Sheldon Ruins Leslie and Leonard's Relationship | The Big Bang Theory

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so I heard your relationship with Penny crash to the ground like blue eyes falling out of an airplane labatory where did you hear that actually I read it wallo it's texted me like blue ice falling out of an airplane labatory yep yeah I thought it was a pretty good one I gave him an LOL anyway it got me thinking now that you're unattached maybe we can revisit our previous attachment are you suggesting another bout of stress release no I'm all done with casualx from now on I'm fully committed to the traditional relationship Paradigm really what changed it's hard to say I guess there's just a time in every woman's life when she gets tired of waking up on a strange food tone with a bunch of people she doesn't know yeah I can see how that would a bunch of people anyway I just figure it's time to slow things down and who better to slow things down with than you oh I'm flattered so how do you suggest we proceed your place will order Chinese you'll run a movie artsy but accessible then light petting no cus sounds fun I'll leave the details up to you I think it's better if you assume the mail role thank you that's very thoughtful all right call me when the two of you reach a natural stopping point I'd like to have a word if the word is peee just do it Leonard you're my friend and Friends support their friends apparently so I'm withdrawing my objection to your desire to have a relationship with Leslie thank you I will graciously Overlook the fact that she is an arrogant subpar scientist who actually believes Loop quantum gravity better unites quantum mechanics with general relativity than does string theory you kids have fun hang on a second Loop quantum gravity clearly offers more testable predictions than String Theory I'm listening amuse me okay well for one thing we expect quanti SpaceTime to manifest itself as minute differences in the speed of light for different colors Baler Dash matter clearly consists of tiny strings are you going to let him talk to me like that okay well there's a lot of Merit to both theories no there isn't only Loop quantum gravity calculates the entropy of black holes Sheldon don't make that noise it's disrespectful I should hope so it was a snort of derision you agree with me right Loop quantum gravity is the future of physics sorry Leslie I guess I prefer my space stringy not loopy well I'm glad I found out the truth about about you before this one any further truth what truth we're talking about untested hypothesis it's no big deal oh it isn't really tell me Leonard how will we raise the children I I guess we wait until they're old enough and let them choose their own Theory we can't let them choose what are their children wait where are you going I'm sorry I could have accepted our kids being genetically unable to eat ice cream or ever get a good view of a parade but this this is a deal breaker look on the bright side what's the bright side only nine more months to Comic-Con [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah
Channel: Big Bang Theory
Views: 335,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, TV, Funny, The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon, Penny, Leonard, Laughing, Warner Bros.
Id: t0HTsdE4RR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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