Inside BONANZA 'Ponderosa II' LORNE GREENE's TV House Replica

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well hello my friends troll pal Jordan the lion we are on route 10 on our way to Arizona because we've been invited to vlog something special now I have logged this before but I didn't get a vlog be inside and the person that owns it saw my video and said come on back so days with Jordan the lion we're going back to Mesa begins now Palm Springs oh boy saying to stop off in quartzite not because it's a Burger King but it's because it's Burger King with a stagecoach this place does look interesting Dorothy and Toto is ice cream shop and kettle corn it's not well we've made it over to the Arizona Golf Resort which is why this house that we're going to is here in the first place so if you feel like this is deja vu we were here a month ago and I was here telling you all the history of bonanza and how amazing Bonanza was in American culture and I at the time met the man who lived and the house he closed the garage door as many of you commented hey the Ponderosa didn't have a garage yeah we know we know but we are back today because he has seen the vlog and has invited us to come check out the inside so if you don't know this story Lauren green built this in the height of bonanza and this was his own home he lived here and they turned it into a historical monument so here they have the plaque out front and he was telling me that this flag is a 34 star flag that would have been time appropriate for this show and here it says Ponderosa to city of Mesa Arizona bonanza the most popular television series of the 1960's featured the Ponderosa ranch house the set built at Paramount Studios was designed by Earl Hedrick and hal pereira for a series creator David door toward this house was constructed in 1963 as a read residence for Lorne Greene 1915 to 1987 the Canadian actor who portrayed patriarch Ben Cartwright the exterior of Ponderosa - as it was named by Greene closely resembles the set and the main room is a replica of the set interior there's no builder Nick Donato I know what's interesting about this is that Lorne commissioned this himself he was part of that golf course that we saw coming in when it started up and so he built this here and they used that as kind of a publicity thing to get people to move into the neighborhood so now we get to go take a look inside here we go you can't get any more patriotic than this house so Lauren actually had to ask permission to recreate this house when he did it but they were telling me that he actually got the set designers from the studio to come out here and help do it and so when they have the ranch out Nevada when that closed down they've actually sent quite a few of the props and memorabilia and things here so we'll get to see some of that today so amazing isn't it so then as we walk over to this right side of the house this is the replicating of the barn part of the set look at the bedroom windows you can just almost imagine a horse's head popping out of there can't you well we are about to walk in he was giving me a little great background they they actually were just fans wanting to check out the house but you know once they saw the house they fell in love and how to get it and he told me that the way they found out about my video was from the previous owners so this house has been lovingly cared for apparently after Lauren sold the house the man that lived there next did a bit of redecorating but the house is now back to what it was originally so this should be a real treat here we go guys so he did tell me there's some weight to this door all right feast your eyes on the inside of the Cartwright's home don't worry we'll slowly go through it and one of the things he told me was that when they purchased the home these three rooms all everything that was in these rooms comes with the house so that will be the case if they ever sell the house there's actually designed by the set decorators from the TV show so it's gonna feel real authentic and then of course they put you know some memorabilia touches so there's Ben's desk and they couldn't have been more willing to to show this to share it with us so big thank you to the homeowners look at that they said that this was fully restored and I'll have a little surprise for you but I'll show you when I get a quarter there's a map Virginia City now there are a few touches around the house of the homeowners now but all of the fixtures most everything that we're gonna see in the front rooms is all original now they did mention of course that if you watch the show the furniture changes and they have some original photos of what this was staged like when the greens were living here and they also have notes like handwritten notes from Lauren Greene's wife that where they had brought out furniture to see what it looked like and she was saying no we don't want this we do want this keep this take that one back and also one of the one of the really interesting things I was told about this is that since this house doesn't actually have a second floor that's the attic and they created everything from the staircase as it goes up to dimensionally get smaller so it creates a little bit more depth as someone is walking up the stairs so if I were standing up at the top of the stairs my head would pretty much probably be touching the top the gun rack see how big I am up here so that of course we have the piano and we'll work our way over to the iconic fireplace and they were telling me that when Lauren was having this build he came in here and checked it out and immediately said that the stones they were using weren't big enough so he had the whole thing torn down and had these much much bigger stones put in here to build his fireplace the homeowner said that he knows a little bit about rock work and said that that stone right thing alone would be about 500 pounds and he said he's been behind the fireplace looking around and there's no you know piping or rebar or anything back there it was created like that and there are photos of Lauren and his wife Nancy sitting right here actually we can match up them sitting right here and then they've done a wonderful job with the furniture like I said when they the current owners went back and watched a lot of episodes they noticed that the furniture very often changed couches and things but they didn't want me to point out that these were a gift from the Ponderosa in Virginia City and that was still there so now we'll head through the living room past the fireplace and into the dining room now this is going to trip you out quite a bit because they recreated all of this to resemble exactly from the show but if you look at this photo you'll notice that as they're sitting here dining look at the tea kettle and the China and everything that they're using they were gifted that exact set it's right here that's the exact one from the picture and again check out all the fixtures so this gives you a better idea of perspective from the dining room into the rest of that living quarters that you would have seen and they also mentioned this lamp can actually be seen on the show so now a good bit of what I'm gonna show you is what they lived in that doesn't resemble the Ponderosa house but this house is incredible and they actually pulled aside some photos to show you this kitchen was state-of-the-art then and it's the exact same kitchen that the Greens had put in other than the floor the flooring was changed but if you take a look what they told me was that since they had on-site people working on the house set Department people that they actually built it all around the house so if you open these up you'll see that it goes directly into where the house bends and changes here's a really good example of it and of course these great fixtures inside the kitchen which are just amazing and they are original and then the original sink and everything cabinetry [Music] it's the cabinetry they would have chosen and the range that's the original [Music] but venta hood then here's the original oven and they even turned it on for me so we could see that whirlpool light and everything which I thought was pretty cool and then as we go into here where they might have had their breakfast or meals in here they actually pulled aside a couple of photos right here that showed Nancy and Lauren sitting right over here together in that corner and you can actually see this door behind him they were telling me that was the golfcart door that they could drive the golf cart into the tech garage so right here in this corner I'll match up those photos of Lauren and Nancy there you can see them sitting in there alright so we're gonna head back into the dining room from the kitchen area and I just noticed look at the shutters over here they're divided into three on each side so you can opt to only do the top or the middle of the bottom based on where the sun's coming in now we're gonna leave all of the stuff that you've seen that resembles the Ponderosa and where we were all jokingly saying the next area you're gonna see is probably where Nancy had her say the most and starting with these doors they said that she had these had bought these and brought him from Mexico and wanted them incorporated into the house so everything that you see is as original and it was incorporated as they were building the home originally so all the fixtures and everything that you see are the originals from when the greens lived here and you see this photo right here they have that photo there because that is where Nancy and Lauren are sitting in chairs right there you can see that door behind them so take a look so that would have been right there take a look this is of course this is their furniture and lots of natural lighting but what else is great is that they made this back side to the fireplace so there's an additional fireplace here and no one seems to really know what this piece is we think it might be from a train or you know something like that but Lauren made it the centerpiece of this fireplace because it really you know other than maybe support doesn't really have you know much of an understanding as to why it's there take a look at the quality of this and the really cool chandelier and this bar that is trapped in time this is your quintessential 60s bar with the original fixtures lauren had obviously if you've seen my other video i'll show you photos that they have here had had the cast members out here so their photos of Michael Landon dan blocker hanging out here with Lauren it's pretty cool and they have all of Lauren Greene's record albums here that they listen to just look at the vintage beauty on this lamp so now we'll pass on through past the bar over here and they purchase these photos from the last homeowners these are all signed photos from cast members you can see there's the original four dan blocker Michael Landon Lauren Parnell and all of their signatures on display and there's one for a damn blocker boss and his signature then here's a view from where we just came from so you can kind of see what that room looked like lengthwise we'll be back in here because I want to show you what we have setup over here but then you had a matching door to matching doors Nancy had bought so the one that we saw was down here and she also had these installed as well nice saddle but let's take a look at their bathroom still in the original form look at that original toilet even and original wallpaper shower everything I said well it's amazing that it's in such great shape and they said well we don't use it and we don't think many people use it or haven't used it and of course like I mentioned all of the cabinetry was built in so it's all original to the house they didn't buy it and install it it was built especially for the house pretty amazing so we're gonna go back in here now when this house was open I mentioned earlier that it was because there was a golf course that he had bought into and so this was an announcement for the unveiling of this house and everyone was charged a dollar and the proceeds went to the Lutheran Hospital that's literally right outside this window right over there so this is a picture of dan blocker Michael Landon and Lauren green in that room right to the left of dan blocker you see the map and everything below that was where that little uh Bonanza horsey was so we'll go back in there put the quarter and I'll show you you can match up that window in that picture and look it even works so here you can see some original handwritten letters by Nancy on Laurens stationery and these are her notes about what they've staged the house at or what they've staged it with and the price is on everything so I mentioned that earlier I'll give you a little look you can see what the prices were for things they were considering buying carve lamps deep cast scroll iron planter implants and then here she's haggling the prices and here on the opposite side of it you can see it's dated March 23rd 1963 oh I just noticed this this classic old ashtray and lighter set and everything and then these are some of the photos that the art department sent from them to work from and then this is what the house were to look like they moved in that we were just walking through and this is how the bedrooms would have originally been set up here and this is what the house were to look like on unveiling or upon unveiling originally for the gate and all that stuff and here's a photo of one of the designers working on the house laying things out a couple of photos actually and here's a brochure mentioning the building of this house and then talking about how he built it for $100,000 so I promised myself I would do a selfie in this house before I left let me grab that hat so what I think we should do now is I want to go out and show you the front of the house and actually walk around the entire house show you what the back everything looks like what Lauren's view would have been the golf course everything in back and then we'll come back in so now that we saw so much of the inside let's go take a look at the outside and they were telling me a funny story they said you notice this house looks a little different than most of them in the neighborhood I said yeah they said they were building this hoping that hop sing would buy the house they were trying to lure him out here look at that Tiki head in there it's kind of cool so I start walking around if a beautiful property the back and everything's just incredible but there is one downside to this house that I'm sure you can probably imagine what it is already no no not that you're thinking all the visitors know they they don't really mind that they know this house is classic they they get that no no the problem here we are again at the the corral I showed you guys earlier no the problem is their backyard is a golf course with three different holes going around the property so they have some netting up but they constant we get pelted with golf balls because see Lauren was no dummy he built it on the best plot of land they had bought the group had bought like a mile so he built his property on the best plot of land however there's a hole on the other side of the house there's one over here and one back there so they're constantly getting pelted here's the famous well American flag and everything there's the well [Applause] and then they put a really cool little chuck wagon in here that's one of the other great things about the people that live here now they have added things some of the things came with the house but other things that they wanted they were willing to buy them and out of themselves or buy them from the other owners there's the chuck wagon now here you can see that they have put up netting for safety but it doesn't protect everything because as we were walking around the house they were showing me various holes in the side and they have a good attitude about they said you know there's just you know it's part of living here in fact there's a golf ball in there now so then as we go around the corner this takes us over to the that dining area where I showed you Lauren and Nancy sitting in that corner and the golf cart entrance to the garage that's right here kind of a unique feature but then the homeowners now put this amazing piece of art here and had the artist come out and install it and everything it's perfect for the property absolutely fits perfectly it's amazing cactus made out of various sized horseshoes and what he was pointing out to me that he liked a lot and that I liked a lot I actually used the nails for the little cactus spikes so I did ask I said how many golf balls do you figure you get hit by we usually get four or five a day and then he pulled up several buckets full of golf balls well that's about gonna do it for us well Lionhearts what do you say pretty cool day huh thank you so much to the homeowners for inviting us here getting to share it with all of you they love this house as much as I think all the fans do and they're committed to keeping it in its original form as long as they own it so kudos to them this has been a really fun vlog all right my friends we're gonna call it a day I hope you all enjoyed this vlog as much as I did I mean I really hope you enjoyed it because the first time we were here we only saw the outside and 150,000 of you watched it so I hope all you hundred and fifty thousand enjoyed seeing the inside we're gonna call it a day thank you Jay Davis curio Brian and gay Morris or becoming my newest patreon and have a great night everyone goodbye [Music]
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 515,689
Rating: 4.8926611 out of 5
Keywords: daily vlogger, travel vlogger, urbex, golden age, hollywood, travel advice, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, jacob the carpetbagger, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, travel guide, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, scandals, film, comedy, los angeles, wolters world, tourist, adam the woo, Bonanza, Lorne greene, Mesa, Arizona, Ponderosa, Michael landon, Dan blocker, House replica, Parnell roberts, Full tour
Id: oG29tT-C3xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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