Shibuya Crossing, Takeshita Street, and Meiji Shrine in Shibuya Tokyo, Japan!

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good morning everyone Sonia's good morning Japanese today is our second day here in Tokyo oh yeah you remembered campaign Shinjuku area because that's what we've been so let me breakfast first up crystal has some kind of lattes something does it depend cakes around this book looks pretty good Thank You vice commander sighs haha Meereen yes library's an ice cream butter and mine is like different I have whipped cream red bean paste and butter but they look so good and we have to eat them before they get cold breakfast but now we are waiting for the Shibuya crops it's right over there it's actually right fact that it that's it the whole thing right there well I fish for this a doubtful thing is there is Shibuya crossing we're trying to find our way out of this chicken station is kind of hard to get out of here you're not may our best to be super crowded I'll travel is risky but if I do lose you we're gonna meet up at UM pachinko don't buy the dog yeah seconds name is pachinko yes if we get separated meet back over there it's not even a busy time right now so that's actually not that many people proxy I assume we made it to hub Chico crystal pitcher snap now we're on ground level Oh eh I'll get anyone paid cut off here's your crossing is I don't know if that means anything to anybody any southern ice it'll be right I think Roman scrub well with the cross yeah your English music GPU Starbucks now that we have that all done what we're gonna do now I guess just explore it I know there's hope you like um stopping that 109 Shibuya so I guess we'll go over there I think it's like a mall I can indoor mall let's go do some exploring we're passing by some pachinko parlors it's like I see it you're gonna kind of see inside there's like rows and rows of like games gambling games you're not just recording there so I'm not going to go in there because I want to get in trouble for recording and we're not going to go in there and play anything because it's like a really stinking there so I'm like smoked like so much sigar's like I think we go in there and just smoke up all day cuz it's no so bad in there we're still trying to make our way over to that 109 building I think we took a wrong turn somewhere but it's okay alright so don't come in this building unless you're looking for girls clothes because this is so boring just having a good time here but I'm not but I did see food so I'm having a good time now look at all this fake food everywhere you go here in Japan they have like fake blonde display of what they serve and it looks so real focus is on they're looking at more fake food what is it what is it od of letters like letter cakes even ocmc oh I think you mean fancy oops okay man she later oh look at that thing here that go ahead I'm trying to get out of this place this is the boring is building to come into we must be in the dessert section of this street or something I know dessert Lea no longer Tokyo is its desert land that ice cream on I like donuts so delicious I want something otice ice cream appear we haven't been showing you but we were seeing them everywhere they're called gushy it phone capsule stations and they all have different stuff like let's see crystal just show me one over here perfect a pickle okay to a banana um Oh bacon yeah so we have seen some that had been like Dragon Ball Z but I think you're doing it because there's just one place we want to go that has a ton of them so you will we won't do like more a video on this just not right now because these are all like nothing I want it came across our first kind of odd reading machine is called a Japanese souvenir vending machine and it just has little souvenirs we look at her sushi on magnets yeah it has like origami earring I'm not sure what this I think is like a necklace or hearing or something some other stuff up there so there's like the first weird one we've seen it I mean that weirds just different because you see these everywhere the soda machine like everywhere you go you see the same kind of machines and this is something different so we have to show you we still haven't got our dessert yet but I think crystals won't go with this one it's a lint white chocolate sakura iced drink so that basically means there's a cherry blossom iced drink and she's probably only love it here it is it's so small beautiful it does look really pretty how does it taste does it taste like a sakura tree I'm not sure what sakura tree tastes like so you guys let me know take the lid off and get some of the actual flakes on it has like chocolate or something I think it's time it looks like strawberry chocolate eat it like an animal everyone's gonna by saying these Americans are crazy how is this Mary o but as it actually tastes like um that's a curry what is it is good this whole building is a screen it's like a billboard it's for some kind of like toys or something right so if you look inside there's a good clothing maybe there's clothing hey that's not the one-piece guy you sound like a enemy predator the corner of the whole building is like a billboard so I actually decided to wait to get my dessert for like a shoot the street it's like a very popular Street here in Harajuku or how did you poo so we're going to come down here look for my um dessert because I think they had some crepes here that I wanted to try so let's see if we can find them barely got like two steps down the road and Chris is like let's check out this bushy food Oh this riddle for all this stuff is squishy like all of it is is really squishy Oh coffee this sucks nope not so much she doesn't want it where's the pizza where what no pizza there's no pizza we got get out of here here are the crabs these are better than the other ones that we've seen earlier look at this macho crap I should write right let's get red bean paste in it I'm not sure what that is it said it's got a dumpling in it okay I'm not going to try that because I want a sweet wine out of savory that's too plain I won't try something with I have like something that you can only get here at red bean paste I like that idea because it's really sweet but let me see if there's more on the other side okay there's some over here as well yeah it's that one sticks out when I think I might try that one when I'm making it back there she just put it on there it's gotta cook it first if you don't know how to make it especially like a pancake right the only thing it's really really thin so there she is I already cooked I believed and also gonna add the toppings to it we're stopping is the red bean paste someone actually is more painting than some breakfast - the breakfast will anticipation oh and then yeah because they're gonna put the cream on it Vennela oh well that really what not that in his ice cream things tend to roll it up rolling it up a red bean paste - there the strawberries the cream in an ice cream somebody can bite it is yeah I want to get some of the red bean paste because it's convenient the way they give it to you look really cool huh Wow all your fillings fall out is it purple well what's all about it I'm going to ice cream oh that's right so the bean give it a weird flavor Oh this'll be a we waiting yeah like I'm on a second Elliot speaking who I don't we yeah it's definitely different please really good time for another snack much ice cream within Eclair that's been baked looks even better than the picture first are you gonna try it yeah I don't even apologize I know what is like a public another principal news yeah but the stage like a material how is it we've got different sections in years off little ball yeah just be clear I've had a nuclear before but spent a long time you know I've never had oven baking proto sega do you know she's doing here guys she's trying to hog it all the same it's all bad so that I won't have none well I'm gonna take it off on you now Dragon Ball Z shirt look let's put your me up there Goku doesn't I didn't realize that but I do just like him I didn't have all these socks how much you two shirt you know what shirt is because I might have to get it if it I'm done twenty and no no we have to find out which is this booth or nineteen book I think I'm going to get one there I'm definitely get one don't we favor that Chris will gets a shirt as well okay Chris will find your bubbles whereas bubbles eyes you blossom and I see buttercup words where's bubbles does have any bubbles I guess that's the most popular one right it's the only fair thing to do Chris I sure so you have to get shirt you could totally be kawaii like her you don't want that waiting for some kind can be here special kind candies you guys love lately always boy you're gonna get one [Music] and here it is finally completed it actually shakes on the stick doesn't it has three different colors which I'm assuming our three different flavors we could've got a 5-1 but when I don't want that much I'm kind can because we want to try some more stuff later so she actually has some popcorn it you can put on it it's not like a what I call it a mountain or something like that one oh it's on your hair you want to try it out taste I think so I don't know my first time ever seen this how is it what flavor is that it's a flavor good but there's a cat cafe and I think it's an owl cafe across over there we're on the third floor up here there's a lot of little ants down there and crystal says she thinks that's an Alice in Wonderland cafe no Alan oh okay I thought you said it okay maybe we should supposing so yeah I don't think we're going to go over there though because I don't really like cat and they might attack me they might sense that I don't like what happens at the AL just came in like picked our eyeballs out too I don't want to experience that we finally made it out of Tucker shoot this street even though it was so crowded you could have ended up coming back up the way we went down because we want to go to what call may she may be acting Meiji Shrine isn't like that it's like it's that way where we're going it's my like two minutes away so we must check that out see at all doubt we made it to Meiji Jingu orgy new I can't pronounce it sorry I'm butchering that you know it looks so mystical here like the trees are so tall and they're hanging right over there like the walkway here looks really kind of guard here and it's like full daytime it is it looks so magic rule the magic continues laughing humongo those rocks yeah they are pretty big but it looks just so peaceful here and Tucker shoot the street right over like not even that far away it's so busy there you come here it's just so peaceful jeepers you can take Mike right through here it actually says no bikes which makes sense though check out all the barrels of soft gaze that are donated so the sake I just read the sign over there it says that every year like stock a producers donate a barrel such as this to honor the Emperor Meiji who like the shrine is for so this is their way of like honoring him we made it to the main shrine except for the construction back there yeah maybe we won't have to see that much once we get back there so I assume this is the whole shrine it does look kind of cool if you do like a whole panoramic around it except for the construction again Mike and Elaine a ton of construction yeah but it does look really cool it seems like over there they're offering something and doing a prayer and then the same thing on this tree it's like a it's some kind of special tree by the tablet or something and then you put it in there and hang it around the tree I'm not sure what up there this was do you I think that was all the whole arm shrine area there's just that little square area so you could see everything I wish the construction wasn't there it would have been much better like to look at but this whole area like this apart the shrine is you know what if I'm AG Dingell it's really cool it's like definitely something that I'm glad we did I was really just out here like a hammock Oh why'd you bring up the Emmy I don't know we are pretty tired we're gonna head back to the hotel for a little bit and rest up head back out tonight so we watch the notes are earlier right we Christmas looking at that we crystals are going to happen that's like a 40-man that because crystals like we shouldn't be up soon and I wanted to get ready to sit you took a little shower because she was really stinky my didn't Xterra snotty still really stinky so then we went and got dinner I thought we did least one got some dinner nothing too fancy or fancy like resort to say so nothing too fancy now we're walking back to the hotel we are dead on a seat here like de d-day I am falling asleep walking back now my ankles hurt so I don't know I think we have to stop walking so much tomorrow so tomorrow we might just take it easy and not do anything we're gonna wrap this one up here guys stay tuned down thanks for watching hi
Channel: Plush Time Vlogs
Views: 633,015
Rating: 4.8326359 out of 5
Keywords: shibuya, shibuya japan, japan, japan vlog, tokyo, tokyo japan, shibuya tokyo japan, Japan, Tokyo, plush time vlogs, japan trip, shibuya crossing, takeshita street, meiji shrine, meiji jingu
Id: w8DfbYrK-6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2017
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