally stuck in that swamp yeah we noticed uh-oh what are they doing I think they're coming to help hey tickle see I told you they were friendly and they're so darn cute they are kind of cute I guess you guys were right I shouldn't have been so afraid here Zach I found your helmet thanks Cass you're the best Genie a guy could ask for oops sorry Zach that's okay it happens happens a lot hey guys that tickles why won't this thing work uh-oh oh no oh my to ouch look out here it comes oh no we have to stop that machine and help those grunts come on everyone grab a grunt thank you here it come uh-oh this is bad oh no look out help gotcha that was a close one look over there and over there it's Cog come back here quit you guys save them and I'll save Cog okay got you I'm resisting with stop I resisting with stop I'm coming Cog Shimmer shine help [Music] Cog hooray we're saved and now we have lots of digging to do I love to dig I don't get it why did the magic and the magic necklace stop working the necklace only gives you three wishes and you already made your three wishes only three wishes what good is a magic necklace if it only gives you three lousy wishes three wishes a day a day you mean you get three more wishes tomorrow uh-huh okay could you give me that back sorry Cog it's not yours but I think this is come on we'll help you [Music] dig great digging Cog and after you finish this hole you can dig another and another and [Music] another sounds like we better get started woohoo yeah all right hey you know what think it is kind of fun we really need the mermaid gem oh you do do you tell me why they need it so they can go home without it we can't change back into our non- mermaid selves I see that's a pretty good reason so can we have it hold your seahorses can't have this precious gem until you solve a riddle I love riddles quiet okay here it is show me a star that never shines in the sky I know a sea Star like the ones we saw before one glowing sea star coming right up here you go a star that never shines in the sky that was awfully quick I should have thought of something harder now can we go in and get the Gem uh no not today you'll have to come back tomorrow but but we answered her riddle and we told you why we need the gem that gem isn't doing anybody any good just sitting in this cave you sure don't need it I do need it you do why the mermaid gem is the only special thing about my cave if you take it I'm afraid nobody will ever come visit me here again and then I'll be lonely don't be silly I'll come visit I'll come too me too really I mean it's kind of dark and scary down here don't you think I just had the best best best idea light up your up your going to make a today we light up your yeah up your he Sparkle in a real big way yeah you're going to love it and you will discover with friends right beside you down here it's a whole lot brighter let up your world yeah let up your world going to make it CH today we light it up we light it up [Music] today this is the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me you guys are the best group hug and of course you can have the mermaid gem aw thank you than you are you guys ready yes but we'll come back again soon I certainly hope so you can ask your parents to subscribe to Nick Junior's Shimmer and shine YouTube channel for new videos every week and find more of your favorite shows on Nickelodeon
Channel: Shimmer and Shine
Views: 463,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shimmer and shine, paw patrol, paw patrol skye, jojo siwa, lorelai mermaid, santiago of the seas, butterbean’s cafe, nella the princess knight, sunny day, preschool learning, nick jr, zeta the sorceress, ytao_ss, full episodes, shimmer and shine, cartoon for kids, cartoons for kids, kids entertainment, kids shows, shows for kids, new kids channel, new kids show 2023, new kids etertainment, girl cartoons, cartoons for girls, kids shows 2023, kids, cartoons, kids cartoon
Id: Jdac7Rc2VD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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