Shelly Plus 1 ESP32 Smart Relay | Tasmota and Home Assistant

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I discovered just yesterday after using 8 Shellies 1 for 10 months that I had them configured non-optimaly.

You need to set in "Internet & Security" -> "Advanced - Developer Settings" -> "CoIoT peer:"

instead of mcast the IP:Port of your HA instance, like "" in my case.

This could explain your worries with the 1PM being unavailable in HA.

I have a lot of Shellies 1 and 2 Shellies 1PM, I like what they did with adding terminal connectors, I always have to use wagos to connect them, it seems these new versions will be much more practical to install and saving precious space in the wiring boxes.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/snk4ever 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
so in this video we're going to check out the new version of the shelly one plus or shelley plus i don't know it's just the new shelly one i know we've all loved the shelly one og for doing like the cool stuff for garage doors this is um cool and stuff we're gonna check out the new shelley one has some cool features that i like and maybe one that i don't like [Music] [Music] so we had the opportunity to check out the new shelley one plus and so in full disclosure shelley did send the shelley 1pm and the shelley oneplus to me but of course they didn't get any input into it and i wouldn't let them anyway because i just want to tell you if it's good or bad and just totally being biased like we always are now you may notice something a little bit different they do have the bluetooth logo on them so at first thought i was like oh did they change to the horrible type of new chip we were seeing in the two-year devices because i do enjoy the shelly for some things now i know being in the us they're not the easiest to put in the wall with some of the thicker wire and being solid and but they're very versatile devices and they are like stupid small now i really enjoy using the shelley one for the garage door option because it can be powered off of dc power and i normally use them with 12 volt little 12 volt wall warts so that's low voltage you can use the reed sensor you can he already has a case it has terminals it's stupid simple to do now this one has a little different pins on the back but we'll get to that it's a really great option i have done a video with the shelley one original with the garage door opener it's a great little project we'll leave that link down below if you want to check it out or maybe below below that way i guess if your screen's upside down so i did want to look at we have the shelly one pm and the shelley one here and let's take a look at the previous models and just see what size difference so you can see they're pretty much the same size i mean except they just have a little different form factor i will have to say i like the look of the newer ones a little better but one thing well let's take a closer look i'm going to show you something so on the previous shelly we had the ability to just take some regular dupont jumpers and this was for being able to put your third-party firmware such as taz motor esp home on it now i know there's other integrations now that you can do these straight out of the box and i do applaud shelly for doing mqtt and everything straight out of the box without having to do the whole internet thing to make them truly local i know well as a company to you that doesn't understand that part maybe they can should look at you guys but if you did want to do these you could just put these jumpers in here and they would connect up now luckily shelly does the same thing on this model but you'll notice there's a big difference the holes are stupid small and even with some breadboard jumpers such as this that's really just too big i know i've seen some other options where i've done it myself is take some cat 5 cat 6 wires a solid core and stick them in the holes and then attach little alligator clips to it or something like that to flash them using the pins so looking at this one i did like that they did the actual wiring schematic and probably that does save them a lot of support issues as well because no one looks at manuals i mean we'd lose the manuals we just want to look at the product so pretty awesome job that they put the schematic straight on here you can see easily that the neutral comes in here the line comes in here for doing ac it works off of 110 240. when you do the 12 volt do pay attention to the wiring that the 12 volt positive as shown in the manual that's the only thing i can say i'll fault them for the schematic is the they do a better job in the manual of actually showing the positive of the 12 volt dc needs to go here and the negative needs to go here it's not really clear exactly on here the way it should go for doing dc so if you get confused or whatever just refer to the little manual now the i and the oh this is one of the awesome things i like about this is it's a dry contact and what that means it's just like a switch it's not going no matter if you're putting 12 volts to feed 12 volts into it or 120 volts into it it's not going to feed that power into the contact all this does is whenever you tell it turn on it connects these two terminals so whatever type of signal or voltage or whatever as long as it's within spec of the being able to hold the amperage then you're good you can connect it it'll disconnect and connect that so it's pretty cool being able to have that dry contact relay so let's take a look inside this guy here and i'll show one of the problems i ran into you can just pry it open they didn't glue it together pretty cool it's actually comparing the new shelley of course the new form factor is this one here you'll actually notice the relay is the same model number now i guess due to differences and things have changed a little bit in printing they look a little different but it's the same model number 616 amp relay now that's where things get a little different with the power supplies and whatnot and then on the old model we had to actually change this jumper over here for doing the 12 volt versus 120 or 240 ac but of course that's not needed over here they just have the different terminal i do like that they've done that change here the only one of course i don't like is they did away with the standard pin headers i wish they would have done a little bit bigger pin headers because i actually broke mine trying to put breadboard jumpers in so on the back of it you can see they're doing isolation here for the mains ac there which is cool good things to see and there's one cool thing i wanted to mention that i had mentioned till now about the esp chip that is still on this device we'll have to zoom in and hence that is an esp32-u4wd now if you watch the channel and you see my blog we did a len kind switch that was recently using that that is a single core esp32 so that's where they get the bluetooth as well so now you know you're probably asking well can we flash this absolutely i have actually flashed this with tasmota and have it working and i have the template and everything else you need in the description it's really easy to flash i did have to figure out the pin header up here but again i did mention i didn't rip off the pin header that was here but i just soldered to there i would recommend doing probably that little small wire to put in there and i'll leave the pin header picture as well up on this frame but without the whole rippy part and this is just part of the case here that is actually the button it's not really that useful in test mode but i guess if you really wanted to you can still put it in the template which it will be as the button so if you want to do the 40 second reset you can hold it for 40 seconds and set things to factory default i'm seem to be overlooking it at this time i think there it is right by that d1 let me see if i can fix the focus here a little bit yeah there's a small little i believe it was a red led and that's actually on gpio zero you can see i ripped off one of the pads there which sucked but i was able to use one of the pads over here it had continuity when i did the whole test to the actual chip to figure out the pin outs of things so all in all pretty cool for the shelley one i do like that they have stayed to esp that way we can do all the things with it i don't think as the recording that esp homes supports this chipset but they may and development or some type of beta but i didn't see it in the production one but hopefully that'll come soon so you can do your esp home thing with this as well or just leave it the stock one you know that does do local or cloud or whatever you want to do lots of options with this guy so jumping to the shelley one pm which stands for power monitoring do pay attention on the diagram because this is not a dry contact relay do not use this with that door garage thing or whatever thinking you can control something because once you put in that voltage it flips the voltage into it and you'll end up frying it now i haven't done it with dc voltage but maybe that it does work of course they put it on here i just haven't done anything with it but pretty cool to see they do that so let's take a look inside so they are using that 16 amp relay power supply the whole nine i don't have a first model shelley pm to compare it to but i'm sure there's a bunch of pictures on the internet if you really want to look at the older model now the back this is where things get different here's that pin header enhance please it's really small for a bread board jumper to fit in you can fit it in some of the holes but that little metal bracket is not lined up just right it's not going to fit you end up breaking it just like i did so i would probably do if you're gonna use the pin header stuff on it for flashing it and i will leave the diagram and stuff for that of course down in the description or we'll put it up on the frame here editor if only had an editor now they do have that same esp32 chip which is pretty awesome but there's going to be one additional chip as you see and we'll see if we can zoom in a little closer it looks like it's upside down so i believe this is using i recognize the numbers bl0937 but i do believe this is supported by taz moda so that will be cool to flash this i haven't flashed this one just yet so of course a little layout is different because this one does the power monitoring thing so pretty cool to see this as esp32 because you can get your bluetooth on with it too so this is one of the cool things i like about shelley and listen up to you i know you probably won't but whatever i'll just say my piece here you notice i'm not using an app i'm just using my web browser all i simply did was powered up the shelley 1pm plus whatever the shelley device was also works just connected to the access point on it and now i'm going to add it to my network with no app watch and it's that freaking simple i just added it to my wi-fi put in my wi-fi and i'm done and now going over it and i'm on my wi-fi without any app love it and guess what they even have mqtt and you can turn off the cloud pretty awesome stuff revolutionary stop it get some help so we're gonna dig around and look at some things in the shelly one pm plus i haven't seen this web interface now we can turn it on we don't have any draw on it that would show the wattage looks like the bluetooth is enabled i don't know what we can see with bluetooth okay so it's just to enable mqtt okay so you gotta hit apply first interesting way you have to hit apply and then it enables it we have a device the firmware let's check for update available version this is pretty cool they've done a good job with this there's a beta there's available version let's go to beta right um schedules timers channel settings okay so this is all the switch stuff the flip detached follow kind of like your switch modes in taz moda invert switch max power protection because this does have power monitoring this is the pm one max voltage max current let's see if you can add the shelly integration interesting that's pretty cool i'll have to give them that that you can just integrate this into home assistant without doing any flashing stuff or whatever it's pretty neat um now one thing i want to try so i remove the power from it i want to see when this shows up as unavailable okay so still let me turn it on even though it's not actually powered up okay so this is finally showing and available okay that does work enough to turn back on how quick does it come back and it's a little slower so i was able to add if you went into the entities and i was able to add those in where you got like the temperature and then the voltage et cetera well so that is the shelley one and two that is the shelley one pm into home assistant why did it shut off again that's weird uh we have sort of a problem here it should be on is that strange home assistant is showing it is unavailable but it's still here i can turn off and only hear it clicking so the web gui is still fine but home assistant says it's unavailable maybe because it's too new but this is one of the reasons why i like to flash my own third-party firmware such as tasmoto esp home or whatever and that's just gonna work and not have to deal with any special integration and then i could still use node red or whatever and hit it with mqtt or straight from tasmota devices and use device groups the whole nine yards and see it just came back for some reason i was talking it's not falling off the wi-fi because i've got another ping session over here that's fine and plus we could still get to it on the gui very weird so i wanted to point out one thing i had an issue with i checked out mqtt but i don't see an option to set retains shelley had this issue before on the other ones and they could never get it right until way past when they released it it looks like they got this one wrong again so the issue is when i see the online it should be online right but there's no retain message will you say well what does that matter i'm going to turn off the device and then reconnect so i pull the power and i don't have the status for it so i won't know if that device is online or not now if i power it back up probably going to see one pop up down here and there's the shelley plus 1 pm but the problem with that is this is not true last will and testament because there's no retain i don't see why this is that difficult for them to figure out if they're going to put mqtt in put it in right now you shouldn't retain some of this other stuff but you definitely need to retain the online true and then let the mqtt post the lwt of offline or off online equals false whatever it posts but of course if you do flash tasmota on it you won't have this problem and because lwt has worked for years on tasmota so if there's some different things you'd like to see done with the shelley definitely let us know down below i do like to do a lot of different things with the shelley one and i guess i don't know if they're still gonna make the og version possibly not i know given the whole chip shortage thing and whatever and it probably makes much more sense just for them to go forward with the shelley one plus but of course i don't know their exact plans for that maybe they don't even know so would i buy it over the shelley one it depends really on the cost i mean i mean is if it's not that much more i probably would buy the shelley one plus i mean because it does get the esp32 feature to it yeah if you were using that in that garage and it'd be really simple to add a bluetooth little sensor that you could pick up with tasmota and pop it right in it would come off of your garage door opener pretty cool little feature to have that bluetooth now i don't think at this time now of course that could change rather quickly that this chip would be supported by esp home because it is that single core version the esp32 and but i'm sure they'll get it supported in no time because i do like the bluetooth features and features set in esp home a little bit better than the taz moda set which kind of makes sense given the way esp home is laid out which i appreciate you watching hanging out come hang out with us in discord and yep y'all knew the drill goodbye um press all the buttons and you'll take care
Channel: digiblurDIY
Views: 9,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digiblur, digiblurDIY, shelly1, tasmota shelly, new shelly, shelly1plus, plus 1 shelly, shelly plus, shelly esp32, smart garage shelly, home assistant shelly integration, shelly smart home
Id: eLoOT3mXcMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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