Sherlock Holmes and The Secret Weapon (1943) [Thriller]

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I do love the Rathbone films, quintessentially British and of their time but great viewing.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mr_Teaofthetime 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
so he's here you gentlemen look like educated men of good taste i have here some rare old first decisions it's not bothering us i'm interested in his books now here are the complete works of wilhelm shakespeare an old german writer across the border before dawn but we have had orders not to break into his house when he hides there hasn't been outside in weeks if you're once no trouble with switzerland at the moment we must be very careful if we can't break in he won't come out when the fiora needs something as badly as he needs the double bomb site there is always a way dr dobell is interested in my scientific volumes you see my forged swiss papers and he believes i come from look them no gentlemen the price is much too low i could not possibly sells away a book with such a price i will induce dr tobel to come on the visit to my shop let's be past the elevator you are interested in this book a rare old set of beast mark papers one last warning i've just had blood from berlin the english spine hunter will try to take dr tobil from under our very eyes they are sending a stupid bonding amateur detective his name is holmes or homs or some such foolishness he will never escape from switzerland alive now quick let me thrown out of here and watch for my signal from dr tobias window but gentlemen you promised to buy one of my books i told you no ah stop bothering us they are not so crazy in a short time there will be only one language good evening dr tobel i have here some very interesting scientific books i thought you might like to see them please come in he's entering the house quickly get the car and have the motor running i will follow yeah x will have the toe bell bomb side to the fuel while this holmes is still having his teeth what are you doing i am sorry but for months every move i have made has been watched i am not a coward mr home they won't watch you anymore tonight they intend to take you forcibly across the german border and why don't we wait here doing nothing like rats in a trap calm yourself my dear dr turbell please not only escape their trap but we shall also take the cheese away with us but but how the four sections of your bomb site fit inside these ponderous tones although i must confess that i shy to the thought of disemboweling a complete set of charles dickens oh but you cannot hide me in a hollow book my dear fellow i'm sorry that my good friend dr watson isn't here to explain to you but my preparations are never slip shot stephane eric why do you call my servants your servants yes but tonight they assume new roles let me present dr tobel and our old friend the book seller holmes it is so simple yes the obvious always appears simple quick now we must leave step on the knife stefan and eric are proving excellent coys and [ __ ] has been fooled completely her servants are leading them into the next street but what will happen to stefan and eric nothing don't worry i've taken care of that the way is here come on quick you would take the nazi's own car one must adapt oneself two tools at hand you think you made them believe you're a harmless or bookseller yes i've always felt that a thorough knowledge of the classics might come in handy but how can we get across the border and through france there's no need to get across this very moment a royal air force plane is waiting for us at a secret landing place how long before we arrive in london in a very few minutes we're passing over dover now thank you you'll have to get used to our london blackouts dr tobil ah dr watson's very untidy fellow [ __ ] what are we going to do with with these a problem of the most elementary nature my dear dr tobel you are going to keep them here i have always believed in the theory originally projected by edgar allan poe the american writer but the best place to hide anything is where everyone can see it yes but uh you will remember no doubt in poe's story that turloin leather and the missive in question was always in plain view hands up gentlemen scotland yard quick oh my goodness good evening mrs hudson oh why is mr holmes holmes hello what's norfolk it's good to see you again telephone huh who do you want oh yes your scotland yard i'm afraid there's been a little mistake well you get angry we all make mistakes at times what well if we didn't you'd be out of a job dr tobil this is my friend and associate and as you may have observed my watchdog doctor watson how'd you do it how do you do dr tobin and i flew in from zurich this evening you can put that thing away now watson dr tobell awarded the massing request for physics in 1939. my dear watson there was only one dr tobel without mr holmes there would have been no dr tobel i am afraid but i thought you were living in america sir i have been working in switzerland for the past two years and holmes got you out in the nick of time there was not a point he overlooked every contingency was foreseen and provided for it was magnificent thank you doctor the problem is not without its interesting points is that anything you would like mr holmes oh thank you mrs hudson go to bed now he gave me an awful fright dressed up like that well goodnight said he's quite right you can't blame me for jumping to the conclusions i did he looked like a broken down musician holmes why didn't you take your fiddle with you i never did think much of this dressing-up business it was necessary i assure you the gestapo was close in our heels huh this is sherlock holmes i want to speak to sir reginald bailey please reginald bailey is that the fellow who played a rugger for black heath yes watson oh hell is a reginald home speaking yes from baker street i have dr tobel with me oh thank you very well then i'll meet you in half an hour there must be no delay i'll arrange mr reginald to have the test tomorrow morning i suggest that only cabinet ministers and your best aviation experts be present naturally watson i leave dr tobel in your care give him a sedative this has been a strenuous business and he has a long day ahead of him again tomorrow certainly holmes of course he should sleep in my bedroom i'll keep watch until you return thank you it is not necessary to guard me i am quite safe now save dr tobell i shouldn't count on it for a second but mister i hope you may depend on your safety and the enemy understands that just as well as we do good night keep it left watson of course a couple of these and you will sleep peacefully through a blitz thank you you better start undressing it once or you'll find yourself fast asleep in the middle of taking off your trousers well i'll sit over here and keep an eye on things oh by the way if you're nervous call out good night doctor good night doctor saying the same thing said good night doctor good night doctor hello oh i'm tightly full of homes hello yes i just arrived about an hour ago it is most important that i see you at once no no i cannot explain it is now five minutes past midnight i leave at once goodbye holmes i don't have to tell you how much this means to us we shall know a great deal more about the bomb site after the demonstrations are reginald the office have a pretty good idea of the value of the tobel bomb site just as the nazis have however oh if you'd care to place dr tobel under the uh protection of scotland yard until no no no that won't be necessary i shall personally deliver dr dobell to your representatives on salisbury plain in plenty of time for the demonstration thank you good night original good night mr holmes food right get the car ready i'll wait here until he comes out is that what the americans call doodling it is more serious than you could possibly realize shall we good morning no thank you darling i must get back before they miss me we've been separated for so long i couldn't bear if anything should part us again i want to work with you and i want to know every minute where you are even for you to know the details of my mission in london is to sign your death if warrant are in real danger i want to share it there is one thing you can do godless envelope if anything happens to me see that it reaches the hands of mr sherlock holmes mr sherlock holmes yes i pray i never have to deliver it oh he got away are you all right sir i i think so must have been a robber and since the blackout those bodies become quite a nuisance oh i say you better come with me and have that fixed up ah thank you just been on my arm that's it foxy what's wake up huh no he isn't he's gone that's impossible he's asleep in my bed i'll be the old time if anything's happened to him all right nah it is nothing yeah sit down here let's have a look oh it doesn't look too bad who patched you up the police doctor yes he looks if you've been attacked obviously my dear watson dr tobel do you suspect the woman of arranging the trap woman what woman she's blonde five foot six full lipped and very affectionate hold her you've known her for a long time you were attacked after leaving her apartment palms how do you know this the face part on your kirk tells me of our height and that affection for you you uh held her close before departing stood at home it's all there for the trained eye to read watson but look here why couldn't he be attacked on his way to the woman's apartment the mark of a blow has erased some of the powder obviously if the attack came first the powder would have remained undisturbed on the full lips that was a guess i never guess watson you have rubbed the lipstick from your face with a handkerchief you now hold in your hand and that amount of lipstick never came from a pair of thin lips and the blonde hair good question mr holmes i am glad you are on my side well in that case you will desist from disobeying my orders and slipping out while your bodyguard sleeps his watch away it won't happen again holmes i was sitting in front of the farm all right i'm sorry now can you describe your assailant i never saw him a great figure came at me in the dark i felt a stunning blow on my head and and instantly fingers were at my throat but you must have noticed something about him think man a thing of little consequence to you may mean a great deal to me wait wait a moment there was one thing long fingers at my throat like like steel and then then uh an odor a heavy drug like odor a drug opium that is it i am sure of it now well i suggest we get the remains of a good night's sleep remember the test takes place tomorrow morning on sales propane the principle of dr tobel's device involves the use of three sonic beams is that right sir that appears to be it there he is we're on the course now sir do well gentlemen that load would sink any ship in the world we must consider the possibility of good piloting and a lucky hit i'd like to see another tribe so would i they want you to try again sir he is coming into position now sir we're on the course now son well gentlemen how do you like the bomb side now marvels will revolutionize aerial bombardment inspector lestrade yes original i hope scotland yard is taking every precaution to guard dr tobel and his equipment two plain clothes men ride with him in his car sir and four others following another one sir good he's coming to my office in whitehall as soon as he lands shall we start gentlemen magnificent i am glad we had such ideal conditions for the test i wouldn't have believed it if i hadn't seen it myself we've been through a lot homes but thank goodness he's safe now you brought your apparatus with you no sir hey no i did not but why not it must be lodged in the most impregnable vault in this building until we're ready to start manufacturing i have arranged for a little office of my own i intend to supervise the manufacturer myself but you you offered it to our government for our use everything mr holmes has done has been with that idea in view i still offer it to your government but no one else will know the secrets involved i have devised a plan to guard my invention a plan as intricate as the bomb site itself if you imagine for one moment please i will not change my mind sir reginald i am taking the mata into my own hands just what do you propose to do dr trubell i am sorry i cannot reveal the details of my plan for the present do you think that's wise i regret gentlemen i cannot change my decision i shall work independently can't you persuade him holmes but supposing something should happen to you dr tobo you know there's already been one attempt on your life and if homes and suspicions are right welcome there is no use discussing it gentlemen my mind is made up scotland yard or redouble the guard about your doctor in fact we'll quadruple it that is just what i do not wish done inspect huh that would only draw attention to my activities oh good day gentlemen just the same i'll have my men watching him every moment from now on no no weightless we must not offend dr tobel we must remember that he as a citizen of switzerland is under no obligation to give us his invention we must do as he asks don't you agree holmes to be sure it's a reginald i'm not officially connected to the government and i intend to remain on the case good good that is if inspector lestrade doesn't mind or at all mr holmes we're always glad to have you hanging around thank you you can put those away now partner i am entrusting this to you because first of all you are a swiss and second there is no doubt in my mind of your ability i'm i'm a doctor tobel i have divided the mechanism of my invention into four units each is meaningless without the others you have delivered the other three yes no one myself knows the identity of the four scientists working on the four units their names are not even known to each other i think i understand from what you tell me it will be easy to reproduce the unit assigned to me in any quantity you wish i knew i could rely on you i will get in touch with you as soon as i have made the rest of my arrangements uh no no the back door if you please professor hello yes lestrade oh very well what is it home just as i feared the strange men report that tobel is missing missing god yes i was afraid of this how long has he been missing practically since he walked out of your office yesterday he'd only give me the address of this place i shouldn't have to waste so much time finding it empty the bomb site's gone i didn't expect to find it yes original this is a pretty mess if you knew this was going to happen why the devil didn't do something about it you can rely on homes implicitus original to bell's gun and heaven alone knows where but it serves me right for listening to that crackplaned idea of his it is mr estrada's men and they went leaving him here alone and unguarded holmes if anything has happened to tobel if his invention falls into the hands of germany it will be a major disaster for england christmas wrapping he did his christmas shopping in plenty of time yes curious do you do you know serving home scent perfume yes i noticed at the moment we entered the room cared alone one of the rarer essences and very expensive that woman again undoubtedly give me inspection chiller comes calling so holmes is finally stumped first time i've heard him call for help call for help indeed he's only just beginning his investigation mrs holmes check the records and trace a call made on my private telephone at baker street at approximately 12 o'clock on the night of dr tobil's arrival in london finally stumped hey yes lestrade wait a minute shout out abele 34 some george's street flat b excellent lestrade thank you where is dr tobel i can't tell you you mean you won't tell me i don't know how many christmas packages did you take to miss abilene five he dismantled his bomb site and packed the units and follow the boxes is that correct pardon me hello yes this is miss abele why why someone must have stolen it on richmond bypass yes his halloweens to have it removed yes at once now i can be frank with you mr holmes dr bell has disappeared they found my car on richmond bypass wrecked i loaned it to him last night for what purpose miss abele he wouldn't tell me but he said that if anything should happen to him i want to give you this holmes then he must have expected something yes this envelope has been opened and resealed but that isn't possible it hasn't been out of my hand we meet again mr holmes what why that's not the message it isn't even the same paper i saw dr tobel draw little uh sets of figures what kind of figures well they they looked like little dancing men dancing men that's curious who's been in this apartment since dr tobel entrusted that envelope your care i know one i've had no visitors think possibly a tradesman no only the one for a few minutes and that one oh workman he came to fix my light switch he couldn't have possibly sent for him when no my lights went out and soon afterwards he knocked at my door and told me the porter had sent him up that's where he worked but he wasn't alone in this room more than five minutes and he did fix the lights they went on again the switch hasn't been touched the paint still covers the screw heads he simply threw the main switch in the basement pretended to work on this one and after a few moments an accomplice threw the main switch back on but in those few minutes did you get a look at his face no only a glance now i realize he kept his face averted but he was a large man yes he was large his eyes heavy lidded a thin film over the pupils and homes his eyes they were like a snakes is abele dr tobil is being held by one of the most brilliant men in the history of crime come along watson there isn't a moment to lose oh goodbye mrs i don't see why i'm not allowed to go with you you have your own mission watson yes to take a seal note to inspector lestrade while you search our homes and not be searching for him i shall permit him to find me in the character of a murderous laska once and his employee and whom i may add is still in jail yes but after all these years make no mistake watson this is not a duel of intellect for the cruel but single mighty gestapo killer this is our greatest problem with england as the stake and our antagonist professor mariaki we've got to beat him once he's behind bars i think i should entitle my members of these adventures to the end of mariachi an excellent title watson but uh we must arrange that it isn't mariati who's left to right to memoirs huh she rises so sing i do you blooming warfare been in jail ain't you i don't know i heard from the blighter what left you to swing instead of him you know i mean mighty i know i'll have to kill him would you be worth 10 pounds to you you know where he lived for 10 times i know i only got two coupon id don't make good bargain that does it well you remember angel's court huh then follow your nose through the alley till you come to jet brady's carpenter shop he can tell you where the blighter is at this very moment you'll come too me if you lie all right mister i'll come along with you easy matey easy follow me please governor i i had nothing to eat for two days who's this bloke he's a blood thirsty eden but there's good money to spend for information what's he want to know he'll give me uh five pounds to bring him to someone what could tell him the whereabouts of you know you're not telling me i cut two throat cost you another fiver tom boy you pam me come on come on pam all right i'll tell you all right i will the truth and that's a back the blinders in davy jones's locker are feeding the fish as he is deader than a blinking mackerel nice that's worth survivor i tell you he's alive and i say he's been dead these many years you lie easy there jack brady i would say you were wrong and mr sherlock holmes was correct good evening professor moriarty welcome homes my men have instructions to bring anybody healing fires for me they haggle while i watch an admirable disguise by the way it fooled them completely of course it didn't fool me i never intended that it should i meant only that it should bring us face to face just like old times a a battle of wits of superior intellects i may say i've been expecting you since i made off of your precious dr dobell and his code oh yes and his code but valuable is your doctor and his code out of my business i think my main interest in this affair is the chance it gives me to battle with you again mariate this is no simple crime that you contemplate it's a staggering blow against your own country that doesn't concern me overly i shall make greater profit from this affair than all my other adventures put together then you refuse oh most assuredly in fact i intend to ensure the success of this venture tonight by liquidating you mr holmes i think that is the american phrase quite you the one man intelligent enough to stand in my way oh a gun oh come now this is not the professor moriarty the master criminal i once knew a dark rat could do as much did you think i was going to shoot you mr holmes oh dear me no this is simply to prevent a troublesome scene i expected you and made full arrangements you see my good mr holmes these shelves lift out and you will rest somewhat uncomfortably in the false bottom of the sea chest my sailor friend jack brady goes to see immediately once out of sight of land he pushes the chest overboard time up perhaps your good friend dr watson can entitle this adventure the end of sherlock holmes he will be disappointed he intended to call it the end of professor moriarty hurry so brilliant man sherlock holmes too bad he was honest the one-naked man he takes mr owens right to that carpenter shop he knocks on the door a man comes out and and in they go thank you george we'll take over the watch good night good night what does mr holmes hope to accomplish for this masquerade he hopes to frighten moriarty into rushing tobel into another hiding place moriarty's dead i tell you look out over here quick hey just a minute who's that what do you got there there's asking gotten in yard scott offer mo governor i'll show you me papers there you are governor i'm jack brady ship's carpenter shipping out tonight in the convoy destination unknown is helping me get me chest aboard make him open little star yes go on all right see for yourself there's nothing here doctor just a couple of simple seafaring men all right get on with it thank you governor come on out easy does it right yeah good night told you there's a lot of nonsense i don't understand that thing was where a ton look at those men staggering you put on something doctor a few tools wouldn't take that much energy you've just looked inside on the top only there might be a false bottle are you you'll stop there stop on our shoot you're not hurt no well you needn't have yelled at them so abruptly huh they dropped me on my head oh my ah he would have been delighted so professor moriarty is alive alive in a possession of dr tobel's code nobody's going back they've all gone and what are you gonna do well first i'm gonna wash this floaty stuff off my face and i'm gonna see miss eberly again i've got to find some clue to the content of dr tobil's message come on quick i only got one glimpse of the note while he was preparing it he was seated at this desk no he was sitting on the couch when he ordered the message but he sealed the envelope here the message was written in ink with his pen no he used a pencil this one thank you this writing pad yes has it been used since no they should be here they must be here what mr horse the lead in this pencil is hard hard enough to make an impression on the course fibers of which this paper is made impressions at the moment are invisible if we immerse this sheet in a solution of fluorescent salts dry it and then photograph it by ultraviolet light the fibers broken by the writing will absorb less of the solution than other parts of the paper switch off the light watson replace the slide in the projector and turn on the light the broken fibers appear darker than the rest of the paper and are therefore visible splendid homes now i recognize that code do you remember a case we had some years ago it's probably the same alphabet substitution code yes watson i believe dr tobile meant to communicate with us but that means substitution of the alphabet i don't understand one of the oldest codes in use is based on the repetition of figures e is the letter most used in the british language therefore the figure most used probably in this message is e t a o i and n follow in that order of frequency you mean you can read these figures as if they were letters of the alphabet elementary minor give me one minute and you shall have the message and what is the message watson this fellow tobel must have been pulling our legs it's a lot of gibberish i was h e-o-m-t-h-k reads like an eye doctor's chart dr tobel is a brilliant scientist i saw immediately that he wouldn't send us a message so simple to decipher neither would he fix these top figures without a meaning then it isn't the alpha substitution code yes it is watson but with a very clever variation you see the one two three figures means that we skip letters in that order in other words observe watson the first letter which is i skips one becomes j the second letter y skips two and becomes a and the third skips three and becomes c j a c j a c o b d u r r e r jacob dewa a swiss scientist and friend of doctor two bills p a l a c e c r e s paris crescent right i say holmes this mandura must be important obviously watson he must have some connection with the bomb site or cobell wouldn't have taken so much trouble to see that i got his name take down the rest of the message jay o s e p h joseph e m d d i a c number four doesn't make any sense you must have used some other variations four names and addresses jacob juror professor paddle dr kern and this fourth infernal cipher which doesn't fit the code christmas boxes watson i'm beginning to see the plan dr tobel divided his bomb site into four parts just as we brought it back from switzerland he's given one section of the mechanism to each of these famous scientists what a fascinating plan you see each part is useless without the other three and undoubtedly none of these scientists is known to each other professor moriarty also has the code and we must allow for his ability to decipher it we have time to break the path code now we must get to the first three member for moriarty dance palace crescent first right i'll go and get a taxi will you please wait here till we return thank you here where are you going sir jacob do you live here yes but there's been a bit of trouble sir you can't go in and speculate orders oh here just a minute sir mr sherlock holmes oh very sorry sir dead it is a doornail mr elves how did you know about this they are only out 15 minutes ago we better hire homes there's still time to save farrell and kern too late watson by this time paddle and kerner did too what deductions again mr rose facts inspector oh thanks but how do you know about them elementary marty watson this man has been dead for at least two hours my arty isn't wasting any time hello this is lestrade put me on the mackety well mcatee this is a start do you know anything about two men named farrell and kern carol and kern what both of them thank you report only came in two seconds before i telephoned what on earth we can do holmes mariah's got a big start and he's got the code nope this watson scotland yard reports two murders that makes three and all but there were four boxes and four codes obviously moriarty hasn't broken the fourth code either what is the name of the fourth man i can't remember what is the name of the fourth man i have forgotten what is the name of the fought man i don't know i don't know what is the name of the fourth man what is the name of your mind holmes don't you realize what this means to england we not only lose the tobel bomb site ourselves but germany gets it coventry bath plymouth london not to mention original all over again but with ten times the effect don't you suppose i realize that's original don't you suppose i'd give my laps to code the last name of that message there must be some solution actually watson you need to be rude i need a drink i'm all in i can't think anymore all these letters and figures rolling through my brain so twisted round twisted round huh that's it that's what twisted around you said so simple i never thought of it reverse the slide you see gentlemen these figures are now identical with the first three names in other words all the figures of name number four are written backwards and read from right to left until we reverse the slide when they read correctly from left to right now let's work on it pencil watson but um why would dr tobel want to reverse the figures of number four and added precautionless rod in case the psycho should fall into the wrong hands oh quite a compliment to you mr elms i mean uh tobel taking for granted that you would recognize the difference thank you f r e d e r i c k h o f f m e r frederick cockman s l o a n e s q u sloan square we just leave it once wait a minute information will you please give me the address of a frederick hoffner in sloane square i'll break this code i'll find the name of that fourth man before holmes does there is not much more time the submarine is to pick us up off shannon's in six hours i've beaten home so far we'll meet your confounded submarine with the bomb site intact but topel is unconscious again as last to resort we could abandon the code and take two belt to germany it tried to bail again in here wait spilling that glass of water with a very fortunate accident might be a street brawler dr tobel's perversion of the cipher was so simple that it fooled us i was looking for something ingenious this is ingenuous he simply reversed the cipher f r e d e r i c k h o f f n e r s l o a n e frederick hoffner sloan square of course half there would be the perfect selection then you want us to uh tend to hoffner no we can use hoffner he's a brilliant scientist if dr dobell doesn't recover from your persuasion hoffner will be able to put the four parts together you and godfrey will call on hoffner and you will bring him here with the fourth section of the bomb site hurry put up your hands professor hoffner i'll take the box we meet again professor sherlock holmes an improvement on the other makeup don't you think so professor so you think you've beaten me homes i have the real hofner is safely in the hands of scotland yard but i still have to bail now i shall sell germany the inventor instead of the invention you've learned nothing from him in spite of all your torture otherwise you wouldn't be trying so desperately to collect the four sections of the bomb site a king observation my dear holmes but observe further that you are now in my hands and i have profited by my last mistake of allowing underlings to attend you homes took my place and while the nazis were inside with him he instructed me to attach a small apparatus underneath their car he's a brilliant fellow holmes i helped him prepare the apparatus did you really doctor that is i poured in the luminous paint when you told me to very clever dr watson the apparatus drips at regular intervals leaving a trail of luminous paint i see leading us to moriarty and mro why are you so confident professor only a suggestion but how do you know that scotland yard isn't waiting to break in at this very moment i selected this address with special care no one can find it not even scotland yard relax mr holmes there's no escape i might suddenly dash to the window break it open and shot for a passerby that i know passes by the glass of the window is unbreakable and the room is soundproof this is my stronghold homes equipped with all the button conveniences of a successful man in my profession sit down they faded out again sir i don't understand lestrade it stopped and then it started and now it's stopped again maybe the apparatus broke down oh i suggested gentlemen at a crossroad back there a car might have gone over the spots of paint pick some up on the tires and left his falls trail that's just what i was about to suggest myself very well would try it now homes what should it be the gas chamber the cup of hemlock or just a simple bullet through your brain you disappoint me professor indeed yes somehow i always thought that in the end you'd prove to be just an ordinary cutthroat you know me better holmes gas poison bullets i assure you professor when our positions reversed i should have something more colorful more imaginative to offer i'm satisfied to be the winner i shall be alive alive yes the winner no for in the last analysis i should have proved the more resourceful man you didn't trap me here i came here because i wanted to to prevent your getting hoffner and all you can do in return is to commit ordinary murder to relieve your sense of frustration and what my good mr holmes could you have conceived that would have been so much more colorful well even offhand i can improve upon your suggestions consider blade but that's only natural of course and what is this brilliant idea of yours you know that a man dies if you lose his five pints of blood because of course you do i should have you placed on an operating table inject a needle into your veins and slowly draw off your life's blood the needle to the last a homes slowly drop by drop the blood would be drawn from your body you would be aware of every exquisite second to the very end you would be watching yourself die scientifically noting every reaction and in full position of your faculties interesting yes isn't it i humbly submit professor that to the very end i've been more resourceful than yourself you've played it to my hands mr sherlock holmes time and again i've used this place as a haven for friends of mine injured in altercations with scotland yard i have a fully equipped hospital here so the trail goes this way inspector dropped by drop homes drop by drop in a way i'm almost sorry you were a stimulating influence to me but it was obvious that i should win in the end only a matter of moments now take torbel down to the boat stop the engine closer to the end homes closer and closer each second a few more drops leave your desiccated body and you can feel them can't you you're perfectly conscious aren't you homes i shall be conscious long after you are dead moriarty still the same old swaggering conceited sherlock holmes wait if moriarty hears a shot he'll kill ohms you keep an eye on the boat don't make a move till dr watson and i get inside understand your way dear professor come on doctor the water is this way mariachi's rooms must be up here i can't wait any longer holmes you'll have to forgive the crew today my friend this is only the coup de grasse then still money after you're done on the contra inspector my men are outside it's you who are done for really just take a look out the window and see for yourself you'll try to get to the speedboat yeah if you won't go without tabel come on here's dr bell inspector he ain't too badly hurt thank heavens for that look after him will you hoffner i'll take him to the car i expected you but not with my revolver you realize of course when i was brought into the room blindfolded but i heard the mechanism of this door of course and yet knowing that i'd heard it you planned this way of escape not very flattering to me suicide my dear professor not at all my dear homes you see this is not an ordinary passageway oh my mistake it has been as equally well prepared as the rest of my humble quarters i have a trap set electric eye principle my passing through will break the beam and automatically open the highly deceptive trap door behind me of course my pursuer meeting you my dear homes will then be plunged 60 feet into the sewers i neglected to warn him it seems some careless person came across his strap door and left it open come along watson germany wanted the tobel bomb site we'll send her thousands of them in our af planes yes thanks to mr sherlock holmes and to mrs tobell and of course inspector lester oh that's all right miss things are looking up holmes this little island's still on the map yes this fortress built by nature for herself this blessed plot this earth this realm this england you
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Views: 449,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sherlock Holmes, The Secret Weapon, Secret, Weapon, Crime, Thriller, Detective, 1943, Film, Movie, Full, Complete, Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Dr. Watson, Nazi, Holmes, Spy, Agent, Code, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Mystery
Id: d7Lv2pQCIw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 51sec (4071 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2012
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