PAW Patrol Stops Sweetie the Royal Pup! w/ Skye | 90 Minute Compilation | Shimmer and Shine

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[Music] Busby don't move an inch till I get back wow it's like a real castle with a real malty pup inside we're on it princess can you three keep her company yeah come on follow us princess okay Sky see if you can get Busby to follow you YooHoo bet you can't catch me now's your chance Rocky magnetic [Music] beam okay give it all you've got [Music] rocky o being a mighty Queen is making me Mighty hungry I demand a great big hamburger [Music] ta Tiara we're [Music] in what miss me missed again oh so close wait where are you going how are we supposed to get in now well think of something better make that two something I know just the pup to call Co M you said the burger was big but I had no idea it look so yummy hang on there Rubble first we need to get Buzby out of here Liberty use your stretching power to wrap around him you got it quick Sky use your super strength time to go for a spin [Music] Burger is all yours Rubble let's wreck and [Music] roll M That's mighty good hey who put a hole in my burger greetings barking bag your future tournament winner has arrived I wish to compete too the more competitors the better the competition good night what is your name I'll only reveal myself if I win the tournament then I guess we'll never know your name no one can beat the greatest night of all me buy when I win the people will be so impressed they'll make me Queen competitors please parade around and greet the crowd but claw doesn't have a horse aha sorry claw the rules clearly State competitors must be riding a steed but I do have a steed SP a dragon it'll take more than a dragon to scare me now watch as I show everyone what a royally good Rider I am s you could be serious competition let's fix [Music] that sweti she's not looking so Royal now put me down hey come back here with my Sparks you Ste Ryder the course is in shambles and claw's dragon has the palace PP don't worry we'll save sweetie and fix the course no tournament is too ruined no pup night is too small rescue nights to the castle [Music] Lookout Marshall watch you sorry to Barrel into you may we go inside a dark cave full of more nasty bugs it's not just any cave princess it leads to the hidden jungle a hidden jungle how fascinating it's an amazing Place princess with unexplored dangers and seeds with magical powers magical powers I like the sound of that oh princess could we go in there please please please please please pleas I'm sorry sweetie but the animals in the hidden jungle need to be protected then we won't go I'd never dream of disturbing the wild creatures huh it's the Royal pup I should be allowed to go anywhere I want so I'll just sneak [Music] in oh monkeys play with this Mandy's pretending to be the [Music] Earl look the monkeys have invented a new sport no one can tell me what to [Music] do oh no Busby I'll save [Music] you we've got to get out of here what this is the hidden jungle it's certainly better than that buggy old jungle the walls must have opened for me because I'm so special and deserved to be Queen but how can I prove I've been where no one else is allowed to go I know [Music] selfies I shall go on a selfie Safari oh sweetie you are so [Music] [Music] clever the Royal Crown is so lovely Earl I can't wait to wear it oh you will Princess once you become Queen until then it will be on display for all to enjoy the Royal Crown so shiny so pretty so much a sweetie wants to wear the crown precious poochie oh you have such an amusing pet your highers amusing pet how can they treat me like a common pup sweetie come play puppy tea party with me and the Earl I'll be right along [Music] princess I have an idea I shall take the Royal Crown and become Queen follow me Busby we need to make a [Music] plan come on remote control CA send a signal to my Robo minion [Music] look Chase that's barking BG up ahead wow I've never been in a castle before unless you count a bouncy castle I know you'll make Paw Patrol proud Chase time for you to fly solo Chase is all in the case in a brand new place PA Patrol on wo barking BG is so beautiful and there's big Benji woohoo the ear and the princess must still be sipping tea now's my chance to claim the crown Chase reporting for [Music] w good evening your Royal nisis a could you be any cuter oh no you couldn't oh yes and this is sweetie my Royal Pooch hi sweee I am so thrilled that the Royal Crown will be guarded by my very favorite poel pup me really a thanks your princess Ness there she is Captain boss Mr siner your very own Royal carriage and horses just what I always need need needed think again you pirate I am the queen and this is my Royal Carriage so you will call me queen sweetie Queen sweetie I've never heard of Silence you there I'll need my royal meal I'm very choosy so take notes I only eat burgers well done you want me Choice your majesty you want fries with that listen here Queenie Arby is my first mate and he does what I say right you are sir so Arby polish the ship's will CL don't you dare get me my burger polish uh burer polish C can I get that as soon as I get and don't forget the ketchup buy no uh-oh got to save the queen nice try Queen doggy but you aren't going to take my first mate Chase any sign of sweetie or the carriage nothing so far Ryder wait look hoofprints and paw prints and it looks like they went in the water that's strange and this a munched on carrot so someone lured the horses into the water with a snack Sky I'm not sure why or how but the carriage might be out at Sea check over the water Roger that heading out to sea hey what's that looks like s ship goggles the horses and the carriage Ryder they're on set ship really how'd they get out there I don't know but there's no sign of Sid Arby or [Music] sweetie this is awful no Queen should be stuck in a dingy dingy AR and no pirate Captain should be stuck with a complaining Queen ghost I saw it a suit of armor walking by itself move I saw it too it's not safe for anyone to sleep in the castle tonight Paw Patrol I saw a ghost isn't that exciting you weren't scared not at all it's fun and I can't wait to show it to my favorite pups come on those pups are going to try to ruin my ghostly plan Busby but we're not going to let that happen are we sweetie I'm coming too my princess princess I'll keep watch out here your highness I'll turn on the [Music] lights somebody must have cut the power wait did you hear [Music] that silly puppy it's just sweetie with her chew toy Busby oopsie did I scare you that's not a toy see you hor [Music] Rubble Chase use your night vision visor and see what's making that noise night [Music] vision okay that's weird all the paintings on the walls are moving pretty spooky huh princess yes how thrilling yohoo ghost come on out really thrilling looks like I'll have to do something a bit scarier then they'll flee and I'll have this place all to myself I'll be the queen of the [Laughter] castle there's the ghost there must be somebody inside that armor yeah somebody sneaky like sweet who little old me well then who's in [Music] there sorry Skye sweetie is flying away with the painting I need you to go after some high art I'm up for it Ryder change a plan Busby the PAW Patrol have ruined my chance to unfail my picture at the castle so I'll just show it where all the Barking BG can see it and then they'll make me their [Music] [Music] Queen where's that sneaky sweetie sweetie why are you running with the painting it has me on it doesn't it and I'm going to show it off from the highest point in town big [Music] Beni give back the painting [Music] [Applause] [Music] never just in time Skye follow the painting we'll help sweetie watch that Rider I'll save her attention everyone please clear out of the way thank you gotcha Landing [Music] Pad [Music] uh-oh I cannot watch oh no it's falling too fast thanks Wally [Music] robber sweetie how naughty of you to play fetch with my Royal painting I didn't take him my princess see [Music] sweetie tra Luke in the tower took the Royal mic and his phone me I don't have Luke's things really oh silly me I forgot I borrowed it and now I'm going to borrow this hey that's my mic if I can't sing with this microphone no one [Music] will Skye Chase let's get that M we're we're on [Music] it Mission paw is on a roll there she [Music] goes I'm so good at being sneaky good enough the pow Patrol can't stop me uh-oh help Sky she's going to crash such a cup launcher [Music] looks like the show's over for us Busby thank you ever so much for saving my Royal concert you're welcome whenever you're ready to rock just yel for help we're so ready rubble a 1 2 3 4 come on everyone get on your paws and your feet we're going to have fun and dance to the beat every little kitty and every cool PFF is going to rock until the sun comes up wo have a royal good time wo Roy good time a ro Le time Hydro launchers you're serve [Music] Marshall Nice Shot pups Rocky get control of our PL and bring it back Roger that Rider it's working Captain Busby you're flying the wrong way the PAW Patrol must have done something fine I'll fly this thing myself I'm afraid not sweetie Mission pause controlling the air patroller now okay okay I give up just stop this awful ride think we're ready to head back to barkingburg still no sign of the Paw Patrol oh my beautiful [Music] Throne it's the air patroller with my throne and here comes the mission Cruiser okay Rocky bring her in for a [Music] landing who who oops I didn't mean to do [Applause] that greetings loyal subjects I am queen I really can't stand fish my poor soggy sweetie come here now that's a royal smile your highness thank you pups for saving the Royal throne and giving the princess a reason to smile again no problem your ear this whenever you have a royal problem just say cheese for help except for my naughty sweetie she says I'm sorry cheese I'm sorry it is said whoever possesses this dragon's tooth can make the flying Beast do whatever they wish cool wow a magic dragon tooth that controls the dragon I must have it uh-huh you should try these Tarts somehow they taste even better when you swipe them ever since then barkingburg has been a kingdom without a knight but now you will be here as the rescue Knights of barkingburg I want to reward you with barking BG's greatest Honor by nighting you all wow Cool Rider please step forward i dub the Night Rider night Chase night Rubble night Rocky night Zuma night sky and of course night Marshall thank you your highness I promise to be the best night ever and I definitely won't go breaking any rules like claw did she made them nights I'm must TR the princess that I sir claw and the only night barking bug needs whatever your name is just plain claw now and you're not even supposed to be here in fact I should tell on you oh princess sh no no no please please please H don't use those puppy dog eyes on me I know that trick fine but I'm going to use the dragon's tooth to show the princess that I'm the greatest Knight barkingburg has ever known then she'll have to give me back my Knighthood dream on sir not a night anymore nobody knows where that tooth is hidden unlike the snacks which no one's guarding at all I must now return the Royal story book of barkenberg oh doesn't it belong in the secret room can I take the book back girl please sir Marshall would be honored to be your Royal escort princess you mean walk with me lovely follow me Pup Knight a secret room I bet that's where the enchanted dragon's tooth is phew we're safe from those scary jungle animals now Busby [Music] quick in here phew those mean Tigers went away Busby now what is this place a Shabby old Throne Room ooh but that golden orb looks shiny and something a queen would have I'm going to hold it up for the perfect selfie then everyone will know how brilliant I am to have discovered this ancient Palace they'll be so impressed that they'll make me Queen W this ball is really heavy I can't let go of it buby let's get out of this creepy Place golden P print how weird wow it turned to Gold no wait I turned it to gold [Music] now this is fun come on let's turn something in the jungle to Gold uh-oh I can't open it it's too heavy we're stuck Busby oh no not you too Busby help okay hey Busby it's your [Music] time sweetie where have you be recovering the crown of barking bug where did you find it in the clutches of the villainous Paw Patrol Pup known as Chase so he did take it and it was quite a fight getting it back from him but he got away there's nothing to be sorry about sweetie you're a hero and I humbly accept whatever you choose to reward me with Princess oh yes the best prize for your Brave deed is to let you wear the crown but princess it's only for you when you become queen as Almost Queen I say sweetie can wear it look how adorable she is anyway it's just for fun want to share a crumpit from the Royal Bakery little puppy Queen I'll be along in a sack did you hear the princess I'm the new Queen bring me a hamburger no 100 hamburgers I'm going to take a bite out of each one fun princess claw's working with the Duke of flapping my cousin is behind this yes they filled the cauldron with water from mud poodle Marsh and are headed for barkingburg oh this is terrible news if the cauldron's heated with dragon breath it could create an enchanted fog that will put everyone to sleep I know where i' put it come along Busby let's set it up [Music] there caught you I know what you Scoundrels are planning and I want in make me queen or I'll call the rescue Knights I assure you sweetie you will be taken care of dragon Hit The Cauldron Sparks fire that's it now what Spar wing [Music] see sweetie I told you you'd be taken care [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] of it's working now let's get the fog to reach the castle put the princess to sleep and then I can rule barking bird Sky do you see those clouds I sure do Ryder and everyone in town seems to be [Music] asleep The Princess and the Earl are sleeping too we can't go into the city if we run into one of those clouds it will make us fall asleep too that's there's no one who can stop me from becoming King now Sparks Fly Me To The Castle hold on Duke Sparks is my dragon it's King Duke to you and you're not the only one who knows how to train a [Music] dragon thank goodness you've returned so quickly rescue nights Sky have you found anything yet so far no dragon and no Sweetie just keep looking and let us know as soon as you see something now Rubble let's round up the barrels I'll scoop them then stand them [Music] up wa this post is toast I've got just the thing to fix it in my truck don't lose it fre Suited great work sir Rocky and Sir Rubble Sky any sign of the runaway Dragon not yet Ryder I'm searching over barking BG now there I Spight dragon's breath Sparks No stop Ryder I found Sparks but he's flying so wildly I can't get close enough to grab sweetie see if you can distract C him Sky may I have those please thanks fart don't these look like two giant marshmallows come and get them down your future Queen commands [Music] you I got [Music] there's got to be an easier way to become Queen I've had enough excitement for today your future Queen is out a Busby you know me so well wait there's a weird device on the knight's helmet maybe that's how it's being controlled but who's got the remote it's sweetie's chew toy grab it Skye look out [Music] everybody it's a secret passageway to the backyard follow me [Music] it sounds like someone's put the castle in lockdown mode it must have been sweetie finally The Castle is all mine say hello to Queen sweetie okay Robo Knights enough stop it's not working Paw Patrol the knights are out of control help please we'll help you sweetie but you have to unlock the castle first I can't silly ghost Knight are blocking the controls Rubble sweetie's trapped in the castle I need you to use your mini Miner to break down the door and rescue her inside the castle with that scary ghost now Rubble I know you were scared but we really need you and that ghost won't stop me I was scared Ryder but if the PAW Patrol really needs me I'm going to try to be a brave pup trouble on the [Music] double no such thing as ghosts no such thing as ghosts help somebody sto these ghost Knights well maybe there are but I've got to do this anyway ready you're not ghosts Here Comes Rubble PA Patrol you saved me I did hey I did Paw Patrol I'm so glad to see you hi princess we got here as fast as we could Rocky you and I will search inside the castle Sky you search outside let's go Roger Ryder on it I'm afraid he'll never be found and the spotlight will be all mine [Music] we need to scan every wall in every hallway [Music] radar nope he's not behind this wall keep looking Sky any sign of Luke nothing yet Ryder wait I see something Luke's lucky hat it's stuck in a window on the East Tower great work Sky the inside wall of the East Tower is right up B here Rocky try scanning this wall wao a hidden elevator it's Luke he's in a room up there good work Rocky Rubble Sky meet us outside the castle I'm on my way [Music] rider construction claw [Music] my lucky hat thanks Paw Patrol you saved me hey guys I would have called but sweetie took my phone and trapped me up here that pup sure is trouble but at least you're okay now let's get you to the concert I hope the poor Patrol finds Luke or we'll have to cancel the concert now it's time for me to save the show with my fabulous voice then everyone will be so happy they'll make me their Queen sweee I can't believe anyone would dare take Luke star's [Applause] [Music] place oh dear sweetie has stage right if only there was someone who could truly save my concert Ladi and gentleman Luke star hello barking bird sorry I'm late [Applause] Princess Royal pops first sweetie be careful please those meatballs are rather spicy water [Music] water that is spicy but kind of good I do believe it's time to go wind big Benji okay thanks Earl sweetie are you coming with us no you go on ahead sweetie this Mighty Queen business ends now return the crown at once all right you can have the [Music] crown but you have to catch me fast Crown I demand a royal [Music] Ride Stop Sky you're the only one who can get that crown back let's take to the mighty sky who needs Adventure Bay anyway as long as I have my crown I can demand whatever I want wherever I want sorry were you saying something I've got to shake this pup somehow maybe I can lose her in that [Music] Canyon let's Turn and Burn wo [Music] lasers Ryder sweede copter is too big for this Canyon I need her to land before something bad happens how can we help follow my GPS and bring a big burger woohoo I finally lost her uh-oh order up pardon my reach hey my [Music] crown and now to return the crystal Crown to wasn't there a pillow here this is no way to treat a queen excuse me your highness uh you have mustard on your tail can I get a napkin thank you mighty pups for rescuing our Crystal Crown you're welcome whenever a mighty Queen makes a mighty scene just Yelp for help welcome to barkingburg miss too the princess is thrilled you'll be painting her official portrait oh mercy Earl I am deeply honored I'm ready to post for the portrait with you look I wore my best tiara no sweetie we don't allow pups in the Royal painting only future Queens but you can watch francea paint me won't that be fun I mean great idea your highness M my artistic genius can wait no longer please let us begin oh I do hope the painting will be done in time for the unveiling tonight not to worry I use my own special quick drying paint the secret ingredient isage cheese powder that is why my art is always in good test and cheesy Bravo Miss turbo you've done a royally Splendid job I know never before have I created art of such Grace and Majesty but never before have I had such a graceful and Majestic mother oh how sweet that reminds me shall we have tea and [Music] pastries Busby if people see my face on the painting at the unveiling tonight they'll make me their Queen this paint could make the brush is brittle I better clean him quick but I need to get rid of him [Music] first Busby play the sound of a wus in trouble great copies my flippered friend sounds like he needs help he fell for [Laughter] [Music] it the crown is mine Buzby now I'm the queen of B a my [Music] crown wo cool a real [Music] pirate wa what's this giant cup doing in Adventure City no that came out of D nowhere oh my starfish a devious device is beaming away Adventure buildings oh no cousin Poss they cannot just vanish Into Thin [Music] Air Hong look out wide load [Applause] ahead yes fa one is done your plan is working of course it is now I can begin building my dream City goodbye Adventure Bay hello Cody Cod wa Katie shop was here just a minute ago that's extremely weird huh an unexpected drone ride cool W Julia Julius hang on Auntie is coming I guess I'll be right with you [Applause] [Music] Cody gizm Modi you're the one behind all this well you wouldn't sell Adventure Bay to me so I had to take it I insist you stop destroying our town at once young lady no way mayor now that I've relocated all the people in Old buildings I'll bring in my demolition drones to clear the Clutter starting with that sad little garden LED clearing it all [Music] no not my tulips Chase let's show them the footage from your bow tie pup tag right Bai cam sweetie you took the Royal Crown that's Queen sweetie and yes I took it but I'm going to make sure everyone thinks you did sweetie you're a very naughty pup give me back my crown you'll just have to catch me first watch out after [Music] her she's getting away not for long Chase follow me in your new three-wheeler Sky it's time to fly grab your Sky cycle [Music] Mission paw is on a [Music] roll hang on Busby this is our exit sweetie [Music] no Skye catch that copter car this puppy's going to fly really high the sky not big enough for two flying pups time to lose her it'll take more than that to shake me sweetie you mean something like this huh the crown that was a bad idea Skye we'll catch her you get that Crown going down suction cup launcher she's going to land right here Chase use your Landing Pad Landing [Music] P maybe it's not so good being [Music] Queen now what do all good patients get that's right animal treat now I'm off to see Grandmama what you'll be away from the castle princess what will we do oh sweetie I'm touched that you'll miss me but I'll be back soon you'll be fine I'll be better than fine I'll be making myself [Laughter] Queen guess what I am heay you're a horse right my turn guess what I am roar oh oh I know a duck no wait a butterfly no wait a lion that's right I'm even allergic to pretend cats FY now that the princess has left the castle I'm finally Queen from now one I want everyone to call me your most Royal important Imperial puppiness uhuh the throne is not for pups you Butler are those the yummy hamburgers I wanted for my lunch what puppy food yuck you sight bow to your queen so rude it's simple Bend and bow [Music] what's the use of being Queen if no one obeys me Busby we must find some new subjects for me to rule I [Music] know my new Royal subjects you must do as I your queen command burgers at last subjects I command you to bring them here [Music] here no no no bring them to me you're not listening either here now however did you all get into the castle Sho Sho no kitties wait this is working better than I planned Busby in all this confusion I can do whatever I want and what I want is ah perfect good evening your majesty ready to leave for the train station want to join us sweetie we've got Priceless cargo to pick up Priceless treasure come on Busby let's go [Music] [Music] there's the shield [Music] Pines get in position Sparks no sparks I need to get on you first then I'll give you the marshmallow now move forward a bit so I can toss the shield in first stay I'm going to jump now P not at yet most distressing news your majesty The Shield was taken by a dragon and a pup I bet it was Sparks and Claw naughty pup I came all this way for a silly Shield the castle is full of them but this Shield has an important map on it a map that shows the way to The Cauldron of snores and if the cauldron should fall into the wrong hands terrible things could happen princess we need the rescue [Music] Knights not again maybe if I aim hello Earl how are things in barkingburg Nas not good a shield has been stolen a shield with a map to the calron of snores The Cauldron of snores it's a magical pot hidden by the nights of old filled with Marsh water and heated by dragon fire it creates an enchanted fog that puts people to sleep then whoever took the map is looking for The Cauldron okay we're on our way [Music] Mission paw is on a roll we have to block the side streets and turn sweetie back to the castle I need you to use your laser grids great idea [Music] Ryder uh-oh I'm all out of lasers that's a good elephant let's get you back to the castle not that way no the banks are too steep for the elephant to climb out it looks like she's sinking Zuma go check it out scuba [Music] gear Ryder she's going down in the mud we have to get her out fast elephant we wouldn't be sinking if you've listened to me Chase we need your inflatable landing pad in three 2 1 now R Landing Pad all right good job everyone swee's getting away with the crown it's my mine M princess hello your highness and who is this this is Grandma penguin she's staying at the animal careg grounds until her Wing heels Paw Patrol thank you for helping all my animal Pals no problem princess whenever you have a problem just yel for help and here I am St yuck again what puppy food yuck Skye any sign of sweetie sitter Arby not yet wait what's that Rider I found them they're in a little boat great Sky bring them to shore on it harness I'm here to rescue you but I can only take one at a time claw Queen's fast obviously no H I'm the captain I go first no me no me please I'll give you all to safety but you can only go one at a time Fly Me Away Skye no me me me first uh could I please get back in the boat cat BOS Mr siner guys slowing me down I need to help Arby grab on quick ARF claw wait right there Sid I'll be right back for you my first mate is ditching me for that silly Queen fine I don't need need need him [Music] anyway oh sweetie I was so worried thank you poor Patrol you're my heroes you're welcome princess whenever your pup is Lost at Sea just just yel for help wait you're not the queen no sweetie's my dear Royal Pet Well I may have fied a bit about being a queen but you have to admit I'm pretty good at it I guess so and you saved me from that giant octopus so thanks friend oh sweetie you made a new friend in fact your first furry friend ever how would you like to be sweetie's official Royal pup playmate Arby Arby if you're out there come back I'll make all the burgers you want thanks for the offer but Captain boss Mr sinder need need needs me see you around don't worry Skye I've got him never underestimate the power of an old friendship presenting her Royal Highness the princess of barkingburg she's here I want to see princess we're so happy to see you isn't that right chetta oh why chetta you're so um fluffy finally we're here oh you there I'm tired of walking I demand you fetch me that pillow the pleasure is all ours Mayor Goodway for it brings us great joy to lend the museum the crystal crown of [Music] barkingburg wait we're giving that away oh silly sweetie my great great grandfather made this crown with a crystal he found in a rock that fell from the sky wow it looks just like a mighty Crystal better get a good look while you can because soon it will be mine bu you know what to do princess may Goodway oh well done pups that was almost a a disaster the crystal Crown's gone oh dear and my sweetie's gone too isn't it Exquisite I feel just like a queen you there I demand you fetch me a big comfy pillow oh it's just like I imagined only bigger and way comfier Busby I think this Crown gives me the power to get whatever I want just like a queen no a mighty Queen there you are I'll have you know this town doesn't need a queen it has a mayor a pretty good one too not after I use my crown to take over all right Crown I demand a pretty [Applause] castle huh what's happening it's sweetie she's turning the museum into her own castle it's even prettier than I [Music] imagined hey you're supposed to Fight Fire with fun fire not [Music] water what is that racket Busby tell them to be quiet I'm trying to eat what a waste of perfectly good Fireballs sh Dragon but there's a turret just right for landing a dragon on Sho Dragon you're not not welcome here claw Sho means go away you're coming with me claw's got the Earl we've got to free him Sky use your dragon wings to keep them busy on it Ryder copter is on auto hover dragon wings [Music] hey I'm supposed to be the only flying pup Knight around here off with you not until you let the earl [Music] go try to distract him chase chase is on that dragon's case dragon Bowa Sparks no where are you [Applause] going oh my [Music] goodness Sparks is going the wrong way that gives us time to get to the castle first Ryder we have more trouble The Cauldron is on a roof near big Benji next to the clock tower sweetie is here too asleep I'm afraid she might roll over the edge Marshall Rocky get up there and rescue sweetie and see if you can stop the fog on it me got this [Music] ladder there no more fog clouds can escape sweetie wake up what huh oh thanks Ryder The Cauldron is capped and sweetie is safe wall do something do something I thought you said you could control Spar yourself fine R pincers moo P stop fortunately we kept our heads above the [Music] cloud this sp's got full of it what's wrong with Sparks he must have gotten a nose full claw and the Duke are in big [Music] trouble I wish we had an alarm clock to wake everyone up Rubble what a great idea Chase get to the top of the clock tower we're going to make big Benji ring Through Your Dragon megaphone it'll sound like the world's loudest alarm clock but how's it going to ring the clock hand are nowhere near 12 Rocky do you have that magnet it's in the back of my truck great we'll use the magnet to pull big Benji's metal hands straight up to 12:00 but how are we going to get the magnet way up there you're going to catapult it up the rest of you pups keep that dragon from falling asleep I'm glad we got out of that hide and quest game it's no fun when the princess always wins look must be baby dragons a they usually never leave the dragon Highlands I wonder what brought them out see D the trick to trapping dragons is setting out something they love like marshmallows this isn't for you je C good trick claw too bad your monstrous pet is going to scare them all [Music] away you were saying I happen to be very good at training dragons and catching [Music] them hold still Sparks all right now that I have an entire herd of dragons I shall go and take over the castle and become king barking bag but I want to drive please please please don't be ridiculous I'm going to be king so I get to [Music] drive fine but you better hope the fiery mother doesn't see you there's a mama Dragon of course there is and I hear she's quite a temper um one second thought bring me my dragon Army when it's come your CL your wish is my command [Music] Duke an Angry Mama Dragon I better tell the princess what they're up [Music] to I hope the princess finds me soon it's lonely being a good Hider ready or not here I come found you you win princess I declare you the queen of hiding Quest why thank you Ryder now who's ready for round two princess princess what's wrong sweetie the dukee and that naughty pup claw took two baby dragons oh no the Poor Little Cuties their mama will be furious when she finds out that they're [Music] missing your Ferris meal got in the way of my latest Heist oh I I mean my gracious flight the pet parlor is in the desert hey ryer pups I think this is yours me and my tree house are on a Pirate Island a high and a half I think this belongs back on land Ryder breaker breaker a big boat just parked on the highway Ryder Pops I know what we need to do but it's going to take each pup and every cat I need all paws on Deck to stop Cody and get our town back but we're running out of time how can everyone get here fast enough we'll use Cody's relocator we'll get it to bring back the buildings and when we do all you pups and cats can hit a ride on them wow that's a wild plan but first we'll put the Paw patroller in stealth mode so we can drive to town without being seen Zuma Chase rubble and Marshall lure away the flying drones and Cody from the lookout woohoo then Sky will fly Rocky to the relocator he'll bring back the buildings and the rest of the team we'll meet at the waterfront and work together to stop Cody's people grabbing Town trashing drones got it yes all right the entire Paw Patrol is on a roll maximum speed Robo [Music] dog sweetie My Precious Pup help has arrived please hurry I can't gets out okay Rubble see if your rhino horn can fry that door open princess I found this Magic Orb but I can't let go of it and everything I touch turns to sweetie I'm so glad to see you- everything she touches turns to Gold princess stay oh no Rubble I'm sorry Rubble everyone just stay away from me I'm sure rubble's okay it looks like some kind of spell was cast on sweetie we must find a way to help my poor pup wait in fairy tales and folk stories there's always a way to reverse a spell Ryder look at those cave drawings on the wall maybe that's the answer huh it looks like water is being sprinkled on that monkey the water over here looks kind of magical maybe if I sprayed rubble and everything else that's gold with it they'll go back to normal let's try it [Music] Marshall ooh pass it on those gold paw prints yes it works wubble you're next [Music] back wo what happened sweetie turned you into oral gold but Marshall use a magika magic water to turn you back I guess it was just my turn to [Music] shine and last but not least now I can hug you dearest sweetie wait your highness the sweetie should touch something else first and this [Music] uh greetings loyal subjects I am queen sweetie your new ruler as your queen I command you to give me all your precious gems okay I'll take bananas Queen sweetie deserves the greatest banana collection in the world that's not Ryder or any of our Amigos but that's definitely the air patroller something's going on I better our pup tag Rider ryer soy Tracker Where are you don't list us we're just heading into the jungle well your air patroller is already here at the monkey temple with a pup we don't know thanks for the tip please keep an eye on her and let us know what she's up to we'll be there soon yuck I guess I don't really like bonanas but I do like having all of them because I'm Queen of the monkeys now carry me into the temple what do you mean you're the monkey Queen you may have the crown but I have the throne now move your sweetie into a new Castle [Music] o Los monos they're taking sides monkey minions push [Music] [Music] P monkeys get away from those statues Rider we have to stop those statues from falling on the monkeys we're on the PAW Patrol time to abandon Kingdom monkey subjects CH the controller okay tracker use your cable Supply chases winch up to the top of that palm tree let's go tracker rough [Music] cables winch [Music] it's ready winch [Music] retract thanks Ryder oo if it shines it's mine oh garby was that my stomach or yours Ryder it sounds like the bridge is going to bust not if you use your super strength to keep it steady you got it w Bridge stay phew good Bridge wow there're so cool I wish we were Mighty pups too I know how we can help excuse me Bridge repair in progress can you please move your cars off the bridge great work rubble and thanks twins now Rocky reattach those broken cables on [Music] it ooh they look even shinier of close hey stop what are you doing oh no the bridge is going to fall down w garby we got to get out of here [Music] my truck who whoa garby stay where you are garby Mighty pups Don't Let Go Sky the ladyb just left the bridge follow her on it Ryder F morale needs help but we can't let go we need extra Mighty PT power Chase Zuma Marshall we need you at the bridge Mighty pups on the way rer ladybird headed to the mountain towards something that looks like a giant Nest that must be where she took me her good way don't let her out of your sight hold on Farmer Al I'd sure like to but my fingers are starting to slip who energy man [Music] gotcha wow we so trophy where should I build the cheetah International Raceway I need some place that's far away from the Paw Patrol H how about the Arctic nah too gold maybe on an island nah too small I know the jungle yes but first I'll have to knock down every single last tree there the cheetah patroller will be perfect for the job I can't wait to get to the Jungle to make my new racetrack now I have to wait till this train goes past wait no I don't activating train Pusher out of the [Music] wayer out of my way train hey who do you think you are let's see now of course if I can smash a train imagine what I'll do to race [Music] cars I can't pick up the cheetah's Trail Rider thanks for repairing the damage the cheetah caused I bet she swiped the Paw patroller she did take the Paw patroller she's calling it The Cheetah patroller now a super sneaky Bounty with our posum ride she's going to cause the worst kind of trouble Ryder what do we do hi engineer Ed we're just on our way to meet you at the train station is everything okay not really a big weird looking truck just knocked my locomotive right off the rails and now the part you were waiting for is gone that's the cheetah again we'll be right there to get you back on track come on pups wow this is a lot of rescues in one day I wish I could be on TV instead of those pups hey I was already wishing that Harold no fair wishing before your uncle mayor those keys are so [Music] shiny and so is that sparkly camera I have to have it for my reflection [Music] collection excuse me this recording device is the property of Haley daily so hands off bird Lady it's ladyb bird and you are a talking cat and you are a talking cat clearly I am the copycat the baddest super baddy to ever be bad M hair ball mwah ooh I'm a super baddy too well I'm a super BTY 3 oh really well what are your superpowers besides being super annoying I can build genius things out of anything but I have to get zapped by a mighty meteor to get my Powers same with me except when I get zapped I Can Fly Like a Bird and lift really heavy shiny things excuse me for not being impressed behold how' you do that I have all the same powers that those Mighty pups do because I just so happen to have a piece of their Mighty Meer right here lucky shiny oh hey copycat remember me your old sidekick foggy mayor how could I forget hello foggy boy now leave me so I can conjure up my next evil plan of evilness to stop the metome PAW Patrol you want to stop the PAW Patrol me too I do anything to get rid of those annoying pups foggy boy lead us all to your foggy layer at once I have a perfect idea [Music] now here's an audience a captive audience I hope everyone's ready for some highspeed [Music] photography cho cho that's weird there's no train crossing here ch ch Sho well there's a train crossing now hurry Chase you're the only one fast enough to follow that train not again go chase yeah you got this i got [Applause] [Music] this attention passengers this is the cheetah speaking inviting you to sit back relax and enjoy the view of me the fastest person in the world stop this train at once not until everyone cheers for me that's more like [Music] it oh that's less like it these train cars must be slowing me down I feel faster already uh-oh oh Ryder the train cars are out of control we've got to stop them help us on the way Chase Liberty Rocky we need you in the woods fast go team go this Trip's been such a train wreck but at least we're start seeing now oh dear [Music] oh no not again Wooh gotcha nice work Liberty the ladyb bird escapes once again and with these superpowers I can take shiny stuff from all over the world that's what you [Music] think huh got it just have to unlatch it say bye-bye to your [Music] superpower what my necklace my special Shiny Stone no wo wo they're falling robo dog use the tractor beam but Ryder there's only one tractor beam how do we catch them both I'll get tuck you get the lady bird gotcha little bro thanks Ella I knew you'd have my back you'll never catch the ladybird gotcha [Music] my necklace if it shines it's [Music] mine thanks again Ryder and the mighty pups you saved me chetta and Adventure Bay from the bird lady no problem whenever your shiny stuff goes missing just Yelp for help we couldn't have done it without the mighty twins we had big fun and a little fun too it worked there they [Music] go if it shines it's mine I mean let me carry that meteor for us but I'm the one with a super strength remember oh yeah I'll just make something that'll give me super strength [Music] let's go no it's mine I need it very of the collection oh oh careful that's a lot of hot lava there he is pups Rubble quick steady that boat on it got to catch that boat great job Mighty Rubble hold it right there Mighty Sky time to fly up and carry the flounder back to the seat you got it hang on Captain turbet we'll get you down don't get our plan to take the mighty pup's precious me your work excellent job team it's mine no it's mine quit squabbling good super bat help is so hard to find whoopsy got it Robo doog full power they stopped my Mayim mobile you can play this game cheetah patroller full [Music] power pups we need to divert all the power to the Paw patroller engines we'll do it on the count of three that'll send all the power we have into the Super Speed engine you got it Ryder 3 2 one now [Music] the Paw patroller no my precious trophy I swiped the che we can't save both PS you know the right thing to do we have to save the cheetah tracker you got this b a suo rider you got it our [Music] cables oh bye-bye old paw patroller thanks tracker it feels like I want it again [Music] winwin that's one car but what about the other one already taken care of ah a cliff on second thought uh you take the window seat w train car 2 is AOK Rider great work the only thing left to do is get the crystal piece back from the cheetah you'll have to catch me first we've got to get the crystal back before she gets hurt Liberty think you can launch Chase to the cheetah sure thing Ryder but we better move fast working on it [Music] okay Chase three two one [Music] go see I'm the FAS backward belongs not so fast cheetah thanks I [Music] guess thank you mighty pups with your quick thinking and Chase's quicker speed everyone is safe and sound you're welcome Mayor Goodway whenever you have a need for super speed just yel for help who's the fastest pup in town Mighty Chase Mighty Chase y time for a charged up Sonic [Music] bark Marshall use your super heat Paws to melt [Music] it it wasn't a snowball it was the meteor good job bird lady you made us drop the meteor and now those pups have it back me you made us drop it anyway you won't be picking it up ever again without your shiny energy badge oh what a shame no more superpowers for you so-called super baddies I guess that means the meteor is mine Cy cat again say goodbye to your Mighty meteor once and for all Mighty pups as I say goodbye to you say saying goodbye to me oh no you don't come on tuck time to think [Music] big success no one is bigger than the copy come EAS here I've got this great job Mighty pups you You Haven't Seen the Last of the copycat Mr nibbles you have to see this Ryder and the mighty pups did it well maybe all this Mighty pup action is a little too much for [Music] you why do I have to help with this snatching the meteor was your idea Uncle mayor oh sure now give me credit thank thanks again Mighty pups for saving our town from those three naughty super baddies you're welcome whenever a trio of troublemakers team up just yel for help keep everyone running while I take that Big Shiny Bell oh no Here Come Those Hy pop Rubble clear a path for chetta you got it no I lost this great job Rubble Chase get those people to move everyone get out of the way giant chicken coming through [Music] okay Ella it's time to lead her out of town it's Crow time hi chetta follow me Ryder what about the ladybird Sky follow the ladybird in your Mighty plane this Mighty puppy's going for a spin super strength what did I ever do without you not so fast ladyb bird on Bell day we ring the bell we don't take it I'm merely moving it to my reflection collection huh if that's how you want to play oh no Whirlwind power you can ask your parents to subscribe to Nick junor Shimmer and shine YouTube channel for new videos every week and find more of your favorite shows on Nickelodeon
Channel: Shimmer and Shine
Views: 872,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shimmer and shine, paw patrol, paw patrol skye, jojo siwa, lorelai mermaid, santiago of the seas, butterbean’s cafe, nella the princess knight, sunny day, preschool learning, nick jr, ytao_paw, paw patrol sweetie, paw patrol rescue knights
Id: JIlxgti3qHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 31sec (5431 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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