Fun Rides and tasty food at the Florida State Fair!

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hey guys a lot of fun you guys getting on Street Fighter I would definitely never get on red don't lots of it I cannot believe that Indian a door on this field right now three hours later guys and it's finally falling down I cannot wait to find out what is he thought about this one and is he his mega scared she does not want to get on this L the angel keep saying oh baby say zone this will be first your first drop ride would you get on one again going ham on people unless I'm ramming into people I did this a few days ago and I liked it it was a lot of fun and I going in circles off the bumper bull babies bumping and everyone evil bumping it everyone making everyone crazy it's time to get something to eat and we've never had a pork leg before hopefully it's really good it looks like it's extra crispy on the outside Chris I can't fit it all in your mouth is it good is it dries it juicy cuz it kinda looks dry I love it oh yeah right there yet right here's dry and there's a little bit I guess I don't know that looks dry but I'm gonna try and see how it is can you get mustard so it's actually a lot juicier than I thought it was gonna be and it's very very salty which makes it very very delicious Krystal ate that thing to the bone there's nothing left now she's just eating like the leftover skin that's on it cuz there's no meat left before you know it she's gonna eat the whole bone so I couldn't resist had to get my corn dog and Kristen really enjoyed those sweet potato fries last time so she's got some more [Music] [Applause] Oh 180 and why 60 I'm gonna over here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] but it appears like they forgot to have a lot of cinnamon on this elephant ear it's pretty pretty good though I hope now this is a dessert it is a coconut cream doughnut so we have some toasted coconut flakes on top of some whipped cream and then like right in there there's some cream chili seeds and then there's a donut at the bottom like a homemade donut a make the donuts here is it good how's the cream cuz you definitely taste the donut yeah but it looks good yeah definitely not different taste one of these actually oh yeah very crispy I bet that don't one's gonna be really good too since they made it here fresh they're actually dipping it in the sugar like right in front of us gristle likes the cream I've actually gonna love that don't so here's the giant price that crystal wanted it's a fortnight want to be long I mean there's a llama but it's not quite the fortnight llama but that's what crystal wanted so I got it for I'm not sure how long we're gonna keep it we're probably gonna end up donating it or something cuz that thing is really big I don't I don't know where we're gonna put it I mean it would fit in the prize room but don't want to keep too many big prizes but yeah I can wrap the video up here guys crystal is currently she's like she kept worse today so she's more sick she's in there taking a shower probably gonna head to bed early my favorite part of the fair was the rides because I got to write a lot of rides that I normally wouldn't with just crystal because crystal doesn't like to ride like the scary rides so that was my favorite part crystal said her favorite part was the alligator show we didn't record any of the alligators show though so it's not going to be in the video but during the show they were like teaching you about alligators like how to avoid them and basically facts about alligators and they have like a little like um showcase with an alligator it was really cool that was Crystal's favorite part but yeah gonna route the video there guys hope you enjoyed our day thanks for watching bye guys
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Views: 357,414
Rating: 4.8943486 out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time wins vlogs, plush time, vlogs, florida state fair, 2019, florida fair, fair food, carnival rides, scary rides
Id: WHXoo0gCrj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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