She's The Best Unit In The Game. Period - COMPLETE Furina Build Guide

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finina is here at last and today I'll be telling you how to build her best let's get into it so what are fina's best artifacts well four-piece golden troop is for sure her best in slot verina's DPS only comes from her skill so this set works great with her there's no better choice for our drama queen don't use four piece mayonnaise Hunter this set only works well at C6 and finina doesn't have any need to be on field the two-piece is also worthless to her mix and match sets include two-piece Hydro bonus percent two-piece HP percent and two-piece golden troop as for main stats finina actually has three viable routs HP per HP per crit perc HP percent damage percent crit percent and er percent HP percent crit percent surprise an HP goblet is better than a hydro goblet if you have a very good Hydro goblet use it as a placeholder but once you get a very good HP goblet replace it for more damage use ER perc if you're using a non weapon or are lacking ER substats since Fun's ER costs are thick I'll touch on that in a moment her substop priorities look a little something like this now for ER fur's burst has a cost of 60 not bad right actually take a look at this sheet here to see exactly how much ER farinaa needs in every scenario pause if you'd like to read for longer for artifact specifics golden troop is at 100% while all of her picks are at 85 to 90% of troop's power so use Golden troop let's dive into our sweet Fin's best weapons R1 Splendor of still waters is her best in slot pick huge stick and an excellent passive which fuels her with HP the main major downside of this weapon is how hard it will be to get enough ER on your finina so yes her highest damaging option but be ready to go ER fishing nice weapon named two extravagant for a dramatic lady R1 Jade cutter is 12% worse and has a similar issue of no ER great crit stick as well and does provide foreno with a fixed 20% HP bonus I mean it's all all right now we reach our best free to-play choice our five festering desire you fossil players in the audience are lucky since this is close to her best in slot in practice nice ER stick while providing plenty of skill damage you can't go wrong here major downside is uh this thing's been gone for a long while festering desire is followed by R1 key of kaj suit the HP perc stick is huge but the EM buff is worthless no ER again R5 Floy of Sandra Fairman or a brown pipe is nice since while the DPS is lower than fering desire the ER it gives is huge a nice crit stick passive as well R5 wolf Fang this is the new fonan battle pass sword it also happens to be a viable choice on finina no ER but the passive works well with her I don't think it's worth it considering this weapon costs as much as the second most expensive Genesis pack over five patches R1 foler incision may be a random mention but it is viable huge crit stick and has some skill damage bonuses in its passive last and for sure least R5 favonius this Choice works on forina it's quite cope you get great ER out of it but our damage suffers a lot here pretty much the Last Choice you'd want to make but it's there team wide ER gets lower too which is neat so since most of us aren't dinosaurs and her five- star weapons are annoying to play around fish for the pipe yes fishing is annoying I know but then your only of cheap option is her worst take a look at this sheet here which ranks furus viable options pause if you'd like to read for longer before we move on if you're enjoying the video consider liking and subscribing consider even leaving a cool comment down below if you do you can commit crimes for free of charge now where exactly does for Ina work she works everywhere to start let me say that farina's a double Hydro upgrade all you shink Cho haters can finally boot him off your teams Wu Doo yolan finina now sit on top she deals more DPS and Shing Cho in this team and this core is extremely strong what about a more specific comparison Shing Cho has more Hydro application than both yolan and finina and yolan applies more Hydro than Farina but few new teams need shincho levels of hydro application and such teams that do tend to run double Hydro as for damage Pena outdamages both shincho and Yulan on four star weapons but give yolan her five star best in slot and she beats Farina remember that Fen is AOE and you on single Target so in AOE scenarios finina will deal more DPS so how can you abuse this core stick Jean or baiju on the end thina needs a Healer to work both two will be F's very best healing choices other healers like Charlotte Noel and kokami are viable too baiju in particular is insane because his healing on his skill is team wide this is a very valuable asset to finina teams Jean has a nice quality in being able to proc 4 VV for teams huge heals too pair of jeans finally has a place in The Meta at last as for Hut double Hydro here's an exciting Synergy I wanted to talk about Hut yolan finina and Jean yes Gan Jean gives Hut VV and very consistent heals she's the new best in slot Flex for Hut double Hydro you can also replace Jee with Bennett but Bennett's buff up time is lower since he needs to heal himself and his buff isn't as effective on Hut rational works but be careful you will only get three shling Vapes per rotation the pain of low Hydro application you can stick any unit in front of the finina double Hydro Core use any team wide healer or better A Healer that can drive the team for example kokam me monoh Hydro will also become even better with finina her onfield team white healing will be very good plus finina is neat with Noel she heals the team of F's HP drain and gets her damage boosted big time by finina so Noel Mains are eating good right now as for fonan units we all know that nolet will be her best partner in crime nolet drains HP during his hydrop pumps fast too finina can provide up to a 75% damage bonus in this team for reference in her worst case scenario teams she provide 33% definitely fina's strongest team this also gives nerd Village a proper dedicated support she'll also be able to support Reese in reese Le double Hydro freeze Reese buron is another weird team you can try if you're feeling up to it you can use finina in any team with a Healer great now you know your dear archon is as flexible as ever but how does she work well let's get into precious fina's talents her normals while very pretty only deal four strikes of physical damage nothing much to see here we'll touch on her charged attack in a moment finina also has both Fontan alignments oua and Numa oua is her damage mode anduma is her healing mode her skills healing mode isn't that good to explain she summons a little guy who heals your onfield character based on her Max HP nothing special fur's damage mode is far more interesting she'll deal some AOE Hydro damage and then summon three guys Chad dude and fellow here's how they attack they will shoot at enemies but prioritize damaging the enemy your attacking if your teammates are above 50% HP the guys will drain your your character's HP after doing this four times they will deal damage scaling off 140% of your onfield character's DPS so when your character deals damage they will add 140% of that DPS on top of the damage already dealt her charged attack allows finina to switch between modes fast while her summons from damage motor active she can walk across water pretty neat now for the meat of farina's Kit her burst finina deals some AOE Hydro damage then she applies the universal revry state to your teammates this means every time your party members gain or lose a percentage of HP finina will gain one Fanfare Point based on how much fanfare she has finina will increase everybody's damage bonus percent she increases incoming healing bonus in healing mode the damage bonus has a conversion ratio of 0.25% how can we find out how much bonus she can give multiply 0.25 by the amount of found Fair points you can generate she can have a Max of 300 Fan Fair points meaning at Max Stacks she can provide 75% damage bonus She'll always provide 33% even in her worst case scenario her buffing is team wide then for her Ascension passives her A1 allows fur enough to heal your onfield character if they get overhealed by another Source another source would be something like kook's jellyfish or baiju's Shield anything that isn't Farina farina's A4 is a neat damage increase for every 1,000 HP she has she can buff her damage mode she'll increase the damage her summons do by 0.7% up to 28% this caps out at 40K HP aim for this when building her she also decreases her healing interval from 0.4% to a Max of 0.16% but remember her healing mode is dead in the water um sorry about that now for her Talent priorities they're pretty straightforward her kit is generally burst based so you always want to work to keep that up her skill is very important too as it's where all her DPS comes from you don't have to bother leveling her normals at least not until C6 speaking of C6 let's take your finina to the stage what are her conss like this C1 is super good increases her F Fair cap by 100 making the new cap 400 150 Stacks upon using her burst is pretty awesome too a 12% damage increase and a 112% increase overall if you're on the fence between Sig and C1 get C1 huge Buffs to F's burst here during her burst F's Fan Fair gain from everyone's HP increases by a whopping 250% each point of ffir above his limit increases forus Max h P by 0.35% and the most HP you can get this way is 140% crazy 38% DPS increase 150% increase overall upgrade to her burst by plus three a 7% DPS increase and 157% increase overall whenever finina summons do their thing finina restores four energy this can happen once every 5 Seconds sounds little but consider how much ER forena needs so this is actually a tidy 20% DPS increase 177% overall upgrades her skill by plus three an 18% DPS increase and 195% increase overall turns our lovely lady fena into an onfield Hydro DPS she can fire off seven powerful Hydro normals within 10 seconds it makes a huge difference in vena's gameplay she doesn't need a Healer anymore first time I'm considering a C6 actually anyways a 58% DPS increase on a 23% increase overall one of the biggest C6 increases in the game here's a quick sheet which displays how much of the DPS increase each of F's constellations are pause if you'd like to read for longer get C2 first and then get her signature weapon very good cons finina is the best character in the game Meda defining pull her no questions asked she'll be the most powerful Hydro in the game to date and she is also now my second favorite character sorry Mr worldwide you've got knocked down a peg flexible powerful and an insane boost to the current meta whether you're a free to play or a whale finina will for sure deliver I hope this guide was able to get your finina completely dissolving her enemies well then this has been juice signing out and I wish you all a day of suspenseful dramatic Joy
Channel: Juice
Views: 262,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furina guide, furina build, furina best guide, furina artifacts, furina weapons, furina teams, furina constellations, furina worth it, furina best archon, furina best build, juice genshin
Id: -aMRlSJKNto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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