Shimmer and Shine Find a Mystery Gem & Bake Flying Cookies! 🍪 Full Episodes | Shimmer and Shine

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two gen in a bottle up in the St Sky Shimmer and shine on a magical ride boom Oh What a Day your it's Shimmer and shine Shimmer and shine there's magic there's friendships Adventures for all so much to discover and Zar I'll make B Shimmer and sh genine Shimmer and shine Shimmer and shine on your marks get set [Music] go it's a tie good job huh I wonder who that is let's go see Hi C greetings Shimmer and shine I heard some noise coming from your Palace so I came to see if everything was all right oh yeah everything's fine we were just playing with our friends Zach and Leo hi hello nice to meet you are you genus in training too nope we're just regular people I've never met a non-magical person before c you have nothing to worry about we're friendly I promise well you do look friendly average height no tails and they smell good we the person we grant wishes for and our best friend oh I see have you made any wishes today yep first I wish for socks that the pets could race in check this out they smell like bubblegum oh man that's good then I wish for a megaphone to cheer them on incredible I've read all about wish granting but I've never actually seen a person make a wish could you show me how you do it sure I just need something to wish for oh could you wish for a banana they're not only tasty they're nutritious too okay I wish for a banana boom Zar thle wish of the day Shimmer and shine giant banana Divine wo the banana is huge well I figured we all might want a snack you guys are good someone's calling us on the magic mirror Mir I'm glad you're all here as part of your genie training I have an important challenge for you today deep in Genie Forest there's a brand new gem your challenge is to find The Gem and unlock its magic gosh that sounds like a big job it is but I know you can do it good luck genies and training all right a new Genie challenge perhaps we should have saved some of Leah's wishes that's okay Cass with all of us working together I'm sure we could find The Gem without wishing magic well what are we waiting for let's get going Safety First woohoo wo hey Leo let's bring all the stuff you wish for you never know when it might come in handy I guess it couldn't hurt and we're definitely going to want this banana for later wo look it's Genie Forest coming in for a landing woohoo that was awesome up High um okay like this we'll work on that anyway uh we should start looking for the mystery gem good idea sign it could be anywhere come on TOA not here not here either um guys maybe we'd find The Gem faster if we split up then we won't be looking in the same places good thinking and we can meet back here at the giant banana unless you think there are other giant bananas in the forest probably not okay we'll go this way and you two go that way you're going to leave me alone with a nonmagical person what if something bad happens you'll be great Cass and we'll meet you back here in 10 minutes oh so good this will be interesting treat [Music] 348 hey cats did you hear that hear what what is it a bear a lion a hippo maybe it sort of sounded like this squeak squeak squeak squeak oh goodness it could be anything we better get out of here run Z run Cass hey where are you going wait for me no gem here nothing here either Shimmer shine you got to see this ooh a secret cave you do you think the gem might be inside only one way to find out come on ooh so pretty [Music] [Applause] pretty there's an echo [Applause] [Music] ech oh no it won't budge it's too bad I don't have any wishes left then I could wish us out of this cave there's got to be another way out of here yeah and who knows if we keep looking maybe we'll find that new gem run Zach hurry hurry I don't know what it is run Zach do you think the Animals still chasing me I'm pretty sure I was the only one chasing you so do you know how to get back to the meeting spot we're lost we're lost in the woods and we'll never get out don't worry Cass your old buddy Zach has got you covered I happen to have an awesome sense of smell I'll just sniff my way back to those bubblegum socks problem solved wa Zach Zach are you okay yeah I'm good and check it out the socks I told you this sniffer is one of a kind that was incredible you know what Zach I've never met anyone like you before come to think of it I've never met anyone like me [Music] either uh I'm not seeing any mystery gems oo but I do see a [Music] slide a we're right back where we started hey the girls should be back by now that's weird it's not like Leah to be late maybe we should go look for them don't you think it's safer to stay here Cass Cass Cass with me by your side you've got nothing to worry about hey want to smell the star does that megaphone have to be so loud the megaphone is loud the megaphone is loud if we call the girls with the megaphone they'll be able to hear us and tell us where they are Cass I like the way you think I can't see you Leah where are you Shimmer shine this is your fellow Genie and training Cass what is your location we're inside this cave we're in here stand aside ladies I will move this rock I'm guessing that didn't work don't worry I've got a plan I'm going to push from up here and Cass you jump on that banana okay banana bunga [Music] oh Zach are you all right I'm okay but I don't know about this Genie fruit hm it's kind of hard Zach that's not fruit that's the mystery gym we found it Zach and Cass you guys were amazing you rescued us and you found the mystery G G yeah what can I say I guess we make a good team well I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to find out what this gem can do go me too Shimmer and shine unlock this gem Divine glitter and glow mystery gem go is that a genie lamp congratulations genies and training you've discovered the matching gem we did but we still don't know what it does yeah it just made this lamp the matching gem assigns Genies to their perfect person and this gem assigned Cass to be Zach's Genie Cass is my genie Zack is my person this calls for a celebration man I wish we could have have a party boom zor first wish of the day Flash and Pizzazz Party by Cass [Music] awesome you're going to love our is flying cookies Leah Let's see we need eggs Che ooh my favorite Genie riic chocolate chips check butter I got it no I don't I've got it you guys are butter fingers wow now we need the most important ingredient of all flying flower that's what what makes the cookies fly I see flipping flow and flopping [Music] flower but no flying flower um I'm going to guess that's it good guess that's [Music] it the scooter ran out of Magic Carpet dust again we need to find another way to make it fly flying flower that's perfect I'm glad I thought of that we got the last bag that was lucky a did you hear that nasbo they got the last bag I need that flying flower you back and you can get it for meuh you're you're small enough to sneak into Shimmer and shine's Palace grab that flower and sneak back out don't worry I'll help you every step of the way wear this pretty and I'll be able to talk to you through this Crystal Ball here they come grab onto their carpet let's go make flying cookies yeah have you gotten the flow yet uh-uh get that flow okay time to get [Music] cooking [Music] we'll get the cooking supplies Leah you open the ingredients I'm on it I've got the fs and spoons the baking pan is ready do you have a mixer of course we do I'll go get it here's the bowl we need where is the mixer Mier there it is thanks cabinet [Music] welcome mixer's all set power what was that how did that happen the mixer is broken really broken but not for long I wish this mixer is fixed boom Z first wish of the day Shimmer and shine mixer fixer Divine wow Shimmer this mixer is awesome thanks Leah now let's make some [Music] cookies [Music] yeah it's so amazing yeah when I'm with you working together like we always do helping each other makes a friendship blow we Spar we glitter we shine we're in this together for life and it's like Bo boom man it's going to be a it's going to be a great day singing boom boom [Applause] [Music] boom n get the flour now walk yes ma'am the cookies are cooked ah they smell delicious after they cool off they'll start flying and then we'll start eating I can't wait to see them fly let's go play while they cool [Music] off oh flower no no no [Music] cookies gotcha cookie what was that I don't know let's go see what's going on in wo wo wo tall in the hall must have made this mess well it's a good thing I like cleaning these belong in here that's better and now out with the trash did you get it yeah yeah yeah not the cookie the flower oh um no are you outside in the trash uhuh if you want something done right you have to do it yourself they're cooling off nicely any minute now they should do that they're starting to float Yep they're almost ready to eat [Music] there you are G you need to bath when we get home but first we have to grab that flying flower yep FL yeah we'll use the old fake vase trick get in Nas boo naso a little help here oh okay down down down go down down good now ring the doorbell and get back in your face ring the bell where did these faces come from I don't know but you can never have enough sparkly things they'd look nice in your living room you are so right Leah let's bring them in I love them you know what I love cookies they must be ready now now yeah come on come on naso taada there they go Leah we present to you our famous F cookies I love them we can make more too we have lots of flying flow left all right naso here's our plan I'll distract them with some friendly chitchat while you grab the flower then we run got it got it hello there Zeda what are you doing here I just stopped by to see what's cooking would you like to try one of our cookies how sweet of you to offer but no thanks so what would you like oh good grief on enough chitchat I'd like this the flying flower but it belongs to us it's mine now nice chatting with you got to run Nill I wish Zena would stop boom Zar second wish of the day Shimmer and shine stop Zine she's got butter be yep you wish for her to stop I figured that would do it see yuck now I have butter on my feet and flying flower on my head huh uh-oh n boo help me got W wo wo wo wo wo w w nille Cook flying flow good for cookies bad for Zeta [Music] you can ask your parents to subscribe to Nick Jr's Shimmer and Chine YouTube channel for new videos every week and find more of your favorite shows on Nickelodeon
Channel: Shimmer and Shine
Views: 187,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shimmer and shine, paw patrol, paw patrol skye, jojo siwa, lorelai mermaid, santiago of the seas, butterbean’s cafe, nella the princess knight, sunny day, preschool learning, nick jr, shimmer and shine full episodes, full episode, ytao_ss, kids entertainment, nick junior, magic carpet, kids games, watch on nick jr., kids shows, shimmer and shine full episodes us, shimmer and shine song, shimmer and shine cartoon, shimmer and shine full episodes in english, shows for kids
Id: TZzwOsFoeE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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