SHELF STABLE Butter for a year! NO CANNING | Off Grid Living

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[Music] this video was brought to you by plain and simple chocolate tea from off grid with duggan stacy the weather outside is frightful a cup of chocolatey is so delightful made from the husks of roasted cacao beans it has a chocolatey aroma yet tastes like an herbal tea this beverage is rich in mood-enhancing theobromine the perfect replacement or addition to your morning cup of coffee you can find it at off grid with plain and simple chocolate tea makes me happy now back to the video [Music] um [Music] hi and welcome back to the homestead and if it's your first time here my husband and i build this lock cabin from wood from the forest we live without any public utilities we have work off of 100 percent rain water and we grow about 90 percent of our food welcome and today i wanted to make some ghee with you and uh if you don't know what ghee is you need to come on in and check it out and if you already know what ghee is i need you to come on in because we are going to talk about how to make it real quickly how to use it and the health benefits of it so come on let's go [Music] do you want in [Music] come on in let's make so let's get down to business so today we're going to be making ghee and ghee basically is made from butter it's a clarified butter meaning that i'm going to separate the milk solids the casein and the lactose from the actual butter oil and it's also going to have the water is going to evaporate from it so a lot of you guys if you're sensitive to dairy or you're lactose intolerant a lot of those people are able to do the ghee because it's just going to be the pure butter oil all that other stuff the milk salads are going to be separated totally all you're going to need is butter now not all butter is created equal you're going to make sure that you get a grass-fed organic butter if you're buying it from the store or if you have your own cow and you're going to separate the cream and make your own butter that's going to of course be the best that you could possibly do and i'm going to do two pounds of butter you can do one pound or two pounds and all you're going to do is put your butter in a pan i mean i've done this in glass pans i've done it in stainless steel pans ceramic pans you know you can put them in pretty much anything where you can see it separate we are going to be putting this in the oven at 250 degrees i grew up using this ghee my grandmother made the clarified butter all the time we had it in our house it's wonderful for making like baked goods pastries and things it just gives it a phenomenal flavor because when you separate the milk salads it gives it a little bit more of a nutty it's like a nutty buttery taste so it kind of tastes like butter but not exactly like butter so if you don't like a lot of these oils this is a really good one this is the type of oil that i cook almost everything with it gives your breads and pastry such good flavor and i just really like it and it's very simple a lot of people make this on the stove and you have to stand over and stir it and stir it and i don't have time to do this i'm always looking for the easiest way so basically you're gonna put this in the oven at 250 degrees [Music] i'm gonna keep it in the oven at 250 for an hour and a half in the meantime it gives me time to go do chores do some things around here do a little cleaning up and then i'm going to come back and i'm going to show you what happens to it we're going to separate it and i'm going to talk about the health benefits and the uses of it hi guys how's my girl how are you i missed you today you guys want some hay yep [Music] are you the handsomest fellow in the world yes you are he's got his winter fur on our winter coat don't you yes you are i know you are aren't you [Music] molly are you eating your antler molly's getting her minerals because the antlers are loaded in minerals so it's really good for them something great to chew on so if you have a dog antlers are great for their teeth health and also they have some minerals in them too [Music] all right it's been an hour and a half and we're going to take the ghee out [Music] see it's still bubbling so i want you to notice on this how the milk salads have dropped to the bottom i'm gonna move some of this away come on over here so you guys can see a little bit closer so i have my butter oil at the top and i'm just going to skim this stuff here at the top off and usually i'll use this stuff i can give it to the cats it's a good treat for them all right so i used a white bowl here and the milk solids are kind of hard to see but when i start taking it off and pouring the butter oil into the jar you'll see where it is i make it i mean all the time if i have lots of butter i'll just make lots of ghee it is something that i can't live without because i use it in all my cooking it makes wonderful popcorn i use it on pizza crusts i mean i use this for everything the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to pour the oil into the jar and then here is your butter oil otherwise known as ghee so then what's going to happen it will harden up once it gets back to room temperature it will get hard and then i can just use it in my day-to-day uses it is very expensive when you buy ghee in the store it's so cheap and easy to make it yourself so why not make it yourself but just make sure you get grass-fed organic butter so generally one pound of butter is gonna make about a pint of ghee so i did two pounds of butter i got two pints of ghee now a lot of people ask you come here i'll show you the milk solids that i have left see it see what they look like there's the milk solids my grandfather growing up used to love that on toast so when my grandmother would bake this he wanted to say that for him and he would put it on his toast you could use it on your toast you could you know put it on your pancakes do anything you want generally what i'll do is i save it and i'll give it to my my cats and my dogs so they like it a lot is a little special treat for them so whenever maki they get a little bit of it and then i get the good stuff here so now i want to talk about the health benefits of ghee and all the uses of it and it's not just for cooking with which is crazy isn't it but i use the ghee here for like so many things you guys are going to freak out when you find out all the things that i use it for and maybe you want to start doing it too ghee is a oil and it's something that is very shelf stable so i can put it in my uh you know put a mason jar go put it down in the root cellar and it can last a long time i mean i've had some down there you know way over a year it also is very heat stable so the smoke point on ghee is 485 degrees compared to butter which is 350. so when you're cooking an egg or you're cooking pancakes when i'm putting it in there and let's say i have to walk out the door or go do something and i come back and i'm using butter and it's all burnt up if i use ghee that's not going to happen it looks just the same now ghee is loaded in vitamin a and a is they call it the like king of all the vitamins because it is crucial for your immune system what's going on now with all these viruses and things like that your immune system is very important and this is a fat so your body is readily going to absorb this as well as vitamin a being good for your hair your skin your nails your eyesight wonderful for the eyes along with vitamin d so we need vitamin d you know you get it from the sun but we need the vitamin d to help with our bones vitamin e is very crucial in our body vitamin k vitamin k2 it has all these fat soluble vitamins and the vitamin k2 is one that a lot of people you're hearing talk a lot more about but you need k2 to help absorb the vitamin d and so you're cooking with it and you're just automatically getting it along with your omega-3 fatty acids and they're great for inflammation and so in this day and age a lot of people are having lots of inflammation so this would be a good one to help address that because in our diets now people are getting too much omega-6 fatty acids and like processed foods fast foods so this is a good way to you know counteract that start cooking with it the first use other than cooking that you could use your ghee for is for your skin so i was saying earlier it has vitamin a in it so what a wonderful thing to put in your skin just remember what you're putting on your skin your body is absorbing so you don't want to put any of these toxic creams and things in your body so look at this stuff the wonderful thing about ghee it is very easily absorbed so when it goes onto your skin it might feel a little oily but it absorbs very deeply it penetrates deeply into your body and it doesn't give you that oil of feeling i started using this because i have uh i was a sun worshiper when i was younger i used to use the baby oil and iodine how many of you guys used to do that so i used to do that a lot and so i had some sun damage you know on my arms and my legs and i started using this very consistently and i noticed a tremendous change in my skin it also aids in age spots it helps with that and any blemishes scars if you do have scars or any injuries or you do have some old scars maybe you have a cesarean section you know you had scars there get some of this doug has an injury to his hand he had stitches so basically what this is going to do is going to help with the blood flow and i'm going to massage the scar to get that blood flow in there and also i want to kind of massage where it was sewed up so if you think about sewing a piece of material or something and you grab it it kind of gets tight on you that's the same thing if you have a scar so i want to massage this out to help massage the scar and this works for scars that are old too if you're consistent massaging it can really really help so i've been doing this with doug and it's really made a big difference in his mobility in his finger and then hopefully with the scar and the total injury now i want to talk about is the use of the ghee on your face personally notice that it started giving me more of a youthful glow and i need a youthful go because the older you get you need that youthful glow but it does it gives you a glow and i'm going to even show you something i'm going to make like a like a face mask and you guys are going to be shocked just even after i you know when you put it on what it does it's crazy at night time before i go to bed i use it as my moisturizer i just get a little bit you don't want to get a whole lot i always rub it in my hands a little bit and then i'll go ahead and i'll just put it on my face and my neck and my chest and then then i'll go to bed and in the morning it's crazy you do you wake up it's like oh my gosh my skin looks pretty good um over the years it really has made a huge difference so that's another use that you could use the ghee for um and then the other one is making a actual like face mask and i'm going to show you how to do it real quick it's just equal parts you don't need a whole lot you're going to do the ghee with the honey you want some raw honey for good luck local raw honey because they're both powerhouses together and you're just going to mix it all up and then here comes the fun part you're just going to rub it on your fingers and you're going to put it on your face kind of just dab it on your face and you're going to leave it on for about 10 or 15 minutes or so if you want to leave it on longer you can leave it on longer but that's really all you need i'll do this maybe once a week or something once or twice a week when i'm finished up maybe i'm brushing my teeth before bed last week my granddaughter spent quite a few days over here she was looking at my face and then she touched it after i had got done and she's like oh my gosh your skin is so soft so she's five years old and she told me my skin was soft because you can really tell the difference for your hair amazing for the hair so you just need a little let's say you just got out of the shower your hair is wet i'll get the ends or where it needs it and i'll just kind of rub it through where i have any frizzies a lot of you guys and girls that have gray hair you have frizzy gray hair it really helps with that too you could also make this into a mask so if you want to put some of this in some conditioner that you have or just put it on your hair let it sit on there for you know 15 minutes or so half an hour and then just wash it out you could do that too or just leave it on it just works great so i use it on my hair all the time [Music] for you men out there beard envy you just put a little on your hand and you just rub it in there look at that secrets revealed use a spoonful of of the ghee and you're going to do something called oil pulling i do this religiously every single day i use ghee and i also use coconut oil you can use either one and what you're going to do is you're going to put a spoonful in your mouth and you're going to swish and you're going to swish for about 10 minutes so i'll go about my business doing whatever i'm going to do in the morning or you can do it in the afternoon whenever whenever you think about it and then when you're finished oil pulling you're just going to rinse your mouth out with some water basically what oil pulling does is it's going to pull out all the bacteria it's going to help make you have healthier teeth healthier gums and it's something that is so simple that could just save your life when it comes to anything if you're possibly feeling you're getting a cavity or you have a little pain doing a little oil pulling could help alleviate that before if you need to go to the dentist or you know go get some help so all you're going to do is put in your mouth just like that for your 10 to 15 minutes and then spit it out in the trash can do not spit it in the sink because it'll get hard in the trash can so i would like to hear from you guys if you're going to try making ghee yourself because you know ghee is very expensive to buy in the grocery store it is very expensive and you can make it so much cheaper just you could buy it or have your own cow and have plenty of milk so leave a comment if you're going to try it or if you have some ideas different than i've been using i would love to hear from you because i this is like my one stop shop i save so much money on creams and lotions and all that kind of stuff just by using my ghee so leave a comment below i want to hear from you have an awesome day and i'll see you later [Music] you
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 157,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living
Id: o8K7N8ch76Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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