πŸƒ Buffalo Has Horns Growing Into Its Head! | FULL EPISODE | S07E14 | Bondi Vet

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you make [Applause] yes [Music] we get you walking again soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know it's funny how word spreads around these parts I mean I've mean the territory for very long and already I've got another case one of the true characters of this part of the world plus one of the true pioneers happens to run the only dairy farm in the top end he's got an animal that needs some help only thing is she's not a cow Chris is spending a second week in Darwin and is responding to a call for help from Buffalo farmer Geoff hoon Goodlatte he's in desperate need of help his beloved swamp Buffalo penny Chris my word hey guy now have an insight and make my friend this is penny not most masculine-looking penny over the city my life no no she's waiting to see you actually she's down the back there yep and we can go down and get her bring her up well it's gonna have a look at her will feel weak in this way you bet Jeff's caught me out here to have a look at one of these Buffalo she's got horns that are now growing back into a head that is obviously a very tiger situation there she is looking straight at you oh wow she's obviously got a problem there it almost looks as if she's got a set of earphones on yeah so how long has that been a problem for her near ah the last year yeah yeah when she was a cat she would have been a bit like that yeah and someone endeavoured to stop those horns from growling and that's just changed the direction of the growth of those who like me poor thing penny was apparently an orphan and when she was young someone tried to burn her horns off with acid when that happened it's changed the direction of growth of the war sensitive them going out and up then they're going down and once those horns do actually start to press in on the skull that would be the end of her she just couldn't survive with that sort of time the only solution is to trim both of Penny's horns so if we can get her up into the yard here that's obviously help Chris and Jeff now have the difficult task of luring penny into a crush the idea today is to get him there sedate her make it nice and relaxed and then using a wire cut through those horns and shorten but this is not going to be easy [Music] this is the basking spot so it should be warm that's perfect that's good general manager Tim Faulkner is preparing for an exciting first at the Australian Reptile Park today is a pretty special day we've got some VIPs coming not only VIPs but they are nature's true Giants and they're deadly and for me it's more than special because I've never ever ever had my hands on one go ahead juice ok I'm coming right now see you there hey John good good have you got a look at no no I thought I'd say but today's a big day we are getting Komodo dragons at the reptile park for the first time ever pal lizards actually originated from the United States and they've been exported and imported by us very very special and it's been a long time coming to get them here sorry mate look at that as special is that is beautiful there are only a handful of Komodos currently in Australia so Tim is proud to add to the numbers this is one year old now Komodo is hatch maybe only 30 centimeters long very very small but they grow very quickly and you know two to three years of age we could have a two metre lizard that's way in 50 kilos and this is the biggest lizard on earth yeah what a beautiful boy it's something that as a reptile keeper you dream about and talk about and you think artists never get a happen we'll never get Komodos and they're finally here so yeah I thought I wants to say I'm speechless Komodo dragons are an endangered species the plan for this male and female is to get together and boost the numbers of dragons in captivity hello don't you open your mouth anybody before we put them into their enclosure it's important that we just have a basic look over to make sure that they're healthy and well so have a look up around the eyes mouth nose the boy's name is Kraken it's actually pretty special because Kraken was the name of the first Komodo dragon ever to be studied by Westerners so Komodo zarina a really isolated little spot in Indonesia and it's a pretty symbolic name and this is what the two young Komodos will look like when fully grown only around 2000 are left in the wild these prehistoric creatures can grow to three metres he can top 100 kilograms [Music] let's have a look at the girl what's her name Daenerys veneers what is that name the female Daenerys it might be a little bit lame to some like Tim but basically it's from a TV show and Daenerys is actually Ian of all the dragons so I thought that kind of suited out our first female Komodo hello little darlin about math he's very pretty and she's cheeky she's trying to whip this title around it's been a big trip getting here but now it's time to get him into their enclosure and get him settled [Music] Oh sip right of the group here yep we've taken him away from the hood south of Darwin Chris and Buffalo dairy farmer Jeff are trying to move penny into a crush steady steady girl steady easy baby the ten year old new mum has deformed horns they're growing into her skull dangerously close to her brain whoa the idea today is to date her make a nice and relaxed and then using a wire cut through those horns and shorten them and really free up some space so she can get on with the life pain-free [Music] Kenny is finally in the cooling yard but the battle isn't over and the moments of different dance between Jeff and Petey each time she moves in and sniffs a man gives me bad body language he moves away the most she comes down he comes closer hopefully with this patient approach no come on ok guys come on that's my darling tuck your goal off you go I'll be food come on slowly gain your trust we've got her in ok finally penny he's into the race but right now he isn't exactly thrilled with the situation she's looking a bit stressed the problem with stress is that it really makes the behavior of any animal unpredictable and when you consider what we have to do depending today it's obviously a very dangerous situation [Music] pretty special jewels that everyday you're gonna be doing these at the Australian Reptile Park Tim and keeper Julie of releasing female Komodo Daenerys into her new enclosure getting the kimonos here today is definitely a historical event for us here at the reptile park that's a species we've never held and it's also the largest living species of lizard in the entire world she looks good she's just sizing you up thinking and we're gonna take her on or not I definitely think the female was a little bit more faster than the males so you know you'd be interesting as we get to know their different personalities once-in-a-lifetime is certainly a first for me and the park as Daenerys gets accustomed to her new home it's Tim's turn to release the male Komodo Kraken perfect they're babies they're any 1.2 meters long but over the next few years they're gonna turn into three meter lizards 100 kilos they're a really interesting critter and to think we're now gonna have them is something I didn't think it ever happened alright mister I see you live [Music] in bondi lisa is making a special house calls to pet lovers desperately need her help with a doggie dilemma choosing a new dog is never an easy decision I just hope that I can help them make the right choice [Music] this family has owned dogs in the past and are now ready to open their home and their hearts to a new arrival so I need as much information as possible I need to know what you want to do with this dog what sort of sized dog what kind of coat activity levels I don't want something that had to require a lot of exercise a lot of attention you know we're looking at something that's got a pretty good temperament as well we don't want to share ducks wait Brad and Amanda have got a list of criteria that is actually quite overwhelming they have so many things that they want in a dog and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to find that so you want a dog that can live in Bondi that's not the size of a Great Dane it's not a chihuahua doesn't shed hair it's not a little smell like able to walk on a lead but like exercise but not be unruly and not run like a lunatic and want your companionship but not behind maintenance okay we've given Lisa a really tough job and you know even we don't know such a dog exists I'll be in touch guys I'm not gonna give away anything just yet thanks Lisa [Music] this is the first chance I've really had to be up close and personal with three pennies horns and you can see they've already pressed him if he did nothing it would give up no doubt about that at a buffalo dairy farm outside Darwin chris is about to begin life-saving treatment on penny and I'll give her an injection into the muscle which is going to relax her and from there if we can actually get her out with a head tied up there nice little hole tuck into the procedure concerned farmer Jeff is hoping for a good outcome life-threatening to it and you know she's a top little girl you straightaway don't know that I've actually got a decent us into it cuz that growlings begun eating baby her eyes are starting to look a little bit droopy and she's starting to sway their tell-tale signs she needs to come out now she's going she's going she's going with penny now relaxed enough it's safe for Chris to begin the procedure the very inside of the Warren has a blood supply and nerves in there as well so if we go through the wrong part she could feel it I don't want that so I'm gonna block out any sensation with a nerve block okay doesn't seem like much but this is embryo to me why the whole idea with this is it provides a really fine cut through the horn whilst also essentially blocking off the blood vessels as it goes that's really effective nice quick now make it over with a blood I'm fine with minutes - I'm only gonna cut off about half the board there may be enough to be a permanent fix if it's not it's still gonna by about 10 years of carefree life for now not much blood loss we've gone into a nice Theory there just a little bit of bleeding which is what you expect and we're havin expose that let's go cavity which is who the priority hopefully never goes out we'll take it away from the body rather than get into it still want to go [Music] [Music] look no blood at all well that having this off her head really means that she doesn't have that that ticking clock I started brining that whole time now she can she can graze she can wander around she can raise a babies maybe even produced a bit of milk for Jeff but she doesn't have to have this worry sitting right there penny will spend the next few hours sleeping off her sedation but for now everyone including her little calf Mary is happy in so many other situations and on other properties penny may have just been put down with this problem but because of the bond that Jeff and her have she's got a second chance I think the most pleasing theme for me is the fact that Penny's happy Jeff seemed thrilled [Music] well here you go cracking you first look around mate now you behave at the Australian Reptile Park Tim is giving Komodo dragon Kraken a guided tour of his new home we caught ourselves a hands-on zoom we do things a little bit differently we take Komodo dragons out for people to have a pet today guys hey you going yeah doesn't look that big at the moment but this is Kraken and he's a komodo dragon the biggest lizard on earth there you go Comeau toes are seriously endangered they are getting protection now and they're being well looked after but the important thing is that people do have an experience with Komodos and they know about them if people touch elicit feel lizards see a lizard they know a komodo dragon they want to help what's he feel like a bit like a crocodile yeah I think they're all pretty similar they're all like still living dinosaurs you know you're the first people to pat him I feel special yeah you are you're giving me a pat down on the back there you go this is a komodo dragon and his name's Kraken when it a little kid that into dinosaurs and things like that sees a real-life Komodo dragon there's a look on their face that you know you can't beat it it's it's really special yes I'll hold the tail out and you can pat him on the tail very brave yeah I've got his head [Music] this is a really good moment because he's suitable for the reptile park he's going to be a good lizard he's gonna be an ambassador for his species and he's gonna be a valuable part of the breeding program [Music] you look good living in peace now near Darwin penny is happily recovering with her little calf marry the great thing is that she's gonna relax a lot more knowing the baby's by considering what Penny's been through in her life the fact that nothing's ever been easy she deserves this break and she deserves to have Jeff to them together and one hell of a team what are you got here well what have I got here one for you one for me and some a top in Buffalo's best Buffalo ricotta you got all going on the eye now well Jeff here's to a lovely day and here's the penny bless you all my lovely having it I really mean that [Music] well under my faces it's been very curious about what's going on Bondi pet lovers Brad and Amanda have enlisted Lisa's help to find the perfect dog to sweep their lifestyle I can't wait to see what Lisa's come up with just fulfil the criteria that we gave him so why are we here what's going on well I brought you guys here because there is a dog that I would love you to mate okay I'm really hoping that Brad and a man to meet this dog and fall in love with him he's a gentle giant he is this big couch potato he is a silk he's affectionate I personally think that he will be perfect for Brad and Amanda T do right Jeanette a greyhound yeah didn't it wasn't expecting a flea no no Lisa he taking some of the boxes doesn't he's got the fur the short fur the right fight okay I just love a short walk in the morning and in the evening about 20 minutes is fine right greyhound what the racing dog you know I've always thought greyhounds would be what a vicious dog but a doggie might have to watch with smaller dogs so there's a lot of questions in my mind I have to have answered it muscle he's not aggressive at all it's a law in Australia that greyhounds have to wear muzzles there is a program that they can do called green house you can sort of rehabilitate them and they don't have to wear their muzzle anymore if you mind if I just take you through the walk and they just need to feel free my pleasure come on mate Brad and Amanda have their reservations about Teague they have some preconceived ideas about greyhounds and a lot of people do the problem is that there is a myth and a stigma that greyhounds are aggressive that they don't make good pets and that is totally untrue so affectionate that's actually aloof without being overboard you have to give it some thought I think so these are really lovely boy you know I think I think you're solving hello gorgeous boy I think Lisa's been quite clever with whom she's come up with given all the criteria which we gave her his gorgeous nuns live in love with him but I thought to make sure that's the right fit for both Teager and for us Tigger's foster Cara wants Brad and Amanda to take him home for a two-week trial to see if all three of them get along Hager it's not about them interviewing you it's about you interviewing them [Music] look at it fuller yeah it comes straight through so whatever he was able to squeeze through the window yet the bathroom yep Chris is back in Bondi and one-year-old Spidey has been rushed into the clinic by Julie and her dad Roger after a shocking accident apparently Roger was trying to cash body but Spidey saw a narrow opening a door made a run for it and overbalanced on the windowsill and fell at least nine meters for any animal that's a tough fall the first thing I do is Spidey is look at his gum color that gives me a really clear idea about his circulation whether he's in shock and whether he's losing blood it's a little pale that saw so we're doing the moment sister setting his vital signs okay he's hot right here yes so it's certainly up there his breathing rates very high too I mean he's brilliant more than one breath a second it's almost like he's panting Spidey's elevated vital signs a serious cause for concern what the high heart rate the higher spiritual eight and the power gum color is telling me is the Spidey's certainly in shock right now shock can be incredibly dangerous essentially the body overreacts and sends the blood away from the important parts that belongs the heart and the other internal organs to the muscles expecting that that animal has to make a run for it when really it's the worst possible situation [Music] yeah yeah I like he goo hello mate at Bondi Lisa's planned to match up a retired greyhound racer with her empty nest of friends Amanda and Brad is about to be put to the test Brad and Amanda have decided to take Teague home for a trial period now while the three of them may get on famously there's still a lot that could go wrong so I'm not gonna get my hopes up just yet what a good boy tiga doesn't seem too nervous he actually seems quite relaxed and chilled which I think taking is a good side what do you think of these people Teja has had a pretty rough start to his life he's been on the racetrack and then with a foster carer and now he's here in Brad and Amanda's home working out whether or not he's gonna be staying here and I really hope that this gorgeous loving affectionate dog has his last stop right here I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out but like I said I don't want you rushing into it this was just an idea that came to mind I think he suits you guys yeah so now we're just gonna say good boy but as foster care of Jeanette goes to lead tegu seems to be having second thoughts we'll get you guys there we go thanks tonight okay bye-bye it's been a big risk introducing Brad and Amanda to a dog they've never met to a breed they've never considered in theory it should work I just hope they don't prove me wrong okay here we start the trial yeah that actually might be here more than us hmm we'll have to wait and see [Music] the thing with fighting the miner is the fact that when they are in shock all the blood essentially goes to their muscles when really their parts their body but nana day that they're essential organs are their lungs at the Bondi clinic one year old Spidey is in shock after falling three stories from a window ledge distressed owner Julia and her father Roger found the injured cat crying for help in the bushes below but my toy straight away he's just give him something for the shop just to relax the middle so take away some of the money yeah these legs here my meaty concerns given the fact that Spidey has fallen at least nine million he's trauma so either internal injuries or fractures to those legs is that the one hand surly saw his back right here he's really resenting the 22 much to that because look it certainly saw but the only way to know for sure whether there is a fracture is with an x-ray but suddenly Roger spots at a stressing problem all the places where he's got blood yeah it's where a man doesn't want to have any sort of pain whatsoever he almost looks like he has a little abrasion on the skin just to resurrect thank you because it was a fairly Twiggy sort of Bush yeah was it yeah worst-case scenario here if a branch has penetrated into Spidey's a dominant cavity it could have ruptured a blood vessel or punctured an important organ like the liver or the kidney if that has happened it could be burning internally I think if we x-ray this back half his body and I think so that we'll know for sure let's do it now if spotty has suffered some sort of internal injury that's now bleeding into his abdominal cavity then the clock is ticking the simple fact is that a fracture won't kill Spidey by the internal bleeding line Roger and his anxious daughter Julia are praying for good news [Music] what I'm looking for is any loss of definition of these organs here if I can't see them clearly then it means there's fluid wrapped around those almonds which will be blood in this case though I could see a liver and kidney I can see intestines even a bloody ear so I can quite comfortably say there's no bleeding happening around those all this it's good news then even his spine here he's looking in alignment no fractures through these bones here this little guy is something I managed to find a way to land and land well the bush may very well have saved his life so come on through here I think we've been a little bit harsh with spotty he may actually be a spider man there's no fracture is incredibly lucky all right so there's one more thing we need to do just to UM clean up before you go time all right okay and then then you'll be on your way I think it's just amazing that he was so daring in the first place falling three floors and you would think you know any normal cat might have had you know at least a sprain at least something to show for it but no spotty man he definitely survived sometimes he it turns out the source of this blood Molly's belly isn't internal its external it's coming from his penis of all places you get spiked by tree in Spidey's case it was that place that is the most sensitive of all this is the worst thing that happens it's all bad is it even though spite is a cat the basic principles of first date still apply if you have swelling and inflammation it's important to bring that down with something cold unfortunately for Spidey you must feel like the worst possible treatment right now yeah it's all in working order [Music] fortunately for Spidey the indignity is finally over and he can go home he will not be going outside I'm gonna be watching him like a hawk from now on to make sure that he is very much safe so I'm very happy for you guys that it's all worked out okay thanks very much okay girl given the events of today it's safe to say that Spidey won't be straying too far away from Julia she's gonna have this spider cat locked in her web for a long time to come and he won't be going near any open windows [Music] so today's and the cooling-off period huh yeah how's it been going at Bondi it's been two weeks since Teague moved in with Amanda and Brad and it's time to see how everyone is getting along so today's decision day for Brad Amanda and Teague and I'm really hoping that visiting them now I will see a happy family I can't believe only two weeks that Teague has been here it's really as if he's been here forever you don't honestly he's the best dog Lisa we really you've done well yeah I had such a read all these misconceptions about what owning a greyhounds all about and now that I've got one and he's here with us you know I was just so wrong they are just gentle they're quiet and they're just loving not once have I seen any aggression well I think he belongs here it's not just Brad and Amanda who are happy with the arrangements Teague is clearly thriving in his new home as well happy with your new lodgings Tigers won the lottery here he is in Banzai a pampered pooch with a family that absolutely loved him it couldn't be any better you enjoy your new family Hey you until your new family thanks once again my Alicia okay yep [Music] [Applause] right now I'm on my way to the Australian Reptile Park see if I can help had a Blue Tongue lizard let's go itself into all sorts of trouble the call for help has come from the parks general manager Tim Faulkner come on buddy Timmy hey mate I could have really taken her back to that situation tell you the world's deadliest spider yeah I've been driving up here wondering how does a lizard break its leg he gets in a fight with his wife okay turbines it she bidding rolled and tumbled and his legs toast let's come see this yeah I'll show you where he eats here follow me I've called Chris up to have a look a little centrally in Blue Tongue though he's had a bit of an altercation with his girlfriend the legs limp it's straight out he hasn't used it for a few days now doesn't look good he's obviously not happy doesn't want to move it does he no he doesn't that's a good example as he's turning that's true at a time it's really digging and pushing off but users till it's stretched out yeah look saw without an x-ray it's often tricky to know whether you're dealing with a fractured leg or a dislocation or a serious brain or even a bruise but in this case looking at the way the leg is deviated and is essentially deformed now you know it's broken I feel like we need to be doing something to that to try to fix it yeah because if we don't it's gonna keep on dragging along behind yeah but the tricky thing is you can't put up Blue Tongue lizard on crutches yeah the worry is if he's got a broken leg and the bones are in there grinding on each other that he's in a lot of pain so I guess even if Chris can't make his lead perfect he can stop him from being in pain you see to work out exactly where this break is we do it fairly easily by just comparing the the good leg with the bad leg leave this area here which is his femur is fine because when you compare it to this side they're very similar I think he's hip joints intact because he can do all the movements that this leg can do they can really lift it up and lift it down but where he struggles is in the stuff below what is his knee and he just really doesn't wanna bend that leg at all and that would make sense if the female was to bite him she's gonna get the end of the leg not up near the hitch exactly once they get to the tibia which is the long leg bone I can see there's a big deviation it's really sunken in and twisted so we know where the fracture is we don't know though is how we're gonna fix it it's a better smaller bones get what are you gonna do even though it's a very small fracture it'll cause big problems if we can't fix it so now I have to come up with some way to fix a broken leg in a lizard that won't be easy we really need to get that bend back into it we need to get some strength into it but we need to keep the bone still enough that they actually do mend up and that'll ease ease pain a bit as well as since there yeah I'm racking my brain for ideas about how we fix this leg pins aren't gonna work why isn't gonna work screws impossible all of a sudden it comes to me you feel like helping me I'd love to help you yet yeah yeah what can I do you been working hard I've been working hard okay what are you going over to ice cream yep and come back once you finish the Oscar okay I can do that say in a minute got to realize there's an ulterior motive here I need something from this ice cream first of all need him to finish it [Music] wasn't a very nice fun clean your mouth look at you I still got some good old Tim seemingly approaches ice creams like he approaches everything else in life 100 miles an hour there is chocolate all over his face but Tim has left me the most important part of the ice cream which is the stick this stick was it's cut down will be a perfect splint for this lizards broken leg Shirin ideas man you know this is the good thing about Chris I'm there thinking about a possible amputation and he's got a simple solution that's going to work best case for the lizard or a TV so I'm gonna need your help here so the ideas gonna pay with this splint over the top and where there's that bow in the leg the tape should actually bring that and straighten that out everything here is painstakingly small and painstakingly delicate but if you get it wrong the consequences will be dramatic Larry can't just not tolerate a splint that doesn't fit and then rubs on his legs so just getting it right is crucial I'm pretty happy with how that's sitting there let's give it a test drive you want him down yeah yeah look at the height on that that must feel really good for him instantly literally instantly he's up on his leg what a solution so if you can leave this splint on one foot ideally three weeks I think we'll be laughing the good news is that Larry should make a full recovery but there are no guarantees about his love life Larry has a lot of L's in his life lonely loveless unlucky in love the one le hope you're having for quite a few weeks though he's a lady they're definitely off limits / boo missus baby is this party as for Spidey the naughty cat which jumped from a third-story window it seems he's finally learned his lesson Spidey has been staying away from windows actually a fair bit lately he's been hiding under a lot of furniture every time I open a window or open a door so obviously he doesn't really want to have a repeat of last time now can we get you running so we can show everyone how good your legs are very lucky definitely a Spidey might have lost one of his nine lives but he he definitely pulled through and he's better than ever hi I'm dr. Danny ducek from bond I bet if you love our show and want to see more plus some amazing content about pets and how to care for them hit the subscribe button click that little notification bell and we'll see you on our next video
Channel: Bondi Vet
Views: 817,126
Rating: 4.8992295 out of 5
Keywords: Watch, Bondi, Vet, Online, Free, Download, Full Episodes, New, Latest, Episode, Series, TV, Show, Channel 9, Host, Chris Brown, Dogs, Cats, Foxtel, animal, help, advice, pet, cute, puppy, cat, kitten, dog
Id: XZKPR4yEjyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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