Upgrade Shelly Switches | Easy NO Soldering Smart Garage Door Opener

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I ran into this the other day and thought it would be worth a try instead of using the raspberry pi and some jumper cables. But I couldn't get it to work. I sent the Shelly's IP address in my browser, got a response, but the response showed "" as the new firmware version.

There are similar questions in the comments of this video, and the response given by Digiblur is "are you sure your shelly device can access the internet?"

I am 90% sure it should be able to, but is there any way to actually test this? Can I have it ping google.com or something? I have 5+ more shelly switches to flash, and this would be so slick if I could get it to work.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Run-The-Table 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Quickly skipped through the video, but yes this is the simplest way to convert them to tasmota. I have done a number of Dimmer2, Shelly 2.5, and Shelly 1's using MgOStoTasmota with no issues.

Not sure if it was mentioned but you can also flash Shelly firmware back on using a very similar method (although one of Shellys latest firmwares seems to have broken this).

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gavin6559 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
so in this video we're going to show you how to flash your shelly devices with esp home or taz moto and no we're not going to be using any soldering irons no wires no flashers no raspberry pi exploits nothing like that we're going to just use our web browser and get it done and also we're going to show you a little update on how to make that smart garage door opener a little bit easier with the shelley one so let's check it out [Music] so i know you may be asking well why are you flashing your shelleys they already come with apis or mqtt built straight into the stock firmware well that is true well but i also like to make things all the same for instance if you're just familiar with doing a lot of esp home you probably want majority of your devices all listed in your esp home dashboard right not trying to mix it up and have various pieces and parts and trying to keep up with all the different things that change and whatever just want it to be the same well that holds true with the shelley with me i like to flash them with tasmota and have them all in tasmo to backup and whatever else you're going to be using say is like tdm or if you do use tasmo admin whatever it is you have all your esp devices the same so why not flash your shelly devices shelly does embrace the developers and even gives the pin outs of all the devices but that does kind of become a pain because some of the devices have really small pin headers on them that you really need some really small pins and you may even have to strip some cat5 cabling back and then use some alligator clips and breadboard and it just becomes a big trouble to flash your shelly devices even though they do have a pin header and then even get to some of them don't even have pin headers out on the case itself say is the shelly plug that some people do use and it just makes it really hard to do so what if you could do those over the air well you can and it's not using any crazy exploit that possibly may be closed like with to your convert and it's other things so a good buddy mark and i'm just gonna call it mark because i probably can't pronounce his github username i'm not even going to attempt to i'm going to butcher it so it's just going to be mark well he made a very simple little procedure that you flash it straight over the web interface with the shelley device now we of course we will leave the link down to the github page as things will evolve so definitely do check out things as they change now there are a few different ones out here there's the shelley one shelley 1pm the plug 2 and 2.5 now i know there are a bunch of other shelley devices and i'm sure they're going to add some as time moves on so let's jump into it it's really easy i'll show you how to get your first shelly flashed and typically if you do already have them installed in the wall you don't even have to pull them out you can just flash them straight from the web interface right there get them configured and rock and roll now we do have a few shelley devices here we do have the shelley one em the shelly one the shelley 2.5 the shelly dimmer and yes i'm in the us and somehow i have this shelly plug but maybe we'll flash it so i have the shelley 1pm hooked up remove these out the way and we are using our cliff quick connect but of course you can power this however you like i just wanted to power it over mains and if you're not familiar with this device it is not powered until i close this door here so i want to power it over main so i can show that we are flashing this without using the little open pin headers on the device itself so this is running the stock firmware and is not configured for my wi-fi and i will show you we're not even going to use the shelly app because sometimes that shelly app is not the greatest in my opinion in some other opinions possibly so i'm going to close the door and we'll open our wi-fi and look for the access point for this shelly so once you find the access point for that chile device and it's typically going to be like shelly with some letters and numbers after it that's unique to your device once you connect to that access point either using your phone or your computer you go ahead and browse to and that will bring up the web interface on the shelley device itself at this point you'll need to go into internet and security and you're going to go into wi-fi mode client and we'll go ahead and connect to an existing wi-fi network and we'll go ahead and put in our wi-fi name and then we'll go ahead and connect it to the network if you'd like to set a static ip address if you know one that's open you can go ahead and do that it may save the trouble of having to dig for this device on your router and at this point the access point will drop and you will need to use your router or whatever gives that ip addresses on your network and find the ip address to the shelly itself and once it's on your network yeah it's not too difficult after this it's pretty simple so we are using this shelley1pm we'll go back to mark's webpage on github and it gives these cool little links here so with the shelley1pm go ahead and copy it now what you'll do you'll need to edit the address you'll notice he has just shelly ip listed after this http you need to change that to the ip address that the shelley that's on your network so you do we're going to do 10.10.119 of course yours will be different make sure we're not word wrapping and we'll copy the whole link verify it is the right device and then we'll just paste that into our web browser and we'll go ahead and press enter and you should get a message something similar to this and at this point hurry up and wait and what are you waiting on well i don't know go ahead and make some custom projects at pcb way while you're waiting on your shelly device to flash the tasmota firmware and get some high quality pcb boards straight to your door check them out pcb way and enough with that so now let's go check out what you want to look for now is go look for an access point again in your wi-fi for tasmota and once you connect to the access point of the tasmania device you need to go to on your web browser or you can use your phone and you'll go ahead at this point do the typical thing you'll scan for networks and then we'll go ahead and click on the network that is ours instead of typing it and you'll go ahead and put in your password and do make sure before you hit save that you do hit the check mark and check that this is your password once you've verified it you don't need to fill anything else out leave it default just hit save and that's it and of course just like the shelley the way it works the access point will drop it'll connect to your network and possibly might use that same exact ip address it had before when it had this shelley firmware but if not go check out your router and find the ip address and in all its glory there it is we didn't do any trickery we didn't touch the shelley pm nothing it's flashed all just using mains power and of course you could have left it in the wall and it would have been perfectly fine to flash it that way now one thing i probably would do it may not be exactly needed but it's just one of those safety things i like to go into the console go ahead and type reset space 5 and what that's going to do is going to erase all the flash memory reset all the settings make sure it's clear except for your wi-fi it's going to set all the defaults and just press enter and it should come back and join your wi-fi and that way you know it's safe it's clear everything there's nothing left over from the shelley firmware so good we're back what i do like to do while we're upgrading this because of course we're on eight one zero two is i do like to do a constant ping of the device itself and i'll just go ahead and slide it behind here and basically it allows me to watch the device get upgraded because sometimes it will do a double flash it will automatically flash to minimal and then it will flash the full bin for you automatically but just don't mess with it so the real easy way i find to do that is just do a ping so go to firmware upgrade you don't need to change any of this just hit start upgrade and that's it so we'll go ahead and watch the ping and we'll come back when it is done upgrading you can see right here it did one drop and that's doing the flash and then the reboot coming back on the wi-fi and i will wait before i mess with it because you see it went behind and there's no web page but it's even pinging just leave it alone don't press the reload button watch the ping window you're gonna see it's gonna drop because it's flashing the second time there's the other time it's flashing right there and it did the flash reboot picked back up on the wi-fi give it a little bit before you start messing with it and sometimes just like you saw here it automatically refreshed the page but sometimes it may not you may have to hit refresh on the page so we'll close this and now you can see we're on beautiful 8.3.1 of tasmota and we are working and on the console so for the shelley 1pm it's not a built-in module you will need to go down to configure other and paste in the template and if you're curious we will leave some of the template down for easy access down in the description of the video paste in the template for the shelley 1pm you'll hit activate and we'll go ahead and give it our device name of shelley1pm and that's it you can see we got our shelley one pm configured and it's pretty much the same process for many other shelley devices and if you don't know you're not familiar with hasmoto well we'll leave a link up there somewhere and also down there on where to continue on on how to configure mqtt and how to add it to a home assistant say with auto discovery which is a really good way to do things now that auto discovery works great it's real simple way without any yaml coding it just brings it straight into home assistant now if you wanted to go ahead and put esp home on it you probably would need to flash the tasmoto lite version keep in mind don't flash the taz mode of minimal because it does not have access point mode in case you need to go back to that you won't want to have that on there on the console for the esp home people you will need to do a so 78 which is set option 78 space one that's going to turn off the safety check that prevents you from writing a wrong version of tasmoto well you're writing esp home so you need to turn off that safety check and the way to do that is with that so 78 best one so we're gonna go ahead and we will flash our shelley one off camera and then we're gonna jump in and show you how to make that garage door a little bit easier with no soldering so you don't have to open yours but i'm not going to stop i've been opening my toys since childhood so why stop now so you can see here's that little jumper it looks like some of your regular jumpers that if you've been around computers for a while that were on your motherboards and you just simply pull it off and put it back on jump it over here for mains ac over here for dc so how do we hook this guy up well make sure that you are following a diagram as i said we're just going to use your regular run-of-the-mill type of 12-volt power supply i probably got this off of a camera and since we use poe a lot i just use this as a 12 volt one amp probably more amperage than it needs but it's not gonna hurt it and i just simply cut the ends off of it and you'll notice we're not using this soldering iron at all this is a huge difference and now for this with the dc voltage before you hook it up i would make sure with your volt meter absolutely sure and double check it that you are going to put the ground to the right terminal and the positive to the right terminal so real quick for the shelley one with the smart garage door opener it's really simple of course you still have the same wires that come over from the button and if you do have a garage door that has one of those encrypted button things you could also tie this to a spare garage door opener it may require a little bit of soldering but of course you wouldn't be stuck with my cue or whatever it is so the wires they will tie into the zero or o whatever you want to call it and the one these are the two dry contact terminals and that's going to be to simulate the button push the black and the red that's going to be for your 12 volt dc power i wouldn't suggest doing this setup here with mains ac because then that does mains through this read switch which is not recommended and then for the read switch it ties into the ground which is the l in this case and then it ties into the switch to know if the garage door is open or closed pretty simple wiring again no soldering just screw terminals and get it done so for the configuration of using the shelley one with the smart garage door settings it's pretty simple there's no template for the shelley one you simply go to configuration it's a built-in module you'll go to configure module you'll pick your module type and look for the shelley1 and then we'll go ahead and hit save and we'll go ahead and hit toggle and you should hear the relay click inside the shelly and the setup is pretty much the same so you just jump over to our blog post it's gonna be the same from the sonoff sv except for the switch mode now based on how your read switch is you will need to change the switch mode from switch mode 2 to switch mode 1 space 2 and that's what i had to use for our read sensor now if yours is continuing to be backwards you can flip the rule or you can put it back to switch mode 1 space one just toggling the way that on and off is for the read sensor for the rest of the commands of course you can do this with a backlog if you know how to and that's it put in all your stuff and you should give it a test and see if it works it should do the pulse time and then turn right back off you know you have everything configured pretty much the same but you're doing a device with no soldering for the smart garage door opener it makes it really simple no crazy soldering to flash anything pin headers nothing just use the screw terminals and over the air flashing and put tasmoto on it cool little feature and i appreciate and definitely drop mark a note if you can on his github and thank him for his work on this as well that's it for this one hope you enjoy flashing your shelley devices get them off that stock firmware yeah i know it does have those other features but i just like open source and having everything the same and hopefully you do too don't forget give us a like maybe a dislike comment down below say whatever you want definitely helps things out share our video hell you can share our video on the bathroom wall at the truck stop i don't care definitely helps things out maybe you never know but hey i really appreciate all the patreon subscribers they really help out the channel and bring new products and projects to the channel all the time i really appreciate it and that's it for this one and y'all take care here we go go go let us know don't be afraid to show what we're going for this is what we know
Channel: digiblurDIY
Views: 32,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: upgrade shelly, shelly1 switch, shelly switch, shelly dimmer, shelly flood, shelly relay, update shelly, how to shelly, how to flash shelly, tasmota shelly, esphome shelly, hook up shelly, install shelly, home assistant shelly, hassio, digiblurdiy, ota shelly, tuya convert shelly, digiblur, best shelly, favorite shelly, in box relay, esp8266 switch, mqtt, shelly garage, smart garage how to, shelly smart garage, connect shelly, shelly wiring, shelly to tasmota
Id: _oRr8FZyyQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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