Shimmer and Shine Rescue Animals! w/ Leah & Zeta the Sorceress | 30 Minute Compilation | Nick Jr.

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[Music] dangin little dangin oh there you are come on little guy you're a lot of fun to play with but we need our coin back so we can take it to the frosty Fountain and make our wish w huh [Music] what wo all these bubbles sure are making the Dance Floor [Music] slippery wo [Music] oh please give us the coin back oh no he's getting [Music] away where'd he go there he is come on he's headed [Music] upstairs you don't want to play with that that's how we control our [Music] boat that silly zanglin doesn't realize he's steering the boat all over the place don't worry little guy I got you wait where's the wishing coin who heading for the edge I've got it nice cat sis there there it'll be okay uh maybe not I can't figure out how to make the boat sh here let me try nope still going in circles I know I wish we had a way to stop the boat boom Zar second wish of the day Shimmer and shine wish granted Divine anchor really big sparkly anchors okay everyone he ho W all right wow those anchors really worked poor little pets come on little fella let's get you back [Music] home go stop go we're almost there okay go [Music] stop go stop okay go go go [Music] go now we just need to put the baby in the nest oh finally I'll be free M mama I told you I am not your mama I'm just trying to give you your baby back hey let go of me oh no let's go we're coming Zama mama bird we can explain this is all just a big misunderstanding wo wo a Zeta was so close to putting the baby back in its nest that's it I wish that Zeta were covered in Mucky Moss boom Zar second wish of the day Shimmer and shine lucky Moss Divine moncky Moss oh no wo wo wo wo [Music] W nice thinking Leah that Moss was so slipp sppy the mama bird couldn't hold on I never want to see another baby bird again I am getting out of here [Music] w let the game begin good hustle I love glitter ball it's just so so so glittery yeah go pink team win me that prize hi Z rasu the ball get the ball oh okay Z catch what no I don't want the ball I'm not on a team the glitter ball action is getting fierce but Frank is on the ball Frank Frank Frank Caso scored a goal casoo scored a goal way to go pink team that means if the pink team scores one more goal they win the mystery prize Let's Go Blue Team you can do it okay round two and play out the [Music] way okay bye PA what's that ball doing PESA scored a goal the slam round three whoever scores next wins the mystery prize and and [Music] playo have to win that mystery prize oh I know just how I'll win one drop of this motion potion will make the ball go right through the hoop uhoh too much potion that means the balls going to fly around like there NAU how do we stop this thing I don't know but you're a dragon how can you not [Music] know I'm so glad to be off that thing bye-bye friend there's the anara but where's zaa let's get closer but be careful she's very scared no problem santara it's okay you have to get me closer all right come on Zia it's okay zantara I'm here now you can slow down good girl oh I missed you wow fares that was awesome yeah thanks now we have to calm down the others we that's right now that you girls are Dragon Riders too you can help me let's do this yeah SAR slam [Music] come out come out from behind the clouds you're all tangled up but we'll get you out no need to F turn around your frown it'll be okay feeling stuck and all confused Don't Be Afraid or it here for you cuz I got you and you got me just hold on and you'll see it's going to be okay don't worry you you got me together we can work it out together we can calm you down it's going to be just fine with good friends by outside together we can work it out together we can calm you down you did it girls Zar Skies is calm and peaceful once again I told you VZ knows everything about dragons she sure does I could really use someone like you to help me protect Zara Skies I'd love to help princess oh I'm glad to hear it with this necklace we can talk to one another whenever we want awesome and thanks again fares for everything you taught us yeah Riding Dragons is the best hey guys Z you're safe of course isn't this Forest totally awesome but what was that loud noise oh that those the D poppies those are D poppies I thought they were supposed to be big with lots of eyes oh yeah watch this it looks like they've got a lot of eyes cuz they're always playing together and they leave a big footprint by jumping together plus they're super friendly pretty cool uh-huh really amazing I don't know if you noticed but you guys are totally stuck in that swamp yeah we noticed uhoh what are they doing I think they're coming to help hey that TI see I told you they were friendly and they're so darn cute they are kind of cute I guess you guys were right I shouldn't have been so afraid here Zach I found your helmet thanks Cass you're the best Genie a guy could ask for oops sorry Zach that's okay it happens happens a lot hey guys that [Music] tickles tall in the hall we save you hold on wao it's getting windier oh no we've got to [Music] hurry gotcha you're welcome promise me you'll never run away like that again okay good now hold on we've got to get back to the Palace [Music] fast H made it there you are come in come in we're ready so are we up here come on this way you're going to love [Music] this tala welcome to your your new [Music] bedroom don't worry noal I would never forget my adorable wiow tiger come on guys [Music] taada [Music] wow [Music] there he goes wait look a rain cloud can we borrow it please of course here you go great now we just need to float it above rocket so we can wash him off rocket here boys I miss oh no oh now that the Cloud's gone how are we going to wash the magic off rocket the fountain if we can get Rocket to hop in it the water will wash him off great idea Leah come on Rocket here boy rocket who's a good boy want a bath bath time he's still too excited about the butterfly maybe this will get his attention rocket look at me I'm taking the back woof woof woof woof Bath Time come on bath time wo wo did it work nope but it sure was fun watching you act like a [Music] dog how are we going to get rocket in the fountain Rocket's ball rocket loves playing fetch right yeah it's his favorite toss it here rocket here here boy want to play fetch you've got your new favorite ball it's really fun ready fetch watch [Applause] out the shooting Stardust is causing the costume to go out of control we need get out of here fast oh no oh no oh no I'm stuck help hold on was that Zeta and nazu and his family wait that big Zar corn was a costume what's going on I don't know but it looks like they need help well W then we'll need our Zar corns [Music] zle sorry to pull you away from the parade guys but see the nasb need us help me gotcha gotcha oh no now Z the nasu and the dragons are in trouble you're right they're going to crash into that building where there's a wish there's a way and I wish they wouldn't crash boom Zar Third Wish of the day shimmering shine wish granted Divine glittery wind nice thinking sis thanks now follow that costum well this way zaror wa what was thatc us princess Adar sad boo help me naso it's not working Caso raso prank P [Applause] [Music] prank naso dragons you saved me yep thank [Music] you wo back where you belong and now for some really special glow [Music] magic oh my genie I didn't think it could get any prettier but it just did and look the jellyfish are coming wow so amazing beautiful you did it Lily your first time and you made the Pearl glow so bright and now the dance can start ooh this is going to be the best best best jellyfish dance we've ever seen or been him huh you're not just going to see the dance you're going to be in the dance surprise yeah [Music] awesome come on come on come on everything is glowing bright in the ocean with everyone we're going to dance with the sea swirl with each other swirl with the bubbles having such a good time yeah so come on come on come on it's a party with the SE life it this deep magic so let's all get dancing like this whether you're a Genie or a fish keep moving your feet or your pins to the rhythm of the Beet of the music it's the dance of the jellyfish so grab a starish or grab holding tentacles and hands it doesn't get better than this it's the dance of the jellyfish dance dance dance jellyfish dance dance dance we're happy to see you Bali but maybe we should go play somewhere away from the other Genies so the magic can work again good idea let's head back to the boat what's she doing I think she wants us to play tag come [Music] on it's getting away got to catch it catch it starting up the chase oh no the way going to speed up speed up zoom out of the gate at the speed of light in a Flash and while your ride take off it's time to roll come on come on yeah go got to move quickly Sly on a chase oh there's no time to waste oh yeah fate this is the exciting CH oh yeah Roll come on come on [Music] come there's so many Genies here how will we find Bali theil po po po b b b there you are aw we're glad you had fun but we really should get you home now thanks for helping us set up everyone this place looks great yeah yeah thanks anytime naso sweet cookies Zach those are for zeta's party we can't eat them until she gets here a man a oh man R now we just have to figure out how to get Zeta here for the surprise I know you're in there wow that was easy everyone hide she can't see us yet hi yeah yeah yeah all right nasu I need to know what could possibly be so interesting that you won't spend the day with me what surprise uh what happy Sunday naso what is this nasbu asked us to help him throw a special found you day party just for you Zeda yeah we've been helping him get things ready for the party all day and we are so so so excited you finally know because is keeping a surprise a secret is really hard you did all this for me m uhhuh so you're still my best friend forever yeah love [Music] a now let's get this party started y [Applause] I Found You You Found Me here's the truth you make me so happy we're best friends forever I know we'll always stick together Now That I Found You life so great chasing after ballons and eating cake we'll be best friends for always Now That I Found You and you [Music] me hello hey there little zingbird [Music] [Music] CH what did he say minu that he'd be happy to come with us to princess adara's palace and help get the star zmin to bloom in time for her Star Party awesome then to the Palace we go but first we'll need a ride Zar [Music] flash hi guys ready to head back to princess adoras looks like I'm getting a ride too bye-bye Sky Garden [Music] hi Adara you're back and I see you found a zbing bird oh and he's a cutie we sure did your star Zine should be blooming in No Time Princess that's right well I use my growing [Music] magic our zuming Bird friend will use his Blossom magic and then the bloom the flowers they're beautiful you did it guys oh it's not over yet here comes the best [Music] part wo awesome you were right princess they really are special oh I know I can't thank you enough for your help girls especially you minu anytime splitter jinni's love helping and thank you too little zming [Music] bird hey squeaky want to help us play a fun trick on Z if you trade bottles with us Zeta will get a big surprise when she opens it on TR Nas boo [Music] squeaky there you are oh finally you're ready to hand over that bottle now I'll make a chaos potion to take over Zara May [Music] Falls oh no stop please no you'll be too powerful yes get [Music] ready what is happening this isn't a chaos potion nope it's a popcorn potion but but how looks like your rubber chicken friend played one last trick on you Z yeah we have the real bottle that's what I get for trying to work with a sneaky chicken now I'll just send this back to the potion shop Shimmer your plan worked Zar amazingly but it also made a big mess yeah now how are we going to clean all this up now we know how time [Music] again [Music] nope still won't budge look it's to and a and paresa they're back and they brought our Zar horns zaa trapped Us in here can you help us get [Applause] out [Music] what are they doing I think they're trying to use magic to get rid of this trap it looks like it's working they did it they saved us yeah you are all so amazing [Music] the Luma star it's almost here and that means Z is about to capture it for herself not if we get there first come on here comes the Luma star nasoo it's mine all mine Nina stop Hi friend you're too late the most powerful star in the sky is a about to get caught in my magical web and there's nothing you can do about it oh no we have to make zeta's web go away but I'm out of wishes we still have to try hey what are you guys doing I think they're trying to move zita's web out of the way of the Luma star oh hey shoot sh sh sho get away from there come on let's help hey stop it P let go of my web no NZ Boo don't just stand there do something wa oh no instead of us picking the peppers the dragon pepper tree is picking us this tree is not going to get us noal a hey what's so funny hey that tickles that's it to remember the trick if you want to pick a dragon pepper you have to tickle the tree come on hle I need your tickly tiger paws tick tickle [Music] tickle w w wo thank you Dragon pepper tree so that's how you pick Dragon peppers good job sis now let's get these to Nas I think I know the fastest way to do that I wish we could deliver these Dragon Peppers to nasu and Zeta boom Zar first to wish of the day Shimmer and shine deliver Dragon Peppers toine special dragon pepper delivery Y what took you so long trust me it's not that easy to pick a dragon pet pepper the good news is that we brought a whole bunch of dragon Peppers so the next time naso gets Dragon pox he'll be ready well that is some good news here you go little dragon buddy are you itchy nope Sneezy nope and look no more horn spots oh my little little dragon we is all better you can ask your parents to subscribe to the Nick Jr YouTube channel for new videos every day and find more of your favorite shows on TV on Nickelodeon and the Nick Jr Channel
Channel: Shimmer and Shine
Views: 599,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick jr, animation, cartoons, kids, nickelodeon, nick junior, entertainment, watch on nick jr., fun for kids, nick jr. friends, nick, preschool videos, kids games, kids entertainment, nick jr animation, #nickjr, #youtubekids, preschool, learn, #forkids, youtubekids, full episode, new episode, kidstv, shimmer and shine, shimmer and shine full episodes, compilation, 30 min, mermaid, shimmer and shine sing along, sing along, shimmer and shine music, magic, Zahramay Falls, ytao_ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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