Sheep Hasn't Been Sheared For 5 Years (18KG WORTH OF WOOL!) | Bondi Vet

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right now i'm on my way to see a familiar face but even though i know pam from edgar's mission quite well the problem she's called me in for is apparently like nothing else i've ever seen before chris has been called to a special animal sanctuary on the outskirts of melbourne to meet a fugitive in trouble how are you doing now sheep you've got to see this one chris he's like nothing you've ever seen before and poor fellows only just come to us yeah and we really need your help because we've got to get in the best welfare outcomes he's in a bit of a bad way let's have a look at him okay he's over straight away straight here yeah yeah look at the size of it when i first see this shape all i see is a big round mound of wool with a little face in the front so where did he come from legend has it that he survived the 2009 bushfires that um in kilmore east and he's just been roaming through the bush since then so he's escaped shearing for what at least five years it's amazing that he's alive today it's extraordinary he can even walk around with that amount of water it is and you can see he's having a little bit of trouble walking there i mean the worry i have is that he could have any sort of problem lurking underneath that wall i mean flight strike any sort of skin infection in there so really before we even think about sharing we need to work out whether we can handle sherry let's have a look at it okay as you can see our friend down here his name's ben hall and he's certainly a bit of a bushranger this sheep is named after a famous australian bushranger ben hall who evaded capture for years and years and actually lived in this local area you okay if i grab it yeah you hop in there ben hall the bushranger was eventually captured and justice was delivered catching this ben hall could prove to be even more difficult well it's been one chris zero [Music] i just think two people to be honest aren't quite enough at edgar's mission chris has met his match he's trying to capture the infamous ben hall dale i've been beaten the wily fugitive sheep has spent five years on the run after fleeing devastating bushfires it's not that i couldn't catch him it's just that i thought it would be easier and quicker what do you want chris to have ben is limping under the weight of his heavy fleece and chris is concerned the thick matted wool could be causing other health problems with five years of wool growth on top of ben there could be just about anything lurking underneath that fleece from bacterial infections to parasite infestations he could even be fly blown good job putting the cuffs on now i know it's like the law finally caught up with ben hall chris pam and the boys now need to move their captive to the shed let's go so we'll walk in but ben's not going anywhere without a fight okay okay ben let's just go with it get one ben hall is an incredible miracle he's a testament to the will to live it's amazing he's now taking three of us for a walk just like you and i would try and survive the best we could out in the wild ben hall has done that and he's done it admirably but his time was up i'm gonna try the impossible here [Music] he's got you know a foot of wool there and that must be pulling on his skin too i couldn't believe when i put my hand in it was the length of my arm that much will that that is an incredible amount of wool for a sheep to have when considering we share them it's about that much i'm trying to listen through a lot of war but i can just make out he's his heartbeat there so i mean it's certainly elevated he just everyday life for him is a stress at the moment [Applause] so let's share him okay fiercely protective pam can't relax she is now worried about how ben will cope with being shorn look the worst case scenario with these sheep is that they could suffer a heart attack because of the stress that they're under we've lucky that we've got chris on hand to monitor him throughout the procedure i wouldn't have peace of mind if we didn't have that happening today how are you it's shira hey tony i'm chris meet your christmas um if you can grab my pool box that'd be good thank you yeah shearer tony adams has now arrived to give runaway sheep ben hall his much needed haircut ever seen that much wool no [Music] four or five years on him yeah that's all we think we are very very fussy with anyone who is allowed near our animals and we have the most wonderful sheer that we've found who's very gentle and compassionate with our sheep it should be right at the tip hello mate so you wouldn't grab them all by yourself yep tony weighs about half of what i do but seems to have about three times the skill when it comes to catching sheep because he goes pretty close to nabbing ben all by himself usually if you tilt the head one way rolling his back end yep it's quickly becoming obvious why ben has been so hard to subdue he's a ram he's um he's all man the first thing we notice the moment ben goes on to his back or it's hard to ignore he has enormous testicles wow that's uh that's quite something most lambs have something called landmarking where they're castrated they're given an ear tag they're drenched they get the full works obviously ben wasn't around for that day he escaped with everything intact see that another month and that'll be fly struck yeah all through here you're lucky mate he's always going to find this overwhelming there's just no real other option shearing isn't just like a simple haircut for a sheet it's a full-on audio-visual experience the stress of those sounds and being forced into a new position for that period of time it can be enough to cause a heart attack which can kill him let's just give a quick little check halfway through at edgar's mission chris is closely monitoring ben hall to make sure the shock of a long overdue shearing doesn't lead to a heart attack for an animal like him who's a prey animal to be held in australia and not be able to move that's one step away from being eaten by a predator so it's incredibly stressful for the animal he's coping yep all right he's coping better than me on bruce i can tell if i put it on you as well tony is struggling to remove five years worth of heavy matted wool the biggest challenge that tony's facing is the weight of that fleece is pulling on the skin each time it pulls the skin out it means that those shears of tony's all too easily nick the skin it's the unfortunate by-product of how much wool ben's carrying wow amazing job i hope you feel better mate that's a great outcome he's having a weed okay probably never felt so easy has it that's right once tony is finished the pile of wool is bigger than ben and ben's not a small sheep so it's time to weigh it he was carrying that around yeah under his feet yeah getting scales paired almost i didn't kill us or bad that your biggest ever yeah definitely yeah he's definitely a good boy with ben's excess wool removed chris is anxious to investigate what's causing his nasty limp not liking that you're coping well okay i mean immediately he's actually quite hesitant about me grabbing this leg at edgar's mission chris is trying to pinpoint the cause of ben hall's painful limp so he's got some arthritis in this this elbow joint of his right now that could be the result of an injury he's picked up or it could be wear and tear i'd say it's probably a little bit of both with dogs and cats what we say with arthritis is get them to lose weight he just lost 18 kilos so he's going to immediately feel better on that leg yeah because he's not having to carry the weights around with the additional help of an anti-inflammatory ben's limp should soon be a thing of the past he's been through an enormous ordeal today enormous ordeal but he's one tough sheep he's probably the toughest sheep you'll ever meet alvin hall it's gonna look like a purple dalmatian to finish chris is applying antiseptic spray to help heal ben's skin and prescribing some extra special tlc so he's pretty close to being back on track now his life's taking a dramatic change yeah the one thing i'd recommend though is that he stays in here for the next couple of days yeah it would be like right now for him taking a kid from the deserts of australia and all of a sudden he's gone it gone to antarctica yeah wow it seems ridiculous because it's it's quite mild right now yeah but for him that's just been a huge change while being sean does seem like the end of ben hall's criminal ways i wouldn't be so sure it's been a real team effort yeah but i think our fugitive is gonna be feeling fine he's already he's ready to go yeah i'd be reinforcing the fences at edgar's mission because this guy knows how to escape he likes his freedom he'll be looking for it again
Channel: Bondi Vet
Views: 2,360,398
Rating: 4.8722224 out of 5
Keywords: bondi vet full episode, bondi vet dr chris brown, bondi vet dog giving birth, bondi vet dog surgery, vet on the hill full episode, vet on the hill dr scott miller, vet on the hill, vet on the hill season 2, bondi vet dr lisa chimes, puppy training basics, aggressive dog, dog training, bondi vet, vet on richmond hill, dr. lisa chimes bondi vet, tim Faulkner bondi vet, sheep shearing, sheep shearing satisfying, sheep shearing world record, sheep shearing after 6 years
Id: DDwHyxQe5Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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