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if she could have settled to this be sort of a long [Music] no matter if she was dumber she would've been happier I just think women webcam too late for her yeah Nuria Steinem and Shelley Winters she could have lived on and gotten old and fat and I don't know what she could have played spring Byington Rose how does an actress retired well you play she wanted to play character parts she said that she wanted to you know she couldn't she may have said it but she couldn't bear him Baron if she didn't look absolutely beautiful both very young and struggling we used to sit in Schwab's drugstore and fantasize about the future and both of us along with having the glorious career as an Oscars of course one of the perfect husband with perfect children Marilyn had very little self-worth she didn't trust that she could do something by herself and so very early in her career she began to get coaches when we went to the actors lab which was behind Schwab's and I took classes there she would sit and when she was allowed to and back of the theater and watch and what she watched great actors from the group theater in New York but she didn't even think that she was good enough to take classes she respected intellect all the I was busy going out with handsome young movie stars she was attracted maybe father figures but certain older men who were very smart we were blond Hollywood babies but it wasn't said when we began to get good roles it was the most glorious and wonderful thing we had fun and all this stuff about being doomed and havin a miserable life is totally untrue it was exciting and wonderful and she got a used black Cadillac and drove people around and I had a new white Cadillac the Paramount got from me wholesale $2,500 with everything on it and we really had fun but one point we used to pick up our unemployment checks and go to the racetrack and bet $2 yeah bet about $6 all day long and you can be as alone with Oscars and jewelry as anybody and the real values are your family and your friends and Marilyn had it no family and she was suspicious of most friends because they turned out to be using her even now I watch people watching her films and they become alive and she she had that quality and she could project it it was an earthy just magic that's why it's still there on the screen [Music] let me ask you quickly here about you and the Marilyn Monroe now were you were you really good friends or just live together well there you go and we were very good how long a period of time was this Oh about a year on and off when I met Victorio she moved out yeah did did you ladies women compete for her men no we endorsed men is the testing procedure for that Marilyn really didn't like anybody under 50 she wouldn't have liked you she really if you didn't have grey hair and I don't like my older men older men father-figure straps and and we once one Sunday morning we were just kidding around we used to get culture to one you know listen to classical music it used to come on big records and they gave you lessons and that one would put on Frank Sinatra or Nat King Cole or something well one day we were both just getting over unhappy love affairs and we decided why shouldn't we be like men you know just score you know sleep with who you think is attractive and it why not and anyways we met we decided we would make a list and then show each other the list after an hour well on her list were people like Einstein Ralph Bunche who look at man in Africa why Sir Wendell thinking he might be on the list waiting to get down to the W's they're gay bola you know Brando things like that yeah and I don't know how many you know we separate she got a well never mind anyway many years later after her death I was in Strasbourg's apartment there was her mother's web piano and on it was a silver picture frame in a picture of Albert Einstein and on it it said with love respect and thanks Albert Einstein and someone made a film about this called insignificance about supposedly Maryland's affair with Albert Einstein maybe it would have affected peace if it had gone on so so it did happen or there's room for speculation I don't know in turn actually I'm not sure I would get given his white hair and everything it happened how did you know I could write a book about Mel a whole book about we first met at a place near Colombia called the studio club with just girls could live and she was under contract and I was on a Canon both of the sort of aura blonde bombshell's because we thought that's what they wanted but she was very bright not educated but very smart and she had been thrown around in fact my sister and brother-in-law owned a theater called the circle theatre that one night we came out of it Charlie Chaplin was directing his son in whatever woman knows and semi Maryland prose and she was looking across the street and I didn't know what happened and she said that's an orphan asylum that's the one they sent me back to where they didn't want me anymore and she had just finished asphalt jungle the one with the Houston and she was just getting some we both have been drafted by Colombians said we were unfolded genic and no-good everything and and she she it was like once we were we didn't have a it was very expensive after the water clarified an apartment and Sydney's Gorsky would meet us for lunch at Schwab's I've gotten here stars stage screen and Schwab's drugstore and my sisters something had happened is it's a nurse and we've been getting funny phone calls so my sister went instead from my parents you know we went under I was she had a compass I was a miner by then I was 17 and she was 20 or so and she lives funny things that happened to us and I was really angry at her and I was sitting at Rob's drugstore and Marilyn used to like do something with a straw and then put water and make a little snake and I was very upset and Sidney said what's the matter I said well I don't know my sister went and said from my parents and she dropped the water and she said I wish I had somebody to send for her and then about a year later so we just had a tiny apartment my parents were sleeping in the dining room a Sydney found it's an apartment and hallway drive it's still there and there's a great empty life with wild flowers next what I think that Los Angeles doesn't know who owns it and still there was like outdoors you walk up to three supplies and you rented with Marilyn yes and he found us this apartment but my father had to come over and sign it because they weren't too sure we were reliable the mess that we had this apartment she liked little room she took this smaller bedroom I had the bigger one and about a year until I met a Vittorio in Italy and then she thought she had moved out but she never lived with anyone else what does what have we missed about Marilyn Monroe that you might know what about we need she had no family when she left me I I owned a little house that's a really nice house and the producer of the last picture she did rented it from me and he his wife was Israeli and I called him said what about Marilyn having this other when she shouldn't be alone she shouldn't because she was you know just divorced from Arthur Miller and she's left New York and they said sure so she stayed with him awhile but she I was kind of a role model for her I didn't realize it's sort of sisterly cuz when I cut my hair chard she cut her hair so I moved to New York I've turned the after studio she dreams even once I got married she got married and lived a chair we had a bikini bathing suit that we used to wear the same clothes believe it or not we were the same stars one [Music] and we shared a mink coat and the jerry geese was a divorce lawyer and do you have any feelings about her death i think it's such claw i get so angry when i hear is that i don't know what to do she twice before it tried to commit suicide once when she had a miscarriage and she had nobody to turn to there's nobody and i was in the arc and she was in california and this marriage had broken up and they had her do a nude scene a swimming scene and she was 36 what would she go what was she gonna do when she was 40 you know and she didn't really believe that she was such a comedian and and she was you know in that one with tony curtis and some like a thought it was brilliant she was brave and i started doing things the actor studio where she was brilliant she was say and and she she read a lot really interesting books and she was interested in civil rights and politics and she really got involved in those things but she didn't have a support group you know she was afraid of people and i never had a an exchange in the yard because i didn't think i had to have one new york ID in california i did and her psychiatrist had gone to California Lee Strasberg and Paul her surrogate parents I had introduced them to her and we Trey were gone and that guilt that night she died yes and I think she had twice before I think she had some whiskey and she couldn't sleep and took some pills and forgot how many I have done that I never have a drink after dinner in fact I hardly ever drink except when I work it has a very emotional thing that after I have some wine since that happened but you've always felt guilty that maybe she tried to well you know you feel guilty there's a Chinese saying anybody you save their life you're responsible for them for the rest of it Marilyn Monroe Marilyn see now this is what I was getting it the kid is 18 he's running for mayor you're 18 you're roommates with Marilyn Monroe that's true yeah well we were friends and we weren't successful yet and you know we're how do I Drive is it goes it goes from Santa Monica yes there's a famous dry cleaners there at that intersection Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood Hollow what everybody said a dry cleaner yeah right there in the parking lot written generations I remember palm trees and champagne he remembers dry cleaners well they of course serve champagne in there yeah I'm sure Hollywood so anyway this is your old neighborhood and and we were cooking dinner one night for Dylan Thomas who was a famous famous poet and I had to go get something at the store and I said Marilyn please you washed the lettuce I'll be right back at it dried get it ready for artists to make salad and I came back about a half an hour later and she was cleaning each lettuce leaf or the brillo pad very careful and it's because she just didn't know any better had never cleaned salad the grocer wanted it to be very clean yeah okay is she know who Dylan Thomas was important writer I didn't know that bunch of my friends Maryland was that she worked at 20th and I worked in Universal and she came into the room where they took pictures you had it if you weren't working on a movie I had to take stills Elliman row yes he lived together for you yeah we did and we were friends for a long time since her what the name was Marta Norma Jeane she used to talk like that I mean and I was never a soft-spoken person and I stood say why why and she saw me posing was my unbuckle and she said that's very sexy and I said is it are you do it it's you do I think it's stupid and I tried posing with my mouth closed and she forever after posed like this she did it better when you live with her you used to make lists of all the men you really wanted yeah I'm here live after the second world war we said well the double standard is over little did we know so we order just like men do make lists of people we would like to have love affairs I don't know do people have love affairs now are they just yeah and so Sunday mornings we would get culture we would listen to blah and Beethoven and they used to sell records with little books you know of culture and we decided one day we should make lists of the attractive men that we knew that we would love to have love affairs with and we took an hour and then we showed each other our lists there wasn't one man on her list under 15 and she thought white hair was sexy she had Albert Einstein yeah Albert Einstein I think she made it really yes how did he think of those theory of relativity she inspired him what goes up must keep going up yes [Laughter] is we all know your Marilyn Monroe's roommate and that you were there during the vah vah vah boom years tell us about discovering Sean Connery in London well let me first put in something that I forgot I'm opening next week all over the country in a film called heavy which is wonderful as a new young director Jim mango and one of the things that was terrible about Marilyn life if she couldn't get older the studio wanted to be the sex pot always she was 36 when she died and I think they wanted her to be 25 you know in all the films she did and that's one of the terrible things about get it being an actress I was very lucky when I charged Stevens again when he asked me to do diary of Frank diovan Frank for which I won an Oscar dadadada he said to me if I was 33 he said if you play this woman who's 53 at this time you will act all your life and it is right and actresses have to go into character parts quite early to extend to have a long career and I'm ever grateful to him and she wasn't allowed to do that and she was a dear friend of mine thanks pots are time dated that's right they still do it you
Channel: Cliporama
Views: 673,025
Rating: 4.8259463 out of 5
Keywords: Marilyn Monroe, Shelley Winters, shelley winters marilyn monroe, marilyn monroe shelley winters, marilyn shelley, shelley marilyn, diva, divas, diva on diva, marilyn monroe, shelley winters (performer), marilyn remembered, marilyn monroe remembered, norma jean, marilyn monroe diva, marilyn monroe diva on diva, shelley winters diva, shelley winters diva on diva, marilyn monroe memories, shelley winters interview
Id: cRvwjm3eq3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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